The Astrology of the Divorce of Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner was born on February 21, 1996. She is a Pisces Sun with an Aries Moon and Aries Rising.
So the big thing right off the bat is that Saturn, the planet of hardship and life lessons, is going over her Sun, and this began in March 2023. She is in this energy until 2024, so it’s like living under a dark cloud.
Saturn also recently went over her Mars, which creates a sense of frustration, aggression, and constriction, as well as square her Pluto, causing her to confront issues of power, control, and authority both in work and her personal life. Habits and patterns that have been underneath her awareness are coming out and causing her to go through transformation, which can be painful.
Last, she’s also been going through eclipses in her 1st House, bringing destiny to her forefront, as well as her 7th House of marriage, which brings dramatic turning points in relationships that were meant to come.
Joe Jonas was born on August 15, 1989 and is a Leo Sun with and Aquarius Moon and Libra Rising.
He, too, is experiencing dramatic turning points in his life due to powerful eclipses, which have been radically redirecting not only his path, but his relationships, particularly in the last year and a half (since almost 2021).
When peering into his chart, I see that Uranus, the planet of freedom but also chaos, is heavily accented in his transits, causing him to feel restlessness and conflict when his ideas, life force, or self-made structures are not respected. Uranus is linked to is Saturn and is square his Sun,
His Venus is also receiving a lot of attention at the moment, and Venus rules love and marriage, and transiting Neptune is opposite his Venus, bringing confusion and illusion, and Pluto is linked to it, bringing intensity, but also can increase jealousy, possessiveness, and control issues.
Ultimately, their marriage has fallen due to these many factors.
The Astrology that Brought Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner Together
Joe Jonas’s birth chart shows he’s a legitimate gentleman
Joe Jonas was born on August 15, 1989. This makes him a fiery Leo Sun with an intellectual Aquarius Moon. Jonas was born on a Full Moon, meaning that he goes big and loves to be in the spotlight (duh). His birth time is extremely in question as it is listed online (get at me!), so let’s focus on the major placements and aspects that I know are legit. First off, I can see that his chart is predominantly Earth and Water elemental energy, with Air being the third up. When breaking down his chart, we see that he is strong, sturdy and persistent—ready and willing to be the rock that anyone needs in his life. He craves results and loves to make them happen, and in all honesty, he likely revels in being “the provider” as much as he can. This sort of energy is less flashy than other celebrities, though, because with the way his natal Mars, the planet of energy, links beautifully with his natal Saturn, the planet of strength, I can see that he’s ultimately very organized, controlled and purposeful in all that he does. He’s certainly confident and enjoys self-expression, but not in an irrational or overly theatrical way. His natal Saturn is also united in the same place as his Neptune, which is a very rare aspect because it shows that his practicality is in perfect alignment with his imagination, helping him to be grounded in the ways he pursues his visionary creativity. While some of this may seem like he’s “daddy” energy and a bit serious—that isn’t necessarily the case, though. With his natal Jupiter, the planet of expansion, linked in an opposition with his natal Uranus, the planet of freedom, we also see that he is immensely optimistic, inventive and excitable. What a cool cat. TBH: this is a guy I would totally be down to marry (my DMs are open, single men of the world).
Sophie Turner’s birth chart shows she’s a fire starter
Sophie Turner was born on February 21, 1996. This makes her a sensitive Pisces Sun with an assertive Aries Moon. Her birth time does look a bit more accurate, which would make her also a feisty Aries Ascendant. Upon reviewing her chart, she has a healthy blend of elemental energy, helping her to be able to relate to others and be flexible in how she interacts. Internally though, she’s quite fiery—which we can also see being played out in her planetary aspects. In fact, between she and her husband, I actually think she’s the more aggressive and passionate of the two—eager to challenge the norm and go after what she wants. Her Sun is in a tight union with Mars, the planet of passion, giving her an active and outgoing personality with high levels of stamina and personal strength. However, her Sun and Mars are in a sharp angle to Pluto, which brings her an incredible lust for power and a deep focus on being recognized and admired. TBH: she likes to get her way and is certainly a bit more egocentric than her husband. She’s single-minded in getting what she wants—but that’s again one of the things that Jonas thinks is just so damn hot about her! One last thing I want to highlight is that her Moon, ruling her inner life and soul, is also in a powerful conversation with Pluto in her chart, bringing her intense emotions and extreme sensitivity, as well as a deep need for transformation. If she feels threatened or unsafe, she has a tendency to become highly volatile in order to protect herself and those who she loves.
Are Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner astrologically compatible?
Now I’ve going to be upfront: I rarely use generic birth times listed online because so often they’re wrong. However, on deeply analyzing their charts with and without addressing their potential Ascendants, something just sticks out that makes me think these birth times could be right. In fact, their Ascendants are a perfect yin-yang match, revealing the power of polarity as Turner is an Aries Rising and Jonas is likely to be a Libra Rising. Even without that, though, their charts are extremely aligned. They have long-term strength built into the relationship, as well as mutual career support, a happy domestic life, significant mental rapport, financial awareness and of course romantic passion. My compatibility rating for them is 9 out of 10.
Not only is the yin-yang balanced energy in their Ascendants, but it exists as a theme throughout their charts. On one hand, this can certainly increase the intensity between them when they’re not seeing eye-to-eye, but by working together they truly are greater than just the sum of their parts. This is a motivated couple. They can inspire and empower each other as well as help fuel one another to live life to the fullest and have fun in the process. They truly bring so much light to one another’s lives, sharing exuberance, enthusiasm and uninhibited pleasure.
But that’s not all! There are also dreamy, sensitive aspects in their charts too! I love how their Moons are in a gorgeous alignment so that they may almost feel like they possess a psychic bond because they can share feelings effortlessly. Hold on: let me go add all of this to my vision board for my future marriage, BRB!
What lies ahead for Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner?
Let’s just put it this way: when peering into the pair’s 2022, they both are in a huge year regarding fertility. There are a lot of planetary alignments for them that focus upon children, laughter, romance, general happiness and growing their families. So is Sophie Turner pregnant? Duh. And I didn’t even need to see the photo that’s been making the rounds on social media.
The next thing I see is that there’s a big trend around finances looking especially good for the both of them, particularly in regards to real estate, assets and investments. Jonas is likely to have more professional breakthroughs in the years to come rather than Turner, but I think she’s going to be more interested in recreating herself and trying out different roles. (Although, let’s be real, there is also a possibility of her homaging some of her previous roles, such as Jean Grey from the MCU.) Yet, I do think she’s going to have a desire to recreate herself as she embarks into new territory while also pushing herself professionally and creatively. I do hope my path crosses this duo because they seem like such interesting people and I think we’d get along smashingly. Who knows. It might happen sooner than we all think… You heard it here first.
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.