The Ultimate Fall 2020 Mercury Retrograde Guide.jpg

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Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has certainly brought astrology more into the public eye. Pop culture obsesses over the fact that very real and tangible obstacles seem to pop up whenever our beloved planet of communication stops and turns backwards in the sky. All astrology has important effects on our lives, whether that be with opportunities or challenges. The manifestation of the planets in our lives can be in physical ways or internal transformations. Either way, we are being pushed toward our highest evolution and sometimes that occurs through events or awakenings that shift our direction. Life is a journey. It is not about the destination. It is about the winding turns that bring us growth and adventure.

Mercury Retrograde is not a simple cut-and-dry phenomenon. It actually manifests in several different steps. Each part of that journey is important to watch because you can better understand what will happen and how you can use it to your benefit. No retrograde is strictly “bad.” Negative effects as explained by pop culture – like missed emails, computers going on the fritz, or wonky contracts – are vital to our progress. They can be making us slow down as the world begins to shift around us. Like grains of sand in a tide pool, the Universe is always spinning and we are meant to move with the current rather than fight against the waves.

Another point to notice with Mercury Retrograde is that all retrogrades are karmic in nature. There is often a feeling of “déjà vu” associated with them – particularly because that planet will move over the exact same degree three times during the period. You are literally revisiting an important lesson, situation, or relationship to gather in new information to improve your life going forward. As mentioned before, sometimes this means something will ultimately end up failing or not working out. This isn’t because it was “bad.” It was meant to teach you something so you can look back later and realize you’re further along now because that happened.

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The final Mercury Retrograde of 2020 has arrived and will predominantly take place in Scorpio. This cycle starts officially on October 13, but we will begin to feel the slower pace as early as September 23. Mercury mostly spins backwards in the intense, passionate, and emotional seas of Scorpio, meaning that we are all taking a deep dive into our desires. These may be conscious or unconscious at this time because Scorpio’s energy is fathomless and taps into the wells of obsession. Our darker nature may emerge at this time and our shadow self could be rearing its hunger for us to confront. What are you running from, hiding from, or fearful to face? No matter who you are, by being aware of your shadow self, you can better integrate your awareness with your consciousness. As night cannot exist without day, darkness cannot exist without light. Our darker selves deserve to be embraced, cherished, and understood, rather than hidden away. This awareness can lead us to happier lives. This retrograde will be highly intuitive for us. Most of 2020’s Mercury Retrogrades took place in Water Signs, forcing us to be honest with our emotions and allow them to balance with our minds. Sometimes our intellect and practicality need to be reminded that our intuitive and empathic powers give us messages just as important as our logic. This is one of those times. Mercury Retrograde will temporarily spin backward into Libra from October 27, where it finally station direct on November 3. We will be seeking balance and clearer communication in our relationships then. To end the cycle, the post-shadow phase will last until November 19, when our lives will finally begin to move forward once again.

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You’ve been focusing on what you give and receive in your partnerships and sharing is an important lesson at this time. You may realize that some of your important connections are not in balance and you want to change this up. You may also be resolving important karma about your relationships, and you could be watching it rear its head before the pattern dies so you can move forward into new life. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



You’ll be seriously reassessing important partnerships in love and business at this time. You may realize that you and a serious partner aren’t on the same page or have different plans for your future. This could cause some friction or you may realize you’ll need to re-negotiate your plans together – perhaps even walking away. This is also a fated time when a major love or soul mate from the past could return. If you want to reignite it, go for it. Otherwise find closure and move forward. When Mercury temporarily revisits your work sector, you could see a few hiccups when it comes to coworkers, on the job, or with projects. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.


GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) 

You’re going to be feeling like your work life and day-to-day routine is spiraling off the rails. It could be that there is just so much to do that you can’t get to it all or your work life is in need of constant maintenance. Don’t throw in the towel just yet, though. You can actually use this time to find a better work-life balance or even improve your personal health. When Mercury temporarily revisits your romantic sector, you could hear from old flames or find yourself confused about the messages between your mind and your heart. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Love will surely be on your mind this season and it appears you’ve been doing some soul-searching on what that means to you and how you fit it into your schedule. Romance is something that should be fun and allow you to embrace the most sensitive parts of your spirit. If you have a lover, you could be noticing that you may not actually be on the same page at this time, or you may be feeling nostalgic about someone from the past. If you want to reignite your love with someone, this could be a fated time to do so. When Mercury temporarily revisits your domestic sector, you could find some confusion in regards to your living space, roommate, or with family members. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Issues related to family or your home may be especially annoying at this time. This could also mean that you’re just not feeling as stable and secure in your life as you’d prefer to be. Your emotions will likely be roaring up, so listen to your heart and your intuition on what needs to shift so you can feel stronger. When Mercury temporarily revisits your communications sector, you will be sent into a flurry of technology, phone, and email confusion. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



When people think of Mercury Retrograde, they always relate it to communications-related problems, and this will be especially intense for you at this time. You’re likely to feel a bit like the entire world is out to annoy you now. Rather than feeding into the anxiety, try to laugh at the small stuff and realize you can’t control everything. When Mercury temporarily revisits your prosperity sector, you’ll be noticing some sudden problems with money management or even see checks delayed by weeks. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Money matters and income seem to be frustrating at this time. Checks or payment may suddenly be held up or you could realize you’re not making as much as you hoped for. This could be a time when you want to re-negotiate your rate or wage and if you do so delicately, it could actually work in your favor. When Mercury temporarily revisits your Sun sign, you will feel as if your mind is lost in a fog and you don’t know what way is up or down! Lie low especially during that time. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



With Mercury Retrograde this season spiraling predominantly backwards in your zodiac sign, you may feel like everything in your life is on hold. The more you push forward, the harder it will be to fight against the tide. This is a time when you must go easy on yourself because you’re going to be having it harder than others. You’ll be noticing important issues and relationships from the past popping up that you must resolve now. Don’t be afraid to do so. When Mercury temporarily revisits your sector of karma and closure, you’re even more likely to feel as if old wounds have resurfaced and it’s time to heal them once and for all. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.


You’re feeling like old wounds and traumas from the past are bubbling up – almost like demons from your nightmares are returning to haunt you. Do not worry, though, because this is an important journey that happens so you can face them, release them, and heal them. Don’t repeat patterns that are toxic. Move toward happier days. When Mercury temporarily revisits your social sector, it is likely you will hear from old friends out of the blue. This could be an enjoyable moment to catch up. However, it is possible you could find that you and a current acquaintance are not on the same page and there’s tension you must resolve. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



You may seriously be reconsidering the path toward your hopes and dreams at this time. Are they still the same that they have always been or are you evolving in a new direction? You also may have a few hiccups when it comes to your social life. Are you and your friends not relating as well as you used to? Is it time to branch out into new social territory? You may also bump into an old friend and have the chance to reminisce on your connection or even bring it back to life. When Mercury temporarily revisits your professional sector, you will suddenly see projects you are involved with thrown off track or else confusion with higher-ups, executives, and bosses. Be prepared to be flexible. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



Your career is a major focus for you and you are likely noticing that a project is being held up at this time. It could also be that you are changing your mind on an important career direction or the way you have moved toward it. Don’t fight against the waves, release and go with the current. You’re actually going to be directed where you’re meant to be rather than constantly wondering if you’ll ever fully rise higher. You can and will but right now you need to spend some time contemplating these ambitions, plans, and goals. When Mercury temporarily revisits your expansion sector, you could see an academics, travel, immigration, or media project stalled. No matter what, you’ll be considering how you can take a new perspective about your future plans. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.



You’ll be feeling more contemplative now about how you can grow over the coming months and years in vast new directions. You will feel especially introspective and intellectual, so use this time to learn more about your spirit and what you want to see in this one lifetime. Where will you go? How high will you fly? Do not settle for complacency. When Mercury temporarily revisits your intimacy sector, you could suddenly feel as if you and a partner are not on the same page—or else you sense some confusion regarding what you ultimately need in a relationship. Use this time to talk clearly with your significant other or else vision board what you truly need in your next partnership. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas