Justin Bieber’s natal chart shows he has always been popular
Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994. This makes him a dreamy Pisces Sun with a brooding Scorpio Moon. Interestingly enough, most of his natal chart is based in elemental water, which shows that he is a highly emotional human being who swims in his feelings. On one hand, he’s super sensitive and sensual—and yes, he’s def a romantic—but on the other, we can see that the megastar isn’t very grounded. Like the tides of the sea, he can cycle through his emotions quickly and he takes everything personally. He’s highly intuitive and creative, but he often gets his head lost in the clouds. Also, with hella Scorpio energy in his chart, we also know that he’s all-or-nothing, for better or for worse, and his heart’s desires are a top priority. He also has a tremendous emotional intensity to him, and if you get on his bad side, trust me, there will be drama and emotional warfare. Glutton for punishment? You bet. He thrives on the intensity of all of his emotions and if he’s in a bad mood or pissed off at you, yes, you can expect him to be highly manipulative. Now, I’m not saying he’s a bad dude—of course not. He’s just mega deep and sometimes when that happens, people can be pulled to emotional extremes, especially in their close intimate relationships (more on that later—yes, Selenators, I’ll be speaking the truth on them).
The thing that I absolutely love about Bieber’s chart, though, is that so much of his planetary alignments are in perfect harmony. This shows that throughout his life, he has always been able to be at the right place at the right time and be deeply liked by others. He’s had a natural ability to stumble into popularity and fortune without having to fight too hard to get what he wants.
Justin Bieber’s birth chart shows that he’s drawn to beauty—and that women love his sensitive side
Next up, I see that his Moon and Venus, the planet of women and beauty, are especially aspected in his birth chart, too. With them dancing in perfect alignment with so many other planets at the time of his birth, this means that he was literally destined to bring the sensitive and emotional energy of the Moon into his personality along with the soft and feminine energy of Venus, too. This is a guy who just radiates charm—and uh, duh, but he’s a total “feelings guy.” He doesn’t radiate BDE, but he sure as hell radiates “big heart energy.” Kind of like, you know, a doe eyed cuddle bear but with a hair swoop. This also shows why so many women adore him and have since he first hit the scene. His teeny-bop tunes and sweetheart lyrics have been making these queens swoon—and he always will be able to.
Justin Bieber is growing up—and has some highs and lows ahead of him
What predictions do I have for Mr. Bieber going forward, though? Do you want me to start with the good or the bad—because, uh, there’s definitely a mixed bag ahead.
I’m an optimist, so let’s dive into the happy things, shall we? 2022 will be one of Bieber’s happiest years, filled with new beginnings, joy and fertility. Jupiter, the planet of miracles, will be spinning sweetly through his Sun sign, showing that he’s starting a whole new chapter of his life. He will feel more at peace, creative and yes—there’s a high likelihood that he could become a father in 2022, too—or at the very least, conceive. Professionally, he will likely drop some new work that is especially romantic and inspired, too. But TBH: 2022 will be a bit more focused on his personal life than his career, which isn’t a bad thing when he’s already had such a prolific one.
However, there will not just be clear skies in 2022 for the pop star and that’s because there are some challenging things for him to deal with, too. Let’s start with Saturn. The crooner has just begun his Saturn Return and it will continue until 2024. Is the Saturn Return all bad news? No, of course not, but it sure as hell makes things heavier. He will pay up for the karma he’s built in the previous decades as he sets down new roots for the coming thirty years ahead. Anything that is not right for him will break down and leave his life during this time as he has to step into true adulthood and carry more responsibility. Oh, and then we have Saturn moving through his Sun sign of Pisces beginning 2023 until 2026. Even more heavy energy will be brought upon him, as he has to learn his true sense of strength. Cloudy, gloomy skies? Mmhmm. Sorry, bro, I don’t make the rules, I just report them. He will feel the weight of the world and will need to watch both his mental and physical health.
Is Justin Bieber more compatible with Hailey Baldwin or Selena Gomez?
Oh, and of course I was going to dive into his connection with both Hailey Baldwin and Selena Gomez because errrrrrbody has heard the drama between this little love triangle (and I specialize in celebrity pop culture astrology). So here are the deets: Bieber’s wife, Hailey Baldwin was born on November 22, 1996. This makes her a Sagittarius Sun with an Aries Moon. If that wasn’t enough fire, her chart is basically composed of elemental fire in full. This is a woman who is impulsive, passionate and when she sees something she wants—she goes after it. This is why we can see that basically since day one, when she decided she wanted to be Mrs. Bieber, she would do anything to get it (including playing some games and strategic planning. Get it, girl!). Selena Gomez was born on July 22, 1992. This makes her a Cancer Sun with an Aries Moon. Whoa, so Bieber clearly likes chicks who are emotionally feisty and take the lead in their personal relationships. Both ladies are driven by their heart’s needs and aren’t afraid to be a bit of an emotional dom. Gomez’s chart, though, is mostly composed of earth energy.
Now, moment of truth: who is Bieber more compatible with? My compatibility rating for Bieber and Gomez is…7 out of 10. My compatibility rating for Bieber and Baldwin is…6 out of 10. Brutallllllll. Bielebers, do not come for me! I’m just saying that when it comes to the way his planets and chart link with each of these women, the more compatible relationship was the one he had with Gomez—at least, of course, initially. The connection between them was extremely deep, and was crucial for the both of them to evolve into who they are today. Yet, just because two people may have a strong astrological compatibility doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to work out—in fact, we always have free will. And let’s put it this way: very few relationships that start as young as it did for Bieber and Gomez end up working out in the end (especially with so much fame thrown in to blur the lines of reality and clear thinking). Also, I’m not saying that Bieber and Baldwin are not going to make it for the long haul. These are just two people who didn’t initially have as mighty of a spark and needed to take their time to build it. They are inherently very different people, but by being dedicated to the connection, they have put work and effort into making it strong. This is one of the most important testaments to any relationship. Oh, and with 2022 and 2023 having such a big energy of fertility for the both of them, I definitely think kids could soon be ahead!
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.