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Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

What is cuffing season?

It’s almost that time of year—cuffing season! Technically speaking, cuffing season begins in the autumn of each year (most notably in October) and goes deep into the holidays. Some pop culture outlets say that cuffing season technically lasts until after Valentine’s Day and until the beginning of spring! Cuffing season is a period of the year when the colder months arrive, as we seek to cuddle up close with someone, have companionship during the holidays, and celebrate life and form memories that are often nostalgic in nature. For instance, having someone to share Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years (with a NYE kiss, obviously), and Valentine’s are often a top priority—and those who don’t have a special person during these times often feel lonely and left out!


What astrological energy are we going to feel in cuffing season 2024 (and into 2025)?

Astrologically, cuffing season begins during Libra season—the onset of autumn and the colder months. Libra also rules marriage and partnership, so we are more “in the mood” on a collective level for union. It then lasts until the onset of spring—which is ushered forth by Aries season! Aries is a zodiac sign about independence and leading our own path, which is another reason breakups can occur as we want to take the lead and fly solo!  

This year’s “cuffing season” is going to be especially nostalgic because we experience many retrogrades—I often tag this as “the vortex of the past.” This will bring many exes, old friends, old flames, and “the ones who got away.” Many people will reunite and attempt to rekindle connections with people who they had a passionate connection (Mars energy) with. 

·      Mars retrograde is creeping in as early as October 4 (by entering pre-shadow), even though it officially begins December 6, 2024 and lasts until February 23, 2025. Mars retrograde also takes place initially in Leo, which rules courtship, dating, and true love in astrology. Ex energy to the supreme!

·      We have Mercury retrograde starting to creep in November 7 and begins November 25 until December 15.

·      Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini, which rules close friendships, our near network, and neighbors. This will further stimulate a social energy in the cosmos. Gemini is “the twins”—a dual sign—so we’ll hunger for connection, communication, and constant stimulation. Reconnecting with friends will occur.


What are the “best matches” for cuffing season this year?

This year, when we’re looking at the “best match” for each zodiac sign, it’ll be the one that is on the opposite polarity of it (it’s sister sign). Why, you may ask? Well, that’s because we are experiencing a final solar eclipse in Libra for many years. Libra rules the natural 7th House of marriage, union, and commitment. This is why I’ve chosen each zodiac sign’s “twin” to represent the yin and the yang! The eclipse arrives on October 2, 2024 and opens doorways for six months—the entirety of cuffing season.




This year’s cuffing season has you especially focused on partnership, Aries. In fact, you could be taking things to the next level—moving in, getting engaged, or even being wed. Now is not a time to sit back and just think about flying solo, you need to get out there! Yet, if you separate, you may find that someone else magnificent is just around the corner.

Singles also have a glorious amount of cosmic energy in their favor for love, hot sex, and passion! With the planets heating up your heart chakra and libido, you’ll very easily be able to line up many options and find someone who could really be a match. Be aware that exes could be knocking down your door after December begins and into the coming months, though! If you’d like to rekindle the flow, go for it.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Libra



When it comes to the onset of cuffing season, you’re going to be feeling especially social, Taurus! The good thing is that this social vibe could actually help you to mix and mingle with new options, if looking, whether that’s in your close network or trying your hand at online dating.

The tides start to turn as the months roll on, though, and you are going to feel an extremely deep need to nest, nuzzle, and be domestic. This is a long-term trend you’re feeling now—and until past birthday season! Building a home with a sweetie will be the key. Be aware that big twists and turns around commitment could pop up before the end of the year, though, like a shock commitment or engagement or even a break-up. If a separation occurs, it’s likely because you’re not fulfilled and eager to look elsewhere. A friend could provide an introduction to someone new—or you may realize a friend you previously overlooked is the perfect match.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Scorpio



You’re in for one of the best “cuffing periods” in nearly a decade, Gemini, so it’s time to put yourself out there. If already coupled up, you could enjoy so much laughter, fun, and new beginnings together—and may even find that you have luck around a surprise pregnancy!

Singles have an immense amount of luck in their favor, as you’re more radiant than ever. Be sure to court attention at all costs, and you’ll find a line of people out the door and around the corner just waiting to connect with you. Note that the end of the year could bring lots of ex energy back, though.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Sagittarius



This upcoming cuffing season could be a bit peculiar for you, Cancer. While you’ll be especially fired up initially, ready to conquer your path forward, you’ll actually start to sense that the past is calling out to you—and it’s time to consider who and what you value. Some of you may even find that you’re spending a ton of extra money this cuffing season, so watch your bank accounts.

Note that October could bring shifts around moving or domesticity and November could be quite a whirlwind with friends or a lover—and sudden shocks and twists and turns could be in store. At the onset of 2025, you’ll be facing karma on how you’ve been building your love life in recent years—for positive or not.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Capricorn



You may be ready for one of the most passionate and exciting cuffing seasons you’ve had in recent memory, Leo. Not only are you experiencing a surge of popularity regardless if single or attached, but you’re literally the top of the guest list for every celebration! Your libido is going to be on fire, you’re magnetic as ever, and you’re primed to conquer and conquest!

However, be aware that exes and old flames could come calling—especially during the holidays. If you’d like to reconnect with the one who got away, go for it…or at least “try them on for size” one more time. If you’ve made some tricky decisions around your love life in recent years, you could find they come back to haunt you. Hibernate!

Best match this year for cuffing season: Aquarius



A very festive cuffing season will be popping off for you initially, Virgo, and many of you may even have noticed opportunities to focus on significant partnerships. At the onset of autumn, you could be turning your mind to union—growing closer or breaking apart. Regardless, this is all karmic in nature.

Yet, as we near the holidays, there will certainly be opportunities for love and laughter, but you’re actually going to be feeling a need to pursue more solitude and privacy. Some of you could be taking a break from dating if you’re licking your wounds or simply choosing for a more “low key” season nuzzled up with your sweetheart.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Libra



This year’s cuffing season starts with a bang for you, Libra! You’re the main event! Everyone everywhere is turning their eyes toward you. The most important thing to note is that you are stepping into your power and embracing a new version of yourself and yes, relationships could be a key factor in this. For instance, as you emerge like a phoenix into this “new you,” you could be attracting or building a key union—or leaving someone in the dust.

On a separate note, the holidays are sure to be quite social and will bring many people to surround you and lift you up—but beware getting caught in a karmic dance with an ex or even “accidentally” falling into a romance with a sexy friend. You could end up regretting it down the line.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Aries



At the onset of cuffing season, you want to feel as powerful and influential as ever, Scorpio. You’re ready for people to bow down! This could even manifest about people seeing you as one half of a power couple—or that you’re gunning to meet powerful suitors to date or connect with.

Luckily, intimacy, sensuality, trust, sexuality, and an erotic flow is going to be the key vibes for you throughout the entirety of cuffing season. Make time for TLC and long lovemaking sessions!

Best match this year for cuffing season: Taurus



Of all the zodiac signs, you’re the most favored around LTR, commitments, or finding someone to stand by your side this cuffing season, Sagittarius. Existing unions can grow to the next level, as you dance with a twin flame. This could be the cuffing season you pop the question or get engaged—especially over the holidays!

Travel could also be an exciting way to spend cuffing season, too, with a sweetheart or connecting with new suitors from different backgrounds while you venture about. If you choose to spend the holidays away this year, you won’t regret it!

Best match this year for cuffing season: Gemini



You’re entering a long-term cycle around partnership energy that lasts until next summer, Capricorn, so yes—this upcoming cuffing season could bring a lot of action in your love life! To be upfront, though, this energy is about union, commitment, and “relationship vibes,” as opposed to hookups or quick flings.

Your libido, urge to merge, and hunger for closeness is going to be skyrocketing this cuffing season, too, as you demand to be with someone in body, mind, and soul. On a positive note, this could amp up your connection to new levels—but if you’re not feeling like your needs are being met, you could be wondering if it’s time to look elsewhere.

Best match this year for cuffing season: Cancer



The upcoming cuffing season is going to be absolutely magical for you, Aquarius! There’s so much cosmic potential for pleasure, true love, courtship, hobbies, passion, fertility or children! You’ve hit the jackpot, so don’t let this energy go to waste! Singles have the best luck they’ve had in twelve years to find a soulmate connection, so make this a top priority. Couples could find that they fall in love more deeply than ever before!

Yet, this cuffing season isn’t just about living in the moment and having fun, it’s also going to spotlight making long-term decisions together and figuring out what you wish to build toward now and in the years ahead. Be aware that the holidays could cause some relationship challenges to bubble up if they’ve been hiding beneath the radar—or cause a significant ex to return to stir the pot!

Best match this year for cuffing season: Leo



This upcoming cuffing season is going to be especially cuddly for you, Pisces! In fact, you may truly just want to spend time with family, host gatherings at home, or relax with your sweetheart behind closed doors. Love could blossom and bloom at home and if you choose to make plans for holiday celebrations at your residence, they could become some of your most cherished memories. Single? Host gatherings and tell friends to bring single suitors!

Note that you’re going to have an extremely busy holiday season—potentially a bit chaotic—as you’re trying to juggle absolutely everything on your docket. The end of the year could bring a few challenges around your career or work life—perhaps just delays—so if that’s the case, clock out early, take some time off, and turn attention to fun, friends, and celebrations! 

Best match this year for cuffing season: Virgo

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