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Hugh Jackman’s birth chart shows he was built for artistic achievement

Hugh Jackman was born on October 12, 1968. This makes him a creative Libra Sun with a highly communicative Gemini Moon. His birth time has not been listed anywhere online, so until we cross paths (get at me!), let’s instead focus on what we do know for a fact. When it comes to elemental energy, he is heavily composed of Air and Earth. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, because Air is always connected to highly developed intellectual and communication skills, making someone a master of these arenas. Luckily, he isn’t just an “ideas guy,” and also carries the tremendous persistence, patience and stamina to apply himself to whatever he sets his mind to, which is a blessing granted by strong Earth placements.

Moving forward, wow. Jackman has some extremely unique cosmic energy in his birth chart. First off, he has a triple conjunction of three immensely powerful planets—Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. In fact, Jupiter and Pluto are exactly united. This is all immensely rare, which is why he has such a profound power within him. This brings him incredible abilities as a leader, along with excellent judgment, determination and positivity. He thrives upon transformation and recreation and has a mesmerizing effect on others. Dominating others is easy, but that doesn’t mean he does. In fact, he excels in all of his personal and professional relationships because he operates out of such a high code of ethics and respect—for others and himself. He is unconventional in nearly every way, especially within his personal connections, because he thrives on living his authentic truth and being intrinsically rebellious. However, this isn’t in a chaotic way, it moreso comes from a sense of pride in exploring life and expanding his perception of who he is, what life has to offer and what he truly wants. To add even more ambition and strength within him, his Sun, ruling his life force, dances with Saturn, which brings him even greater strength of will. Earlier in his life, he was forced to block his true sense of self-expression and disregard his authentic feelings for others, but this gave him his mighty desire for recognition. He was driven to eclipse all those who ever brought him down.

The next major theme that I see is that he has such a fantastic inner life to him—his soul, heart and mind are so very deep. His Moon, ruling his emotions, links with so many other planets. On one hand, this makes him optimistic, popular and passionate. However, he can also be quite sensitive and intense, although ultimately he does have a very stable, harmonious and creative personality. His sense of joy tends to radiate freely, bringing light to all those he knows or meets.

Last, and certainly not least, Jackman is absolutely a visionary. His Jupiter links to Neptune, the planet of imagination, bringing him an almost mystical, poetic and inspired strength that few can ever match. His Venus, the planet of art, also is united with Neptune, too, bringing him a magnetic draw to everything beautiful and artistic, as well as infusing him with revolutionary brilliance. Jackman has such a mystique. No wonder the world loves him.


What are predictions for Hugh Jackman?

Moving forward, what lies ahead for Mr. Jackman? First up, he’s going through some very significant transitions around his personal relationships—luckily, for the better. Jupiter, the planet of miracles, dances across the sky from him throughout much of 2022 and the first half of 2023. This guarantees that all of his healthy personal, professional and collaborative connections will flourish and grow. There’s a strong emphasis on united interests, passion and creativity, so this will play a significant role in all of those connections. The next big thing that will see shifts for him is actually around financial matters—income, assets, investments and royalties. There will be some eclipses that rock the boat, making some things ebb and flow between 2022 and 2023, but luckily, as planets migrate into a sweet angle for him in 2023 and 2024, larger wealth should rain down like showers of gold. In many ways, Jackman’s stars show he’s going to continue to “have it all,” prospering in all ways. I hope I get to meet him one day. He’s such a bright light. You heard it here first.

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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.