Tyra Banks’ birth chart shows that she was always meant to be a star amongst stars
Tyra Banks was born on December 4, 1973. This makes her a feisty Sagittarius Sun with a fiery Aries Moon and a Cancer Ascendant. While I haven’t crossed paths with her directly just yet (get at me!), I was able to drum up some details on her birth information to create her unique birth chart. When it comes to elemental energies, she is heavily composed of both Fire and Water. This brings her extremely potent passion, creativity and emotion—all able to be funneled into her greatest desires and ambitions.
When analyzing the astrological aspects of her birth chart, we can see core themes that arise and give us even greater insight into who she is—and how the cosmos made her.
First and foremost, the core theme that presents itself repeatedly is that Banks was cosmically endowed with a mesmerizing quality to her. Because of this, she is drawn to beauty and art, is naturally gifted in these realms, and also has been able to be blessed as a physical embodiment of a masterpiece. This is why not only does she hunger for art, but she demands to make herself be seen as art, too.
We can find these ethereal qualities manifesting because her Moon, tied to her inner emotional life and soul, kisses Neptune, the planet of visionary imagination. Her Sun, linked to her life force, is also united in the exact same place as Neptune. Last, Neptune sends sparks over to her Midheaven, which aligns with her fame, career and long-term legacy. As you can see, Neptune’s energy sprinkles upon her everywhere like fairy dust and magic.
The next theme—which should be obvious—is that Banks has a unique flair when it comes to her beauty and artistry, which is why she stands apart from the other models and television personalities out there. To say it bluntly, she has that “wow factor.” I find this woven into her birth chart because her Venus, the planet of love, links precisely with Mars, the planet of sex, and Uranus, the planet of surprise. She intrinsically knows how to break the mold and continue to leave people with their mouths on the floor.
While all of the previous traits are more focused upon her personality, body and talents, her birth chart does have an extremely significant focus on large-scale success. And I mean large, widespread, global success. When she set out to not only take over the fashion industry, she knew she wanted to ascend to a level of power and prominence that no one could tear her down.
When peering into this aspect, we first see that her Moon and Mars are in her 10th House—or Midheaven. As mentioned before, this area of the chart ties to public recognition, glory, honors and ambitions. This is a lot of energy to have in this sector, showing that she’s in it to win it.
The thing that I love about this in particular, though, is that her Moon is exactly united with the cusp of her Midheaven—and this often shows that she is seen as a nurturing, guiding role—a powerful female mentor and beacon for others—and this has been why she has been so massively successful when it comes to hosting talent shows.
To add even more riches, fortune and luck to her life, her Moon and Sun also perfectly kiss Jupiter, the planet of miracles and glory. So yes, she was always going to find fortune rain down on her no matter what she did—almost like she’s King Midas. It’s like “the Tyra Banks” touch in a sense that can turn projects and shows to gold.
Her Jupiter also dances with Pluto, the planet of global power and domination, as well as immense wealth. Oh, and then last but certainly not least, her Sun also sings in harmony with her Midheaven, too. Her birth chart is an absolute tapestry built for success, which has guided her way to greatness.
What are predictions for Tyra Banks?
So what lies ahead for our megastar? Let’s take a peek!
First and foremost, Banks is going to find that 2023 is one of the best years of her life when it comes to professional success and glory. I wouldn’t be shocked if she walks away with awards—or at the very least finds herself crowned even further. This is because Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will spend literally the entire year dancing back and forth within this sector. This is great for all of the Tyra Banks fans out there!
Next up, beginning in 2023, Saturn, the planet of strength but also hard work, is moving into her sector of media, television and publishing. It will cement its stay here until 2026. While I do think there could be some uphill battles around these areas of her life, I actually think she’ll be digging in her heels to get busy on further cementing her power in these areas of the world. If she doesn’t launch a whole new franchise—or totally revamp one—during this time I will honestly be shocked. Then, after that from 2026 to nearly the end of the decade, she’ll be streamlining her professional life once again.
On a more personal note, she is experiencing eclipses in her sector of romance and friendships from 2020 until the end of 2023, bringing karmic shifts around these areas. Some people may fall by the wayside, but she will also find that she is directed along to greater levels of happiness, as well. Keep smizing, Queen! You enchant the world. You heard it here first.
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.