Welcome to 2025—a new year that will feel quite unlike any we have experienced in decades. In the year to come, we will experience many exhilarating planetary shifts, as the stars dance into new realms they haven’t been in generations. 2025 is the beginning of a new era, one where we will notice how the second half of this decade looks—and feels—very different from the years we experienced recently. On one hand, this can be exciting and empowering, but it may also be disorienting for many people as we adjust to these newfound energetic frequencies.


Before we dive in, though, I wish to answer a major question before we proceed, one I am getting from many people: “Is 2025 a good year?” First and foremost, there are many exciting and positive aspects. But there will be a tremendous amount of change—similar in regards to the end of the previous decade and onset of this one—when many planets moved and shifted into different corners of the sky. If you can roll with the punches, be flexible, and embrace change, then yes—I think you may truly love 2025. I have faith the universe never gives us too much to handle. If we evolve, as the stars do, we will shine as brightly as ever.

The following article will forecast the key themes we will collectively experience. To read your individual sign, please click the above links (sometimes twice) and it will take you there.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

 Miscommunication Around Actions, Motivations, & Emotions

In 2025, Mercury—the planet of communication and the mind—will retrograde three times. The dates are:

Spring Mercury Retrograde:

  • Pre-shadow: March 1, 2025 (26 degrees Pisces)

  • Retrograde: March 15, 2025 (9 degrees Aries)

  • Direct: April 7, 2025 (26 degrees Pisces)

  • Post-shadow: April 26, 2025 (9 degrees Aries)

Summer Mercury Retrograde:

  • Pre-shadow: June 30, 2025 (4 degrees Leo)

  • Retrograde: July 18, 2025 (15 degrees Leo)

  • Direct: August 11, 2025 (4 degrees Leo)

  • Post-shadow: August 25, 2025 (15 degrees Leo)

Winter Mercury Retrograde:

  • Pre-shadow: October 21, 2025 (20 degrees Scorpio)

  • Retrograde: November 9, 2025 (6 degrees Sagittarius)

  • Direct: November 29, 2025 (20 degrees Scorpio)

  • Post-shadow: December 16, 2025 (6 degrees Sagittarius)

When Mercury retrogrades in a Fire sign (which will happen in all three retrograde phases that take place this year), we become flustered around our passions, desires, and how we pursue expression. When Mercury moonwalks in Fire signs, we become frustrated, triggered, and angry when others do not agree with our innate desires or how we express them. This can trigger confrontations. When Mercury retrogrades in a Water sign (which happens the first and last retrograde), we become confused around our emotions, feelings, intuition, and relationships. When Mercury moonwalks in Water signs, we can become more triggered, hyperemotional, resentful, deceptive, and introverted. This can cause people to hold grudges, withhold feelings, and have confusion around relationships. This can bring forth situations where two people just realize “they’re not on the same page emotionally.”

Karmic Situations Around Independence & Partnership

In July 2023, the North Node entered Aries as the South Node entered Libra. The North Node symbolizes destined karmic intake into our lives around the themes that Aries rules: passion, leadership, entrepreneurship, courage, and independence. This is a very “me” focused energy, and we will find that we are learning karmic lessons about how we balance that with “we” energy, as well. The South Node symbolizes what is being released from the ether and is tied to the themes that Libra rules: marriage, partnership, teamwork, union, and commitment. Because of this, many people may feel the need to balance—or rebalance—their egos and relationships to make sure they are in equal fulfillment. Yet, many people will also feel the need to release relationships of a business or romantic nature, especially long-term committed ones, if they aren’t supporting their independence and desires. However, this same energy will bring many destined soulmate partners, in business or love, or even twin flames to many people across the world. Many sudden and shocking engagements, marriages, break-ups, or divorces are all likely to happen as if out of thin air.


The last eclipse on this axis this year will be:

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse March 29, 6:57:34 at 9 Aries 00

Karmic Situations Around Health and Strength


With the eclipses starting to shift onto the Virgo-Pisces nodal axis with the arrival of the first eclipse in autumn 2024, a new set of karmic themes will appear. The North Node officially enters into Pisces on January 11, 2025. The North Node brings an “intake” around Piscean themes. The Pisces polarity rules the following themes, promising transitions. These themes are: mental health, spirituality, seclusion, conclusions, synthesis, privacy, therapists, counselors, gurus, guides, rehabilitation, addictions, recovery, psychic abilities, the unconscious, the unknown, rest, and ascension. The South Node is the “outtake” or “release,” which interacts with Virgo energy. As Virgo rules the following themes, we will notice profound shifts around them: health, fitness, diet, productivity, employment, routines, responsibilities, coworkers, pets, medications, and staff. When eclipses activate these themes, not only will they be thrust center-stage on a collective level, but highlighted in our own personal lives, too. The eclipses on this axis can be especially exhausting. The ones in Pisces will attract the past for us to face on a karmic level, bringing us gifts for positive karma we’ve built or striking people down for evil or wicked actions that have occurred.


  • Total LUNAR Eclipse March 14, 2:54:23 at 23 Virgo 57

  • Total LUNAR Eclipse September 7, 14:08:37 at 15 Pisces 22

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse September 21, 15:53:51 at 29 Virgo 05

Nostalgia & the Return of the Past

Every two years, we have one that has more retrogrades than the one prior. This is because Venus and Mars do not retrograde every single year. Any year with both of these planets asleep for a period in time has a greater focus on nostalgia and sees more people and projects from the past come back into our lives—for closure or to reunite and begin again. Both planets also hold important ties to our love lives and relationships, showing that during Venus Retrograde (March 1, 2025 to April 12, 2025) we may cross paths with twin flames, exes, or people we deeply cared for or shared a special intimacy; during Mars Retrograde (December 6, 2024 until February 23, 2025), we may stumble upon people we had a more passionate or sexual connection with, or else enemies or competitors who are karmic in nature. Retrogrades give you an opportunity to learn the lesson you need from the relationship or find the closure to move on: so that you are no longer carrying that baggage. However, for the rare few people that have used their time apart to grow and evolve, they are given an opportunity to rekindle their rapport with a fresh burst of energy and perspective. To read about Mars Retrograde, do so here. To read about Venus Retrograde, do so here.


Karmic Lessons About Passion & Emotion

Mars retrograde cycles are particularly intense. Mars retrograde pre-shadow begins on October 4, 2024 (at 17 degrees of Cancer). Mars retrograde begins on December 6, 2024 (at 6 degrees of Leo). It continues until Mars turns direct on February 23, 2025. Mars retrograde post-shadow ends on May 2, 2025. With this in mind, it is wise to note that the end of 2024 and beginning of 2025 will be especially slow—and challenging. We will get very little get done. This is why it is crucial to launch all major plans and projects in the spring at the earliest. 

Mars retrograde periods bring up karmic lessons around conflict, fighting, sex, passion, and ego. Exes and enemies from the past tend to return to us. Mars retrograde periods are not good times to launch new projects or endeavors. This also applies to relationships. We can feel especially weakened, exhausted, frustrated, anxious, and angry. When Mars is retrograde in Leo, we will experience karmic lessons around the following themes: romance and true love, dating and courtship, fertility and children, creativity and expression, and hobbies and sports. When Mars is retrograde in Cancer, we will experience frustration or karmic lessons around the following themes: home, family, real estate, domesticity, emotional intimacy, vulnerability, loyalty, lineages, ancestors, and the past. The best thing to do during Mars retrograde cycles is to lie low and relax, rather than trying to push anything up a hill. Also, do not launch attacks during these times, as those who do so will find the entire universe works against them. Many exes, old flings, old hook ups, or lovers will return with Mars in Leo, whereas distant and close family could return during Mars in Cancer.

Mars Retrograde:

  • Pre-shadow: October 4, 2024 (17 degrees Cancer)

  • Retrograde: December 6, 2024 (6 degrees Leo)

  • Direct: February 23, 2025 (17 degrees Cancer)

  • Post-shadow: May 2, 2025 (6 degrees Leo)

Karmic Lessons Around Love, Beauty, & the Pursuit of Desire

This year, Venus, our planet of love, pleasure, and beauty, will retrograde in the zodiac signs of Aries and Pisces. All Venus retrograde periods require us to review, revisit, and reconnect with our connection to beauty, relationships, and intimacy. Often, these periods bring back situations, people, and connections from the past. On a positive note, these are excellent times to find closure or peace with the past—or instead, to aim to rekindle a rapport and reunite with old flames, old friends, or “the one who got away.”

When Venus is in Aries (where it is in detriment, or weakened), we are bold, fiery, and eager to pursue whatever we desire—and who we desire. Our egos become enflamed, as well as how we hunger to directly pursue our romantic lives or choose independence. When Venus retrogrades in Aries, we will be reviewing these particular themes, especially how we may have been selfish, independent, or egotistical in love and relationships. Anger and conflicts may become more apparent, especially in relation to the past. Many people will feel “triggered” and launch attacks when they feel slighted or betrayed or taken advantage of.

When Venus is in Pisces (where it is exalted, or strengthened), we are sensitive, romantic, creative, and spiritual in the pursuit of relationships and love. This is a divine place for Venus to be, as we can connect with soulmate or past life relationships. When Venus retrogrades in Venus, this is one of the most significant periods for us to reconnect with old soulmates or past life unions. However, we may become especially delusional, deceptive, fearful, addictive, or hyper-sensitive around how we’ve approached Venusian themes in the past. We may lose touch with reality and not be seeing clearly. Con artists, liars, cheaters, seducers, and charlatans can gain power over others at this time, as it is hard to discern fantasy from reality. Venus in Pisces can be very healing, though, and we can find a way to heal past traumas, pains, and addictions around relationships, too—particularly if we have faced “love addiction.”


Venus Retrograde:

  • Pre-shadow: January 28, 2025 (24 degrees Pisces)

  • Retrograde: March 1, 2025 (10 degrees Aries)

  • Direct: April 12, 2025 (24 degrees Pisces)

  • Post-shadow: May 16, 2025 (10 degrees Aries)


Expansion of the Mind & Communications

Jupiter, the planet of growth, will move through the heavens of Gemini from May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025. During this period in time, Jupiter will bring expansion and joy to all of the areas that Gemini rules: communications (such as advertising, branding, marketing, podcasting, blogging, web design, and all industries connected to these areas and to a limited degree of publishing, but especially short-form content), the mind, travel (especially short-distance travel), academics and learning, and social media. However, it is also extremely important to note that Jupiter is weaker in this zodiac sign—known to be in its “detriment.” This means that Jupiter, while still granting us abilities to expand, will have a harder time distilling its energy to bring us rapid and expansive results. While it will not create challenges or “bad” scenarios for us, we may need to apply more effort to manifest results in our lives—particularly around any theme that Gemini rules. Gemini, as a zodiac sign, craves freedom and adventure, and we will, too, during this time—but we will need to be more intentional and focused rather than just spinning off in a whirlwind. If we do, we could find that our goals, energies, and plans dissipate without any staying power and we are consistently spinning our wheels, getting nowhere fast. On a positive note, those who are focused will be able to speak, learn, write, and connect more potently and build their networks. The pace of life will be livelier, upbeat, optimistic, and engaging. Plan for travel during this time and you could make dazzling memories. All those who work in Gemini-ruled businesses will thrive: writers, speakers, education, travel, communications, air-related industries, aeronautics, journalism, linguistics, tourism, and to a limited degree, politics.


Expansion of Emotions, Compassion, Family, & the Home

Jupiter, our planet of blessings, will journey into the zodiac sign of Cancer beginning on June 9, 2025 to remain until June 30, 2026. This is one of the most fortunate periods of the Jupiterian cycle, as our Great Benefic is known to be “exalted” in this Water sign. This means that our mighty planet can distribute his greatest blessings, luck, and opportunities to the entire world—regardless of one’s individual zodiac sign. Jupiter, as an archetypical influence, is tied to spirituality, hope, compassion, good will, fortune, favor, generosity, optimism, and faith. Cancer, as a Cardinal Water sign, is aligned with emotion, our roots, family, domesticity, and the home. Yet, the best part of this particular transit is that Jupiter can radiate true humanitarian compassion, allowing us to work in serenity, at peace, and with love. With so much sensitive energy being amplified through the cosmos, this can be a great time of healing—for the past, the present, and the future. The last time Jupiter was in Cancer was from June 25, 2013 until July 16, 2014—so be sure to look back to world events and what was happening in your life to better understand what similar effects may manifest. On a collective level, people will seek a greater level of inner peace. All people’s personal lives should see blessings. Land, houses, real estate, interior design, homemaking, hospitality industries, healing work, and industries tied to the past such as archaeology and ancestry and history will flourish. Connections to one’s roots, traditions, family, and parents may grow. Finding comfort, support, and faith will be important to us. It is also important to note that while Cancer rules the natural fourth house, seeds and plans laid down now are built on a firm foundation and can aid us in engaging our energies and building some of our greatest legacies and victories in the long run in the coming decade ahead.

  • Pre-shadow: August 17, 2025 (15 degrees Cancer)

  • Retrograde: November 11, 2025 (25 degrees Cancer)

  • Direct: March 10, 2026 (15 degrees Cancer)

  • Post-shadow: June 6, 2026 (25 degrees Cancer)

Restructuring “the Spirit” of the Collective

Our Great Taskmaster planet, Saturn, will spin in the depths of Pisces from March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025, and one final time from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026. Saturn is a planet of karma and delivers important learning curves and life lessons and often teaches through hard work and pain. However, Saturn is not meant to hurt you—he simply teaches some of the most important things that we remember long after he has moved onward because of the tenacity and perseverance he forged through us like steel forged through fire. As Saturn transits Pisces, he will bring karmic lessons around everything that Pisces rules: spirituality, religion, the “New Age” movement, magic, soulmates, psychology, mental health, health in general, rest, recovery, solitude, privacy, seclusion, hospitals, prisons, addictions, imagination, escapism, and psychic abilities. What is likely to take place is that Saturn will bring a crisis around these themes—whether in our own personal lives and also on a global stage—that causes us to reform and find better patterns going forward.


Restructuring Ego, Independence, & Conquest

2025 brings forth yet another major transition for the human collective. Saturn, the planet of life lessons and karma, will briefly visit the heavens of Aries from May 24, 2025 until September 1, 2025. It returns again in 2026 and onward. As it is the planet of hardship but also perseverance, we will find that we face karmic lessons on how we have utilized our Aries energy. Aries rules self-promotion, our face and head, our independence and individuality, as well as innate desires, passions, and plans. Aries also aligns with war, anger, and conquest, and we will find that we individually face a reckoning around how we have pursued these areas of our lives in the past three decades. When it comes to global affairs, there will be karmic decisions and situations around Aries-ruled industries and projects—“being the first to market,” “being the one breaking ground,” and beyond. The following industries will see challenges, restrictions, or revisions: sports, gambling, theme parks, military and weapons, metal, cars, facial beauty products and reconstruction, anything facial-oriented, meat, and anything entrepreneurial or thrill seeking. Self-help and wellness companies that focus on “being a leader” and “stepping into your power” will face judgement. However, it is also crucial to note that now that we all live in the digital world of “self-promotion,” which ties to any social media or branding presence, these, too, will be up for judgment and karmic changes. How one promotes, what one promotes, or what one has pursued will all be up for review. There will likely be certain “tough love” that comes to each of us and we will witness a sharp contrast between what people think is “healthy ego” versus “unhealthy ego.” On a negative note, this could once again stir karmic battles, conflicts, and war as a need to face the devastation that can come from them.

Embracing “the Spirit” of the Ego 

Neptune, the Great Diffuser, will also venture into the realm of Aries for the first time in nearly 165 years. This next journey occurs from March 30, 2025 until October 22, 2025, and will return later this decade. Neptune, as a planetary archetype, brings spirituality, emotion, healing, and imagination to the realm that it occupies. These are the heightened vibrations we can expect. However, it also brings illusion, delusion, escapism, fantasy, manipulation, addiction, and imprisonment. Because of this, as Neptune moves through Aries, we will face the highs and lows of the same Aries themes. Aries-ruled industries and projects will be touched by Neptunian spirituality, imagination, or delusion—“being the first to market,” “being the one breaking ground,” and beyond. The following industries will see evolution in the years to come: sports, gambling, theme parks, military and weapons, metal, cars, facial beauty products and reconstruction, anything facial-oriented, meat, and anything entrepreneurial or thrill seeking. Self-help and wellness companies that focus on “being a leader” and “stepping into your power” will face judgement, particularly in regards to those who are healing and helpful versus those who are deceptive and con artists. However, it is also crucial to note that now that we all live in the digital world of “self-promotion”—which I already addressed above that Aries rules—this ties to any social media or branding presence. These, too, will be up for a deeper analysis on what is “real” and “unreal.” How one promotes, what one promotes, or what one has pursued will all be up for review. Battle, conflict, and war will become more spiritual and psychological. We will likely witness the emergence of new spiritual, creative, and psychological leaders, too—who may pave the path to new movements, particularly in relation to the individual “owning their power and destiny.”


Evolution of Earth, Communication, & Technology 

Since 2018, Uranus, the Great Awakener, has soared through the fields of Taurus. This has brought the technological and futuristic focus of Uranus to all Taurean themes: the economy, the environment, currency, wealth distribution, and what we own and value. It is crucial to note that Uranus is weakened, in its detriment, in Taurus. From July 7, 2025 until November 7, 2025, Uranus dances into the skies of Gemini. This will echo out into the second half of the decade. Everything that Gemini rules will be open to upheaval, radical change, and a more futuristic flair: communications (such as advertising, branding, marketing, podcasting, blogging, web design, and all industries connected to these areas and to a limited degree of publishing, but especially short-form content), the mind, travel (especially short-distance travel), academics and learning, and social media. It is also likely to note that during this transit, life will “speed up” even more rapidly, as we are inundated with stimuli at nearly every turn. Because of this, there may even be a movement of people who seek to “detach” from the constant receipt of technology and information and who instead prioritize a very different approach. Those who work in Gemini-ruled businesses will experience powerful transformations and may rise in prominence, influence, and power—especially if they take an “outside of the box” approach: writers, speakers, education, travel, communications, air-related industries, aeronautics, journalism, linguistics, tourism, and to a limited degree, politics. Last to note is that as an Air sign, we can expect actual switches in air on our planet: air pollution, cloud cover, the jet stream, storms (especially windstorms, dust storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes), air-borne viruses, and around animals that soar through the skies. (This is doubly impactful due to Pluto in Aquarius, a fellow Air sign, for two decades.)

