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September has arrived and with it so has eclipse season! Eclipse season always begins one month prior to the first eclipse we experience—so technically we’ve actually been feeling it build since August 18 and we will be in it until November 2. September’s spotlight moment will be the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18. As we march forward, each day may feel like we’re stepping toward a major turning point, yet be uncertain where it is coming from. Expect many endings, beginnings, turning points, breakthroughs, breakdowns, and fresh roads to emerge. The best thing to do during eclipse season is to try to take a step back, review where you’re at, and be open to the fated, destined events that are coming your way. On a general note, September could be quite emotional, with a mixed bag of sweet astrological alignments, as well as some rockier ones. Prioritize self-care and your physical and mental health!To unlock 2024’s horoscope, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here. Find out what’s in store for you!

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

Jupiter, the planet of growth, will move through the heavens of Gemini from May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025. During this period in time, Jupiter will bring expansion and joy to all of the areas that Gemini rules: communications (such as advertising, branding, marketing, podcasting, blogging, web design, and all industries connected to these areas and to a limited degree of publishing, but especially short-form content), the mind, travel (especially short-distance travel), academics and learning, and social media. However, it is also extremely important to note that Jupiter is weaker in this zodiac sign—known to be in its “detriment.” This means that Jupiter, while still granting us abilities to expand, will have a harder time distilling its energy to bring us rapid and expansive results. While it will not create challenges or “bad” scenarios for us, we may need to apply more effort to manifest results in our lives—particularly around any theme that Gemini rules. Gemini, as a zodiac sign, craves freedom and adventure, and we will, too, during this time—but we will need to be more intentional and focused rather than just spinning off in a whirlwind. If we do, we could find that our goals, energies, and plans dissipate without any staying power and we are consistently spinning our wheels, getting nowhere fast. On a positive note, those who are focused will be able to speak, learn, write, and connect more potently and build their networks. The pace of life will be livelier, upbeat, optimistic, and engaging. Plan for travel during this time and you could make dazzling memories. All those who work in Gemini-ruled businesses will thrive: writers, speakers, education, travel, communications, air-related industries, aeronautics, journalism, linguistics, tourism, and to a limited degree, politics. Jupiter enters its pre-shadow phase on July 8, 2024 at Gemini 11 degrees.

Prepare for a major turning point to begin on March 7, 2023. Saturn, the mighty planet of karma and life lessons, will soar into the reefs of Pisces until May 24, 2025 and again from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026. Important learning curves and karmic transitions will take place in regards to all areas that Pisces rules: spirituality, creativity, psychology, mental health, prescriptions, prisons, the unconscious, and healing. Important information about fear, anxiety, and addictions will emerge in the period to come. Karma will come before us and we will find it is time to heal it and let it go. This will be a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding us back from ascending to our highest good. False prophets, gurus, and secret societies will fall, as well as a streamlining of mainstream spirituality and religion. There will likely be a major overhaul in regards to the medical, psychological, and prison systems. Secrets hidden and disguised in the past thirty years could be aired out in our lives and on a global scale, too. There will be a great focus on how we rest, “escape reality,” and live in illusions or delusions. The key will be to face the truth rather than running away. Those who do so may suffer great losses and further build toxic karma that will need to be resolved in the future or in lives to come. Saturn enters pre-shadow on March 23, 2024, so pay attention to any things that begin to slow down or need revision at this time. On June 29, 2024, Saturn will turn retrograde. Be sure to watch what happens now, as it’ll be revisited when Saturn leaves post-shadow on February 18, 2025. Currently, Saturn will be weakened and in a retrograde phase until November 15, 2024, so his harder lessons may be a bit softer or at the very least internalized.

Pluto, the planet of rebirth, death, transformation, and domination, enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, again from November 19, 2024, to March 8, 2043, at which point it will weave in and out of Aquarius and Pisces. We are officially entering the Age of Aquarius on more a profound level as Pluto inches ever closer to where the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn took place at the end of 2020. This will set off a chain reaction of events that will unfold over the coming two decades ahead. Pluto is a planet of intensity, destruction, transformation and rebirth. In a sense, Pluto is like a phoenix — burning down what does not work in order to rise again. Plutonian energy is very often malefic — bringing forth dramatic and painful experiences in order to shed light on truth and bring us incredibly profound growth. On one hand, Pluto can provide tremendous opportunities for renewal, new beginnings and spiritual and financial growth. However, the negative aspects of this mighty planet often lead to obsession, victimization, domination, power struggles, tyrannical control, war and death. All of the themes that Aquarius rules will experience upheaval during this time: social organization, social media, the Internet, humanitarianism, technology, equality and civil rights, socialism, space travel and exploration, and astrology. Pluto begins a retrograde phase on May 2, 2024, so in the months ahead we could notice his power weakened as we review all of the recent transitions as of late.

September 1, 2024 will be a powerful turning point in 2024, as the electric planet, Uranus, will station retrograde and turn backward in the sky until January 27, 2025. Since 2018, Uranus has been transforming the lands of Taurus and shifting our global perspective regarding economics, currency, and environmentalism. Pay attention to how your life shifts in the days near to this, as a planet is especially powerful when it changes directions.

As of August 18, 2024, we are officially entering eclipse season. Eclipse season officially begins one month prior to the first eclipse and lasts for one month after the final one. This is a time when there will be more synchronicities, as we will feel a more electrical energy running through the cosmos. We may feel a bit more “on edge,” as we sense something major is just around the corner. Because of this, we will begin to notice major beginning, endings, turning points, culminations, and shifts of fate. Pay attention to your intuition to see what it is picking up. We are in eclipse season until November 2, 2024.

At the onset of the month, the sacred Sun dances in the gardens of Virgo until September 22. We will be deeply interested in creating a work-life balance that validates and fulfills us. Now will be a time when the human collective is especially focused on global health and a great deal of progress can be made to improve it.

A new moon in Virgo (11 degrees) will take place at 4:55 PM (Pacific) on September 2, 2024. The energy of this elemental Earth sign will be quite prominent in our lives at this time. Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign on the wheel and aligns with our daily routines, responsibilities and employment. It rules our work-related projects, as well as coworkers, staff and people that report to us. Physical fitness, diet and health are also under this domain. Pets, too, can be spot lit at this time. When it comes to further astrological energies coloring this lunation, there are many to consider. First and foremost, the new moon is opposite Saturn—meaning this is one of the most challenging new moons in the year. We will likely feel under a dark cloud and sad, bored, or lonely. We will likely feel burdened from the universe, overworked and underappreciated. Resources—physically, mentally, and emotionally—will be tight and strained. Expressing emotions and building relationships will also be challenged, as there will be a block to our feelings. The new moon is distantly square Jupiter, which can lighten the mood, but the problem with this is that in order to try to make ourselves feel better we may be overly optimistic or indulge too heavily to try to overcompensate—which could leave us “hungover” or regretting our decisions. Mercury, the planetary ruler of this lunation, is also directly square Uranus, planet of chaos. This means surprises, shocks, twists of fate, accidents, and challenges will be everywhere we step. We will likely feel overly impulsive and rebellious, which could trigger drama, or we could have external drama thrust upon us. The other planets are also not agreeing, with Venus linked to Pluto, creating jealousy, possessiveness, or control issues, and Mars is square Neptune, creating illness, fatigue, illusion, and delusion. In honesty, this is a time when you must guard your health and mind and lie low rather than charging into a battle or situation just because you seek to prove yourself or a point. The actions that are taken near this time will likely manifest near the lunar eclipse in Virgo (23 degrees) on March 14, 2025.

Prepare for a burst of new energy as Mars sizzles on into the skies of Gemini from July 20, 2024 until September 4, 2024. Fire needs oxygen to burn, so expect this time to be expansive and vibrant as Mars infuses your life with intellectual breakthroughs and opportunities to grow. Collectively, we will be entering a more social time. Joining communities or expanding your network will be highly favored. Our minds may be a bit less focused and more scattered, as we are curious about new ideas and don’t want to sit in one place. We will likely become involved in passionate discussions and will become eager to debate, converse, and defend our opinions. Despite this, though, we will find it easier to negotiate and are more flexible to outside perspectives. As Gemini rules communication, writing, speaking, marketing, branding, advertising, and social media, all of these areas will shine. Consider how you can revamp your presentations and pitch your vision to others. Sizzling Mars will leave behind the windstorms of Gemini to dive into the shallows of Cancer from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. The red planet is a fiery one, so it will conflict with the very watery nature of this zodiac sign. Together, it will be as if they are making steam—and we will be the ones boiling! Cancer is a Cardinal zodiac sign, and with Mars here, we will be encouraged to pursue our interests and plans ardently. However, symbolized by the crab that walks sideways, we, too, may take a less direct approach to getting what we desire. Our emotions will become highly intensified in the weeks to come and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by intense mood swings and shifts in our energy levels. When confronted with conflict, we will become highly defensive. Domestic, family, and emotional situations will become especially important to us, as well. However, it’s extremely important to note that we are heading toward a Mars retrograde phase. Mars enters pre-shadow on October 4, 2024 at 17 degrees Cancer. Mars retrograde begins on December 6, 2024 at 6 degrees Leo. This Mars retrograde moves backwards through Leo and Cancer (causing tension or reflection around Leo themes: love and courtship, dating, expression, our passions, hobbies, competitive games, creativity, or children; as well as Cancer’s themes: our emotional stability and security, our traditions and roots, home, family, and domesticity). Mars is weakened in Cancer, known to be in its Fall, meaning this will be a rather challenging Mars retrograde cycle. Mars moves direct through Leo from November 4, 2024 to station direct on December 6, 2024, to move retrograde in Leo until January 6, 2024. Mars returns in a retrograde to Cancer on January 6, 2025 and stations direct in Cancer on February 23, 2025. Mars than proceeds direct in Cancer until April 18, 2025. Mars leaves post-shadow in Leo on May 2, 2025. To read more about Mars retrograde, do so here.

Until September 9, 2024, Mercury will become a supercharged battery in Leo. Our thoughts, words, and texts will be grand and theatrical. We likely will feel more expressive and confident. We can be especially persuasive at this time—but may be a bit more interested in our own ideas than others. Command a room with your speech and watch people be awe inspired by you.

Mercury will move through Virgo from July 25, 2024 until August 15, 2024, where it will feel quite at home. For the coming weeks, we will buckle down to truly assess our lives and make sure we have the information we need to make all of our most important decisions. We want to be concise, precise, and efficient in all that we say and do. Once we hit September 11, 2024, Mercury will be back to peak speed, leaving it’s post-shadow phase behind it. We can expect a much more brisk pace to all affairs. Mercury then dances into the zodiac sign of Libra on September 22, 2024 until October 13, 2024. All negotiations will become blessed with an easier and more fair-minded flow. Relationship topics will be on the top of our minds, as we want to make sure we are on the same page as our lovers, friends, collaborators, and business associates.

