Zayn Malik’s birth chart
Zayn Malik was born on January 12, 1993. This makes him a Capricorn Sun with a Virgo Moon. His birth time isn’t confirmed at the time of this article, so let’s just go with what we know is factual in his chart. With Earth being his predominant element, he is deeply focused on facts, results, and being right all of the time. He has an extremely focused personality—which means he can make magnificently wonderful things happen and move mountains when he sets his mind upon it. However, this unstoppable force can also make him an immovable object, potentially turning him into a stubborn, possessive, obsessive or controlling person when he doesn’t get his way. He likely despises change and expects everything to work the way he thinks it should. His ambitions are great and he upholds himself—and others—to an immensely high level of perfectionism and expectation. When he ends up stepping out of bounds, he will write it off as a temporary miscalculation and forget about it, but with others, he will hold it against them to stand upon higher ground. He loves being in a position of authority and will utilize his money and power to retain this level of respect. This sense of ego is on one hand his greatest strength, but it is also equally built upon a deep sense of insecurity. He has found that carefully controlling and delegating to the world around him has lifted him to this place of entitlement, so he feels he deserves everything he has. He prefers an intellectual view of the world in order to isolate feelings and approach them logically because he fears letting go, submitting and looking weak. To him: that may be a fate worse than death. This isn’t to say that Malik isn’t a tremendously talented, kind, compassionate, or loving human being—in fact, I’m sure that he probably is all of those things, too. But the desire to be master of his universe may ultimately cause him to collide with others—as it clearly has done so with his former One Direction mates, his previous management, Twitter followers, and even bar patrons.
Gigi Hadid’s birth chart
Gigi Hadid was born on April 23, 1995. This reveals that the supermodel is a Taurus Sun with an Aquarius Moon. When looking at her birth chart, I see that she has a pretty lovely balance of the elements—with Earth and Fire slightly outweighing the others. Yet, because she has all elements represented, she can more fluidly understand the rhythms of life and people. This is especially emphasized by her Moon in Aquarius, which helps her to socially interact, think critically about life, but also keep an open mind. Her Taurus Sun is Earth—helping her to maintain a strong work ethic and patience when things take a long time to manifest. However, because she has so much Fixed sign energy within her, it does show that she favors stability and doesn’t handle change very well. She’d rather keep her head down and pummel through a storm rather than rocking the boat and making impulsive decisions. She has a tremendous resource of passion within her, as well, as she is a romantic, a dreamer, and a child at heart. She loves to pursue adventure—as long as it is carefully planned out, of course. Hadid has a high level of personal responsibility and respect for herself and others—but due to her planetary placements, she may be more inclined to let others take the lead as long as her star power is acknowledged.
One thing to note regarding this explosive situation is that Yolanda Hadid was born on January 11, 1964. This makes her a Capricorn Sun with a Sagittarius Moon. She has a strong basis of Earth energy within her too, and her day of birth in January is actually one day separate from Malik’s. This means that she can intrinsically understand some of the Capricorn energy that Malik possesses—for better or worse. This makes Yolanda much more experienced at understanding the flaws within herself and others, whereas Malik may not have the luxury of wisdom to draw upon. This is why she is a pivotal force here that has hammered her foot into the ground to assert her authority and protect those who she loves most in the world—her daughter and granddaughter. Earth signs, across the board, are especially loyal and protective of those who they care for, but are all often stubborn in their opinions.
Are Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid Compatible?
Yes, Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid are compatible. Yes, they have a strong rapport between their birth charts. Yes, I see why they were drawn together, stayed together, and to be honest: will probably be called back together in the future again. However, that doesn’t mean they will date again or be married someday—in fact, I think that the relationship was destined to end now so that they both can grow and evolve moving forward.
Malik and Hadid’s astrological compatibility reveals a rock-solid rapport in many regards, especially with him being a Capricorn and her being a Taurus. They are both Earth signs and to be honest, they are two of the most compatible zodiac signs in the world. Both value stability, sensuality, ambition, and practicality. When it’s good, it is so good, and when it’s bad…it’s like two people with their arms crossed refusing to budge. I know this connection deeply because many of my exes were Capricorns, and I’m a Taurus. Trust me: it is a beautiful connection and I’ve never loved someone more—until you end up shutting each other out, ignoring the other’s needs, and one ends up trying to control the other (not to be a hater, but Caps need to stop trying to control Tauruses, thank you for coming to my TED talk).
The reason Malik and Hadid broke up now, though, is because of powerful cosmic factors—which were unavoidable. It usually takes multiple factors to create a major shift in our lives, so lemme break it down for you as easily as possible. First, and most importantly, we are entering powerful eclipses in Taurus in November 2021. Eclipses start to reveal their messages in the months before they arrive—as if we are marching toward a major battle. The energy intensifies in whatever area of our lives that will be affected, dependent on zodiac sign. For Hadid, the eclipses ahead deal with breaking free, stepping into her power, and releasing relationships that aren’t serving her to better connect with better ones in 2022 and 2023. As for Malik, this eclipse cycle is about falling in and out of love and having destined endings redirect him, too, to other connections and personal growth. Next to mention is that Uranus, the planet of change and chaos, has been in Taurus since 2018 and will continue to be until 2026. For Hadid, she is craving more expression and freedom and above all, she does not want to be controlled. For Malik, this shows that his romantic life and children are causing more chaos and instability than ever before. Last to mention is that in 2021, the predominant cosmic war has been between Saturn—ruling restrictions—with Uranus—ruling freedom. When these two planets battle, they cause us to negotiate control versus liberation. We have all been feeling this, but especially the former “it” couple.
Will they reunite? Yes, I think they will. But as I said, it could be to establish peace in co-parenting rather than truly giving it another go. Eclipse cycles often bring major turning points in life to truly change our lives forever. However, Venus Retrograde, which takes place from December until the end of January 2022 will cause exes, twin flames, and soulmates to return to us—for closure or to rekindle the union. The couple will surely address the karmic entanglement during that time.
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.