Best Astrology Horoscope on Earth.jpg

For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

September has arrived, and with it, one of the most significant cosmic storms of 2020. “Haven’t we faced enough?” I hear you say. “Weren’t things starting to improve?” For years, astrologers like myself looked ahead into the year 2020 and knew that it was going to be one of the most significant turning points many of us would see in this lifetime. Because of all of the planetary activity—the union of Saturn and Pluto, the shift of the eclipses from Cancer-Capricorn to Gemini-Sagittarius, Venus and Mars Retrograde, and then finally the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the end of the year—we knew our lives on a grand scale would change forever. In layman’s terms, the planets are not punishing you—they are destroying what was not working in our world so that better things can emerge. Like a phoenix burns to ash to once again rise from the flames, this is a “phoenix moment” for us all.

Before I dive into this month specifically, though, I want to personally thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. So thank you for being in this moment with me now, and I hope you will continue to help me grow. You, to me, are a light.

Skip ahead to your zodiac sign, or read the general overview that will affect everyone worldwide first.

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Since the end of June, ferocious Mars, the planet of drive and strength, has roared through the zodiac sign of Aries. This will continue until the very beginning of 2021. However, since August, we have noticed a lethargic energy entering our lives or some things starting to slow down. This is because Mars, too, is losing steam and about to freeze within the night’s sky. Mars will backward from September 9th until November 13th. During the coming months ahead, it is likely you will face conflicts, obstacles, and stagnation in your life. Launch absolutely nothing “new” nor of great importance during this time because it will likely fail. Do not officially “begin” a relationship with anyone and certainly do not get married. If you do so, your chemistry and passion for one another will fade. Mars Retrograde is a time to slow down, surrender to the Universe, and see where the current takes you rather than forcing anything. Do not attack during this time—you can defend yourself—but if you initiate war, you will find that karma crushes you and your opposition grows even more powerful. Be careful not to burn out or engage in any behavior that could put your health at risk, as you are more prone to disease and a lack of immunity, too. Last, as this time will bring into focus karmic issues surrounding past conflicts, sex, your ego, and your desires—this can be a wonderful moment to heal. If you wish to resolve a past situation and put it to rest, this can finally manifest. For some people, it will even allow you to reignite the happy moments, but first you must lay down your sword, ask for forgiveness, and agree to build a healthier future. For more information on Mars in Aries, check it out here.

However, backing up a bit, we actually start the month with a lovely Full Moon in the zodiac sign of Pisces on September 1st. The energy of this Full Moon will begin to creep into your life in the final days of August and should last throughout the first week of the new month. Full Moons always bring culmination to your life and are opportunities for turning points, revelations, achievements, or endings. This Full Moon is tied to what you were building in your life in the week following February 23rd, 2020. Look back to the conversations, plans, and actions then because they will likely come back to face you. With this lunation shimmering in the zodiac sign of Pisces, this watery and imaginative energy will electrify the cosmos. Our intuition will be especially noticeable and there will be an urge to embrace sensitivity and romance in our daily lives. Creative and spiritual vibrations will be enhanced now, so listen to your heart. This frequency shimmers in sharp contrast to Virgo Season, which the early weeks of September always celebrate. With the Sun blazing through Virgo, we will be focused greatly on our day-to-day lives and how we are managing our work-life balance throughout much of this month.

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On September 5th, our cosmic messenger planet, Mercury, dances on into the zodiac sign of Libra. Over the coming weeks, all negotiations will become blessed with an easier and more fair-minded flow. Relationship topics will be on the top of our minds as we want to make sure we are on the same page as our lovers, friends, collaborators, and business associates. A day later, our beloved planet of pleasure and beauty, Venus, will become ignited within the zodiac sign of Leo for weeks to come, too. With so much planetary energy within Fire and Air signs this month, we will be more bold in pursuing our heart’s desires and plans. In Leo, our radiant goddess planet will inspire us to create the love story of our dreams and express our affection through grand gestures. Now is one of the best times of the year for singles to connect with new options as Venus feels especially fired up right now. As I mentioned earlier that it’s not the best time to become “official” due to the Mars Retrograde, this doesn’t mean you have to stop dating entirely! In fact, you will feel more passionate to do so! However, hold off declaring any official connection until late November. This is a time to be slow in getting to know new options or to embrace being casual.