Our goddess planet of beauty and romance, Venus, enchants within one of her favorite places to thrive, the zodiac sign of Libra from August 29, 2024 until September 22, 2024. During this time, our natural charm will be amplified and we will focus on building harmony within our relationships. All negotiations will see ease as we are inclined to bring joy and laughter wherever we go. While we may feel more idealistic about love, our most romantic nature can come forward with the right person. We will feel especially social during this time and more willing to do what it takes to appease those we care for. This is a beautiful time to find the right person if single, but only if we are clear about who will truly mirror us. Love, marriage, and union can help us grow if we open our hearts now. Next, from September 22, 2024 until October 17, 2024, Venus becomes submerged within the depths of Scorpio. During this time, we will yearn for connections that unite our body and soul with another. Relationships will become deeply passionate—and our hunger for love will become ravenous. Union will be highly emotional and we will suddenly feel “all or nothing” when it comes to sex, love, and desire. Expect intensity within dating—and the need for experiences that are unforgettable. Venus will become the goddess of the night now, bringing us closer to our need to feel alive and passionate. Possessiveness, jealousy, and a fiery rapture are all possible during this time, as we may become consumed by our heart’s longing to be with our soulmate no matter the cost.

The Harvest Moon arrives on September 17, 2024 at 7:34 PM (Pacific) at 25 degrees of Pisces. This will be a penumbral eclipse of the moon, which means that only a small fraction of the moon will enter Earth's dark umbral shadow. You may notice the dark shading of the moon growing, but only the faintest of "bites" out of the moon from one edge of it. The partial eclipse begins on September 17 at 6:55 PM (Pacific) with the greatest eclipse occurring at 7:44 PM (Pacific). From start to finish, the eclipse will last 246 minutes, with the moon in Earth's dark shadow for the partial eclipse for only 64 minutes. The half of Earth that is facing the full moon and experiencing night will be able to see it. This includes individuals who are in the Americas, parts of Antarctica, the western Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, and some of eastern Polynesia. This year, the Harvest Moon is also a lunar eclipse in Pisces. This Water sign’s energy will be infused into our lives. Pisces is the twelfth—and last—zodiac sign on the wheel and is the polarity of Virgo. This means that both zodiac signs hold ties to our health—physical or mental—as well the physical or spiritual world. This duality grounds us in the practical while also opening us up to the divine, as well. The situations and conversations coming to culmination now will be connected to the patterns that originated at the new moon in Pisces (20 degrees) on March 10, 2024. Lunar eclipses are three times more powerful and emotional than full moons. They mark culminations, breakthroughs or breakdowns, triggering a crisis event that causes us to assess our most internal fears, feelings and actions. Oftentimes some of the most memorable moments in our lifetimes take place near solar or lunar eclipses. We will be in the midst of eclipse season, so technically we’ve felt it creeping in since August 18, 2024. This eclipse could also echo out until October 18, 2024. Eclipses shift our paths for the coming six months ahead around very particular themes. However, the greatest intensity will begin to build around September 15, 2024 and last until September 22, 2024. We will likely feel very emotional or intense near this point in time. When it comes to further energy coloring this lunation, we can see many factors at play. First to note, the lunar eclipse is conjunct the planetary ruler of this lunation, Neptune. On one hand, this can create incredible sensitivity, intuition, creativity, and emotion. However, it can also just as easily leave us open to delusion, illusion, fatigue, and being taken advantage of. Our dream worlds will be hyper intense at this time. It is crucial to be aware of the stimuli and information we are receiving because we will be like a sponge, but also not to lose touch with reality because we could be just as prone to spin off into fantasy, paranoia, or confusion. Connecting with art and spirituality could be especially useful. Next, the lunar eclipse is exactly linked in a sextile to Uranus, which should bring many surprises, revelations, and fresh news our way. We will hunger for connection and to step outside of the box and open up our perceptions. After this, Jupiter comes into the mix, yet he will expand us to be overly indulgent and optimistic, which could leave us regretting any impulsive decisions we make. Have fun, but don’t indulge too much, especially not in drugs or alcohol. Mercury is opposite Saturn, which could bring heavy thoughts, while Venus is linked sweetly to Jupiter, promoting a desire for pleasure, but is square Pluto, likely creating power struggles, possessiveness, or jealousy if we aren’t getting our needs met by others. Last to note is that with the outer planets in a rare dance and Neptune linking nicely to Uranus and Pluto, we are in a period of positive growth and transformation if we seek to do so for the betterment of not only ourselves but for the people and world around us.

To end the month, the Sun will move on into the partnership-focused zodiac sign of Libra on September 22. Libra Season will last for the entire month ahead and during this time, we will turn our attention to how we are cooperating with the people around us—or if we need to reassess and renegotiate where we stand. Come from a place of serenity and harmony in your relationships, rather than co-dependency. Consider your boundaries, wants, and needs in your partnerships so that you can either find them with the right match or clearly articulate them to the person at your side.

Important dates to remember in September 2024 for love are the 11, 12, 15, 19, 24, and 30. Significant moments to plan for success are the 22, 26, and 30. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 3, 7, 8, 12, 18, 20, 21, 22, and 25. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


September will be like you’re spinning in a tide pool, Aries. Let’s take a peek at all of it.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around income or resources and Pluto will once again bring attention to your career and ambitions.

