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Every child’s zodiac sign influences how they grow up and interact with others. When it comes to stress and anxiety, take a peek into some of the best ways to help them ease their tension.


Personality Snapshot: Aries children have a great deal of energy and are ruled by the planet Mars. This means they can be prone to aggression, impulsiveness, and being competitive. They like getting their way and often act out as a leader. They are harder to control due to their curious and adventurous nature.

How They Exhibit Stress: Aries children cannot hold in stress well. This causes them to outburst and throw tantrums.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: The best way to help an Aries child reduce stress is through physical activity. Have them run around outside or play a sport. Once this energy has been released, their good mood will return.



Personality Snapshot: Taurus children are often very good-natured, calm, and grounded. They tend to have creative talents. They possess a loyal side to their personality at a very early age and require a great deal of physical touch to feel safe and protected. They can be stubborn when provoked and throw a tantrum if they consistently feel like their needs are not being met.

How They Exhibit Stress: Taurus children show stress by shutting down and being stubborn. They cannot accept what is going on, so they close themselves off.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: The best way to get a Taurus child out of their head is to be creative. Consider painting with them for awhile so they can focus on the tangible results they are creating.



Personality Snapshot: Gemini children are curious about everything and constantly getting into everything! They seek to learn about the world and like to analyze and integrate new knowledge and experiences into their lives. They can also become bored rather easily and require a lot of stimulation and the ability to do many things at once.

How They Exhibit Stress: Gemini children will become very agitated and crabby when stressed. They will lose interest in anything specifically and become indecisive and confused about what they want to do.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Doing a puzzle with a stressed Gemini child will help them to problem-solve something easy in front of them.



Personality Snapshot: Cancer children are very sensitive and love to be close to family and the home. They have a kind heart and like to share their love with everyone around them, unless they feel shunned and will eventually become more guarded. They will be very protective of those who they care for.

How They Exhibit Stress: Cancer children will become very moody and hypersensitive. They will be prone to emotional outbursts and act as if the entire world is against them.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Talking about your feelings in a safe space is the best way for a Cancer child to feel validated and understood. This also helps them feel closer to those who they are confessing to. This establishes a deeper emotional bond.



Personality Snapshot: Leo children are often larger-than-life and crave constant attention. They have an innate need to be liked by others and show off their skills and talents. They often court attention at all times and also love taking charge and being a leader. They often have a creative or athletic edge to them.

How They Exhibit Stress: Leo children will become very angry and ferocious when they are upset and stressed. They will seek to dominate others and become exceptionally egocentric. It will be all about them—no one else matters in their minds at this time.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Create a mosaic or collage together so that they can distract themselves from the stress. They will be able to let out their creative side while also expressing what is irritating them.



Personality Snapshot: Virgo children are often very intellectual and shy. They don’t like making a scene and will often neglect themselves to put others before them. However, they have strong opinions when they choose to share them and often can find sharp perceptions about the world about them. They can be sensitive but do not always share this with others, but have a deeply caring side. They often enjoy hard work, as well.

How They Exhibit Stress:  Virgo children will become extremely anxious, frustrated, and nervous. They will have nightmares and their fear will overpower them.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Playing with pets will easily help a Virgo child put their attention on another. This also releases a soothing effect as well as bonds them to the animal.



Personality Snapshot: Libra children are highly social and enjoy interaction with others as much as possible. They are often very drawn to having a “favorite person,” whether that be a parent, a sibling, or a best friend. The ability to mirror someone and learn their behavior is important for Libra children so they can learn the norms of their culture and society. These children are often intrinsically attracted to harmony and do not like conflict whatsoever.

How They Exhibit Stress: Libra children will act out and be dramatic in order to court attention. This will make some parents think they are being “naughty,” but in truth, they just want someone to validate and listen to them.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Listening to music is the perfect way for Libra children to calm down. Ruled by Venus, they are attracted to soothing and sweet sounds.



Personality Snapshot: Scorpio children are intense, passionate, and can be highly mysterious and secretive. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, they like the dangerous side of things and can be prone to rebellion and acting out. They can be extremely emotional but often hide this energy until they are forced to lash out. These children naturally have a manipulative and vindictive side to them until they are taught that these behaviors are not acceptable in most society dynamics.

How They Exhibit Stress: Scorpio children will be aggressive and combative and will attack others around them. They tend to not be afraid of who they are going up against—they will be as cruel as possible when they feel threatened or upset.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Watching a movie will help a Scorpio child redirect their stress and anxiety. This allows them to let go of their frustration by focusing more on other ideas, characters, and scenarios.



Personality Snapshot: Sagittarius children are very energized, fiery, and impulsive. They crave constant stimulation and also have a rebellious side to them. They do not like to be controlled and should instead be encouraged and approached from a parent as a “friend.” These children are spontaneous and can be prone to anger in an effort to not feel sad or rejected. They crave jovial interactions and can at times have a lucky side to them.

How They Exhibit Stress: Sagittarius children will purposefully do daring and impulsive things in order to garner attention from a parent. This means that they can even put themselves physically at risk or do things that are dangerous or entirely spontaneous. These children do first rather than thinking.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: A good way to build connection and ease their stress is to play the “shared story game.” You start the story and then the two of you trade off crafting the journey of the characters and narrative. This will help them express their creative side as well as engage their sense of humor.



Personality Snapshot: Capricorn children are sweet but do not easily show their heart or emotions. They can be extremely needy to those who they trust and are very drawn to stability. They crave a solid base, whether that be a small group of friends or close-knit family. These children often do not bloom early in life and will come into their full potential later, likely adulthood. They often suffer from self-esteem issues, can at times feel depressed and like they are unworthy, and require a lot of encouragement. They also feel competitive the older that they are.

How They Exhibit Stress: Capricorn children will fluctuate between two extremes. They will either be prone to extreme (but rare) emotional outbursts, or else put themselves into total isolation. They will cut themselves off from the world in an effort to better understand it or prevent it from hurting them. 

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Looking through old photo albums is a great way for a Capricorn child to reduce stress. This will bring forth laughter and amusement as they reflect on old events and exciting adventures. Also, as a zodiac sign that cares very much for the past, it will help put their current problems more into perspective.



Personality Snapshot: Aquarius children are often eccentric, erratic, and crave independence. They do not like being controlled and seek to express themselves. These children will often go through many cycles of interests, friends, and lifestyles as they grow. These children also intellectualize their emotions and communicate them rather than just “feeling them.”

How They Exhibit Stress: Aquarius children are prone to rebellious tendencies in order to relieve stress. They often will be drawn to doing whatever will break the status quo in order to exhibit their stress in a physical way, except usually through some sort of eccentric choice or behavior.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Playing video or online games is an excellent way for an Aquarius to reduce stress. This is because Aquarius is the zodiac sign most closely connected to the future and technology. They have an intuitive sense when working with technology and this will help them feel in control of “reality” for a brief period in time.



Personality Snapshot: Pisces children are highly sensitive, creative, and sensual. They also are prone to weaker immune systems and require a great deal of attention and guidance from parents or parental figures.  They typically have many interests and are naturally gifted at many things. They also have an ability to get along with young and mature individuals and can at times appear to have a mystical connection to spirituality or the world.

How They Exhibit Stress: Pisces children are prone to self-inflicted victimization and harm. They may physically or emotionally hurt themselves in order to “feel something” or redirect from the actual problem haunting them.

Best Easy Stress-Reducing Technique: Coloring or working on crafts is an excellent way for a Pisces child to release stress. As they are naturally creative, they will enjoy the opportunity to use the many different crafts tools in order to create something tangible as a reflection of their emotions.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas