October Horoscope For Your Zodiac Sign.jpg

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Of all months within 2020, October will be the one that feels the slowest. This is because the cosmos above are telling us to lie low, recharge, and rest rather than fight against the wind. Pushing ahead rapidly is not favored at this time—and it is okay to move with the ebbs and flows of the Universe. So often we are shamed for taking moments to catch our breath before charging onward again, but I am telling you this ideology is wrong and does not pay heed to the natural flow of nature. Just as the day passes to night, the New Moon grows to the Full Moon, and the tides rise and fall, we are like nature. We must take this time to wait and surrender to the moment.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you.

Skip ahead to your zodiac sign, or read the general overview that will affect everyone worldwide first.

To read your September 2020 horoscope, click here.

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The primary reason for the sluggish pace of October is due to Mars Retrograde, which began on September 9, 2020, but was beginning to be felt as early as August. During the weeks ahead, it is likely you will face conflicts, obstacles, and stagnation in your life. Launch absolutely nothing “new” nor of great importance during this time because it will likely fail. Do not officially “begin” a relationship with anyone and certainly do not get married. If you do so, your chemistry and passion for one another will fade. Mars Retrograde is a time to slow down, surrender to the Universe, and see where the current takes you rather than forcing anything. Do not attack during this time—you can defend yourself—but if you initiate war, you will find that karma crushes you and your opposition grows even more powerful. Be careful not to burn out or engage in any behavior that could put your health at risk, as you are more prone to disease and a lack of immunity, too. Last, as this time will bring into focus karmic issues surrounding past conflicts, sex, your ego, and your desires—this can be a wonderful moment to heal. If you wish to resolve a past situation and put it to rest, this can finally manifest. For some people, it will even allow you to reignite the happy moments, but first you must lay down your sword, ask for forgiveness, and agree to build a healthier future. Mars Retrograde ends on November 13. For more information on Mars in Aries, check it out here.

The second reason why October will be so slow is because of the return of Mercury Retrograde. This is the final Mercury Retrograde of 2020 and will predominantly take place in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. This cycle starts officially on October 13th, but we will begin to feel the slower pace as early as September 23. Mercury mostly spins backwards in the intense, passionate, and emotional seas of Scorpio, meaning that we are all taking a deep dive into our desires. These may be conscious or unconscious at this time because Scorpio’s energy is fathomless and taps into the wells of obsession. Our darker nature may emerge at this time and our shadow self could be rearing its hunger for us to confront. What are you running from, hiding from, or fearful to face? No matter who you are, by being aware of your shadow self, you can better integrate your awareness with your consciousness. As night cannot exist without day, darkness cannot exist without light. Our darker selves deserve to be embraced, cherished, and understood, rather than hidden away. This awareness can lead us to happier lives. This retrograde will be highly intuitive for us. Most of 2020’s Mercury Retrogrades took place in Water Signs, forcing us to be honest with our emotions and allow them to balance with our minds. Sometimes our intellect and practicality need to be reminded that our intuitive and empathic powers give us messages just as important as our logic. This is one of those times. Mercury Retrograde will temporarily spin backward into Libra from October 27, where it finally station direct on November 3. We will be seeking balance and clearer communication in our relationships then. To end the cycle, the post-shadow phase will last until November 19, when our lives will finally begin to move forward once again. To read your ultimate Fall 2020 Mercury Retrograde guide, you can do so here.

Beyond these two major transits of the month, though, there are many other factors to pay attention to. At the onset of the month, a Full Moon in Aries will light up the night on October 1, 2020. The energy of this Full Moon will begin to roar into our lives two days prior and last four days after. You will feel energized, independent, and ready to take charge of an area of your life. Carve out the path that will bring you to fulfillment. You will notice how far you have come since the New Moon in Aries that took place earlier in the year on March 24, 2020. You may receive a harvest from these efforts or realize that now is the time to change direction. Also, with Mars Retrograde taking place now, Mars will be highly active during this time. This Full Moon will be an important turning point during this cycle and help you to adjust for the rest of the year ahead. Beware of conflicts and frustrations as possible clashes to your ego may occur. Do your best to find serenity rather than launching an attack or initiative that will ultimately fail later on.