As a carry over from recent months, Jupiter will glide through your intellectual zone until next year: June 9, 2025. Typically, this brings a much faster pace to life, as you begin to travel more and seek to step outside of your comfort zone. Important contracts and communication-related projects tend to appear for you, too, such as starting a podcast or blog or becoming more well known as an influencer in your realm of world. You will be eager to learn and experience more. Last, expect more social activity, especially with friends, neighbors, or siblings. Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next, let’s look at your planetary ruler, Mars. You’ll find a focus on home, family, and domestic affairs. Mars, planet of energy, brings activity and a fiery focus from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024 to this arena. This could get you energized about family or real estate projects, such as moving, renovating, or redecorating. Others of you could be entertaining many guests or hosting parties, while others may need to step in for one of their kindred, especially a parent. If tension bubbles beneath the radar, do your best to handle it with compassion.

A new moon in your productivity zone appears on September 3, opening a doorway for you in the weeks that follow. You could now be assessing your work and life balance, your routines or responsibilities, or even your physical health. This could bring new clients, projects, or a job, or bring a shift to your pets, coworkers, or staff who reports to you. Improving you health through diet and exercise will do you will now.

Relationships are also especially spot lit this month. Venus will bring harmony and pleasure to your connections until the 22nd. This is a great period to smooth things over if you need to, ask for favors, or try to find peace and laughter. Improving your plans or finding someone with long-term potential to match you, even if it’s someone like a fitness partner, accountant, or agent, could manifest.

Last to note will be the lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024, which falls in your sector of privacy, undoing, and rest. Destined events are arriving! You will likely feel very burnt out in the week that surrounds it, as you require more rejuvenation and relaxation. Enjoy a spa, meditate, and lie low. Some of you could be hard at work on projects behind-the-scenes, too, or dealing with the sudden emergence of a secret that you or another had hoped was kept in silence. Above all, try to go with the flow.

Tread forward with caution this month, but enjoy the energy, too. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


One of the most important months of the year for your personal life has arrived, Taurus.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your life path, identity, and how you’re evolving and Pluto will once again bring attention to how you’re pursuing personal or professional expansion (this may relate to academics, media or publishing endeavors, international relations or travel, or how you step outside of the box).

As a carry over from recent months, money matters are spot lit and you’re ready to build your wealth for many reasons. From May 25, 2024 until June 9, 2025, Jupiter will grace your wealth zone. This is magnificent because it will likely attract to you a raise, far greater streams of income, a new job, or many lucrative clients. Demand for your services will surge and you should be able to start to add more wealth to your accounts. However, remember that while the universe will do its best to aid you in this arena, you must take action, know your worth, and try to harness your skills to bring in more abundance. If you simply sit back and expect money to rain from the sky, that is much less likely to bring you what you desire. Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next, let’s address mighty Mars. You’ll feel invigorated around intellectual pursuits or travel this month. Mars energizes these themes from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. You could be ready to step out of town for business or pleasure and could find exhilarating and eye-opening experiences. For those involved in academics, learning, or communication industries, you could find a lot of progress in these coming weeks. For the general individual, it could be as simple as updating your social media or website, being extra engrossed in a new podcast series, or finishing up important contracts or proposals. You’re likely to notice an uptick in your social life near this time, especially with close friends, neighbors, or even relatives.

A new moon in your passion zone arrives on September 3, opening a doorway to pleasure, romance, creativity, fertility, and hedonism in the weeks ahead. This is the most important period in the year ahead for singles to look for love or for couples to reignite their spark. If you have kids, you may have more enjoyment with them, or if you seek pregnancy, have more luck. Embrace your hobbies, sports, and expression and live in the moment. Venus will dance into your partnership zone beginning September 22, too, until October 17 ensuring you’ll have more opportunities for union in the weeks and months ahead.

Last to mention this month will be a mighty lunar eclipse in your fulfillment and social sector on September 19, 2024. Destined events are arriving. In the week that surrounds it, you could find you’re uniting with many friends, acquaintances, and supporters. Applause, praise, and a sense of adventure could invigorate you. You could feel especially close to your tribe—or notice that a friend is leaving your life, instead, such as moving away. Instead, you may find that you’re now pursuing a heartfelt hope or dream and it is now within reach.  

Embrace the winds of change! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will be one of the most memorable months of the year, Gemini.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your mental health or projects behind the scenes and Pluto will once again bring attention to wealth, assets, investments, or intimacy.

As a carryover from recent months, remember: your glorious era has arrived and you’re ready to live life to the fullest. Since May 25, 2024, Jupiter has danced onward into your zodiac sign for the first time in over a decade! This lasts until June 9, 2025. This will usher in a dawning of your next era, as if you’re starting to write a whole new storybook for your life. You will be blessed with tremendous luck, fortune, blessings, and new beginnings personally and professionally. The key to harness this cosmic flow, though, is to not only be intentional, but to strike quickly toward your goals and lay seeds for what you seek to manifest not only in the year ahead, but also the decade ahead. For instance, you want love? Make yourself presentable and put yourself out there! Want success? Consider strategies to build your career or branch off into a new arena! With Jupiter in your zodiac sign, it is one of the most fortunate periods in your life to reach true happiness, find a soulmate (romantic, platonic, or even in business or a pet!), and see dreams come true. You’re ready! So what will you build? Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next, let’s discuss Mars. You’ll have a lot of energy focused on your financial zone. This should bring a great deal of attention to income, assets, investments, and expenses. Luckily, you could be entitled to more if you are smart about it. Mars will energize this zone from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024, so you’ll surely be checking your budget because it appears you’re spending a lot but also deeply eager to make more.

