Nicki Minaj and Kenneth Petty Astrological Compatibility.jpg


Nicki Minaj is a Sagittarius Sun with an Aquarius Ascendant. Kenneth Petty is an Aries Sun. We don’t know his Rising Sign.

As for their connection and compatibility, Aries and Sagittarius are extremely aligned. Aries is a take-charge, initiator, fiery leader, which the freedom-loving and feisty Sagittarius will love. The passion burns brightly between these two, and because the two Fire Signs demand adrenaline, they’ll truly enjoy the flow between them. They also like spontaneity and can be a bit impulsive, so the two will enjoy the drama that stirs when life is happening around them. They both like to stir the pot, with Nicki doing so more than Kenneth. We do know that Nicki is an Aquarius Rising and this makes her always feel like she’s right and brilliant because she craves her independence and eccentric-edge. Kenneth feeds into this part of her ego, which makes their conquest together exciting and like they’re always putting on a show.

As for what is happening at the time of her announcement to retire in September 2019, a great deal of the planets are in her career and fame sector, so this shows me that she is doing this as a publicity stunt. Also, with Jupiter in her Sun Sign, we know that she is establishing patterns that will last for 12 years, and if her career wasn’t going to be as big of a focus, there would have been more hints of this prior. If most of the planets were in her family and domestic sector, I would entirely believe that she was fully serious. However, I can see a dichotomy between the career and family spheres lighting up for her and the reason this is taking place is because of the Full Moon on September 13, 2019, which lights up her family and home sphere. So she isn’t lying, per se, that she wants to make her family a big focus, but we have the Moon and Neptune in that sector — while Venus, the Sun, Mercury, and Mars are in her career sector. This push and pull is going to be won by the career for her at this time because there’s just more planetary energy here. However, with Jupiter being in her Sun Sign and her building the patterns for 12 years, I do predict that family will be more of a focus, as well, but still always secondary to her career. The balance will be struck but career for Nicki Minaj is always going to be about the crown.

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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.