Our goddess planet, Venus, will leave the enchanting kingdom of Leo on October 2 to enter the abundant garden of Virgo until the 27th. During this time, we express our love and affection through practical means and crave relationships that are more stable. We may become more focused on being giving to those we care for—whether that be through actions, helping out, or attending to the details they crave. Sensuality will be heightened at this time, and we will be driven by the idea of living a romance that is reliable. We may enjoy getting into a routine with our partners now, and singles looking for connection should focus more on someone who shows up and holds a high level of personal responsibility.
Find out how you will be affected in your 2021 POWER HOROSCOPES & and please share them with all of your friends and networks! Want a detailed personal reading? Hit me up! 🌟 Feel free to tag @MrKyleThomas on Instagram.