Lisa Vanderpump’s birth chart shows she’s an architect of wealth and beauty
Lisa Vanderpump was born on September 15, 1960. This makes hr a hardworking Virgo Sun with a sensitive Cancer Moon. Her birth time has not been confirmed online nor with me directly (get at me!), so until we cross paths, we’ll instead focus on what we do, in fact, know. To be completely honest, I am absolutely shocked she and I haven’t crossed paths yet consider I am so often in West Hollywood, at celeb events and even frequent her establishments. So holler at me, queen, let’s connect!
Now let’s take a peek into what makes her so marvelous. When it comes to elemental energy, she is significantly composed of Air and Earth. This is what makes her such a profound thinker and communicator who can relate and connect to anyone while also being able to delegate and articulate her vision so it manifests in the real world around her. She can generate brilliant ideas and then know exactly how to execute them so that she can build long-term plans and success. Also, I love the fact that her Mercury and Venus are in the zodiac sign of Libra, which is ruled by the planet Venus. This aids her in regards to her aesthetic sensibilities and her draw to the arts, experiences, ambiance and hospitality.
When looking at key themes that run through her birth chart, there are two that truly stand out. First, she is a natural architect—of beauty, people, lifestyle and wealth. This is repeatedly seen within her planetary alignments. On one hand, she does have luck on her side, as if everything that she touches turns to gold, but she also knows how to make things happen. This “can do” attitude, abundance of energy and larger than life regal air grant her increased luck. We can see this with her Sun, ruling her life force, and Mars, ruling her passion and drive, directly connected to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, fortune and miracles. Her Sun then links gorgeously with her Moon, ruling her inner emotional life, which gives her confidence and harmony in her life and allows her to be sweetly likeable. Yet, with her Sun also dancing with Mars, too, this further brings her tremendous resources of stamina and vitality and a strong urge to succeed and stand as a leader.
The next theme that is also quite clear is that Vanderpump is a gifted artist and visionary. She can feel things, sense the right way to move artistically and then create enchanting experiences for people. Her Moon links to Venus, the planet of beauty and pleasure, which grants her great popularity for her creative gifts. Her Jupiter smiles upon Uranus, and her Neptune kisses Pluto. With these outer planets involved, it’s what helps her to be inventive on a social scale for the masses. Last, her Moon distantly whispers to Neptune, the planet of imagination and Hollywood, further allowing her to not only love and appreciate the creative realms, but to be able to truly channel them from the core emotions of her being.
What are predictions for Lisa Vanderpump?
So what lies ahead for Mrs. Vanderpump (besides hopefully having dinner with me in the very near future)? Well, let’s take a look. First and foremost, she’s seeing a lot of excitement and opportunity on media projects and communications due to the eclipses taking place between 2021 and 2023. These will bring destined spotlights and shifts around these projects. She’ll see opportunities for increased media fame especially between 2023 and 2025. There will surely even be more expansion around her endeavors, especially if she wants to scale her businesses to more locations—even internationally. The last thing I’ll note for her, though, is that Saturn, the planet of life lessons, will stand across from her Sun sign from 2023 until 2026. This means she will face a turning point as she decides how she’d like to proceed over the coming 14 or so years. This crossroads will further help her build her legacy. You heard it here first.
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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.