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Johnny Depp’s birth chart shows he’s drawn to wounded relationships

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963. This makes him a feisty Gemini Sun with a meticulous Capricorn Moon. Johnny Depp is not a bad human being. He does, however, have some tremendously chaotic alignments in his birth chart. In the future, I will do a breakdown about him—but for this particular article, I will highlight a few different things.

First up, Depp has his Sun, ruling his life force, clashing with Chiron, the asteroid known as the Wounded Healer. This means that he karmically was brought into this life to heal himself and others through painful realizations and relationships. He has a tremendously deep resource of compassion and can guide and heal others, but he’s drawn to trauma and perpetuating situations that began in his upbringing. His upbringing was a place of consistent abuse and his understanding of the world is one of tragedy, so he believes only the greatest loves and relationships are dark, macabre and eccentric—but they also contain levels of passion so deep, they illuminate our fears and desires.

To make matters more volatile in his birth chart, he has his Mars united with Uranus and Pluto. He is brilliant, revolutionary and transformative—but also is driven by explosive levels of emotion, passion and intensity. He is immensely forceful and dominant, but also chaotic on a level of submission, then laughter and play until he becomes a tyrant. This all goes back to his sense of lacking any stability whatsoever in his sense of personal self-love. He is inherently undoing because he has never known kindness within himself, so his transition from being a king to a martyr happens without him even being aware.

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