Your domestic sector is especially highlighted this month, with a new moon arriving on September 3. This could bring you an opportunity to move, renovate, redecorate, or even see a roommate come or go in the weeks ahead. Instead, you may be hosting gatherings at your residence or catching up with your kindred near these times.

Venus, planet of attraction, will dance into your passion zone until September 22, 2024. This is one of the best times of the year for singles to be dating, couples to reignite their spark, or for you to enjoy hobbies, sports, or creativity. Fertility matters will also have an extra amount of luck on their side.

Last to mention in this busy month will be a lunar eclipse in your achievement zone on September 18, 2024. Destined events have arrived! In the week that surrounds this lunation, you could see a shift around your career or legacy, such as a promotion, favorable press, an exciting compliment from an authority figure, or even the ending of one job to move to another. If for some reason you lose a job or face criticism, you are being forced to move in new directions. Big shifts may be manifesting in regards to your professional life. Welcome them in!

Know that even though you’ll be juggling a lot this month but you’ll handle it all! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will throw a lot of things at you, but if you choose patience, you’ll carry right on through, Cancer.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your network, friends, or aspirations and Pluto will once again bring attention to important relationships.

Since May 25, 2024, Jupiter, planet of miracles, has entered your sector of privacy until June 9, 2025. The year ahead may be a bit slower than you’d like, but that’s because you’re experiencing a vast period of reflection and development. You’re favored around all of the following themes during this time: healing, mental health, spirituality, creativity, intuition and psychic abilities, and aligning with the universe. You could find that you’re being guarded and guided by a “Guardian Angel,” and sometimes we often find that its an ancestor. You could be in the right place at the right time and germinating and building many projects in solitude. For instance, you could begin developing long-term business plans or projects, writing a book by yourself, or just getting more engaged in cultivating your skills. While the year ahead may not manifest as many tangible results as you may hope for, that’s because you’re culminating the past eleven-year cycle to be reborn anew in June 2025. Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next to note is that Mars will be giving you courage and strength from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. Now is one of the best times in two years to launch new initiatives, take action and take the lead, and charge into new territory personally and professionally. Not only are you more magnetic and sexy, but your courage will draw many people to your charisma and strength. Harness this vibe now because you will not possess it again for nearly two years. Rush forth and build your life. 

Next up, a new moon in your intellectual and travel zone catches your attention on September 3, 2024 and for the weeks ahead. This energy could push you to engage with important contracts or communication-related projects, such as a writing, speaking, advertising, or social media endeavor. It could be as simple as doing an overhaul on your website or promoting your services or as large as beginning a career proposal or starting to write a book. Travel, especially short-distance travel, will bring you much joy and could help love to blossom or bring wonderful memories. Last to note about this is that you’ll likely feel especially social, connecting with friends, siblings, and neighbors. If looking for love, ask your pals to connect you with like-minded individuals.

Venus will bring beauty, pleasure, and harmony to family and domestic matters September 22, 2024. Then, from September 22 until October 17, Venus glides through your passion zone. Embrace romance, attraction, pleasure, fertility, and your hobbies as much as you can.

Last to note is a lunar eclipse in your expansion zone, which appears on September 18, 2024. Destined events are arriving! In the week that surrounds this, you could find your attention centered on any of the following situations: long-distance travel, international business or relations, relatives, academic or intellectual pursuits, legalities, or even media endeavors. Regardless, you’ll be ready to pursue new horizons.

Lead with love this month and you’ll cherish the key moments. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


Buckle up for a rather intense month, Leo.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your career and ambitions and Pluto will once again bring attention to your productivity, employment, or physical health.

Since May 25, 2024, a dazzling year lies ahead of you with Jupiter spinning in your sector of fulfillment until June 9, 2025. This will bring so much luck, fortune, prosperity, and fortune to you and could help you to reach some of your personal and professional goals, too. You will likely attract a far more festive social life, spend time with platonic soulmates or new ones, or each reach a heartfelt dream. Asking for favors, networking, and embracing your popularity will unlock the path before you. Be assured that you’ll enjoy all of this cosmic magic and shimmer like the star that you are! Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next, let’s discuss Mars. Our red planet will dash through your sector of privacy and karma from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. This could affect you in a few different ways. First, you could be hard at work behind closed doors working on development projects. Others of you could be dealing with secretive matters or even going toe-to-toe with enemies or hidden challenges, especially if they are of a psychological matter or tied to actions of the past. Luckily, this energy can really help you to evolve if you are willing to spend time processing your baggage, release it, or even work with a spiritual mentor or therapist.

Next up, a new moon in your financial and prosperity zone appears on September 3, 2024. In the weeks that follow, you could find ways to build your wealth. For instance, a new job, raise, or client could be offered to you—or you could decide it’s time to put yourself out there and be looking. Assessing your budget and financial concerns will do you especially well.

Last to note will be a lunar eclipse in your sector of wealth on September 18, 2024. Destined events have arrived! This could see a settlement, inheritance, or large money matter come up for you to face near this time. On one hand, you may see a great amount come in, even in the form of your partner’s income increasing. Others of you may notice that you’re paying off debts or loans, instead. This is an ideal time to apply for resources, though, if you’re in need of them. The universe could truly be aligned!

Lead with confidence in September, even if matters are a bit all over the place! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


Happy Birthday, Virgo! It’s birthday season. During this time of the year, you have more power, gravity, and energy to shift all matters in your favor. Not only will the sun be energizing you, but your planetary ruler, Mercury, will bring you more speed and clarity between September 9 and the 26th. This is excellent news after a slow August. Also note that when the sun returns to your exact degree (or birthday), this is known as a Solar Return. You can “program” the universe a bit by prioritizing actions and conversations that you’d like to build toward in the year ahead.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around how you are pursuing expansion (potentially in relation to academics or wisdom, international relations or travel, spiritual matters, or even media or publishing endeavors) and Pluto will once again bring attention to your passions, love life, children, or hobbies.

First, let’s peer at the red planet, Mars. Mars, plane of action, stampedes through your sector of fulfillment. Mars sizzles in this zone from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024, making you feel quite popular as you mingle with many wonderful people. You could find that you’re socializing and attending glamorous events quite a bit or even expanding your network and meeting likeminded contacts. If you need to ask anyone for a favor, now is the time to strike. You could find that you’re quite busy pursuing your aspirations, hopes, and dreams and tick several of your boxes off during this time. If single, this is a wonderful time for dating, whether that be through online dating or meeting someone through friends.

The only new moon in your zodiac sign this year appears on September 3, opening a doorway to you in the week after it to build the life of your dreams and step center-stage. Remember: the new moon in your zodiac sign is the opportunity to create personal and professional matters that favor you above all others. What you build now could culminate in the months ahead—especially up for review in March 2025. Birthday season is a powerful moment to stand in your authenticity and steer the reins of your life.

Last to note will be a focus on your relationships, with a lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024. Destined events have arrived! This could be a time of union or separation in business or love. On the other hand, it could also be a period where you meet a soulmate partner. Above all, know your worth and what you want. Make sure your relationships are as healthy and strong as possible.

Command the world like you are the champion of your greatest dream. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September carries many unique energetic patterns, Libra.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around assets, investments, or partnership relations and Pluto will once again bring attention to your domestic life or family.

Next, let’s discuss Mars. Mars, planet of action, stampedes in your achievement zone from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. This reveals that you are tremendously hard at work to rise higher, hit new milestones, or change your path in your career altogether. If you don’t feel like you’re getting the attention you crave, particularly around recognition, success, power, or fame, you may need to assess your strategies or consider a new path, instead. Luckily, with this much celestial support, you’ll be able to maneuver quite rapidly or even find a new—and better—job. Aim high and go for it!

Since May 25, 2024, Jupiter enters your sector of expansion until June 9, 2025. Big things await, as you’ll feel invigorated for more change, spontaneity, and to pursue personal and professional growth. You’ll feel and appear more magnetic and inspired, as you hunger for adventure. There are several areas you could be eager to pursue: long-distance travel, immigration, international business or relations, media projects or endeavors such as publishing or television, academics, mentorships, or legalities. For instance, if you’ve always wanted to write a book, pitch a TV show, or go back to school and update your credentials, all of this could be on your docket soon. If you’ve always wanted to explore overseas or learn new spiritual doctrines, these could also present themselves. For some people, it could be as simple as starting a yoga class or as big as being cast on a reality television series. Don’t just sit back, though, it’s crucial you put yourself out there and take flight! Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

A new moon in your privacy sector appears on September 3, showing you’re deeply focused on solitude, rest, and reflection in the earlier weeks, too. You could find meeting with a counselor, healer, or therapist quite helpful. Consider journaling, engaging with your intuition, or embracing spirituality.

Venus, planet of attraction, makes you more beautiful than ever from August 29 until September 22. This is a gorgeous period to update your look, buy new clothes, or pursue romance, pleasure, or indulgence.

Last to note will be a lunar eclipse near September 18, 2024 that highlights your daily routines, employment, and work and life balance. Destined events will arrive! You could be polishing off a major project, taking on new clients or endeavors, or even leaving one job for another near this time. If out of work, be sure to apply around then. You could find the perfect assignments. On other notes, this full moon could instead bring a shift around your diet, exercise, coworkers, or even a pet.  

Oh, and of course…birthday season arrives after September 22. Embrace the month ahead with confidence, joy, and a desire for pleasure. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will be quite intense for many zodiac signs, but you will likely be able to enjoy it more than others, Scorpio. 

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around relationships, partnerships, or negotations and Pluto will once again bring attention to your ideas, communication projects, or travel.

Next, let’s discuss Mars. The key theme for you this month will be all around expansion, particularly professional and personal growth simultaneously. Mars, planet of energy, ignites this arena from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. This ensures so much opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, embrace new horizons, and open up your perception of life and the world. Some possible areas you could see fresh starts follow: international travel or relations or business, immigration, media and publishing industries, legalities, or involvement with academics or spirituality. It could be as simple as enrolling in a class to update your credentials or getting a new certification so you’re more competitive in your industry. Regardless, you’ll be eager to shake it up and be far more expressive.

Since May 25, 2024, Jupiter has danced into your sector of intimacy, which will further help you to get closer, more vulnerable, and more sensual with a significant other—but in truth, only Scorpios in established unions will be able to revel in this energy until June 9, 2025. All Scorpios, in general, though, will be gifted opportunities around wealth creation, assets, investments, or large money matters. For instance, you could reach a big settlement or instead get a large payout from stocks or royalties or even an inheritance. Think money! Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Venus, planet of attraction, makes you more beautiful than ever from September 22 until October 17. This is a gorgeous period to update your look, buy new clothes, or pursue romance, pleasure, or indulgence.

