April 2020 Astrology Horoscope For Your Zodiac Sign.jpg

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The world has seen a great deal of panic and uncertainty throughout much of 2020 thus far. This is tied to the astrological predictions of how the world would be changing from 2020 onward. To further illuminate some of these changes, they can be traced to Uranus, as well as Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. I will be releasing a full breakdown of the coronavirus pandemic and world events as an article in the coming weeks, so be sure to be on the lookout for that.

At the very beginning of the year, Saturn (ruling governments and big business) resided in the same place in the sky as Pluto (ruling masses of people, transformation, death, and rebirth). They met in the constellation of Capricorn, which also has major ties to our ambitions, as well as governments, ruling bodies, and businesses, as well. Saturn and Pluto only meet in the sky once every three decades and haven’t met in Capricorn since the 1500s. When two planets meet, they create a powerful “new beginning” in our lives here on Earth. This shows that moving forward, the way that our governments, health-care systems, and day-to-day lives existed will be shifting and be reborn in powerful new ways. The cosmic events will take quite some time to fully play out, but we are living in a time that history books will reflect upon.  

In times of fear, it is best we rely on hope. We must support one another and realize that we are stronger as one collective. Everything does happen for a reason. The sunrise will always come after darkness: the same as how we will all rise like a phoenix when this has passed. The stars above never lie. We are emerging into the next Great Awakening, which will take place more fully in the coming years ahead. Read your zodiac sign’s Greatest Strength and Mantra for Hope here and please share them everywhere during this troubled time.

Now, moving back to April 2020, there is much occurring that will shift your life. At the start of the month, the mighty Sun will be roaring through the zodiac sign of Aries. This is often a time of powerful new beginnings, marking the official start of the zodiac year. The zodiac year does not begin in January like our calendars. It actually begins the moment that the Sun moves into Aries—the Spring Equinox. Aries Season is a time that encourages our independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys. This is a time of newness for us. While many people worldwide are in isolation, this is a time when you will be encouraged to reflect within and contemplate if your desires in recent months and years have been met—personally, professionally, romantically, spiritually. When you are stuck at home, you cannot distract yourself and be busy with a million other things. No—you must become comfortable with yourself as if you are a newborn from the womb who must face your true and authentic needs. When all of this is over, you can then take this newfound understanding and integrate it into your life. Then, you will create a happier and more fulfilling existence in your path forward and hopefully in all of your relationships.

Venus, planet of love and beauty, will leave its happy place in Taurus on the 3rd to venture into the social zodiac sign of Gemini. Venus will actually remain in Gemini for many months—until August of this year! This is a surprising scenario because usually Venus only resides within a zodiac sign for a few weeks. In Gemini, Venus’s energy will make us want to communicate our love very much—whether through writing or speaking. Considering that much of the world is in lockdown and only available to communicate digitally, this will actually be a blessing to many of us and we could find that our interactions are sweet and enjoyable. Consider ways to express your feelings and emotions through words. Text. FaceTime. DM. Write a long email. Send a handwritten letter. Have a heart-to-heart. Be lively, funny, and charming with your words over the coming months. Be curious about how your love and relationships can grow, change, and show you new colors of life. Take chances in love, but don’t allow yourself to just be fickle. The reason Venus will be in Gemini for such a long period, though, is because it will go retrograde from May 13th until June 25th. Venus goes retrograde only once every two years and usually in a different place in the sky. All retrogrades carry important karmic lessons. With Venus ruling love, affection, marriage, beauty, art, and money, you will be encountering an important life lesson in the coming months in regards to how you have approached those things in the past. More often than not, Venus Retrograde brings back exes, karmic lovers, past life connections, and old friends in order for you to reconcile and reunite—because sometimes timing is everything—or to face them, find peace, and let them go once and for all. Venus will begin to slow down as early as April 9th, so pay attention to everything that happens in your personal and romantic life from then until May 13th. This period will carry very important clues to what will actually shift in May and June. You could feel as if you are suddenly stepping into a vortex of the past. 

The Full Moon takes place on the 7th, but will be felt for several days before and after. This is a Full Moon in the zodiac sign of Libra, which rules marriage and partnership. Yet again our attention is being focused upon our relationships and this could be a time when people are prone to unite or break apart. In life, we must find partners who we mirror and dance with for a while. Sometimes they last for a bit and teach us something, but outlive their purpose and we must carry on. Only rarely—if you are lucky—do they dance with you forever. The situations and actions coming to culmination now are directly connected to what you were doing and focusing upon in the days following September 28th, 2019. If you are happy with the results, you will watch them manifest into an abundance. If not, you could change direction and realize it is time to move forward in a different way.