Yet, despite Mars slowing down and deciding to fall fast asleep this month, two other mighty planets are finally waking up! On the 15th, mighty Jupiter will station direct in Capricorn. Jupiter is known as “the Great Benefic” in astrology and bestows the most miraculous blessings upon our lives. I often refer to this majestic planet as if he is a “guardian angel” that brings you happiness and protection wherever he goes. Depending on your Sun Sign and Rising Sign, be sure to read later in the forecast how Jupiter wakening will affect you. Yet, collectively, the return of Jupiter’s energy will do some very significant things. During his slumber since May 14th, he has been debating the things that occurred in the earlier months of this year. Now until mid-December of this year, he will bring rapid growth to everything that happened during that time. Later in the month, on the 28th, Saturn, the giver of life’s lessons, will awaken, too. He has been forcing us to restructure our lives and to streamline our plans. No longer can we live in our fantasies—Saturn wants us to buckle down and be practical. While I do predict that there will certainly be more opportunities for prosperity and new beginnings to emerge worldwide and within our lives, I did write an in-depth article how this Autumn could see yet another surge of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

September 17th brings forth a spectacular New Moon in Virgo, which unlocks a door for you to improve your routine for the year ahead. The energy of Virgo is all about creating plans that are sustainable and that help us to build a better future. I do believe there will be some breakthroughs in the world’s health in the days that follow here, but I still tend to think that more significant discoveries regarding COVID-19 vaccinations won’t come until early 2021. During this New Moon, be sure to make sure you are checking in with yourself regarding your health and giving yourself enough time for rest. Also, look at your calendar and consider how you can subtract one thing that is wasting your time yet add another that will create a healthier habit—whether it’s exercising, meditating, or reading. The actions you take in your life now will culminate near February 27th, 2021. Watch how the patterns echo, stargazers.

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To end the month, the Sun will move on into the partnership-focused zodiac sign of Libra. Libra Season will last for the entire month ahead and during this time, we will turn our attention to how we are cooperating with the people around us—or if we need to reassess and renegotiate where we stand. While this would normally be a blessed time for unions and marriages—as I’ve repeatedly stated, hold back. Come from a place of serenity and harmony in your relationships, rather than co-dependency. Consider your boundaries, wants, and needs in your partnerships so that you can either find them with the right match or clearly articulate them to the person at your side.

Important dates to remember in September 2020 for love are the 4 and 28. Significant moments to plan for success are the 1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 17. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 2, 4, 9, 11, 15, 17, 21, 23, 24, 29. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

The following horoscopes for each zodiac sign were originally written for UPLOADER Magazine, a global magazine based out of Italy. You can view UPLOADER Magazine or buy your copy here.


You have spent months moving toward your goals—personally and professionally. This is certain with so much planetary power behind you, giving you an opportunity to truly make your mark upon the world. However, September will make you slow down significantly—something you often have trouble with. You like to chase your plans, impulsively lead with your heart, and conquer the world around you. This is because the mighty planet of strength, Mars, rules you. Mars gives you immense ambition and has been feeding you firepower since it entered your zodiac sign in June of this year. However, in August it began to slow down, so you likely started to feel a bit exhausted and noticed some obstacles pop up. On September 9th, Mars will freeze within the sky and turn backward until November 14th. This means that for months ahead, you will see obstacles and hurdles pop up—and some of these may even enrage you. Being told to be patient and wait is not your strong suit, which is why you so often live such a fast-paced life. Yet, Mars Retrograde will encourage you to surrender to the flow of the Universe, rest, and recharge. Welcome the changes that come to you now as an opportunity to improve your strategy. While it is likely you are going to want to launch a project during this time, it is best if you can wait until late November at the earliest. Anything that “begins” or “launches” during Mars Retrograde will likely fizzle out or fail later on. Single Aries will still have an opportunity to find love in the months ahead; just don’t become “official” with anyone, as your sexual rapport will dissipate like rain on a scalding hot day. Another reason this month is telling you to pull back is because it begins with a Full Moon in your sector of rest on September 1st, as well. Use the beginning week to get in touch with your spiritual side and lie low. If you don’t, you could burn out. This month holds a great deal of focus on your relationships, as Mercury—ruling your mind—and Venus—ruling attraction—grace relationship zones. Mercury will help you find accord with current partners by openly communicating. Whether single or attached, you’ll be thinking about love and partnerships a lot! Single Aries have a remarkable moment from the 6th onward to find a new spark while committed Aries can use this energy to find more blessings with the one they have. If looking to conceive, this may also be a fertile time! Watch for important career news near the 12th, as Jupiter in your sector of achievements will wake up and begin to once again bring his blessings to you. Since May, you’ve been revising your plans professionally and it appears many milestones still lie ahead for you this year. A project you may have thought stalled could now regain speed. The greatest career success you are to see this year will likely come now until December. Keep your eyes on the prize! The New Moon this month arrives on the 17th and will help you take on more work with your employer, switch to a new job, or else gain more freelance clients. Be on the lookout at this time. On the 22nd, the powerful Sun will storm on into your partnership sector and bring important relationships even further before you. In the coming month, while it isn’t favored to begin new relationships officially, you can continue to grow closer with new ones or form deeper unions with the ones that you have. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Slow down and learn to rest and recharge, Taurus. The Universe knows how passionately you work toward what you set your mind upon and this has been especially true since Mars entered your sector of behind-the-scenes projects in June. This may be focusing you upon a project that has been in development that you’ve been rushing forth—trying to get it done—or else patiently realizing that it may still take more time for it to come into fruition. It is likely that you will continue to work for the rest of the year on fine-tuning these projects. However, this may have manifested in other ways: that you have been battling exhaustion, illness, or factors beyond your control since June that have felt quite overwhelming. In September, Mars will turn retrograde—meaning that from now until mid-November, you must do everything possible to put your physical and mental health first. While this may mean visiting doctors, therapists, or healers, the Universe is making this a very “you” moment so that you can set your path onto brighter horizons. Take care of yourself, dear Taurus. There is nothing more important than your own health, sanity, and hope. You will get through this—I promise you. At the very beginning of September, though, it appears you will be connected to a community who loves and cherishes you. Many Taurus will be lifted up due to the Full Moon on the 1st, and some may even see a heartfelt hope or dream now within reach. Consider how you can become a part of a group that you care about—whether it’s a charity, spiritual community, or even an online gamers group! Throughout the month, though, one of the most predominant themes will be love, passion, and creativity. With the Sun heating up this very fertile sector of your life, it will be a saving grace to get you through the day. Focus on expressing yourself through art or being inspired by media, books, or even nature. If single, be sure to connect with romantic options and take it slowly. Starting a “new” official relationship during Mars Retrograde is never favored, as this planet rules sex. Trust me—you don’t want to lose that spark! There is a slim possibility that you could reconnect with a lover from the past in the months ahead—but I would warn you to be very careful, as it appears this person carries some karmic entanglement with you. On one hand, they could return with ulterior motives and deceive you of their true reason—perhaps even an enemy smiling just to hurt you one last time. Yes, there is a possibility that they could return to resolve a past conflict that did not have peace and wish to rebuild a connection going forward, or at the very least, just set it to rest once and for all. I urge you to be cautious at this time—particularly until January. October and November will see a Mercury Retrograde in your partnership sector, too, so do not be surprised if the past does return, even if it’s just the feelings of nostalgia. The New Moon on the 17th opens a door in your romantic sector, so no matter what you decide to do—use the following days after this to open your heart deeply to the one you choose or someone new. However, professional matters will also be on your mind this month with planetary luck gifting you opportunities. Watch for news surrounding the 12th, as Jupiter, bestower of miracles, wakes up in your sector of expansion. For some Taurus this could signal that a major victory in media, television, or publishing arrives in the months ahead. Others could finally see progress in regards to academics. If you’ve been hoping to immigrate, this wouldn’t necessarily be professional—but would push you to new horizons. Last to note is that when the Sun moves on the 22nd into your employment sector, expect that your job will hold your focus in the month ahead. Some Taurus could become busier—particularly with new projects and responsibilities. But again, do your best not to push yourself too hard now or your health may pay the price. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Geminis have been seeing a very active social life in recent months, but it does appear that it may suddenly hit a standstill—or certainly slow significantly down—in the months ahead. Mars, the mighty planet of energy, has been roaring through your friendship sector and likely showing you that you are indeed quite popular. However, in September, Mars turns backward until mid-November, meaning that in the time ahead, you may realize that you and a friend are not on the exact same page. Conflicts are possible, unfortunately, especially if something has been building for quite some time. A falling out may occur in the months ahead if you don’t handle the situation delicately. Speaking of intimacy and vulnerability in relationships, September will bring you gems, too. Mercury, your ruler and planet of the mind, brings laughter within your sector of romance from the 5th onward. During this time, you will likely be swapping scintillating texts and conversation with a love interest and feeling like you’re obsessing over a crush. Committed Geminis could use this to bring sexy seduction back on the radar with their partner. Also, Jupiter, giver of luck, will wake up on the 12th. Now and in the months ahead you will be able to heal trust issues and establish stronger unions. The Sun will march on into your passion sector beginning on the 22nd, so rest assured that plenty of magic awaits you in the month ahead. However, September will also bring you two other major themes: your career and your domestic life. The Full Moon on the 1st highlights your achievements and will bring a resounding victory to you in the days that follow. This will likely be the most important week for success this year. A promotion, favorable press, or public recognition could be yours—but this will be tied to how hard you have been working in the past six months or longer. New contracts could also come your way this month, especially after Venus enters your communications sector and makes you especially charming and persuasive from the 6th onward. In regards to your domestic life and family, though, with the great Sun powering up this zone for the first few weeks, expect changes and shifts to occur. You may be fixing up your living space or choosing to move. When the New Moon arrives on the 17th, you may find that perfect place, begin a renovation, see a situation with a roommate appear, or else just decide to grow closer with your soul family. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