Transforming Global Communities & Ideologies

Pluto, the planet of death, transformation, and rebirth, will spin into the skies of Aquarius for the coming two decades, until March 8, 2043. Pluto is the most intense planet in our solar system and often acts like a phoenix, whereby it painfully destroys what is no longer working so that the human collective can emerge once again. However, Pluto can also teach through malevolent, violent, or dark means, as it also ties to corruption, domination, and power. We began to experience a taste of what Pluto has to offer over the coming twenty years in 2023 and 2024, bringing intense experiences and discoveries to all that Aquarius rules: technology, artificial intelligence, social media, space travel, science, organized communities, optimism, aspirations, and revolution. On one hand, there may be more power or oppression brought down upon people, seeking to exact total and complete control, but this is also likely to trigger mobilization around key issues and freedom, just as well. While there is likely to be a greater focus on independence and authenticity, there may become a heightened desire to fit into a tribe of people that believes in one message rather than standing apart from the crowd.


Rare Cosmic Alignments

In 2025, we will have some extremely rare astrological aspects take place. While the exact dates that they take place will be especially powerful, the energies will still echo within the weeks and months (to a lesser degree) around them.


On April 4, Saturn will sextile Uranus. This profound energy gives us the self-discipline and endurance, but also open-mindedness and inventiveness, to make change. Changes enacted now can lead to considerable achievement in the long run. We can make order out of chaos and transform old systems and traditions that have been restrictive in new ways without entirely engaging with rebellion. We should use this energy to master new skills and consider how we can be progressive. The last times this occurred were in 1996 and 1997. It will occur again on August 11, 2025 and January 20, 2026.


On June 15, Jupiter will square Saturn for the third time. The last time we experienced this energy was between July 2015 until May 2016, and the next period will be April 2035 until February 2036. This energy, while possible to bring great results and benefits, can also indicate a period of tension and challenge, as you face obstacles and limitations to goals personally and professionally. You may feel unstable or uncertain about the future or that certain aspects of your life have gotten out of control and now it is time to focus on a more stable foundation. This is not an ideal time for excess or lavish decisions and destructive behaviors, such as those caused by addictions, can create deep loss. Long-term problems can reach a crisis moment, forcing us to retreat from the world or society, in order to face a reckoning. However, hard work, patience, and perseverance can bring incredible results in the long-term. Greater wealth, success, travel, and enlightenment can echo down the line if we are to focus on creating positive changes and embracing personal growth without slacking off or cutting corners.


On June 18, Jupiter will square Neptune. This significant energy will often test the faith of the world an individuals due to an embarrassment or disappointment. We may over-idealize beliefs, emotions, ideas, or relationships. We could find ourselves being too optimistic or generous or caught within delusion and deception. It is best to avoid drugs, alcohol, addictions, paranoia, or anyone or anything that seems "too good to be true." It likely is. Rely on grounded, practical advice. The last time we experienced this was in 2019 and we will experience it again on January 11, 2032 and then again multiple times at the end of the 2030s.

On August 11, Saturn will sextile Uranus. This profound energy gives us the self-discipline and endurance, but also open-mindedness and inventiveness, to make change. Changes enacted now can lead to considerable achievement in the long run. We can make order out of chaos and transform old systems and traditions that have been restrictive in new ways without entirely engaging with rebellion. We should use this energy to master new skills and consider how we can be progressive. The last times this occurred were in 1996 and 1997, as well as earlier this year. It will occur again on August 11, 2025 and January 20, 2026.

On August 28 and November 20, Uranus will sextile Neptune. This important aspect can represent a profound spiritual awakening in our lives and on the world stage. We often find ourselves seeking philosophical questions that religion and science cannot explain. We become very consumed with ideas for the future and humanity. Dreams, flashes of insight, the mystical, the occult, and inspiration are all likely and can lead us to a closer relationship with the divine universe. The last time we experienced this aspect was between 1966 and 1968. The aspect will be strong throughout 2025, 2026, and 2027.


Other Main Astrological Aspects That We Will Experience

  • February 7: Neptune conjunct True Node (28 degrees Pisces)

  • Stellium, 2025, March 28, Venus, Mercury, Neptune

  • April 4: Saturn sextile Uranus (24 degrees Pisces x 24 degrees Taurus)

  • Stellium, 2025, April 05, Saturn, Venus, Mercury

  • April 21: Saturn conjunct True Node (26 degrees Pisces)

  • May 1: Uranus sextile True Node (26 degrees Pisces x 26 degrees Taurus)

  • May 18: Jupiter square True Node (25 degrees Gemini x 25 degrees Pisces)

  • June 15: Jupiter square Saturn (1 degrees Cancer x 1 degrees Aries)

  • June 18: Jupiter square Neptune (2 degrees Cancer x 2 degrees Aries)

  • Grand Trine, 2025, August 05, Uranus, Mars, Pluto

  • August 11: Saturn sextile Uranus (1 degrees Aries x 1 degrees Uranus)

  • August 28: Uranus sextile Neptune (1 degrees Gemini x 1 degrees Aries)

  • September 3: Jupiter trine True Node (18 degrees Cancer x 18 degrees Pisces)

  • Grand Trine, 2025, September 18, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto

  • Grand Trine, 2025, October 22, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn

  • Grand Trine, 2025, October 25, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn

  • Grand Trine, 2025, October 26, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn

  • Grand Trine, 2025, November 15, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn

  • November 20: Uranus sextile Neptune (29 degrees Taurus x 29 degrees Pisces)

  • Grand Trine, 2025, November 25, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn


2025 Overview: In recent years, you’ve watched as destiny encouraged you to shake off the “old you” to embrace a whole new identity, Aries—often in regards to your desires, goals, and personal relationships. In 2025, you’ll find that you are seeking closure in regards to the past and receiving the karma for the good or the bad. While the first months of the year will be quite slow, deeply calling you to reflect on where you’ve been, you’ll notice that the universe is laying more weight and responsibility on your shoulders throughout the entire summer. You’ll be setting up new patterns across the board that could affect the upcoming three decades of your life—so choose wisely on where you place your attention.

Career & Money: Destined events around new work projects or even places of employment could be popping up for you this year—especially in early spring or the onset of autumn. This could bring a fresh batch of clients or responsibilities crossing your desk. While you still may see some ups and downs in your financial life—with some big wins or surprising twists of fate—you’ll find that your ideas and communication abilities lead you to more prosperity in the first half of the year. In the second half of 2025, there’s a greater focus on real estate, so if you have property or wish to, you could find positive growth.