On the 19th, the powerful Sun will dance along on into Taurus. This season grounds the fiery Aries energy that had taken hold of us previously and helps us to look at how we can create tangible results. However, like the Taurean bull, we will need to plod carefully along, slow and steady, to build the things that we want. The New Moon in Taurus takes place on the 22nd, and because Uranus will be highly active at this time, we could notice that surprising and unexpected events unroll in the days following it. This is a time when we should be assessing our values, skills, and talents and how we can use them to bring stability into our lives. Interestingly enough, though, because of Uranus, it is showing us that something has to change in our lives in order to build a new foundation for ourselves that will actually be better. Change is never easy, but it is the only constant in life. Remember that.

Our best days for success this month will be the 4th, 7th, 11th, 18th, and the 30th. Romantic days for love and sex in April 2020 are the 4th and the 18th. Days to lie low and avoid conflicts and difficulty are the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 25th, 26th, 28th, and 30th. Yikes! I know that’s a lot, but the stars are showing that we must face challenges in order to reap the rewards on the other side.

As I mentioned last month, we are in a brief period of time when all of the planets are direct from March 9th, 2020 to April 25th, 2020. Time is of the essence! Remember: the rest of the year will be riddled with retrogrades and you will face the past to learn from it, bring it closure, or reignite the pieces that you wish to carry forth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

The following horoscopes for each zodiac sign were originally written for UPLOADER Magazine, a global magazine based out of Italy. You can view UPLOADER Magazine or buy your copy here.


April has arrived, bringing forth renewed energy as we begin another zodiac year. This is birthday season for you, Aries, and you are likely thinking not only about what you want ahead in the coming year, but certainly in the decade ahead, too. You’ve been focusing on new beginnings and what you are ready to embrace as you move forward. When the Sun is in your zodiac sign, like it will be until the 19th, you shine brighter than all others. This is an excellent time to make big moves. With Mars charging through your social sector, you are certainly feeling the social call or turning your attention to humanitarian ideals. This will continue throughout the month. A powerful moment will be when the Full Moon approaches near April 7th. This is a significant time for your relationships. Some Aries could become official, get engaged, or get married. However, if in a partnership whose time has passed, you could walk away now.  If single and looking, you could align with someone who has LTR-potential. Whichever road you choose, you will clearly be making a significant choice about a relationship. Later in the month, though, your focus will shift to financial matters. The New Moon on the 22nd will open a door to you for increased wealth. You could find that you are paying off debts, too. Use the seven to ten days after the New Moon to assess your financial life and how you can make it grow.



Throughout the first three weeks of April you are lying low and making plans for how you want your life to grow over the coming year. This is an excellent time to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge your batteries. However, with Mars powering through your career zone the entire month, you are certainly focused intensely on your ambitions. This is a great time to see how you can strategically climb the ladder or get stunning press. Money will be on your mind significantly over the next several months with your ruler, Venus, dancing through your income zone. It appears you could be seeing new streams of money coming in during this time, but be aware that the end of May and June may see some tightening up when Venus goes retrograde here. The Full Moon on the 7th sees that you are very busy and likely finishing up a major project. This could also be a joyous moment if you’ve been applying and looking for work. However, as the zodiac wheel turns and birthday season arrives starting on the 19th, get ready to feel reinvigorated. Since 2018, Uranus, the planet of surprise and change, has been shaking up your life and pushing you in vast new directions. Anything that hasn’t been working will be released over the next several years and you will find that the world appears to be radically shifting around you. You despise change more than any other zodiac sign, but the sooner you embrace it, the sooner you will activate your highest potential. The New Moon on the 22nd opens a door to a dream close to your heart, so be sure to know what you’re after and in the days following it, start to make it come to life.



With Venus gracing your zodiac sign all month after the 3rd and the Sun lighting up your social sector the first several weeks, you are definitely in the mood to strut your stuff, Gemini. This is a time when you are seeking attention and may also have luck in love. Due to Venus smiling upon you, be sure to utilize this time to update your beauty regimen. Also, with a radiant Full Moon in your love and creativity sector lighting up near the 7th, you could have an important moment arriving that week. If seeing someone, you may realize you’re truly falling in love or if looking to conceive, news about a child may arrive. If an artist, this is a glorious time to show the world your craft or channel the muse. Last, if you have children already, this could be a time when they are demanding your total attention. However, as the month draws on, you’ll be ready to rest, recharge, and pull back. The New Moon on the 22nd is opening a doorway for you to heal anything that you need as well as start planning what you want to manifest once birthday season arrives. Listen to the rhythms of your soul and body.



Career matters are certainly on your mind at the beginning of April, Cancer. You could be eagerly awaiting the opportunity to rise in your industry or mapping out a plan to establish your name. Use the fiery power of the Sun during the first half of the month to make yourself glow. An important moment in relation to your home or family could be appearing in the week around the 7th, though. If one of your kindred needs you, be sure to extend your help. Other Cancers could be moving or fixing up their space. If you do so, you’ll enjoy the results. However, when the Sun dances on into your social sector after the 19th, you’re feeling the urge to connect to a greater community. For some Cancers, you could be eager for some socializing. Others, though, could feel their humanitarian ideals in focus and contemplating how to make a difference. The New Moon on the 22nd will allow you activate your plans and even possibly expand your network.



April is here with lots of energy for you, Leo. Mars, planet of passion, resides within your sector of partnership throughout the month. This means that you will make more progress on your plans working as a team rather than trying to fly solo. Consider what kind of partnership will help you ultimately see the best results. However, this could also cause friction in some relationships if it has been cooking underneath. Hopefully you can quickly communicate whatever needs to be fixed. With the Sun in your sector of expansion throughout the first 19 days of the month, you’re likely spending time thinking about international connections, academics, or spirituality. All of these areas of life allow you to expand your mind and see new horizons. Some Leos could be putting themselves into the publishing or media world at this time, so if you have some downtime and always had a book you were hoping to write, this could be your window! Venus, planet of beauty and attraction, will be gracing your social sector for many months, and some Leos may notice that this is when you turn an acquaintance into a romantic option. For others, you may reconnect with long-lost friends. This will primarily begin in May and June, but you should certainly enjoy a more communal flow beginning now. Last to note this month, though, is that the Sun will be moving into your career sector in the last ten days of the month and a New Moon will be encouraging new beginnings for you after the 22nd. Your ability to make a statement in your industry or find a better job is very possible now. Court attention like you are a royal ready for the throne.



With Mars, the planet of energy, heating up your productivity zone all month, many Virgos will realize that they’re ready to crush their work goals. Some Virgos could see success in starting a new job, so if looking, utilize this powerful energy. Your health will also be highlighted this month, so you must use it to create better habits and routines. Exercise as much as you can and begin a program that will bring you happy results. If you’ve been neglecting your physical health, you may notice that you feel drained. Use your focus to rapidly improve your diet and fitness going forward. Also important to note is that Venus, planet of grace, will be moving through your career sector starting now for several months ahead. You should be seeing favor when it comes to bosses or reputation matters. April 7th will bring an important money matter to culmination for you, and some Virgos could be getting a raise or paying off a bill. Be sure to watch your expenses in the days that surround this Full Moon so you don’t amass a debt. However, as the month moves forward, your attention begins to shift toward expanding in new ways. You could be paying attention to international situations or considering travel and immigration. Other ways this could manifest is through publishing, media, or academic interests. In the days following the 22nd, you should see new opportunities arrive.



Passion and love are certainly on your mind, Libra, with Mars firing up your romantic sector! Some Libras could be feeling the incredible urge to find their special someone, whereas committed ones could be excited to reignite the spark with their main partner. If creative, this is an excellent month to move forward on an artistic project. Last, if eager to have a child, this could be the sweet spot where you are in luck. However, the Full Moon on the 7th turns all eyes to you. An important goal should be coming to culmination in the week surrounding this Full Moon because it falls in your zodiac sign. This is a moment of personal power, so be sure to step forward and demand what you want. Partnerships—whether in business or love—are certainly on your mind throughout this month and will continue to be when the Sun and New Moon move into your intimacy sector in the last third of the month. You will be debating what you give and receive in your relationships and how you want more.



With the Sun firing up your work and productivity zone, you appear to have a lot of things you seek to accomplish, Scorpio. This is a great time to do so with this energy on your side. However, you could also be feeling that your health is a major focus, too. Improving it or finding the best diet or fitness regimen could be excellent now. Another thing to note is that Mars, planet of drive, is heating up your home and family sector throughout the entire month. This means that some Scorpios could be very intensely focusing on moving, fixing up their space, or turning their attention completely upon their family. A Full Moon on the 7th will light up your sector of privacy and could have you feeling more exhausted and ready to take a step back. It appears you’ve been working quite hard and you deserve some relaxation. Enjoy a facial spa at home or schedule in that extra nap. However, when the Sun moves into your relationship zone in the very last week of April, your attention will surely be moving onto an important business or romantic partner or collaborator. You will go further in the coming month if you work as a team. The New Moon on the 22nd could see that your partner is acting a bit more erratic or you are craving to find someone new. Some Scorpios could be making important commitments at this time or walking away from arrangements that are only limiting them. If single, this could be a sweet time to find someone who has serious potential. Know what you want in a significant other and stand up for your worth.



With Mars firing up your communications sector, it appears you have a highly active mind now. You could be working on an important media, social media, writing, or speaking endeavor. Be sure to use this month to get as far as you can upon it. However, your mind is certainly feeling romantic and creative in the first weeks of this month, too. Single Sagittarius are lucky to align with someone who lights their heart on fire or if with someone already, you could use this fire to bring excitement and games back to your relationship! Some Sagittarius may hear news about a pregnancy during this time. If artistic, use the cosmos above to guide you to your next greatest masterpiece. However, when the Sun and Moon dart into your productivity zone, you will be seeing a bigger focus on your day-to-day routine. Some Sagittarius could start a new job or important projects at work in the days following the 22nd. If wanting to improve your daily health routine, too, you can pick up some wonderful habits and diet plans.



Enter April 2020, Capricorn, because the stars have a lot of transformation in store. With Mars in your income sector throughout the month, you could notice your expenses are increasing. However, your moneymaking potential is also strong now, so if you’d like to up your wages—and what Capricorn isn’t looking to do that?—you can hustle harder to be creative in harnessing this extra advantage. However, another area of focus this month seems to be the stability in your life. Some of you could be moving, spending more time at home, or looking to improve your space. Family situations could come up during this time, too. If your family—such as a parent—requires help during this time, you certainly should step up to do so. You also are likely feeling more emotional these days and wondering what it will take for you to “get it all.” You have so many hopes and desires in your heart that you wish to manifest, and the stars above are telling you to dig deep inside to look at who you are and what you want as well as what you are going to have to sacrifice to get it. Also, prepare for a major moment in your career to take place in the week surrounding the 7th. You will likely see a powerful culmination, ending, or shift take place that has been building for some time. A promotion or favorable publicity could be coming your way. Use this star power to own your worth. Last, though, your focus shifts to love, fun, and creativity when the Sun moves into this sector on the 19th. The New Moon on the 22nd could bring you a shocking chance to meet someone new if single, or you could have some exciting or intense news delivered to you if you’re currently dating. Love could be coming at you from out of nowhere and if you are online dating, opportunities could abound. If your heart is singing for someone but you don’t know how they feel, use this New Moon to send a confession of your feelings. Some Capricorns could receive news about a surprise pregnancy at this time. If you are artistic, use this time to unleash the muse. The Universe is inspiring you everywhere you turn in the last week of the month, so harness your creative spark.



April is here and you will feel a sweet vibration enter your life. Venus, planet of love and beauty, glides through your love and passion sector for the coming several months. While it will go retrograde in this same place from mid-May until June—bringing back exes or karmic flames—you have until the retrograde begins to attract someone new or bring magic back into your relationship if already dating. If you are looking to conceive, this is also an especially sweet time. If an artist, this is also a magnificent moment to create some of your most memorable work. Pick up a creative hobby at this time if you have some extra time. The Full Moon on the 7th will likely bring news regarding an important media, publishing, or academic matter. If seeking news about immigration or international business, this could pop up in the week surrounding this Full Moon. Also, with your mind especially agile throughout most of the month, you are likely active on a writing or speaking endeavor or especially talkative on social media. However, when the Sun and New Moon move into your domestic sector in the final week of the month, you’re going to be focused on your roots. The New Moon on the 22nd could bring up a sudden need to move to a new location or the opportunity to update your living space. If news regarding a parent pops up, attend to it rapidly. This is also a divinely blessed time to improve your day-to-day life at home, so find ways to make yourself happy if you’re spending more time here.



As the Sun marches through your financial sector throughout most of the month, money is on your mind. You are very focused on how you can build more abundance and likely noticing important expenses taking place, too. Venus will be moving through your domestic sector throughout most of the month, as well. This means that you should be enjoying your time at home very much and feeling safer in your space. Find ways to update your home so it feels sacred. However, when the Sun moves into your communications sector in the last week of the month, you will realize that you have some extremely important messages to shout to the world. This would be an excellent time to begin a writing or speaking project or update your website and social media. The New Moon on the 22nd could open up a prized opportunity to use your mind and voice, so tell the world your thoughts then.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas