Kim Petras Turn Off The Lights Astrology Horoscope.jpg



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Kim Petras is a Virgo Sun. This powerhouse diva launched her second installment of “Turn Off The Lights,” a Halloween-focused album, on September 30th, 2019. On this date, a few factors were affecting the release.

The Moon was in Scorpio. Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it’s passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won’t work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it’s an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. This easily is infused into her album and it’s the perfect vibration for all things “Halloween.”

Mars on this date is also within Virgo, giving Kim a powerful, ferocious, bold, and sexual edge. Not only does she often feel this in general, but she is extra aggressive and focused now. This energy began in the end of August 2019 and it’s been a race to the finish line to get everything aligned. Also, on October 1st, 2019, Venus, planet of love, is square to Pluto, planet of death, rebirth, and transformation. These themes are extremely highlighted in her album, and link her sector of values with her sector of creativity.

The last thing I will note for Kim is that she is going through eclipses in 2018 to 2020 in her sectors of creativity, art, and romance, so it is likely she will have major births in these areas as well as her zone of her hopes and dreams. She is reaching magnificent breakthroughs and doing so through her expanding network and her close alliances. These will continue to bring her growth, but it is possible she is clearing out old loves and friends who no longer serve her. When Jupiter enters her art and love zone from December 2019 to December 2020, you can expect her to be releasing some of her most magnificent work yet.

To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.

Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.