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Our goddess planet, Venus, will leave the enchanting kingdom of Leo on October 2 to enter the abundant garden of Virgo until the 27th. During this time, we express our love and affection through practical means and crave relationships that are more stable. We may become more focused on being giving to those we care for—whether that be through actions, helping out, or attending to the details they crave. Sensuality will be heightened at this time, and we will be driven by the idea of living a romance that is reliable. We may enjoy getting into a routine with our partners now, and singles looking for connection should focus more on someone who shows up and holds a high level of personal responsibility.


With the mighty Sun roaring through the zodiac sign of Libra throughout much of the month, we will also feel a strong pull to assess our relationships. A New Moon in Libra arrives on October 16, 2020. New Moons open a door in our lives depending on where it falls for your Rising Sign and Sun Sign. While something fresh always arrives, you must show the Universe your intent through actions in order to harness the most benefit from this lunation. With Libra energy being infused into the cosmos, we will have a greater focus on balance, harmony, and justice. Partnerships become especially important to us all, and often marriages, unions, or collaborations take place more significantly now. However, with Mars and Mercury both retrograde, it is not in favor to start any new relationships in business or love officially. Wait until later in the year, closer to the end of November. Yet, you can use this New Moon to improve current connections and make new plans together, such as how you’d like to build over the coming six months to a year. The open door of a New Moon lasts for seven to ten days. What you build now will come to culmination near March 28, 2021. Find the balance you so dearly need.

When the Sun becomes submerged within the stormy seas of Scorpio beginning the 22nd, we will collectively be drawn to explore our intimate and passionate needs more closely. With the aforementioned Mercury Retrograde also tumultuously spinning backward here, expect heightened intuition and a deep need to be honest with ourselves.

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To end the month, a mighty and powerful Full Moon in Taurus will light up the night’s sky on October 31, 2020. Full Moons carry very important messages and always align back to our actions during a New Moon in the same sign, so look back to what you were focused upon in the days following April 22. Taurus rules money, possessions, morals, and values, and is overseen by the planet Venus, who governs beauty, love, marriage, and art. This Full Moon will illuminate how you have been building your life and you should be reaping the rewards. If you are not, you may choose to change direction and move onto a new path so you can find a more fulfilling and stable life. This Full Moon will reverberate two days prior and for four days after and we will be feeling our sensual needs craving to be met. Find ways to embrace beauty in all of its forms. However, as the planet Uranus will clash violently with the Full Moon—it is quite likely intense and sudden news will come your way directly connected to events that take place now. Lie low and keep your schedule light in case you must face something startling that comes your way.

Important dates to remember in October 2020 for love are the 10, 12, 19, 21, 24, 25. Significant moments to plan for success are the 11, 12, 21, 24, 25. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 31. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

The following horoscopes for each zodiac sign were originally written for UPLOADER Magazine, a global magazine based out of Italy. You can view UPLOADER Magazine or buy your copy here.


Welcome to October, Aries—a pivotal month for you. At its very onset, a fiery and powerful Full Moon will arrive in your zodiac sign on October 1, 2020. This will begin to be felt two days prior and will echo on for four days after. A Full Moon in your Sun Sign always brings to culmination a personal goal dear to your heart and will likely put your desires front-and-center. This will be a time for you to step into your personal power and make the world bow to you. However, despite this sudden breakthrough, October will still feel especially slow. Your ruler, Mars, will be fast asleep in your zodiac sign, telling you it is time to for you to rest and recharge, as well as reassess your strategy going forward. Don’t charge ahead right now. Take some time to chill out, instead. Mercury will also go retrograde soon, and while it will begin officially on the 13th, you’ll feel it as early as the end of September. With Mercury back spinning in your sectors of union, it is likely you’re assessing what you truly need in your partnerships. Single or attached, you’ll revisit communication issues or even delve into whether or not your needs are being met—and how to effectively align. It is possible you could hear from people from the past. Also, as the Sun graces your partnership zone most of the month, your attention is drawn to the reality right in front of you. The New Moon on the 16th falls within this relationship sector and allows single Aries to find the right person as long as you are willing to put yourself out there. However, do not commit, get engaged, or get married—as would normally be your inclination at this time. Just date casually. With Mars and Mercury asleep, you are going to see problems down the line if you make promises when they are weakened. If committed, though, this is a good moment to talk with your significant other about plans you’d like to make in the year ahead—especially if they’ve fallen between the cracks and you want to bring them back up now that the pace of life is slowing down. When the Sun moves into your intimacy sector on the 22nd, prepare for more focus on your needs in the month ahead. On the 27th, our goddess planet of love, Venus, will spin into your relationship sector for the weeks ahead, too, just as Mercury backspins into here, as well. If looking to reunite with an ex, use the week ahead. Finally, to end the month, we have a Blue Moon—a Full Moon in your income sector—arriving on the 31st. This powerful lunation will shift your income—for good or worse—as it comes opposite the planet of surprise, Uranus. As long as you’re flexible, you could still receive a raise, new job, or lucrative business opportunity, so work for one then. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