You have been an unstoppable force in your career and professional life for many months already, Cancer. It is quite possible you had many new opportunities on your horizon that you could barely keep up! You are known for your persistence and are willing to put in the work—so rest assured that some of your greatest milestones are still ahead. However, in September, your career may begin to hit obstacles, hurdles, or stagnation as Mars—the reason for your professional victories—suddenly falls asleep! You will likely feel as if the wind has been suddenly sucked out of you and are you gasping for breath. Just as you were about to reach that new height, the Universe wants to dangle that career victory further and further out of reach. However, know that from now until mid-November it is likely you will rework your professional plans in order to see better rewards once you enact them later in the year. While the urge to still launch prior to mid-November will be seething within your soul—I pray you do not. With Mars Retrograde occurring, you could be devastated as all your hard work goes for nothing and your endeavor ultimately backfires and fails. Learn greater patience now and the Universe will show you later that you were happy that you did. Venus, planet of attraction, will be making you absolutely magnetic for the first week of the month—so be certain to connect with potential options if single or use the time for extra sensuality with your partner then. However, on the 6th, it enters your income sector for the rest of the month so it looks like you could see yourself a bit in the money! Gifts or income may increase, so enjoy this happy victory. Also, this month your mind is especially active and could be spinning around communications-related projects: perhaps writing or speaking, contracts, or even moving forward with an advertising plan. The New Moon on the 17th will open a door up to you here, and as mentioned before, it is quite likely you will be required to negotiate or sign something of importance in the week that follows. However, another focus this month will be upon your domestic and family life. Mercury, planet of the mind, shows that you are considering either fixing up your space from the 5th onward or that you are deeply engaged in family discussions. When the Sun roars on into this same zone on the 22nd, you will see new developments regarding these same themes for the month ahead. Last to note in an already jam-packed month is your romantic life and relationships. One of the most significant blessings possible has arrived: with the majestic planet Jupiter waking up on the 12th in your partnership sector. It is likely since May you have been revising your needs in relationships—whether personal or professional—and will see happier developments there in the many months to come. If single, you are especially favored to find someone with long-term or forever potential—someone who could very well be a soul mate connection. If already together, you may decide to grow even closer and become engaged or wed. However, do not do so until after Mars Retrograde ends on November 14th! Also, when Mercury speeds on into your romance sector on the 27th for weeks ahead, your mind will be on creativity, romance, or children. Communicate your thoughts and build a plan to bring more happiness into your life in the months ahead. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



