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Mark Wahlberg’s birth chart shows he was built for success—inside and out

Mark Wahlberg was born on June 5, 1971. This makes him a charismatic Gemini Sun with a passionate Scorpio Moon. His birth time is listed online, which also reveals that he is a Cancer Ascendant. When looking at his elemental energy, he has a great deal of Earth and Water that runs through him. He does have a whirl of Air that I like, as well, which is what brings him some of his spice. Overall, though, when one is heavily composed of Earth and Water energy, there’s a natural synergy between his emotional, intuitive world, granting him sensitivity, but he can rather fluidly channel that into tangible actions and growth rather than spinning off into left field. Think of it this way: his inner life waters the seeds he wishes to grow so that his life becomes an abundant garden.  

When it comes to astrological aspects that compose his personality, he has so many that speak—repeatedly—of how much strength of will he has. This is a man who moves mountains and knows without a doubt that he can achieve whatever it is that he sets his mind to. This is both personally and professionally. First, let’s discuss his innate personality around this theme before I discuss the obvious cosmic luck that was always meant for him. When it comes to planetary energy, Mars, the planet of courage, and Pluto, the planet of intense drive to transform and dominate, are very active in his birth chart. However, because his chart is filled with a lot of flowing aspects, he’s able to manifest successfully without tremendous conflict—internally or externally. His Sun links to Mars, making him self-confident, active and decisive, as well as granting him incredible physical vitality and stamina that further fuels his power in combat and athletics. His Saturn, which is the planet of longevity and perseverance, smiles upon Pluto, gifting him natural authority and a drive toward power and authority. He enjoys being seen as a leader and the forceful nature of his personality allows people to easily fall into line. His Mars also links to Uranus, further empowering him with an action-oriented temperament that makes him driven to pursue his goals, especially when they are original, artistic or eccentric. He is truly courageous and pioneering and his sense of pride grants him an untouchable quality because he has a “can do, will do” mentality.

His Mercury, the planet of the mind, links beautifully within his birth chart, too, bringing him great levels of concentration and focus. Since Saturn is activated here, this is what helps him devote long hours of hard work to the pursuit of his goals without ever becoming tired. His Mercury links to Pluto, bringing him great levels of perception and impactful communication. His Mercury then is united with Venus, gifting him great charm, a friendly demeanor and a pleasing way of using his voice, art and body to enchant others.

The last thing I’ll note though about how his birth chart is that he was cosmically endowed. His Jupiter, the planet of luck and wealth, is directly connected to Saturn, the planet of permanence.  This brings great levels of success and achievement. His Jupiter is also united with Neptune, bringing him excellent visionary creative success. Last, Pluto stands directly opposite his Midheaven, or height of professional success, which is what further grants him the charismatic magnetism of a natural-born leader.


What are predictions for Mark Wahlberg?

 So what lies ahead for Mr. Wahlberg? Let’s first start with his professional life. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is dancing at the crown of his chart and will do so until the summer of 2023. Major milestones, luck and increased fame are guaranteed. However, his fan base will grow even more after that for about a year. Saturn, the planet of karma, will continue to orbit in his sector of television and media for quite some time until it also crosses into his Midheaven, which will bring him some of his greatest achievements of his life toward the middle and end of this decade. On a personal note, Wahlberg has more euphoria, happiness and social fun that lies ahead of him. This is accentuated by Jupiter’s flight, as well as eclipses energizing his friendships, true love, children and passions. Oh, what it would be like to be Mr. Wahlberg in the years to come. Perhaps someday I will meet him. You heard it here first.

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