The entire Universe is telling you to slow down, rest, and recharge, Taurus. It is likely you’ve felt more drained in recent months and have seen your schedule open up. Also, you’ve felt more tired on both a physical and soul level—and it’s because you’re going through energetic upgrades. A Full Moon in your sector of rest will arrive on October 1, telling you to clear your schedule and unplug for a bit. This would be an excellent time for a mini vacation (or staycation, for that matter) where you can make sure you are healing anything that needs to be handled. Your dreams will be especially intense at this time, so do your best to listen to the messages of the Universe. Yet, your productivity will also be important this month with the Sun gracing this zone. You could be hard at work with your employer or even taking on a few more projects. You’re known for being a workhorse, Taurus, but do not—and I repeat, do not—take on more than you can feasibly handle. You’re going to be especially busy in 2021 with your career, so with the Universe slimming your schedule down to lie low, you’re encouraged to do that. Don’t stress yourself out. It isn’t worth it. When the New Moon arrives on the 16th, expect more projects or clients to be coming your way. If looking for new employment, this is one of the most important New Moons of the year. Focus on finding the best work-life balance. Happily, love and romance will also be important to you this month, as your ruler, Venus, will shimmy on into your passion sector from the 2nd until the 27th. This is one of the most fortunate moments of the year for single Taurus to circulate and find new options. If you want to search for someone new, do so—but stay “casual” until the end of November when the planets are more supportive of commitment. Mercury will also be causing some confusion in your relationships this month, as he will begin his own retrograde on the 13th of the month. You encountered a similar storm like this in the Autumn of 2019—so look back to that time because it will certainly echo it. Some Taurus could hear from exes in the weeks ahead. If you’d like to reconnect with one, use the end of the month to say hello or gain closure. When the Sun enters your relationship zone on the 22nd for the month ahead, you can expect a greater focus on being with the perfect person for you. Single Taurus could find serious lovers, but again—don’t commit until the end of November at the earliest. Finally, the end of the month will bring a powerful turning point for you as you step toward a Full Moon in your Sun Sign on October 31. This is the most important week of the year for you, as it will likely bring to culmination an important heartfelt goal or dream. It is likely you will see the world stop and turn their eyes in your direction as you hold more gravity now. Stand in your power and make the world bow to you. However, if for some reason you are being caged in a box, it is likely you will do everything to break free. You can’t be tamed anymore, Taurus. If people don’t like who you have become, you will now rapidly leave them in the dust. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



The onset of October brings a turning point Full Moon in your social sector, Gemini. This lunation will likely bring a revelation regarding an important friend. It may also trigger one of them to suddenly open a door to you that you had been hoping would finally arrive. This may have been in the works for a few months and you’ll be happy it is finally here. However, this lunation could instead see you invited to a very important event—even if it’s just for networking or is online if you are socially distancing. You could have heard from old friends in recent weeks and still may, especially with Mars already retrograde here and your ruler slowing down this month until it actually turns backwards on the 13th for weeks ahead. Flow with the rhythms of the Universe this month rather than forcing anything. Love and romance will also be an important theme for you this month, as the Sun will heat up this area of your life until the 22nd! How wonderful! The most important New Moon of the year to bring new romantic options into your life takes place on the 16th, so if single and looking, start connecting with new suitors in the week following it. November also promises to be sweet for your love life, so start improving it now. This New Moon can also benefit committed Geminis—especially if they’re looking to bring the spice back into their relationship or even get pregnant. The last way this lunation may benefit you is if you are a creative and seeking inspiration. This would be the perfect time to start work on a new masterpiece that could allow you to fully express the magic within your heart. When the Sun moves into your productivity sector on the 22nd for weeks ahead, you’ll be thinking about your work-life balance and debating taking on more projects or improving your routine. Yet, to end an already busy month, a second Full Moon will arrive on the 31st. This Full Moon highlights your need to rest and lie low, so keep your schedule light at this time. While you’d normally want to go out and celebrate Halloween, it may be a better time to snuggle up with a book, a pet, or a lover rather than being festive. Trust me: you’ll thank me later. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



A crowning career victory arrives for you near the Full Moon on October 1, Cancer. This will be one of the most important turning points in 2020, as you are likely to see achievements and success with your name on it. This could manifest in the form of a promotion, favorable press, or even an award. Set important meetings in this first week as the Universe is putting a spotlight on you. Your domestic life will also be important to you this month, as the Sun ignites this home and family zone for most of the month. A New Moon will arrive here on the 16th, so some Cancers could end up moving or fixing up their space during this time. A family-member or roommate could also deliver important news to you around then. Despite the apparent forward momentum this month, though, there will still be quite a lethargic energy. Mars will be fast asleep in your career, and it is likely you’ll see either a slower pace with important projects or even possibly some stagnation or obstacles pop up. This is not the time to race anything forward. Also, Mercury will decide to take a nap beginning the 13th, so the weeks ahead will be like you are walking through sludge. Mercury will technically be dancing backward in your sector of love, so you may hear from old lovers or notice confusion with your significant other. Do your best to communicate from a place of understanding rather than frustration. The Sun will move into your love and creativity zone beginning the 22nd, as well, so the month ahead will be especially focused on matters of the heart. Finally, to end October, a mighty Full Moon in your social sector will arrive on the 31st. This may trigger sudden news from a friend that leaves you shocked—as if they are acting entirely out of character. This could bring good news that surprises you, as well, especially if they are reaching out to help you achieve an important goal you have been working toward. Since this is such a festive lunation, this typically foretells you attending a milestone event of the year—and with it being Halloween, you certainly could have such a fun time. Just make sure that if you are still socially distancing to incorporate safety into your plans appropriately. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



A turning point in your expansion sector arrives near the Full Moon taking place on October 1, Leo. As this zone always focuses on you taking a risk and stepping in a new direction, this could revolve around an academics, travelling, or immigration affair. If you are involved with the media—such as publishing or television—a milestone project could also pop up now. No matter what, it is clear that you have many big ideas at this time—especially with the Sun igniting your communications sector in the early weeks of the month. You could be very focused on a writing or speaking project, such as a proposal, manuscript, screenplay, or website rebrand. With a New Moon also arriving here on the 16th, it is likely you could see more developments regarding it or even a contract coming your way. However, be cautious as Mars is retrograde and Mercury also falls asleep beginning the 13th. If you can hold off to officially agree until the end of November, you will be happier that you did. The fiery Sun will leave this sphere to move into your domestic zone beginning on the 22nd. In the month ahead, you will be focused on moving, fixing up your space, or handling family matters. This is one of the best times of the year to do so. Yet, to end October, you will watch as a major pinnacle career achievement arrives near the Full Moon on the 31st. The pull between home and career appears quite strong at this time, and it is even possible you will hear shocking professional news that appears out of left field. While you are still likely to reach achievements, a promotion, or favorable press now, it is best to see what the Universe brings suddenly your way. If you can hold off on announcements until later in the year, you might be quite happy that you did. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