September will bring some sugar and spice to you, Leo. This is because you are in a unique turning point as some planets are waking up, while others are beginning to fall asleep! The way this affects will obviously depend on where they are in the sky now, which I will happily fill you in on! In recent months, it is likely you have been hungering for new horizons—and you definitely need them now. You have been feeling frustrated by being in a cage and know it’s your time to shine. Oftentimes when mighty Mars fires up this sector, one becomes highly focused on travelling and experiencing new cultures. Immigration can also be hinted at normally. Yet another way it could manifest is through academic endeavors and putting everything you have there. Last, it may also show that some Leos have been highly focused on a media, television, or publishing endeavor. You’ve been anxious to see your plans launch forward—however, there will be a devastating pitfall ahead. Mars will fall asleep in September and not reawaken until mid-November. Because of this, you will see obstacles, hurdles, or stagnation until then. If for some reason you push too hard and try to still make it happen, you’d be launching against the wind with no air in your sails. This means you will be unhappy with the results and have to fight tooth and nail to make it manifest like you’d hoped for—and to be honest, it is a waste of energy at this time. I do believe you can pick up the pieces when Mars is stronger but that will not be until the end of November. Rest assured, we are all dealing with this energy in some way or form, so go easy on yourself at this time. September brings a few other themes, though, and certainly opportunities for happiness. The Full Moon on the 1st highlights your intimacy sector and allows you to rebalance an important relationship in business or love. Sometimes a large check or payout arrives—such as one from a divorce settlement. If for some reason you have been feeling a union has outlived its purpose, you could now decide to part ways and separate. This is okay—as you have so many opportunities for love ahead! Venus, planet of radiance and attraction, will grace you with her goddess divinity from the 6th onward. This is one of the most spectacular times to update your look or buy new clothing. Indulge in you! Also, with your light brighter than normal, new romantic options are coming out of the woodwork to get closer to you! If single, you must absolutely be dating up a storm now. If committed, though, use this time to bring more pleasure and sweetness into your established partnership. Another area of interest this month is your finances. The Sun will heat up this sector throughout much of the month, showing that you are likely spending more money and focusing on how to make more. Financial management will be major at this time, but with the dawning of the New Moon on the 17th—expect that opportunities to increase your cash flow will arrive. This may appear in the form of a raise, new clients if freelance, or else another job. Don’t just wait for it to come to you, though: hustle! While the Sun will parade on into your communications sector on the 22nd, you will feel quite mentally persuasive and highly chatty for the month ahead. You will likely sign important documents or use your words to deliver important messages. Last to note, though, is that the majestic planet of miracles, Jupiter, will wake up on the 12th—so watch for important news regarding either your employment or health at this time. It appears something has been on hold for you between one of these areas since May of this year and you felt you had been making progress, but then it started to slip away. Rest assured your greatest growth will occur now until the very end of the year! Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Birthday season has arrived and you are as radiant as the Sun! This is the time when you are able to establish important patterns that you would like to see grow for the entire year ahead. Birthday season brings your Solar Return—when the Sun literally crosses the exact same place it had been in the sky as when you were born. That moment is what predicts how your year ahead will likely evolve—so make sure that your special day is as beautiful as possible! Pack it with blessings and make it a celebration of you! Your cosmic gift from the Universe will arrive this month in the form of a New Moon, though, which takes place in your Sun Sign on September 17th. In the seven to ten days that follow this lunation, put your personal plans front-and-center. Take action to build the life you want. New Moons are like a door that is opening to you—and it highlights what lies within your heart. Do not settle now. Be courageous and be strong as you move forward. However, beyond the major focus on YOU this month, there will also be a great deal happening in regards to relationships. A Full Moon in your partnership sector will light up the night on the 1st. However, you will start to feel the energy toward the very end of August. A Full Moon in this zone always causes a turning point in regards to one of your unions—whether it is business or personal. Sometimes this can signify a choice you must make, such as if you should stay or leave; or else it is an opportunity to grow closer, such as move in, get engaged, or get married. Just make sure you make it official prior to September 9th when Mars goes retrograde. Intimacy has been important to you in recent months. If you’ve had fears regarding relationships or noticed your unions are not giving you what you deserve, as Mars falls asleep this month, you will realize that you have had enough. Finding the perfect union, especially one that truly fulfills you on all levels, is going to be something you address in months to come. Also, joyous news arrives as Jupiter, the giver of miracles, will wake up in your sector of love, passion, and creativity on the 12th. You may suddenly hear significant news around a matter close to your heart near this time. It is likely something has been “on hold” for you here since May of this year. Know that no matter what happens, Jupiter will protect you and bring you better horizons in these areas until mid-December of this year. It is of utmost importance that if you are single and looking for love, you use this time now to put yourself in front of new options. Do not wait for it to come to you—especially in the middle of a pandemic. Make safe dating a top priority because you could very well cross paths with a soul mate. If instead you have been focusing on “giving birth”—such as looking for that creative inspiration or else literal pregnancy—you again have luck on your side. The Universe is sure to bless one of these areas. Your finances, too, appear to be on your mind quite a bit in September, as Mercury will be dancing happily along through this sphere for most of the month. However, your moneymaking potential is sure to increase once the Sun adds power here from the 22nd onward. Be ready to welcome in more abundance in the weeks ahead. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