Joy, laughter, and blessings will be drawn your way due to the new moon in your fulfillment zone that opens a doorway to you in the weeks after September 3, 2024. There are many ways this can affect you. First, you may end up being far more social as friends, followers, and communities wish to connect with you. Dating, through online means or through your network, could be auspicious. This is also a great time to ask for favors from people, especially if they’re tied to your innermost hopes, aspirations, and dreams. Someone may provide the key to a door that has been locked. Volunteering, getting involved, and simply following your bliss will all be wonderful now.

Last to note is the lunar eclipse. Destined events have arrived! You will have great luck around true love, fertility, romance, or dating. In fact, a soulmate could appear soon—energized by the lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024. This could be a period where you feel like your heart is on fire, as you make deep promises, or find your dating life is flourishing with many options. However, if an ending occurs, such as a break-up, this could be simply redirecting you to another horizon. Also note that hobbies, sports, and creativity will all be energized near this time, as well as children and fertility. Above all, try to live in the moment and have fun!

Enjoy the month, Scorpio. You are meant for happiness. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September packs a punch for you, Sagittarius.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around employment, routines, or physical health and Pluto will once again bring attention to your income. 

Next, let’s take a peek at Mars. There will be a great emphasis on wealth, whether that be a bonus, settlement, inheritance, large money matter or expense, or assets and investments, too. Instead, your partner’s income could be affected, bringing a spotlight to what they bring in and spend. This is all due to Mars journeying in this sector from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. In truth, it looks like there’s a lot of spending and monetization coming in, but this would be a great time to meet with an accountant or advisor to even just truly take a deep dive into your budget and long-term plan. If seeking a loan, to pay off a debt, or venture capital, all of these could see luck.

Since May 25, 2024, your attention has shifted and changes to new areas: relationships. This trend lasts until June 9, 2025 with Jupiter dancing across the sky from you. This affects you in many ways. First, those in established unions could find that they’re growing together in beautiful ways, making long-term promises, getting engaged, moving in, or even being wed. This can aid those in business unions, too, or those who are looking for the best professional assistant, like a trainer, manager, agent, or beyond. If single, you can still harness this glow, though, too! You could align with a soulmate connection that mirrors you, pushes you out of your comfort zone, and provides the sense of connection you’ve been dearly craving. But don’t just sit back and expect them to do all the work—put yourself out there to show the universe you’re ready! Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next, there’s a great deal of energy focused on your professional life, public recognition, and legacy due to the new moon that appears and opens a doorway for you after September 3, 2024. This is a time to look for a better job, launch a big project, seek the grace of an authority figure, or reach toward your ambitions. Something new is coming your way, but if you are strategic, you could find great things are on the table.

Venus, planet of pleasure, also migrates into your social sector from August 29 until September 22, bringing you a surplus of social invites and luck in laughter, connection, and dating.

Last to mention his month will be the arrival of a lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024. Destined events will arrive! This will bring a transition around home, family, or your domestic life. Some of you could be moving, renovating, relocating, or stepping in to help a family member. It could be as simple of a roommate moving in or out, getting a gorgeous new piece of furniture or décor, or even signing a new lease. You could feel a bit triggered and emotional near this time, as well, so do your best to rest, recharge, and listen to your intuition. No matter what the universe throws at you, though, have faith that you are being led toward brighter and further horizons.

Handle the month’s many opportunities and changes with grace. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September is bringing a flurry of activity to many areas of your life, Capricorn.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your passions, hobbies, romance, or fertility and Pluto will once again bring attention to your identity and life path.

Next, let’s pull back the curtain and peer at Mars. Your attention will once again be upon partnerships, relationships, and teamwork. Mars, planet of strength, dashes across the sky from you from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. You’re in a major trend of making long-term plans with someone else in business or love. For instance, you could be eager to move in, get engaged, be wed, or discuss where things are heading. If not in alignment, you could be feeling the tension or discussing parting ways. If single, this is a great time to find your sacred partner. Put yourself out there!

Since May 25, 2024 until June 9, 2025, the pace of life will quicken and your daily responsibilities will increase. You may now take on more projects with your employer or clients, find you’re working much harder, or get hired by a better job. You will be firing on all cylinders, managing many routines and your work and life balance. Relationships with coworkers or staff who reports to you will improve. If you have a pet or wish to, they will bring you much joy. Last, if you’d like to improve your physical health, diet, or fitness, you’ll find many opportunities to do so, too! This is all due to glorious Jupiter’s dance through the heavens. Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Next to note is attention on your expansion zone due to the new moon highlighting this arena on and in the weeks following September 3, 2024. There are certainly many ways this could affect you, but on the most basic of levels it is about pushing you outside of your comfort zone and looking at the world through slightly different eyes. Most often, this triggers events around religion or spirituality, academics or philosophy, legalities or media endeavors, or most likely long-distance travel. However, this could be simpler, even like a visit to see relatives or checking out a museum. Note that the further that you expand your wings, the more that you could grow personally or professionally.  

Venus will highlight your career and professional ambitions this month, a trend you’ll see amplified next month. You could be sparkling with applause coming your way until the 22nd.

