Shawn Mendes’s birth chart shows his eccentricity
Shawn Mendes was born on August 8, 1998. He is a fiery Leo Sun with a rebellious Aquarius Moon. This also reveals that our favorite sexified pop prince was born on a Full Moon and wants all of the attention. He lives large, goes big and doesn’t think twice. His Mercury, the planet of communication, is also in Leo, which fills his mind with grand ideas and bold creative thoughts. Yes—he’s definitely a romantic, too—so none of that is a masterful show. The strongest astrological aspect in his entire chart is that his Venus, ruling his affection and art, is united in the exact same place in the sky as his Mars, ruling his passion and sex drive. These planets embrace in Cancer—so Mr. Mendes is definitely all about the emotions and craves romance and creativity. In fact, I feel he looks at them as a catalyst, or fuel or perhaps even like a drug. Last to mention is that there is a lot within his chart that speaks of eccentricity, unique tastes and a flair to be theatrical. Keep it coming, Mr. Mendes. Keep it coming. I see many big things ahead for you.
Camila Cabello’s birth chart
Camila Cabello was born on March 3, 1997. She is a dreamy Pisces Sun with a feisty Sagittarius Moon. Her birth time is listed online, and while I don’t reference them unless they’re texted to me personally from a celeb, I found the fact that she’s potentially a Taurus Ascendant very intriguing (particularly in regards to the breakup—more on that scoop later). The predominant energy in her chart is Pisces—as her Mercury, ruling her mind, and Venus, ruling her affection—are also in this water sign. With her Mars, ruling her passion and drive, in partnership-loving Libra—the big takeaway that I see is that Cabello is a romantic who gets swept up in what she feels and soars off into her fantasies in the clouds. Now, this isn’t a bad thing—it means that she is capable of such deep love, magic and connection that she could very easily overlook someone’s flaws because she doesn’t want to see them. TBH: even if someone presents evidence to her that she is confused by, she’ll find a way to swim on by it until it’s glaring her in the face. She’s tremendously talented and has an enchanting effect on the public—as if she’s a sorceress. Trust me when I say the stars chose to lift her up. However, she has some very intense aspects in her chart regarding relationships—she is drawn to partners who are hypnotic, sexual and powerful. She is cast beneath their spell and then gives her own power away, ultimately becoming controlled or dominated by them. However, each time this happens, she goes through a traumatic rebirth, awakening more knowledge about who she is and what she ultimately wants—as well as how to step into her own power from the trauma. GIRL, I RELATE. Shudder. Spoiler alert: I have the exact same alignment in my chart, and damn, it is so intense. Hot? Yes. Passionate. Definitely. Unforgettable? Mmmhmm. Sometimes bordering on BDSM, abuse or mind games? Always. Lord have mercy on Ms. Cabello—and me. Amen.
Are Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello compatible?
Step up to the stand, my prince and princess, and I will anoint you with the truth! Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello are both wonderful people, from what I’ve heard personally and from what I can see in their birth charts. But are they compatible? Uhmmmmmmmmmm—not really.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being lame sauce chemistry, 5 being great friends, and 10 being a soulmate connection: I’m giving these two a solid 3. Why? Because there’s just so much that is ultimately different about the two. And I think the longer they spend apart, the more they’ll realize how caged they felt in the relationship. We obviously grow and learn from every connection we have—romantic or platonic—but we often find that we learn a lot from the ones that didn’t work out in the end. They teach us more about who we are and who we want to be in a relationship—as well as what we want in a partnership. I went to school for psychology, so I call these our non-negotiables in a relationship. We find those out through trial and error, and once we make that list, we keep it forever. Also, I do want to go on the record to say that this compatibility rating could actually be higher because we do not have Mendes’s exact birth time—and the Ascendant does change the game a lot. I also say that every zodiac pairing can work—even if it’s not the easiest. In fact, we learn the most from relationships that cause us to change and shift our outlook on the world.
Why did Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello break up?
From what I can tell in their charts, I believe the two were drawn together due to their levels of power—but had they both not been famous, I don’t think they would’ve been interested in one another. The differences in their aesthetics and approaches to life are too stark. And the confusing—and potentially unhealthy—influences that they perpetuate within one another would’ve likely caused the rapport to burn brightly but then fizzle out. I think their rapport was strengthened by their ability to communicate and respect one another’s talents and tag-team goals as they helped build one another up. Also: when you’re as famous as these two, it’s better to have someone who understands the pressures of what life has in store and ultimately build a trust that unites you when the world gets tough. In that regard, I wholeheartedly believe their connection as friends did bring them together and was the through-line that kept them together. But I also do believe there were some things that they agreed upon that became too heavy to bear—and going their separate ways made the most sense.
Throughout many of my astrological analyses, I refer to eclipses as the most powerful turning points in our destiny. The eclipse on November 19, 2021 triggered their breakup—especially because Cabello is a Taurus Ascendant. This means the relationship was karmic in nature and destined to shatter now—but to be frank, it has been a long time coming. In fact, I think they’ve been “on the outs” since Halloween of 2020. The planetary storms that began then became more intense in 2021. Mendes likely felt more distant from her, with waves of intimacy and coldness overtaking him. Cabello likely wondered what was going on, but likely began to feel like she couldn’t “play a part” any longer and had to step into her own power and do it for herself independently. With all of these planetary factors in the sky, it was always meant to end—but every ending creates the opportunity for a new beginning.
Cabello will likely spend 2022 healing herself, but I sense that already by 2023 she’ll be in a significant relationship—if not even dipping her toes in the dating pool in 2022. Mendes will likely enjoy his rampant freedom for a while—looking worldwide to see who tickles his fancy. He will want a challenge, at first, but what will end up happening is because he is such a romantic, he will crave the lifeblood of love, desire and heartbreak and start to look for his next serious partner. They’ll both end up happy. So cry, fans, if you need to. Let it out. Always remember: love is a journey—and every ending just brings the opportunity for a new and greater love.
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.