The Universe is being a feisty one, Libra, and you will be handling quite a bit in September. However, let’s start with the main theme initially: partnerships. You are known for being so perfect in partnerships. In fact, you thrive better in them. Whether it’s in a romantic union or collaborating with the perfect business associate, you know how to take the team mentality further so you achieve so much more as a unit. Since the end of June, mighty Mars has been bringing intense focus to this area of your life. On one hand, it may have propelled you to find the perfect partner no matter the cost, as if your life and happiness has depended on it! Obviously, in a personal sense this may have been you hoping to find that perfect soul mate. However, oppositely, frustrations between you and a lover could have been festering since about that time. In a professional sense, this significant partner could be a collaborator, assistant, manager, agent, attorney, accountant, therapist, or beyond! While you likely have made a lot of progress, it is possible that in September something suddenly spirals off the rails and you feel at complete odds with one another. Mars rules passion, sex, and energy—so when he is happy, you can work so well in unison. However, when he is asleep, frustrations, conflicts, and fury are all quite possible. Some Libras may even face enemies during this time—or open competitors who are determined to bring you down. Whatever you do, promise me that you won’t go into open war with anyone, as whoever throws the first attack now is likely to fail. Any fights now will likely leave both parties severely wounded. Instead, take a step back and realize that you may have to lie down your ego for a bit. Obviously with Mars Retrograde taking place, starting any new “official” relationship will not work out in the end—so wait for all new official relationship endeavors after mid-November. Of course you can still continue to casually date or maintain the flow you were partaking within romantically prior to this—just try not to push into “what are we” conversations. Also, with Mercury, planet of the mind, in your zodiac sign from the 5th until the 27th, it shows that you will be focusing intensely upon your needs, wants, and desires—and will be better at articulating them, too. Use this time to improve communication with everyone around you. Venus, planet of fun, will be prancing through your social sector from the 6th onward, so you could let off some steam with friends during that team—or even make new friends, as well! Sometimes new love can spark through your social network when this occurs, so if ready to mingle, consider new options that way. When the Sun moves into your Sun Sign on the 22nd, get ready to ring in birthday season! This is the most important time of the year for you to start new patterns that you’d like to create for the future ahead. Over the coming month, be sure to put your personal hopes and plans front-and-center. While the first weeks of September—and the New Moon on the 17th—are pushing you to lie low, relax, and recharge, the reinvigorating power of the Sun with you from the 22nd onward will bring more light back into your life. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Love and career are hot topics for you in September, Scorpio. At the onset of the month, a Full Moon will ignite your passion and fertility sector on the 1st. This will be one of the most romantic moments of the year for you—so do not sit back and let it go to waste! You are giving birth at this time—to a new love or deeper love—or even to a creative project or receiving news regarding a child. Some Scorpios that have been trying for pregnancy may finally have their lucky break! Single Scorpios must absolutely use this first week to reach out to new options and schedule dates. Don’t let the Universe just give you one possible heartthrob, be sure you’re putting your feelers out to find the perfect match. Committed Scorpios should also indulge in the fun and plan a memorable or breathtaking experience with their significant other in the days near this. Also, with the mighty Sun blazing a trail through your sector of fulfillment and friendships, your social life looks quite active. You may hear from many friends this month or will be asked to join some festive events. Obviously, if you are doing so and the area that you live is still gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, please wear a mask and practice social distancing. Online gatherings could also be quite enjoyable at this time and if you’d like to expand your personal or professional network, do so this month. All of these beautiful blessings will continue to fill your heart even after the New Moon on the 17th. Yet, your career will also be heavily on your mind this month with Mars heating up your work life. Since June, you have been either very busy in your employment—or deeply passionate about finding the right job for you. However, with Mars falling asleep this month, you may suddenly watch as your responsibilities lighten or else you find your job has become stagnant. Worse yet, many Scorpios will be laid off now or until mid-November. Even if you maintain your job during these turbulent times, others could find themselves immersed in a battle for employment or with coworkers on the job. It is best to lie low as much as you can in months ahead and pick your battles wisely. If for some reason Mars is not triggering any of these examples, it could instead be drawing attention to your physical health, diet, and fitness. You may have been highly focused on that but are noticing exhaustion and burn out creep in. It is important to put your health as a top priority in the immediate weeks ahead as some Scorpios will find that their immunity has fallen and they become wrapped in a battle against a disease or virus. I do not say these things to frighten you, just tell you the truth. You must take every precaution now and in the coming future to stay strong because Mars Retrograde is not messing around. Back to good news, though: the blessed goddess planet, Venus, will be shining down upon you from her perch in your sector of achievements from the 6th onward. This means that you could see praise, awards, or happy professional news in the weeks ahead. Interestingly, if you’re single and looking to date someone a bit more “successful” or “famous” than you—you’re in luck to catch their eye and see where it goes. Use your special charm to weave a web of seduction and you could find that you’re on your way to being in a power couple! Last this month to note is that the fantastic planet, Jupiter, will wake up in your sector of communications on the 12th so watch the days near then. It appears you’ve been working on an important communications-related project in the last year—whether that is a writing, speaking, or advertising endeavor. Sometimes this is a proposal or contract you’ve been pushing—or even updating your website or launching a podcast. No matter what, though, it is guaranteed that your words can make you a great deal of money and influence for the rest of the year if you choose to use this power wisely. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Home, career, and love are shifting right before your eyes, Sagittarius, so buckle up for a very intense month! First to note is that you will begin September with a Full Moon on the 1st that highlights your domestic sector. Some Sagittarius may move near this time or else be fixing up their living space. Others could be attending to an important family-related situation. It is likely you are feeling quite emotional at this time and even possibly debating how stable and secure your life is. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a great deal of attention is going into your professional success at this time—and it shows that there may even be a push-pull dynamic occurring between your home-work life. With the Sun lighting up your ambitions throughout the month until the 22nd, you are in a rare position to make a great deal of progress very quickly. The New Moon on the 17th could open a door to you to take on more prestigious projects, connect with powerful people, or even welcome in applause. Do everything possible in the week following this lunation to set yourself up for greater success in the year ahead. If you work effectively, it appears you will be standing in victory early next year, near the end of February. Also, with guardian angel planet, Jupiter, sparkling within your income sector for the rest of the year—and finally “waking up” on the 12th, you can expect a more improved flow with your finances. For some Sagittarius, your prosperity or income has looked a bit rocky and uncertain. You had hope that it was improving and could certainly see it doing so, but then since May you’ve been wondering if that was just false hope. Rest assured, you will make more money in the months ahead and build a more secure lifestyle for years to come. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto—very powerful planets—have been giving you many lessons about how to manage your money effectively and to make a little go so much further than ever before. If you have been hoping for more luck with a media, television, or large-network endeavor, you could also see luck with Venus attracting happiness throughout much of September. The same would hold true if you’ve been hoping to return to school for further studies or already using academics to improve your professional goals. However, the other major theme to pay attention to this month is romance and passion. Since the end of June, the mighty planet of sex and drive, Mars, has been heating up your sector of love and fertility. This means that you have likely been putting this before you as a top priority. On one hand, this could be that you are dating up a storm looking for the hottest catch you can find or even using it to increase the spark between you and your serious partner. Other Sagittarius may have used it to heat up their creative energy and have been absolutely radiating the artistic muse. However, in September, Mars will fall asleep and strip away all of the excitement you had been feeling. Unfortunately, this may mean that life seems a bit more gray in months to come or that you don’t have as much time—or energy—for love and sex as before. Others could feel that the divine inspiration they had been channeling has been ripped right out from beneath them and they can’t even focus! Don’t worry—you will get through this. If you are a parent, your children could be acting up in months to come, so listen to them rather than trying to punish. You could also very possibly hear from old flames—whether lovers of hookups—from the past in months ahead, too. This may be a time when you face karmic lessons related to love and realize you must face the heavier realities of relationships, rather than running away to that next green pasture. Last to note is that the Sun will race on into your social sector on the 22nd, promising that your friends will have many opinions in the weeks ahead. Do your best to bounce your thoughts off them before engaging impulsively elsewhere. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



An extremely important month in your 2020 storybook has come. You have been undergoing tremendous shifts for many years, and it is likely that since 2017 it may have felt like a dark cloud has been hanging over you that you can’t quite escape. Sometimes this manifests as a depression, ill health, or else increased responsibilities. You have certainly been bearing the weight of the world and this is because—predominantly—the taskmaster planet, Saturn. As much as he can make your life feel more somber, he is actually teaching you to become stronger than ever before. Steel is forged through fire, which is what is happening to you. Also, in one way or another, Saturn is telling you it is time to “grow up” and leave behind negative traits or patterns that no longer serve you. Sometimes this forces you to feel like you are more alone, but that is because again, you must know your own strength in order to bring value to others. This month on the 28th, Saturn will wake up from his dormancy and regain momentum once again. Yet, toward the end of Saturn’s tutelage, he often leaves a reward in his wake. This is all dependent on how hard you have been working in recent years. Saturn will leave your zodiac sign mid-December and you will not have to face his lessons in this way for nearly thirty years. If you have been working hard to grow and reach greater personal integrity, I predict you will have a much easier road ahead in 2020. Another major turning point occurs this month because Jupiter, the giver of life’s greatest blessings, will also awaken from his slumber. This happens on the 12th of September. In December of 2019, Jupiter joined your zodiac sign and has been pushing you toward new beginnings in every way. When Jupiter is in your sign, this is called a “Diamond Year” whereby you will set down upon many new open roads toward a new destiny. Since May of this year, you have been evaluating your heart’s hopes and dreams. It likely felt you had many new blessings dangle before you this year, yet they were just at the tips of your fingers—just out of reach. The tide has turned and I do believe that you will finally be able to grasp those new things now and in the months to come. However, I want to reiterate that this is a time of new beginnings, births, and rebirths—this is not necessarily a time of “great culmination.” Many Capricorns I have done readings for have confused this cosmic blessing from Jupiter as being the time when they “hit the jackpot” in every area of life. No, that is not what I am saying. This is the time when you begin the path to your greatest fulfillment and plant the seeds that will grow for the entire decade ahead. Your “jackpots” in love will likely come in 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026. Your victories in money and success will likely come in 2021, 2028, and 2029. Of course there will be opportunities for growth every year—but not quite as you may have originally expected. Don’t worry, though, you are becoming the star you were meant to be. Returning back to this month, though, I see that you have a tremendous amount of activity going on within communications-related sectors. The Full Moon on the 1st brings a significant writing, speaking, or contractual matter to completion. This may be that you finally sign an important document with long-term ramifications or else are debuting a proposal or podcast. With the Sun lighting up your sector of expansion throughout most of the month, though, you could be highly invested within an academics endeavor or media or publishing pursuit. The New Moon on the 17th could open a door to one of these areas for you. If looking to immigrate or travel overseas, this could also align at this time. However, it is clear your mind is highly focused on your career throughout most of the month as Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet, has you exchanging important messages about your work from the 5th onward. Also, when the fiery Sun ignites your ambitions from the 22nd onward, expect important career developments to come in the weeks ahead. The last major factor to bring to your attention this month is that Mars, which has been bringing a great deal of activity within your domestic sector since the end of June, will be falling fast asleep this month. On one hand, this may have shown that you moved in recent months or else still may have to in the months ahead—quite possibly even toward the end of September. Home renovations or difficulties may crop up now and in the weeks to come—or if you choose to move, it could cause some problems or damage to your items. With this fiery energy causing ruckus in your home space, it shows that something is amiss and you will have to attend to it. While it may provoke you to anger, it is best to try to breathe out and find solutions. Watch over your family during this time, too, as tensions may also be high with them now and until December. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