At the beginning of October, you will be highly focused upon your relationships, Virgo. The Full Moon that takes place on the 1st highlights your intimacy sector and will bring attention to what you want and need in your partnerships. Some Virgos could have important heart-to-hearts because of this, while others may decide its time to walk away. As this sector also holds ties to money matters, you could see the arrival of finances from a settlement, a scholarship, or even venture capital if you are looking. Your income will also be a prominent theme in the early weeks, as the Sun ignites your prosperity zone. This is one of the most effective times to assess your financial planning and to make any necessary adjustments. When the New Moon appears here on the 16th, use the following week to do everything possible to increase your cash flow. Securing a new job could be possible—or consider upping your rates if you are freelance. The Sun will soon leave this zone on the 22nd to enter your communications sector, igniting your mind. During the month ahead, you’ll clarify important messages that you wish to release, whether through writing, speaking, or advertising initiatives. Beyond all of this, though, October promises to be quite enjoyable for you, Virgo, as you will be graced by the goddess planet, Venus, in your Sun Sign from the 2nd until the 27th. This will create a rare edge in all matters of love, beauty, and pleasure and is one of the most crucial times of the year to “update your look” and attract romance into your life. Use these days to find new clothing options, get a fresh cut, or even plan memorable dates with romantic options. If taken, don’t miss this time to be sensual with the person closest to your heart. Your ruler, Mercury, will turn backward in the sky on the 13th, so it is likely you’ll feel as if you’re walking through sludge after that. Don’t stress yourself out—relax and lie low, instead. To end an already busy month, a Full Moon in your expansion sector will roar on the 31st. This will likely bring an important culmination to your life in regards to academics, travelling, or immigration. However, if you are involved with the media at all, such as in television or publishing, this could be a milestone achievement for you. Last, if you have been craving more adventure in your life and have felt stifled by the global pandemic—now would be a time to research a philosophy or spiritual practice to integrate into your routine. You’ll be happy that you did. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



The Universe has been giving you a cosmic lesson in regards to your relationships, Libra. Partnership is always important to you—so much so that sometimes you will sit back just to let them take the lead. Yet, a turning point has arrived, as a Full Moon in your partnership zone appears on October 1st. Normally, this would be a time of culmination—whether through an engagement or marriage—yet with Mars retrograde in this same sphere, it would be ill-advised to do so. Some Libras could break up at this time, especially if you’ve felt a volatile fire building for weeks and months. If you are happy in your current union, this would be a good moment to discuss where you’d like your partnership to go in the year ahead. Just don’t hide away, though, because with the Sun in your sign throughout much of the month, this is birthday season! During this instance—especially after the New Moon in your Sun sign—you are meant to create your bucket list for the year and take steps to create it. This year, the New Moon in Libra takes place on the 16th—opening a door for you in the week that follows to step center-stage and show the world exactly what you want and how you wish to be treated. When the Sun leaves you on the 22nd to enter your prosperity zone for the weeks ahead, you will be more focused on your cash flow. Yet, it is quite likely some payments or checks could be delayed—especially because Mercury will go retrograde in your finances beginning the 13th. Mercury Retrograde will backtrack into your Sun Sign beginning on the 27th—meaning that from that point on, you’ll feel much more confused about everything in general for the weeks ahead. Yet, despite this, Venus will also enter your Sun Sign on the 27th—gifting you with beauty and pleasure. Don’t stress yourself out and don’t rush yourself. Focus on pampering yourself, slowing down, and having fun. However, to end the month, a Full Moon in your intimacy sector will arrive on the 31st. This will highlight if your wants and needs are being met in your partnerships—and if not—you will demand to talk about them. If there is no way you can see eye-to-eye, this Full Moon may free you of one another and end the connection once and for all. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Of all the months in 2020, October will be the one that has the strangest energy for you, Scorpio. This is because your co-ruler, Mars, will be fast asleep, urging you to rest and recharge and to coast right now rather than racing forward. Also, Mercury Retrograde will begin within your Sun Sign this month too, but you’ll feel the sluggish pace as early as the onset of the month. Mercury Retrograde will officially begin on the 13th, meaning that for the month ahead, you’ll be reviewing and reassessing your plans forward. It is possible you could reconnect with people from your past this month—especially toward the end of it. Use this time to find clarity between you or create closure if you feel as if you’re being held back. Beyond this, there will be a lot of other cosmic news grabbing your attention. A Full Moon in your productivity sector will take place on October 1. This lunation will make you feel especially busy—finishing up an important project for your employer or else taking on more clients if you are freelance. Some Scorpios could receive a job offer. However, if you’re on rocky terrain, this could signal a lay off. If this is the case, it is preparing you for a better job in the near future—December, it appears. Your social life will also smile on you throughout most of October, as the goddess Venus shoots invites, texts, and events your way from the 2nd until the 27th. If you’re single and ready to mingle, date through your social network and outreach to options that intrigue you. You could also meet someone by socializing with friends—or even turn a “friend” into a romantic option. Above all, though, the early part of the month focuses on you lying low and recharging rather than forcing anything. The Sun will move through this sector until the 22nd, and the New Moon just prior—the 16th—will help you to heal anything that is weighing upon your mind, body, or spirit. If you feel the urge to sleep in and rest more after this lunation, by all means do so. Yet, when the Sun roars on into your zodiac sign, birthday season has arrived. You will feel a surge of energy and a renewed vigor to strike out on your own. You love to be the center of attention and to bend the world to your will, and that is exactly a top priority in the month ahead. Your exact Solar Return—the moment the Sun crosses the same degree it had when you were born—which usually takes place the day of (or before or after, depending on the year) is one of the most important times to create patterns that will echo for the year ahead. To end a rather unique month, though, will be a Full Moon on October 31st in your sector of relationships. This powerful lunation could reveal a shocking turning point for you—such as finding out sudden news from a partner that will shift your future together. If single, finding a perfect match randomly out of the blue is also possible. Often times, this would be an ideal moment to get engaged or married, but with Mars retrograde—do not do so. Save those discussions for later on. While some Scorpios could break up at this time, if you were to do so, it just means someone better could be just around the corner. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.


