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Megan Fox’s birth chart shows she’s driven by passion

Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. This makes her a Taurus Sun with a Leo Moon and a Capricorn Ascendant. When it comes to elemental energies, she is heavily based in Earth.

When viewing her birth chart, some key themes pop up right away. First off, Mars, the planet of sex and passion, is exactly conjunct her Ascendant. This means that the raw fire of Mars exudes from her readily and she embodies these aggressive, combative energies effortlessly. She sees what she wants and hungers to get it. While a Capricorn Rising (and Taurus Sun, for that matter), are not typically seen as tremendously assertive, Mars conjunct her Ascendant is what gives her a strong, powerful, and dominant persona that is unafraid to radiate her sexual magnetism and confident personality. To further add energy to these themes, her Mars is trine her Sun, making her tremendously sharp, forceful, and decisive. Her Mars is amplified exponentially by her Jupiter, too, which means she’s larger than life and hungers for freedom and independence. She is quite expansive and blessed with good luck and esteem, especially when she takes the lead. All of this can be seen in her relationships and her career. To add even further sugar and spice to her personality, her Venus is opposite Uranus, bringing her a kinky and unpredictable nature, but also an irresistible exotic beauty. Jupiter and Mercury also dance all over her chart, adding fun, flirtation, and charisma to her, as well.


Machine Gun Kelly’s birth chart shows he’s imaginative—and a whirlwind

Machine Gun Kelly was born on April 22, 1990. This makes him a Taurus Sun with a Pisces Moon and Gemini Ascendant. When it comes to elemental energies, he is heavily composed of both Earth and Water. In fact, if his birth time listed online is correct, he has a dash of elemental Air but no Fire whatsoever. This means that he does have an impulsive streak with his Gemini Ascendant, but he is also tremendously deep, introspective, emotional, and moody. His sensitivity is particularly deep and he has a predisposition to “escape and detach from reality,” especially when he feels triggered or uncomfortable. Despite all of this—and an innate sense of “all or nothing” that can be found in his birth chart due to his Venus in a trine with Pluto—he can also be very forceful and hard working when he sets his mind on a goal or desire, whether that’s in regards to relationships or his professional life. Pluto is also opposite his Mercury, which brings him great power around communication and a precision that allows him to penetrate deep into the minds of others—and himself. Of course, he does have many astrological aspects that show he can be quite fun loving and carefree, as well, but again, he oscillates between extremes and this is a lifelong pattern. The only way he could likely find true balance and harmony is by choosing not to truly indulge in escapist tendencies and perhaps pursue a life of spirituality, charity, or community engagement and self-sacrifice.


Are Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly astrologically compatible?

First off, when looking at a basic analysis of these two together, I totally see why there are sparks and the connection is so magnetic and intense. In fact, it is certainly karmic in nature. Let’s break this down.

First off, both of their Suns are opposed to the other person’s Pluto. This unites them in the sense that together they hunger for constant transformation together, as well as experience incredible depth. There are unconscious motivations and hidden shadows that they each bring out in one another, which in a healthy period, helps them to be reborn and grow and release toxic patterns. Yet, when in a dark period, there is incredible possessiveness, obsession, and likely power struggles and a fall into destruction. That’s why when it’s good or bad, it’s always overwhelming. 

Don’t get me wrong—they also have many other magnificent astrological aspects between them—plenty promoting success, wealth, joy, travel, and spontaneity—as well as an ability to inspire one another and open up one another’s minds. There is a deep level of sympathy between them, too, that makes it feel as if they’re meant to not only grow in tandem, but to heal one another, too. Saturn, the planet of longevity, also has an important dance in both of their charts, and this can be a meaningful astrological component that speaks of stability and a long-term union. But again, as I mentioned before, they need to be able to work to promote only healthy habits between one another rather than being chained down to their unconscious, karmic patterns.

What has caused Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly’s tumultuous relationship? What lies ahead for Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly?

First and foremost, I do believe that everyone has free choice. Astrology does give us incredible insight into astrological compatibility and what is likely to lie ahead—but every human soul has the ability to choose how they build their lives.

Yet, there’s a lot that is going on for these two on a cosmic level.

When the two met in May 2020, there’s a lot of astrological energy for them both promoting new beginnings and a fiery chemistry. Jupiter was in Capricorn, a fellow Earth sign, and had been in a delightful trine to their Taurus placements. In particular, Jupiter was in Megan Fox’s 1st House, symbolizing a lucky period when she was in the process of aligning with a potential soulmate. Mars was in Pisces in May 2020 and this fired up Machine Gun Kelly’s emotional side. Last, at this time, Venus was in Gemini, which is Machine Gun Kelly’s Ascendant. Thus, both were lucky and magnetic and deeply aligned to the universe—and each other.

Despite all of this, though, there was a major flaw. Venus began a retrograde phase on May 13, 2020, which lasted until June 25, 2020—in Gemini—which is Machine Gun Kelly’s Ascendant. No one was truly seeing “clearly” in love due to Venus’s pre-shadow phase, official retrograde, and post-shadow phase. Venus retrograde can align us with soulmates and karmic connections—but it is usually someone from the past—not someone new. If the two of them ever once said they were official or they loved one another for the first time during that time, they were not seeing clearly and the relationship is destined to fail.

Fast forward to the end of 2021 when eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio began. This always brings major turning points that are also karmic in nature for people who have strong Taurus or Scorpio placements—both of which occur for Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly. This eclipse cycle continues until the end of 2023, which is why since that point in time they’ve been making intense decisions around partnership—but are also struggling to step into their own power, individually, and pursue their innate authenticity apart from the relationship, too. Eclipses tie to destiny, and bring powerful events that we remember forever. That’s why major events like unions and marriages—or break-ups—take place near these times. 

To add further problems from a cosmic perspective, when Machine Gun Kelly proposed to Megan Fox in January 2022, Mercury, the planet of the mind, was retrograde. This shows, yet again, that these two are not innately on the same page. Something has been off from the beginning—the Venusian aspects—and then when they made their “engagement official”—the contract and commitment was not built on stable terms. Mercury rules all commitments and agreements and in order to have a strong union, Mercury needed to be direct, too.

Because of this, the two are going back and forth and dealing with the fact that their relationship, while certainly karmic and powerful, has not been built on a stable, astrological foundation. Then to add the intensity of the eclipses giving them whiplash simultaneously, this is adding more fire to the storm. This is why I think that if they do not fully find how to support one another and be exactly what the other needs, it is likely that the relationship will break down due to the last two remaining eclipses on this Taurus-Scorpio axis. The next one is May 5, 2023, and the last is October 28, 2023. Yet, because eclipses are so powerful, as of April 2023, we are already feeling this cycle arise and it echoes until the spring of 2024 due to astrological reverberation. Luckily for them, no matter if they choose to move forward or not, Jupiter, the planet of miracles, moves into Taurus from May 16, 2023 until May 24, 2024. This means that happiness and love—even if not together—still lies ahead. In reality, I could consult with them to help them steer things forward (at least on a cosmic perspective), but that is something they’d need to decide if it is worth to do in the end. You heard it here first.

To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.

Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.