In recent years, it appears you have been highly focused on closing chapters and ways you can face your past in order to plan a brighter future. Sometimes this takes the form of finding peace with others or even focusing on healing—whether it is psychologically or physically. Finally, with the great giver of blessings, Jupiter, waking up in September, you will once again see so much progress and growth. You’ve been contemplating what you envision for yourself going forward, and since May, you’ve realized you need to find a better plan to make that happen. Now until Jupiter enters your zodiac sign in mid-December you are setting the stage to finally start fresh. Do everything you can to release what holds you down and be strategic on your steps to be reborn. This month also brings a great deal of attention to your income and relationships, too. A Full Moon on the 1st lights up your income sector and shows that you will be spending and gaining money now. Some Aquarians may receive a large check, job offer, or raise, too. Prosperity can definitely be yours, so look for new ways to monetize or find better employment if you feel you aren’t growing effectively. There is a slight possibility an income source could end, but if so, you are simply being redirected to another opening down the line. Throughout most of the month, the mighty Sun will be sizzling through your intimacy zone. This shows that you are trying to navigate the give-and-take in your relationships and wondering if your needs are truly being fulfilled. The New Moon on the 17th will open a door for you to clear the air and bring forth a better union. However, if you feel like it is past the point of return, some of you will walk away. Yet, my instinct says that your relationships will be seeing growth rather than fading right now because Venus, the planet of harmony and pleasure, will be singing a love song in your sector of relationships throughout the entire month after the 6th. This means that no matter what, you can find agreement as long as you are looking to come from a place of grace. Single Aquarians can use this time to find a special someone—and with the mix of love and attraction spicing it up here, it looks like this person could bring both emotional and sexual fulfillment! Committed Aquarians must take advantage of this sparkle to do something sweet together so that they feel centered with their partner. Yet, the last thing to note this month is that the mighty planet, Mars, has been heating up your mind since June. It is likely you’ve been feeling more aggressive with your words, ready to split anyone in half who crosses you. You’ve also been strategically making plans on how you can swiftly move all matters in your favor, and this may occur through writing, speaking, or contractual negotiations. Unfortunately, this month Mars will be falling asleep until mid-November, so this will not be the time to lash out, as your words will be held against you. Also, while Mars Retrograde doesn’t typically affect contracts, this falls in your sector of agreements and shows you shouldn’t sign anything important if you can avoid it now, too. Turn within in the months ahead to plan rather than making big moves now. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



One of the most important months of the year has come for you, Pisces. This is because there will be so much focus on you and your most heartfelt hopes and dreams. To begin the month, a gorgeous Full Moon in your zodiac sign lights up the night on the 1st. The days before and after this will be the most important in 2020 for you, as you are stepping center stage and could see a very important personal goal debuting before the world. You are showing everyone who you are and what you’ve been up to, and this will be a fantastic time because everyone’s eyes will be on you! Important partnerships are also significantly on your mind in September, as the fiery Sun will be in this zone throughout most of it. This shows that you are likely dancing with significant partners in business or love and you realize that together your dynamic is instrumental in living the life you desire. This is an excellent time for single Pisces to find long-term potential mates or business advocates to connect with the right matches who steer you forward. It does appear you could be negotiating things or else strategizing together. If for some reason you are not with the right partner, some Pisces could choose to part this month. All of this will become extremely clear in the days following the New Moon on the 17th. If single, don’t sit solo. Outreach to as many potential options as you can. While this would normally be a magnificent time for moving in, getting engaged, or married, I ask you to hold back temporarily. Mars will be retrograde at this time showing that the sex, chemistry, or devotion between you will fade if you promise forever now. Hold off until the end of the year for a stronger agreement. Another exciting alignment this month is that the powerful guardian angel planet, Jupiter, will be waking up on the 12th. Since May of this year, you’ve been daydreaming about all of the important hopes and dreams within your heart—and debating which ones will truly fulfill you. This will differ depending on who you are: but some examples could be that you wish to debut the perfect project that will reach countless people worldwide or that you wish to finally live your fantasy life with the white picket fence. No matter what, now that Jupiter has awoken, you will likely see greater levels of happiness and blessings rain down upon you for the rest of the year. Last to note this month, though, is that I can see you have likely been spending a great deal of money since the end of June. Mighty Mars has been heating up your finances—giving you opportunities to make more but also bring in more, too. However, from September until mid-November, Mars will fall fast asleep, likely causing stagnation in your income. This may mean that many huge expenses arise or that your money streams start to dry. While there is a possibility some Pisces may lose a job during this time and become unemployed, this would be the Universe’s way of telling you that you must change direction to truly reach a better place that enriches you both financially and spiritually. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas