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Jodie Turner Smith was born on September 7, 1986. This makes her a Virgo Sun with a Libra Moon. We do not have her time of birth to find her Ascendant.

Joshua Jackson was born on June 11, 1978. This makes him a Gemini Sun with a Leo Moon. We do not have his time of birth to determine his Ascendent.

The first thing I want to note is that in complete honesty, their birth charts are not very compatible. In fact, they have one of the lowest astrological compatibilities that I’ve seen, besides having a stronger ability to create a home, family, and domestic life. However, if their birth times and Ascendants were found, this could drastically improve this rapport.

The main things that I’ve found within their birth charts are a great deal of squares and oppositions, which cause a consistent need for adjustment. On a positive note, they can learn a lot from each other and aid one another in stepping outside of their comfort zones, but there is also a tremendous amount of friction, tension, and need for compromise. This really just isn’t one of those connections that is “easy breezy” or flowing, and there are a lot of aspects that show misunderstandings, confusion, and a need for sacrifice in order to grow. While I can see a sense of attraction between them, particularly with Jodie’s Venus linked in a sextile with Joshua’s Mars, and Jodie’s Moon in a trine with Joshua’s Sun bringing a genuine desire for camaraderie and nurturing, and finally Jodie’s Moon in a sextile with Joshua’s Moon bringing a hope for emotional sharing, I wish they had more synergy between their charts. I do think there is a possibility of a friendship or mutual respect between them over time despite their divorce, though.

The big thing that I’ve noted as to why they are separating in 2023 is that Saturn, the planet of hardship, is opposing Joshua’s Moon, bringing sorrow to his inner world and emotions, whereas Saturn is beginning to oppose Jodie’s Sun sign and causing distance in partnerships. You heard it here first.

To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.

Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.