Prepare for an especially slow month, Sagittarius. You love to “go-go-go!” but you’d be better off taking a breather and resting and recharging now. Focus more on romance, laughter, and pleasure—especially because of the Full Moon in your passion sector that ignites the night on October 1st. This is one of the most magical and romantic weeks of the year for you—so if you’re single and looking, stack dates with potential options near this time. You needn’t be intimate with them; in fact, you’re encouraged to take it especially slowly with Mars retrograde taking place. Some Sagittarius are likely to cross paths with exes or old casual flings this month—especially once Mercury goes retrograde in your sector of secrets and the past beginning later in the month on the 13th. Yet, returning to this initial Full Moon, you could find that you are feeling quite in love with someone and life now. If you have been trying for a pregnancy, this also could come to light—or if you are having a more “figurative birth,” you could embrace the muse and create art with one of your favorite talents. No matter how you use this energy, it should be quite fun! Your social life also looks quite busy this month—especially once the New Moon arrives here on the 16th. You may suddenly be invited to an important event that holds both personal and professional happiness for you. Consider how you can become involved in communities now—even if they’re just online. However, when the Sun moves into your privacy and solitude sector on the 22nd, you’ll be feeling more run down and in need of a break. In the month ahead, you can create a better work-life balance if you choose. To end October, we have yet another Full Moon. This one falls in your productivity sector on October 31st and could have you debuting an important project to your employer, taking on more clients if you are freelance, or finding a job if you’ve been looking. No matter what, have an idea of how you’d like your employment to look and work toward building that as the Full Moon rises. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



A significant turning point takes place here in October, Capricorn. This is because a great deal of focus has been put upon your home and family life for many months, and a Full Moon on the 1st triggers you to make an important change. Some Capricorns could be moving or will receive news that they will soon need to. Others, instead, will hear significant news regarding a family member—and especially likely your Mother. Pay heed to what pops up now and keep your schedule light. Mars will still be retrograde in your domestic sector into November, so do your best to not let what frustrations appear now cause you too much stress. Your professional life and achievements are the next major theme in October with the Sun bringing great attention to your power and success. This will last all month until the 22nd, and with a New Moon arriving here on the 16th, it’s likely a promotion, new job, award, or favorable press appears in the days following it. You work extremely hard to build your life, so use this New Moon as a springboard to set important meetings, get in front of executives, and show the world how you are royalty. The next major theme of this month is your social life—especially with the Sun moving into this sphere on the 22nd for the month to come. It is quite likely that you will hear from friends in the weeks ahead and even attend important networking events. Friends will surely be going out of their way to reach out and support you—and certainly make you laugh. Mercury, planet of communication, will assure a lively chatter with acquaintances throughout much of the month. However, on the 13th, he will freeze within the sky and begin to spin backwards. This could foretell that you and a friend aren’t on the same page and may have some confusion between you in the weeks ahead—or that you suddenly hear from old friends out of the blue. Keep your antennae up. To end the month, a Full Moon in your passion and love sector will ignite the night on the 31st. This is the most important lunation of the year for single Capricorns to put themselves out there and find someone new. Plan some important dates with possible options now. Take it slowly though and don’t commit, as both Mars and Mercury are retrograde. Committed Capricorns may feel as if they’re falling more deeply in love with their partner than ever before, so be sure to plan something memorable and magical: you’ll bring your hearts, bodies, and spirits closer into a soul mate dance. If you are looking to conceive, this lunation may also bring news of a child. If you are an artist, you will also very likely find yourself especially inspired and could receive favorable attention for your skills. Last, as this Full Moon does clash with Uranus, the planet of surprise, a sudden breakthrough, revelation, or ending could come in regards to your love life at this time if the Universe ultimately knows you are not in alignment. If it does occur, it means that you were destined to slowly shift your path in a new direction. If you wish to work through it, this would ultimately help you become stronger together. Love is about support rather than control and condemnation. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Your mind is on fire this month, Aquarius, with so much planetary action highlighting your ideas and communication. However, it is better to truly think before you speak at this time because Mars—in your communications sector—is fast asleep, and Mercury—the planet of communication—is about to also weaken, as well. Despite this, the Universe can be a tricky one because it appears you’ve been holding back and are ready to declare an important message to the world with a Full Moon falling here on the 1st. Often times, this is the debut of an important writing, speaking, or advertising initiative. However, you may instead find the impetus to finally start working on a podcast, screenplay, or website update. The Sun will ignite your expansion sector throughout much of the month, too, encouraging you to move in new directions. The New Moon will arrive in this sphere on the 16th, helping you pursue an academics, travelling, or immigration concern. If you are involved in the media—such as television or publishing—you could now hear news that allows you to take important steps forward. Yet, as I warned beforehand, Mercury goes direct on the 13th and will be weak for weeks to come. It is never advised to sign contracts when he is out of rhythm. Another important theme this month will be that of your professional life. Mercury will spend most of the month in your sector of career, showing that you are actively thinking about your strategies to rise higher. Yet, be prepared for plenty of revisions—which are okay and will ultimately help you out in the end. When the Sun enters your sector of success from the 22nd onward, you will be in a rare window of time where you will see new doors open and other opportunities pop up. To end an already overwhelming month, a second Full Moon will arrive on the 31st. The energy of this lunation will begin to appear a few days prior and will direct your attention to your home, family, and domestic life. Some Aquarians could decide to move at this time, or else fix up their space and renovate. If you have a roommate, you may find that they are deciding to move out, or you could have a new one entering in. Last, news regarding your family may appear. If this were to occur, be sure that you step up to support them if they need it. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Prepare for October to be quite a memorable month for you, Pisces. A Full Moon arrives on the 1st—one that brings attention to your finances. This is likely to be an important moment in regards to money coming in, whether by a large check, a raise, or even a new job. There is a possibility that it would also foretell a major expense—so plan ahead and watch your money management. Mars, planet of passion, is causing a storm in your finances right now, so if you are having anxiety and frustration with money, try to breathe through it and cut expenses that drain you for no reason. However, the next major focus for your month will be upon the give-and-take in your relationships and if you feel your business or romantic partner is measuring up. With the Sun gracing this sphere, it looks like you’re highly focused on working as a team—or else sorting out how to walk away. Don’t rush things—your head isn’t clear—and with Mercury Retrograde beginning on the 13th, you’re likely to have further confusion in the weeks ahead. Coast right now. Don’t be impulsive. Yet, with Venus, planet of harmony, in your partnership sector from the 2nd until the 27th, it’s assured that if you work to have fun, be creative, and collaborate with someone, all should go well. Don’t be demanding now—focus on connecting so both parties feel motivated to contribute. The New Moon this month arrives on the 16th and will allow you to build a better rapport and to assess your intimate needs and if you are being fulfilled. Yet, when the Sun moves into your expansion sector on the 22nd, you have an exciting month ahead where you will feel highly intellectual. It looks as if you’re ready to broadcast a message further than ever before—whether through the media, communications, or even to people overseas. Some Pisces will instead choose to return to academics and will see success at school. Last, if you are involved in the media, an exciting new television, press, or publishing project could get rolling soon, too. When the Full Moon arrives on the 31st, you’ll be exploding with an important message—whether through a writing, speaking, or social media advertising endeavor. Scream out like you’re standing atop a mountain. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas