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Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

Halloween is here—and we’re ready to get spooky! Let’s dive into what Halloween means—astrologically—and what we can expect this year!


What’s the backstory on Halloween?

First and foremost, Halloween always takes place during Scorpio season—the most “intense” zodiac season of all! Scorpio energy rules the esoteric, occult, and “shadow sides” to life. Scorpio is passionate, emotional, and drawn to the darker points in life and the human experience. Fascinated by the mysteries within the world and within all of us, Scorpio is penetrating, deep, moody, and “all or nothing.” This is why during the lead up to Halloween—and on Halloween—the “dark sides” of people are allowed to be explored, which can tie to the occult or shadow.

On a separate note, Halloween was associated with Samhain in witchcraft and Paganism. This holiday pushes us toward the darker periods of the year, where night overcomes daylight. This has been tied to the “thinning of the veil,” which is why our spiritual and mystical sides are extra noticeable and it is said the “dead walk amongst us again.”


What astrological energy will we experience this Halloween?

As mentioned before, we’ll be in the beginning of Scorpio season, which puts an extra spooky feel into our lives and the human collective.

However, this year, we’ll have some very particular energies taking place.

First, on October 30, 2024, Mercury, our planet of the mind, will be swimming through the deep seas of Scorpio. On this day, he will stand opposite Uranus, the planet of chaos. This means that a great deal of twists and turns could pop into our lives, with sudden events, surprises, or even accidents. It’d be best to go with the flow and not put yourself in danger, especially when driving. In regards to communication, it would also be important to note that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions, be impulsive, or say something we could regret—this also includes posting on social media. However, we could have sudden revelations and unique ideas that come through, which may bring us the urge to mix and mingle with unique and eccentric people or try out fabulous and inventive costume ideas.

Then, on October 31, 2024, Mercury links beautifully with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and imagination. This will cast an enchanting and bewitching mood over our lives and minds. The “spooky” feel will be amplified further. We can expect that there may even be a more poetic and magical mood percolating everywhere. You can also expect wondrous Halloween costumes and decorations this year if you choose to celebrate! The moon will be in Gemini, which will certainly bring a festive, social atmosphere for us to enjoy!


Halloween Horoscopes by zodiac sign


You could be connecting with many neighbors, pals, or siblings this year, Aries. You’ll be especially eager to mix and mingle, visiting your local haunts. Rally your crew and visit a local favorite—this will make you feel right at home. On a separate note, your intuition will be speaking in profound riddles at this time, so pay attention to any “spooky messages” channeling to you. You’re also likely to feel quite eager for intimacy when the night is done.



There’s a major focus on significant partnerships for you this year, Taurus. You could be making plans with your significant other or main bestie. A perfect idea this year would be to do a “couples costume,” even if it’s just with a friend. You’re also likely to be spending quite a bit of money this year, whether that’s on luxurious events or costume essentials. Just keep your eyes on your pocketbook so it doesn’t get out of hand. On a separate note, if you’re single, you could meet someone who becomes a long-term partner…or realize someone in your network is actually the perfect match.



You’re going to be feeling deep in your emotions for this year’s Halloween, Gemini. Luckily, you’re likely to feel quite excited, optimistic, and eager for new beginnings. This is a special moment to really hone in on your feelings and trust the flow. If you’re feeling social, get out there! But if you’re not in the mood, it’s okay to rest and recharge and have a cozy night at home with those who you adore celebrating with some spooky movies and apple cider.



This year, you’re feeling eager for all sorts of socializing, Cancer! It’s clear you’ll be receiving several invites from pals or sweethearts, far and wide. You may notice there’s a quick shift around your plans out of nowhere—like an event changes location, one is cancelled, or you’re spontaneously invited to one out of the blue. Let loose and have fun! On a different note, you’re feeling especially romantic and creative this year, so open up to the vibe. Singles have a touch of extra luck on meeting someone who ignites their sexy spark.



You’re feeling as popular as ever, Leo, and you’re ready to shake it up! It’s clear that you’ll be juggling two big Halloween events this year. Don’t worry, you can make it work if you plan ahead! Of course, you’ll want to step into the spotlight and show off your fabulous costume before the world. On a separate note, you could even be the person hosting an event this year, even if it’s just a small jack-o-lantern carving or spooky Ouija board ceremony!



There’s a lot of people who will be paying attention to you this year, Virgo, and you’ll need to get over your shyness! It’s clear many close friends, neighbors, pals, or siblings want to spend extra time soaking up your presence and chatting away. If you step out on the town, not only will you have a great time with your crew but also your significant other. You could even make a special promise this year that lasts forever. On a separate note, you may strike up a meaningful conversation with someone who has long-term potential if you are single. If you feel spontaneously in the mood for a quick trip to a nearby town, this could also be a fun opportunity.



Get ready for a Halloween that is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone, Libra! Some of you could be travelling, and if you are, you’ll have a dazzling time. If not, you could still decide it’s time to do something “new and fresh” this year—whether that’s attending a unique event, watching foreign horror films, or connecting with people who are different than you. Embrace your knack for new horizons and new opportunities.



This year’s Halloween has you feeling the urge to merge, Scorpio. You could feel like your lust and libido are especially fired up—and you’re craving to unite with someone intimately in body, mind, and soul. You’re certainly going to be feeling more social and eager for connection—and in truth, you may have the most creative costume of the year! Spending this year with a sweetheart—or your children—could bring back the magic of Halloween you felt when you were a child. Singles also have a hot chance to meet someone extra special!



Partnership will be on your mind this year, Sagittarius, whether you’re already linked up or seeking to meet someone special. You’re one of the luckiest zodiac signs in this regard, so don’t let the energy go to waste! Even if you’re feeling the urge to lie low this year, push yourself to link up with others—you’ll have a great time. In fact, if you host a gathering at your home or living space for pals and family, you will feel wonderfully enchanted by the moment.



This year’s Halloween puts a lot of attention on your love life and friendships this year, Capricorn. This is the perfect moment to circulate to meet someone new—or perhaps even mingling with that sexy acquaintance you’ve had your eyes on for some time! If you have children, this is a wonderful year to join them for trick or treating, do face painting, or hitting up a haunted maze. No matter what you do, though, it’s obvious many friends will be in touch and wish to see you!



You’re feeling especially passionate this year, Aquarius! This is a gorgeous year to express yourself, unleash your creativity, and show off your Halloween magic. If you want attention, all eyes will be on you! Prominence, glory, and a splash of “fame” could be on your side, so if you’re up for a costume contest, don’t be surprised if you win or at the very least are in the running!



This year’s Halloween likely will have you wanting to celebrate the holiday at home or with family, Pisces—and if you do, you won’t regret it! Consider hosting a gathering, casting spells or playing games, as you focus on why you love the people in your life. Your intuition will be especially strong this year, so consider chatting with a medium or psychic, praying out to your ancestors, or playing with some Tarot cards!

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