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Jane Seymour was born on February 15, 1951. Her birth time is not confirmed. This makes her an intelligent Aquarius Sun with a communicative Gemini Moon. In elemental energy, she is strongly composed of Air and Water, bringing her an ability to balance her mind and emotions.

John Zambetti was born on October 5, 1949. This makes him an inquisitive Libra Sun with a sensitive Pisces Moon. In elemental energy, he is quite balanced between all of the elements, meaning he can fluidly move through many aspects of life and his personality.

When looking at their astrological compatibility, they are most favored around intimacy, laughter, communication, and building a strong foundation in home, family, and in finances. In truth, their support of one another’s charts around professional arenas isn’t quite as strong, so it is clear that they’re each looking for a partner to enjoy life and grow old with. 

PREDICTIONS: Both Seymour and Zambetti are likely to see great expansion in 2024, especially around relationships. This is due to Jupiter’s movement into a fellow Air sign after May 2024. This will link to them both in a way that favors more exploration of life, travel, and learning more about the world. Zambetti, though, could be craving far more experimentation and adventure around love, particularly with Uranus cranking up the impulsive energy in his love life (as it dances with his Venus). It is clear he also looking to build a stronger foundation around home, domesticity, and emotions particularly in 2024 and 2025. Seymour will significantly feel this, too, as Saturn, the planet of stability and longevity, unites with her Venus, Mars, and Jupiter—all favoring making concrete plans for the long-term around goals, relationships, and personal evolution. This definitely feels like it has the ability to be a very supportive and long-term union. You heard it here first.

To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.

Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.