Last to mention, you’ll notice how you’re invigorated for new horizons and your mind is especially stimulated. A lunar eclipse in your intellectual zone appears on September 18, 2024, which could see you learning, speaking, writing, or engaged with a special communications-related project in the week that surrounds it. Destined events are arriving! On another note, you could rapidly be traveling to and fro, or socializing more with friends, neighbors, or siblings. This lunation could also bring a contract to you to sign.

Journey forward and you’ll weather the cosmic waves! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September is all about moving in new directions and seeing what sticks for you, Aquarius.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your domestic life or family and Pluto will once again bring attention to your past, mental health, and development of projects behind the scenes.

Next, let’s peer over to our red planet. Mars, planet of fire, show that you’re deeply focused on work, productivity, and health this month. You’ll be very busy with your daily routines and juggling your work and life balance. This is due to Mars invigorating this sector from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. You could be cranking along on big projects, building business, or seeking to find a new job or client work. Improving your health could also be a priority if you are feeling ill or unhappy with your weight or strength, so seek the aid of a doctor or specialist who can guide you on fitness or diet plans.

Since May 25, 2024, your life is set to feel more vibrant, colorful, and magical until June 9, 2025. For over a year, you’ll have luck around all of the following themes, which should make you feel like you’re bursting with joy: true love and dating, children and fertility, hobbies and recreation, sports, and creativity and expression. For instance, you could find your one true love if you are single or grow much closer with the soulmate at your side if partnered up. You may have a child or grow closer with yours if you are a parent. Your free time for hobbies and art should also improve. Many of you could also feel like little stars or celebrities as people applaud your talents and skills. Trust me: the year ahead looks dazzling! Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

Earlier in the month, a new moon in your intimacy and settlement zone appears on September 3, which opens a doorway for the weeks ahead. There’s a few ways this could affect you. First, you’re likely assessing your needs and desires, as well as what you give and receive in important unions. You could see a change soon. On the other hand, this could affect wealth matters, such as a shift around your partner’s income, assets, investments, bonuses, royalties, employment packages, debts, or credit lines. If you are in need of aid, apply quickly.

Venus will highlight your career and professional ambitions this month, a trend you’ll see amplified next month, too. You could be sparkling with applause coming your way from the 22nd until October 17.

Last to note this month will be your finances once again, except more explicitly connected to your income and expenses. A lunar eclipse arrives on September 18, 2024, so in the week that surrounds it, you could find that lots of money is coming in and going out. Destined events are arriving! This could affect your job or clients, like bringing in a new one, moving from one to the next, or even one income stream being cut off as your pursue new ones.

Dance through the days as you embrace new adventures. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will be the most important month in 2024 for you, Pisces.

First to note, Uranus, planet of change, turns retrograde on September 1, 2024 until January 27, 2025. Pluto, planet of power and transformation, returns to the heights of Capricorn on September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024, not to return in our lifetimes. When a major outer planet changes directions, we often experience big shifts and changes in the week that surrounds it. Pay attention to this time now. For you, Uranus should bring changes around your ideas, travel, and communication projects and Pluto will once again bring attention to friendships, social life, and aspirations.

Next, let’s peek at Mars. Mars, planet of fire, brings energy and zest to your passion zone from September 4, 2024 until November 3, 2024. In truth, this is one of the most fortunate times in years for singles to put themselves out there and find someone who fulfills them on all levels. Sex, chemistry, and spice are nearly guaranteed! But don’t just sit back in a corner waiting for someone else to “come hither.” Go after who and what you want! Couples can use this energy to reignite their spark. If you have children, you may find more attention, excitement—or even tension—in regards to them. If seeking pregnancy, you’re in luck. Focus on hobbies, sports, and creativity during this extended time and you’ll feel particularly aligned with the universe.

Since May 25, 2024 until June 9, 2025, Jupiter is gracing your sector of home, family, and domesticity. Relations with your kindred should certainly improve, especially those with parents. You may enjoy more joy at home, whether that be simply feeling like you’re on stable ground or that you’re having more people over to entertain them. You may move, relocate, renovate, or redecorate—or even get into real estate. Your emotional life should improve, too, but be aware that you may be more nostalgic and reflective. People from past lives could enter your life during the year ahead, too, and you’d likely sense the connection quite immediately. Often this takes place in a way that you feel as if you’ve met before and notice that you still play a unique role in one another’s lives. Hustle forward in September around these ideas, though, because Jupiter will go retrograde in October and be weakened until February 2025.

To add further energy in your personal life, a new moon in your partnership zone appears on September 3, opening a doorway for you in relationships in the weeks ahead. In truth, you could find camaraderie, collaboration, and union very beneficial at this time. If you’ve been seeking a negotiation or settlement, it could appear. Healthy relationships could grow now or soon, such as making long-term plans, moving in, or getting engaged or wed. However, if you’re not aligned, you could separate. Singles should look for someone with long-term potential.

Last to mention is a lunar eclipse in your zodiac sign on September 18, 2024. Destined events have come! In the week surrounding it, you could feel like you are being thrust into the spotlight and plans you’ve been building toward in the past six months are now here before you. A turning point, ending, or transition may also manifest now, whether in regards to relationships or you stepping into your power. You’ll likely feel fired up and intense. If for some reason you’re not getting what you dearly desire near this time, the universe is telling you that you need to take a different approach. Trust your heart and listen to the spirit of the cosmos.

Listen to the echo of the universe, Pisces, your next great chapter is just beginning! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Good Morning America, the TODAY show, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas