Read an excerpt from Kyle Thomas’s digital book “LoveScopes” and find out everything you want to know about love and sex with Gemini!
Read MoreRead an excerpt from Kyle Thomas’s digital book “LoveScopes” and find out everything you want to know about love and sex with Taurus!
Read MoreRead an excerpt from Kyle Thomas’s digital book “LoveScopes” and find out everything you want to know about love and sex with Aries!
Read MoreLearn more about love and sex in astrology and the horoscope!
Read MoreWhen it comes to relaxation and evening mindfulness, each zodiac sign has a special way to harness their strengths and bring more focus and energy into their sleep and preparation for the coming day. Here is a list of the best ways to optimize your evening routine according to your zodiac sign.
Read MoreThe stars are aligned for several zodiac signs in September 2019 when it comes to career, power, and fame. Find out if it’s you!
Read MoreSome zodiac signs are naturally gifted with authority. While all zodiac signs can become a leader, certain ones tend to seek these positions of power more often than not. Find out who below!
Read MoreOne of the most blessed months of 2019 has arrived, chock full of opportunities. The energy of last month’s New Moon will echo, followed by a stunning Full Moon in Pisces mid-month, and then conclude with a focus on our partnerships with a New Moon in Libra.
Read MoreIt’s back-to-school season for many students worldwide! Check out your back-to-school advice for the 2019 and 2020 years!
Read MoreEach zodiac sign has their own sense of humor. However, some zodiac signs rise above as the funniest of all. Find out which ones do below!
Read MoreEach zodiac sign has a darker side we don’t want to show the world. Our inner demons lurk and we try to suppress them. Over time, we can evolve and move beyond them to evolve into the best version of ourselves possible. However, the echoes will always be there until we rise above. Find out your zodiac sign’s deepest, darkest secret!
Read MoreSome signs tend to be a bit more forgetful than others. Find out which ones are prone to it!
Read MoreSome signs tend to be a bit more forgetful than others. Find out which ones are prone to it!
Read MoreFind out which zodiac signs are the most organized and know how to get from A to Z in any plan.
Read MoreLet’s be real. Earth Day should be every day. We live on a beautiful planet that gives us food, air, water, and every basic need to survive. However, if we do not respect our planet, pollution and global warming will continuously wreak havoc upon countries far and wide. This year we broke it down to the top ways each zodiac sign can make a difference, especially by playing to their natural strengths. Find out yours!
Read MoreWellness is taking the world by storm. There are many different trends that have been growing in momentum. Find which is most suited to your zodiac sign!
Read MoreWhen it comes to interior design aesthetic as “written by the stars,” we can look at some of the inherent characteristics of each zodiac sign – whether they tend to lean to the past, live in the present, or have a stronger connection to the future. Each zodiac sign feels more or less comfortable with taking risks, too, and thus are more at home with different levels of creativity. Find out which interior design aesthetic most closely links to your zodiac sign!
Read MoreWhen it comes to toxic relationships, we can see why certain zodiac signs may think they may work together initially, but become repellant to each other over time. However, some signs also have a very intense clash from the very start – and trying to force them together will be like oil and water. Worse, their interactions may even become a war. Find out some of the most toxic zodiac pairings here!
Read MoreThe Saturn Return is a powerful and transformative time in our lives. Saturn, known as the taskmaster and the bringer of maturity, takes roughly 28.5 years to go around the Sun. We watch cycles of Saturn to determine which area of our lives requires us to buckle down and dig into the trenches to create something of value. Saturn can bring difficult times of passage, but once we learn its lesson, we are forever changed. The late 20s and early 30s are when the first Saturn Return takes place. This is when we astrologically “reach adulthood” – as opposed to 18. We again experience another Saturn Return around our late fifties and early sixties. Here is a quick list of things we must realize before or during our Saturn Return.
Read More2018 is a year that many of us will look back fondly upon, particularly because we saw a great deal of planetary shifts bringing new blessings or opportunities into our lives. However, for those who experienced difficulties or were forced to face some harsh truths, this is because the Universe wants to lead you to a happier, better life. We watch the stars to better understand what doors are open or closed to us at certain times and to always mature and grow. Sometimes growth is painful, but the Universe always delivers checks and balances. Where there is darkness, there is also light.
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