Love & Relationships: When peering into your love life in the year ahead, there will be a surge of fire for passion, laughter, and courtship throughout the vast majority of spring. This will help singles to mix with many hot options, lining up suitors as they go. This is some of the best energy you’ve had in years to crank up the heat and if you’re coupled up, expect opportunities to reignite your spark. Yet, as the tides turn, this year’s end of summer until the middle of autumn could have you purring for partnership—and pleasure! Erotic vibes will summon you forth at this time, encouraging you to think of your one and only. 

Friendships & Family: While the first half of the year could bring many people from the past back to you, you’re being given an opportunity to decide who you’d like to reconnect with or release once and for all. Expect the first half of the year to be extremely social, particularly with neighbors, close friends, or siblings. Exciting, unique, and powerful connections are also likely to be entering your life—some who could lift you much higher toward your goals. Note that the second half of the year puts a greater emphasis on family, so you could be spending more time with them. You could also be attracting very powerful, influential contacts now and in the years ahead—or karmic relationships that transform your life forever.

Health: Watch out for your health in the first three months of the year, as you could experience more fatigue and exhaustion. Fated events in relation to physical and mental health could pop up near March or September, so if anything does, be sure to consult the appropriate specialists.

Luck for Aries:

  • Lucky months: March & October

  • Lucky day: Tuesday

  • Lucky color: Red

  • Lucky numbers: 9 & 6

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):

    • New Moon Solar Eclipse: March 29, 2025 (9 degrees) (Supermoon)

    • Full Moon: October 7, 2025 (14 degrees)

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2025 Overview: Prepare for a rather spectacular year, Taurus, yet one that will bring many surprises and fresh starts. While you may not experience quite as much “whiplash” as you did in previous years, you’ll have more time to live in the moment, enjoy your personal life, and flourish in many ways. Soulmate connections may cross your path—regardless if single or attached! 2025 will start off a bit slow and nostalgic, but very quickly life will move into the fast lane for you! Use the year ahead to embrace your innate authenticity and pursue your greatest desires. Happiness, magic, and passion could find you no matter where you go.

Career & Money: You could feel like King Midas and everything that you touch is turning to gold this year—especially for the first half of 2025. However, from the summer until mid-autumn, you may notice there’s a shift in the tides in regards to your financial life, too. For instance, you could experience big ups or downs, even windfalls, or decide it’s time to change your relationship to money. Rest assured, though, you’re in the beginning of a two-decade cycle where you will have great focus on your ambitions. You could very quickly change your career path to something more fulfilling or rise to become one of the most powerful and glorified people in your industry. Know that if you work hard now, you could become crowned as professional royalty—the envy of all who know you.

Love & Relationships: Destiny is calling you, and this year, you’re feeling it affect your love life significantly! In the spring and autumn, singles have a great opportunity to cross paths with a soulmate connection or if coupled up, experience fated and memorable moments together—like falling in love, moving in, or having a child. Many of you could find that you’re consumed by a life changing romance, one you’ve not felt in nearly a decade—especially if single. This could be a love of a lifetime or a past life connection! 

Friendships & Family: The cosmos are bringing strong energy your way for friendships this year, too. In fact, destiny is stirring the pot here, as well. Soulmate platonic friendships could also play a vital factor for you this year—with some contacts leaving your life while new ones swiftly step in to replace them. The second half of 2025 will be far more social than the first half. As for energy with your kindred, the middle and end of summer could help you to get closer with family and parents. Just be aware that there may be a need to readdress some issues from the past that someone has swept under the rug.

Health: Certainly watch your physical health throughout much of the year. Mental health could be especially important at the beginning of spring and again from June until August. You could find that you’re in need of approaching life with a bit more mindfulness and serenity. 

Luck for Taurus:

  • Lucky months: April & November

  • Lucky day: Friday

  • Lucky color: Pink

  • Lucky numbers: 6 & 5

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):


2025 Overview: You’re in one of the luckiest periods of your life, Gemini—especially for the first half of the year! This is a time filled with new beginnings and opportunities, but it is crucial you work to seize the day and create the life of your dreams rather than waiting for everything to fall in your lap. Create a vision board of how you want your life to look now as well as in the decade ahead and “plant seeds” in all areas of importance. Note that what you start to create in the beginning of the year could begin to take root and manifest within the second half. Another significant note is that from the summer into the middle of autumn, you’re going to experience a sudden surge to embrace more independence, freedom, and expression in your life and you could be eager to try out a “new you.” You’re beginning a very long cycle that will certainly push you out of your comfort zone and could radically change every area of your life!

Career & Money: In recent years, you’ve found a heavier load around your career and ambitions, and this continues throughout much of 2025. The period to work hardest will be the first half of the year and then after autumn begins. If you hustle now, you could further establish your legacy of success or change your career path altogether. A destined professional transition is likely to occur near September. Expect your finances to grow in the second half of the year.

Love & Relationships: The first half of the year is the best period for your personal life and relationships, as you could have more fun, meet soulmates, have a child, or simply find more popularity. If single, this is a crucial period in your life to put yourself out there to meet someone special. Embrace your heart’s desires and expect that you could quickly be turning the page of a beautiful new chapter with your sweetheart—or someone new!

Friendships & Family: Sudden transitions around home or family may occur at the beginning of spring or onset of autumn, such as moving or being required to step in to aid your kindred. You may also find that you’re “weeding out” friends and connections who do not resonate with you any longer during the summer. Trust your intuition on all of this. On a separate note, the new contacts and friends you bring into your life now could be lifelong ones.

Health: Luckily, your health is quite protected in the first half of the year, but be aware that you could find yourself a bit more indulgent so end up putting on more weight.

Luck for Gemini:

  • Lucky months: May & December

  • Lucky day: Wednesday

  • Lucky color: Yellow

  • Lucky numbers: 5, 6, & 9

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):

    • New Moon: May 27, 2025 (6 degrees) (Supermoon)

    • Full Moon: December 4, 2025 (13 degrees) (Supermoon)

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2025 Overview: For the first half of the year, you’ll likely feel an intuitive hunch that “something is building behind the scenes.” Yet, you will suddenly feel the curtains part and spotlight turn upon you as you step centerstage starting in June. You are entering one of the luckiest periods in a twelve-year cycle where you will begin a new chapter of your life and can manifest your intentions more easily, personally and professionally. Use the first half of the year to vision board what you wish your life to look like and set forth to hit the ground running to make it all happen. You are worthy of everything you desire!

Career & Money: Career will see a greater emphasis beginning this year for you and into the rest of the decade. Expect a destined turning point around your ambitions near the onset of spring, but you could also experience more weight and responsibility falling upon your shoulders from the end of spring until the end of summer. On one hand, you could feel like you’re taking on more in order to rise higher—and if you’re in the right career path, you could see major victories falling into place. Yet, if you don’t feel like you’re on the right track, it could be time to face the music and turn in a new direction altogether. Engage with intellectual projects, learning, and your communication abilities and you could go quite far. Also, be aware that assets and investments may become particularly important now and in the two decades ahead.

Love & Relationships: Note that exes and people from the past—karmic connections—could be popping up to reconnect or find closure in the first half of the year. If you’d like to do so, go for it. You may find that you’re able to build something new and wonderful together. With the cosmos raining gold down upon you in the second half of the year, you’re in one of the best periods ever to see your personal life improve. Healthy relationships may bloom into the next level while singles could meet a soulmate and fall in love. Fertility will also improve.

Friendships & Family: While you always have a focus on family, this year brings a very powerful moment at the onset of spring that could push you onto a new chapter—like moving, renovating, or stepping in for your kindred. Someone “new” could even come into your family near this time. As for friends, this year is encouraging you to embrace the eccentric, fascinating, and unique individuals who push you in new directions.

Health: Be especially careful to watch your health in the first half of the year, as you could face a great deal of fatigue and burnout. Your health is moreso protected in the second half of the year, but be aware of the tendency to put on weight.

Luck for Cancer:


2025 Overview: Life will surely feel very fulfilling and vibrant for the first half of the year, Leo. However, it is likely to start off extremely slowly, so lie low and plot out what you’d like to conquer later on. You’ll likely find more popularity and opportunities to celebrate the beauty of life and connect with many people and communities prior to summer, though. In this first half of the year, you will need to seize the day to build toward important milestones, hopes, and dreams, and they could quickly materialize before you. Yet, beginning this year—particularly the summer into autumn—there’s a newfound focus on expanding your life to vast new horizons, perhaps through academics, spirituality, travel, or engaging with new perspectives and cultures. If you do so, you may be more enriched than ever before. The second half of the year may bring more stillness, as life slows down and you turn toward introspection and spirituality.

Career & Money: In recent years, there’s been a major evolution in your career—potentially ups and downs or even vast new directions. This continues this year and will conclude for the last time in your lifetime in 2026. Some of you may find accolades added to your laurels in the first half of the year or may even decide to move your career in new directions, especially through the acquisition of new certifications or mentorships. Your intellectual side will be particularly energized. Pay attention to significant shifts in income, settlements, or wealth that could occur at the onset of spring and autumn. These could bring new money in—or cut off streams of income altogether. 

Love & Relationships: Prepare for your significant partnerships to continue to evolve before your eyes—a trend that began in recent years that echoes for two decades. You will transform and “be reborn” through your important relationships, for the better or for the worse. Karmic partners could be attracted to you, but be sure not to fall into unhealthy patterns. If you’re going through a divorce, it may finally be finalized in the autumn.

Friendships & Family: The first half of the year could bring you one of the most social periods you’ve had in nearly a decade and it is quite possible platonic soulmates are stepping in to open doors to you. Widen your circle with trust and grace. As for family relations, there’s extra emphasis on them toward the first half of autumn—and you may be required to step in to aid your kindred, take charge of a situation since other people aren’t doing so, or even be invested in a big move.

Health: Be extra careful around your physical health in the first four months of the year. On a positive note, mental health and working with specialists and even being “divinely healed” could happen in the second half of the year.

Luck for Leo:


2025 Overview: One of the most important years of your life is upon you, Virgo, and you will start to feel it calling out to you from the very end of winter. You are set to begin a many year-long cycle where you change your identity, purpose, and life direction. You could be “throwing off” the old you to emerge into a new phase, turning the page on a new chapter and new relationships. While the onset of the year will surely make you especially reflective and encourage you to lie low, you could still see happy progress in career. The second half of the year could truly make your heart bloom, bringing blessings, opportunities, and good fortune down upon you like showers of gold. This will be a fortunate time to live life to the fullest.

Career & Money: Welcome to one of the best years in your professional life you’ve had in nearly a decade. This fortune and favor smiles upon you for the first half of the year, potentially granting you opportunities to climb higher, change your career direction, or find a better job. Luckily, the good news continues to echo for the second half of the year, opening doors to awards and celebrations. A shift around assets or large money matters may happen in the late winter. On a separate note, you’ll also find that you’re dramatically being pushed in new directions professionally, stepping out of your comfort zone, especially from the middle of summer until mid-autumn. If you feel the urge, follow the wave.

Love & Relationships: You’ve been facing karmic lessons in relationships in recent years, and this continues for years to come. On a positive note, you could be seeing that your healthy unions are growing stronger—making long-term promises, getting engaged, or signing contracts. Unhealthy connections are fading in the dust. You could certainly experience destined moments around relationships, especially near birthday season.

Friendships & Family: Expect the second half of the year to bring a very festive, social, and celebratory vibe as you connect with many friends and groups. Joining communities will open up your life in beautiful ways. This is the dawning of a whole new period of joy with friendships, which will echo into the year ahead. As for family connections, the holidays at the end of the year will be filled with hustle and bustle—but could bring some confusion or tension if people aren’t communicating well with one another.

Health: Be particularly careful in your health all year. You have a heightened potential for fatigue, burn out, or illness if you are not taking care of yourself.

Luck for Virgo:Lucky months: March & September

  • Lucky day: Wednesday

  • Lucky color: Green

  • Lucky numbers: 5, 6, & 2

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):


2025 Overview: A monumental year is upon you, Libra. For the first half of the year, you could find many opportunities for new horizons, adventure, and travel. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and be courageous. Beginning in the middle of summer until the mid-autumn, you may feel even more of an urge to shake it up, experience freedom, and connect with people, cultures, and ideas far different from you. If you do so, you could unlock some of life’s greatest mysteries. The first several months of the year could bring back many people and situations from the past, so choose wisely who you re-open the door to. You’re also entering into a very karmic period around relationships now and in the years ahead.

Career & Money: Be aware that there could be career stagnation, frustration, or challenges for the first several months of the year. This isn’t to bring you failure, but to encourage you to be more resourceful in the pursuit of your plans. While the first half of the year could aid you around pursuing professional expansion, especially if involved with academics or intellectual pursuits, the second half of the year ushers forth one of the best periods in your life for career growth. Your ambitions could be crowned with many victories or opportunities to climb higher. Aim for the gold and work hard. A destined shift around employment could pop up in late summer. Some of you may be joining—or separating—from business partners and collaborators in the summer.

Love & Relationships: Intense situations around relationships have been building in recent years and this continues onward. A fated decision around significant relationships—especially a new beginning—could manifest in early spring. You may also be hungering for great transformation all year around romance, dating, children, or fertility—not wanting to repeat the same cycles of years gone by. Last to note is that a powerful cycle around relationships begins this year—especially in the late spring—which could force you to be realistic about union. Weak connections will break up, divorce, or fade. Strong ones will grow and build plans for the long-term. Just don’t deceive yourself—or allow others to cast illusions—in relation to the truth.

Friendship & Family: The first half of the year could bring you into contact with unique, fascinating individuals who open your perspective on life, people, culture, and the world. Traveling with friends in the first half of the year would be a wonderful way of using this energy. There’s a massive amount of sudden movement at the turn of the winter holidays near the end of the year—a trend that echoes into the early months of the onset of 2026.

Health: Be especially careful to watch health before April and after October. Karmic situations around health—physical and mental—could also pop up in late winter and late summer.

Luck for Libra:


2025 Overview: Embark upon a year that will bring many cosmic shifts that alter the course of your life, Scorpio. The first five months of the year will be especially slow, but could give you the chance to go with the flow, catch up on life, or reconnect with people from the past. If seeking to reunite with an old flame or lover, you’ll be especially favored then. There’s a greater emphasis for the first half of the year on wealth matters, particularly assets, settlements, or investments. The second half of the year, though, turns attention to stepping outside of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in adventure. Think outside of the box, jump into every opportunity, and the universe could reward you greatly. Travel could truly fulfill you, so pack your bags, and plan to investigate some exotic or eye-opening destinations.

Career & Money: Focus attention on wealth creation or management in the first half of the year. Then, from mid-summer until birthday season, try out new methods of wealth creation that may be new and exciting for you. Consult with new technologies, investors, or individuals who have their finger on the pulse of money. From mid-spring until autumn, you could also be facing karmic lessons around employment and work, such as managing an ever-growing list of priorities, seeking a better position, or trying to find a true work and life balance. A destined shift around employment could also pop up at the beginning of spring. If you’d like to pursue new academics, do so in the second half of the year and you could be vastly rewarded.

Love & Relationships: Destined events surround your personal life are coming your way this year! Fated meetings, beginnings, turning points, or endings could arrive in regards to true love and dating or even children and fertility. Soulmate connections are calling out to you.  These are likely to occur in late winter or early autumn. Focus on building in a mature way within your relationships before June and after September. Travel could fan the flames of love in the second half of the year. If single, date outside of your normal “type.”

Friendships & Family: Feeling social? Oh, you will be! In fact, destiny is bringing a spotlight to your friendships, communities, and groups this year, too—particularly in early spring and autumn, too. This would be a magnificent period to expand your network. If you do, soulmate platonic connections could enter your life. If for some reason there’s a “falling out” with a friend this year, though, it looks like it could be over forever. As for family, you’re in a vast long-term trend about changes in family now and in the decades to come. Intense, karmic situations could be called to attention—like deep secrets being revealed or on the contrary, a need to rise above past situations and heal them once and for all.

Health: Be particularly careful around health April until birthday season—you are more susceptible to fatigue, burnout, or illness.

Luck for Scorpio:


2025 Overview: A lovely, splendid year lies ahead of you across the board, Sagittarius. You’re in one of the best periods ever for relationships and this will occur throughout the year, especially if you’re in a long-term, committed union or enter into one now. The winter and early spring will be remarkably slow and could bring back people or situations from the past. There may still be an emphasis on your home and domestic life throughout the year, so making changes, moving, or becoming involved in real estate may be beneficial. Also, focus on the expansion and strength of your communication-related skills. If you do so, more power and influence may come to you—or at the very least, a profoundly deeper perspective on people and life.

Career & Money: Education and intellectual pursuits are an excellent area of focus for you now and in the many years ahead. Consider learning or sharing your wisdom or even becoming involved in communications-related industries. Business partnerships and contracts could be quite exciting in the first half of the year, but the second half of 2025 is actually more prominent around wealth creation, assets, or large money matters. Powerful, destined shifts in career could arrive in early spring or early autumn. These may be opportunities to rise higher or redirect you to different avenues. Know that you are being propelled toward your next path around ambitions.

Love & Relationships: You are in one of the most fortunate years of your life for union. If committed, your connection could grow to the next level, such as moving in, getting engaged, or even being wed. If single, you could meet a soulmate long-term partner. In the second half of the year, intimacy and erotic energy could sizzle! Embrace vulnerability, trust, and sensuality. However, taking on more responsibility or making tough decisions around home and family could still present themselves this year, especially in late summer. From May until September, you may also find you need to be more practical, realistic, and mature around dating, love, children, or fertility.

Friendships & Family: While there is a greater focus on “partnership” for you in the year ahead, all connections in your life should enjoy an extra splash of harmony and joy. Your social life is likely to erupt with invites and fun events—as you connect with friends new and old—in the second half of summer into autumn. As for family connections, you’re going to experience a monumental shift—an ending, turning point, or situation that you’ll remember forever—near September. 

Health: Continue to watch your health throughout the entire year. The second half of the year is better for non-emergency surgery.

Luck for Sagittarius:

  • Lucky months: June & December

  • Lucky day: Thursday

  • Lucky color: Orange

  • Lucky numbers: 6, 5, 3, & 8

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):


2025 Overview: The year ahead could bring big transitions that have been waiting in the wings for years, Capricorn. You’ll experience shifts in each area of your life. Note that the onset of the year is going to be very slow, potentially bringing some challenges around projects, relationships, assets, or family situations. There will be a lot of cosmic dust being thrown around, but luckily it should be moving you in a better direction. One of the key aspects this year is there appears to be more responsibility coming at you around home, real estate, or family now and in the years to come. At the same time, there’s a deep need to be productive—yet explore new avenues around your routines, as well as employment and health. Yet, beyond this, the second half of the year ushers you forth into one of the most magical periods in your lifetime around relationships, union, and partnership—both in business and in love.

Career & Money: Your relationship to money—and your wealth-creation potential—are major focuses now and in the two decades ahead. You will surely notice what you value, own, and possess transforms—and your needs change because of it. On a separate note, you could find luck and growth in your employment for the first half of the year. The second half of 2025 could bring joy around professional relationships or if looking for the right business partner, you could be in luck. Be aware that there’s an emphasis around intellectual projects and contracts, as well as potentially business travel, near the beginning of spring and autumn.

Personal Life & Relationships: While the first half of the year could bring exes or old partners back to you, this would be for closure, peace, or to rekindle the rapport. Only agree to this if you both have changed. Then, a major shift appears from June onward, as you become the most favored zodiac sign of all in union. Happy connections will grow—move in, get engaged, or be wed, while singles could meet their forever person.

Friendships & Family: Many past situations in relation to family and your lineage are likely to be reviewed in the early months of the year. On a different note, you could be “reuniting” with karmic relationships or “past life connections” in the first half of the year. Then, throughout the summer, you’re going to experience some new life lessons—and potentially taking on more weight and responsibility—in relation to family, too. As for friendships, the autumn will be packed with laughter, fun, and opportunities to connect with your network.

Health: Be aware that your health—including fitness, diet, and medications—are going to be quite strong until June, but beginning in the middle of summer until the end of autumn—may experience some sudden changes. You could be required to try new methods or approaches.

Luck for Capricorn:


2025 Overview: In recent years, you felt that there was great change about to come—and come, it has, Aquarius. For the twenty years ahead, you’re going to experience radical transformations, rebirths, and intense moments in all areas of your life. The best part about it is that if you choose to evolve in positive means, you can drastically improve your path, rather than falling into negative patterns. This year, you’re going to see a wide expanse of your heart’s desires for the first half of the year. The second half, though, puts more emphasis on your productivity. Wealth matters continue to show prominence this year, yet there is also a newfound importance to learn, embrace intellectual concerns, and travel. If you do so, you may attract wondrous memories and meet lovely people.

Career & Money: If you work in a creative industry, expect a winning edge for the first half of the year—bringing opportunities for vast artistry, expression, and recognition. Yet, the second half of the year should improve employment matters, productivity, and work and life balance for all of you. Finding a better job or clients may occur, as well as improved relations with coworkers. On a separate note, if you seek to expand your intellect and communication abilities, turn focus and time to these endeavors throughout the summer. Last to mention, destined situations around income or assets could materialize in early spring or early autumn.

Love & Relationships: While the beginning of the year could bring challenges around existing relationships, it could also cause you to cross paths with significant connections from the past. This energy lasts until spring, so if you’d like to reconnect with anyone for closure or to rekindle the union, you’ll be in luck. Romance, pleasure, passion, and fertility are also spot lit for you until summer, so open your heart. In truth, you’re one of the luckiest zodiac signs to fall in love, grow closer with a sweetheart, spend time with children, or conceive. Singles may notice that they are suddenly attracting eccentric, fascinating, and wildly unique new suitors from the middle of summer until the end of autumn.

Friendships & Family: When it comes to friendships, the summer is going to begin to show you the truth in who sees eye to eye with you, especially around beliefs, lifestyle, and intellectual matters. While you could decide it’s time to “weed” out some close contacts, new connections you align with then could become some of your greatest lifelong friends. As for family, though, you’ve experienced so many ups, downs, twists, and turns either with the people or in relation to moving in recent years that you’ll practically be used to it by now! Yet, expect there are more new horizons with your kindred to explore. 

Health: Your health will be a priority for the upcoming two decades, so consider regular evaluations. Luckily, your physical health should be moreso protected from June onward into next year.

Luck for Aquarius:

  • Lucky months: January & August

  • Lucky day: Wednesday

  • Lucky color: Turquoise

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 7, & 9

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):


2025 Overview: Another mighty year is upon you, Pisces, with new horizons calling to you. In recent years, you’ve felt extra weight on your shoulders to buckle down, take responsibility, and face reality. Some of this could have felt like a burden, but it is not to punish you and instead to make you stronger. You’ll continue to bear this weight until June and again after September. However, the brief summer may give you a reprieve. The first several months of the year will bring delays and confusion around love, passion, children, work, money, or the past—many significant areas of life. But on a positive note, you’re being given a chance to pivot your plans forward toward more fulfilling paths, find closure with the past, or rekindle relationships or situations that still hold value. This year adds emphasis to your home, family, and domestic life and could bring wild changes in the mid-summer until mid-autumn. On a separate note, though, the second half of the year is absolutely dazzling, sure to bring you so much happiness and fulfillment. True love, fertility, creativity, and living in the moment could be top priorities for you.

Career & Money: While many of you are figuring out the next steps in your professional ascent, likely carrying a heavy load, there will be newfound karmic lessons around income and your job from May until September. On one hand, money could “tighten up” because you’re investing in big ticket items or that it’s crucial you pay attention to your budget. Those who work in real estate could do particularly well this year. The second half of the year favors those who work in artistic, entertainment, or creative industries.

Love & Relationships: Get ready because as the heavens dance, the second half of the year will make all of you burst with joy. You are the most favored zodiac sign of all around romance, true love, soulmates, children, or fertility at that time. Those who are single must circulate—someone special is looking for you. Those in relationships can also experience gorgeous, spectacular moments and grow in love. Last, destined events—bringing you together or separating you—could appear in early spring and early autumn.

Friendships & Family: Note that the first half of the year to places extra focus on family and home matters. This can be an auspicious period to make a change with your living situation, so if you’d like to move to a new location, buy real estate, renovate, or simply redecorate, you are quite in luck! Hosting more gatherings for family and friends would also be a wonderful way to harness this energy. As for friends, this year continues to encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and link with people who have vastly unique perspectives on life. If you do so, you could find that they open your eyes and inspire you in brilliant ways.

Health: Pay extra attention to your health prior to June and after September. Lie low especially in late summer and early autumn.

Luck for Pisces:

  • Lucky months: February & September

  • Lucky day: Thursday

  • Lucky color: Purple

  • Lucky numbers: 3 & 7

  • The key lunations that are most powerful for this zodiac sign are (so they can use them for fresh starts, new beginnings, culminations, breakthroughs, and also expect big news):

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Good Morning America, the TODAY show, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas