Matt Damon and Ben Affleck Best Friendship Astrological Compatibility.jpg


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The long-standing best friendship between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck can be seen in their natal charts.

First off, Matt Damon is a Libra Sun while Ben Affleck is a Leo Sun. Leo and Libra are two of the most compatible zodiac signs in the world because they both love to be social, extroverted, creative, and expressive. Both love to be seen as a shining gem, with Leo enjoying more of the limelight and Libra being fine being in a “popular duo.” Matt is ruled by Venus, planet of art and beauty, whereas Ben is ruled by the Sun, planet of life and creativity. This is such a wonderful union and so incredibly easy. It is also supportive, as one naturally encourages the others greater tendencies.

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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.