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Each planet that soars through the heavens follows its own cycle around the sun. Because they each are at different distances from the sun, from our perspective on Earth, we also notice they move at their own speeds, as well. When it comes to rare astrological events that take place for individuals (or any birth chart, in fact), a planetary return takes place when any planet or celestial object (even the luminaries like the sun or the moon) return to the exact place—in degree and zodiac sign—as it was at the inception of the birth chart. 

One thing that is important to note about any celestial or planetary return is that while certain experiences and themes do tend to take place during these periods, it is not the best to “just wait and expect the universe to deliver things to you.” Planetary returns are great times of action where we are encouraged to seize the day and plant seeds and intentions that we want to see grow during the entire period to come—until the planet once again returns to this same place later on down the line. 

In order to find your exact planetary returns, one would consult a professional astrologer like myself or use a mathematical map called an ephemeris.


What is a Jupiter Return?


Jupiter is the planet of miracles, expansion, and luck. Also known as the Great Benefic, Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the sun. This is why a Jupiter Return cycle is one of the rarest astrological events, and only occurs once every twelve years. When Jupiter returns to the exact placement—in degree and zodiac sign—that it was at during the origin of a birth chart, it offers a time of great growth, expansion, and luck. This is a period of great opportunity. However, to capitalize on this transit, one should step out of their comfort zone, go after a big dream, and see if they can manifest a lucky breakthrough. These are also excellent times to launch any new beginning you want extra luck infused within. Jupiter Returns tend to make people feel euphoric, on top of the world, and are great for investments, travel, or pursuing higher learning. While a Jupiter Return is most potent on the exact day it takes place, it can still be felt for weeks leading up to it and the ones that follow. Again, remember that the luck you build now could echo out for twelve years ahead.


What is a Venus Return?


As the planet of love, beauty, and profit, Venus connects to true pleasure. Venus takes roughly one year to go around the sun. This means we have a Venus Return every year! In a predictive sense, the events that happen near this time that are tied to the themes of Venus—love, beauty, gifts, money, attraction, harmony—will give a snapshot of how you’ll experience them in the entire year ahead! On one hand, you can sit and see what the universe delivers, but it is also helpful to imprint your intentions on the universe and “manifest more” of these themes by purposefully planning important things on your day of the Venus Return. Plan a romantic date. Tell someone how you feel. Pamper yourself with a facial, spa day, or buy new clothes or try out a new hairstyle. Buy beautiful things. This will cook extra positive potential into your year ahead around matters of the heart and pleasure!


What is a Mars Return?


Mars is the planet of passion, sex, drive, anger, competition, and war. Mars takes two years to go through its cycle and visit all of the zodiac signs. This is why we only experience a Mars Return once every two years. On one hand, a Mars Return can fire us up to be more aggressive, assertive, angry, or combative. We may feel the need to attack and conquest whatever it is that we want. Our sex drives may also increase quite significantly. Enemies and competitors may also emerge at these times, forcing us to stand up for ourselves and go to war. While this tends to be a more challenging planetary return, it can also be quite beneficial for actions, initiatives, and plans that you want a booster rocket of energy infused within. For instance, this is a great time to start a fitness plan, get active, or focus on building your health. Since you’ll have more energy at your disposal, you could also build toward important personal or professional goals. Sex can also be extremely satisfying now as your libido will skyrocket and you can embrace your lusty side with a consensual partner. Remember: the themes, situations, and actions that occur now are a snapshot of how you’ll experience them in the two years ahead!


What is a Solar Return?


If you’re new to astrology, you may not have heard of the Solar Return, but in reality, it is the most commonly celebrated of all astrological transits. This is because the Solar Return is more commonly referred to as a birthday! However, an actual Solar Return may not be the actual day that you were originally born on—it occurs at the exact time when the transiting sun crosses over the exact degree it was at originally. While more often than not it does occur on the birthday, it might even take place the day before or after your birthday (because of the shifting cosmos). The important thing to be aware of when the Solar Return is taking place is that once again you are being given a snapshot of how your whole life will look in the year ahead. Pay attention to your energy levels, what kinds of situations and conversations are taking place, as well as how you’re “shining.” Yet, as with all planetary returns, one must use this period to make conscious choices about their future and imprint their will on the universe. For instance, setting up a big meeting, booking a vacation for later in the year, throwing a party to celebrate life—the sky is the limit—and you can manifest your intentions! Note that what you do now echoes out in the year ahead.


What are other rare astrological transits?


One of the most famous astrological cycles that people discuss is the Saturn Return. The Saturn Return takes place roughly between 27 to 31 years of age when Saturn, the planet of life lessons, has journeyed through all houses and signs of the zodiac to return to its place of origin. This often helps one to make important life decisions, as well as dig down new roots they’d like to set up for the coming thirty years ahead.


Venus Retrograde also follows a cycle of eight years. Venus Retrograde happens once every 18 months—but will happen in the same zodiac signs and pieces of the sky once every eight years. This is why during any upcoming Venus Retrograde cycle, one can reflect back to eight years ago and recall the themes and situations and relationships that happened—and ultimately changed—during that time. Similar ones are sure to occur again.

Last to note is that the lunar nodes take 19 years to return to the same place. The lunar nodes reveal the karmic and destined cycles that are taking place in one’s life, as well for the entire world at large. The North Node (also referred to as the head of the dragon or Rahu) is a point of entry and reveals what is thematically or energetically going to come into one’s life. The South Node (also referred to as the tail of the dragon or Ketu) is a point of exit, or excretion, and reveals what is thematically or energetically being released from one’s life. These nodes are always 180 degrees apart and return to the exact same place once every 19 years. Eclipses always occur along the axis of the lunar nodes as they move through the polarities of the zodiac signs. This is why eclipses are tied to destiny. Eclipse cycles like this repeat similar themes every 19 years, so you can reflect back 19 years to a similar date when an eclipse occurred on the exact degree and zodiac sign to predict similar patterns that will also emerge.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas