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2022 has probably not been the best year of your life. If it has, you’re one of the very lucky few. Since 2020, life has been a rollercoaster as we have been hit by one cosmic storm after another. I have begun peering into 2023 and 2024 in order to see what lies ahead and the good news is that on a more general basis, things are improving by that point in time. Of course other challenges will arise—and no, as much as some people like to think the pandemic is “over”—that is not the case. Living in constant fear of the pandemic may be behind us as we’ve acclimated to a new normal, but we will face other variants and pandemics down the road. I’ll address those factors in other future predictions, but for now, at least know that 2023 will be better than 2022. Unfortunately, though, as we proceed into October, we enter the most painful and dark period of the year. I do not say any of this to frighten you. I say this to prepare you. Remember: knowledge and foresight grant you power to plan ahead and the liberty to steer your path. That is what makes astrology so powerful. Since the end of August, you’ve likely felt that life has been a bit more challenging with ups and downs. In September, we faced Mercury Retrograde. Mars Retrograde—which is a hundred times more challenging than Mercury Retrograde—begins at the end of October and will already be felt strongly approaching in the month ahead. Eclipse season also arrives this month too, and we will feel the clash of Saturn and Uranus once again—activated by the chaos of the eclipses. We will feel friction at every turn as we crave freedom, but face opposition to that freedom. Eclipse season brings destined beginnings, turning points, breakthroughs, endings, or culminations, and forces us to face our fate. With all of this layered upon each other, this is some of the most turbulent, painful, and challenging cosmic weather that I have ever seen. Anything that you wish to launch, make official, or decide upon—including contracts or relationships—do so prior to Halloween. The entire month will crackle with an electricity as we know major change is just about to happen. You will sense tension and something huge is just upon the horizon. Use October to plan ahead, batten down the hatches, stock up on food and resources, and prepare to hide in November and December. November will be horrific for the vast majority of people. December will be just slightly better. I send my love and light to you no matter where you are on Earth.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

Mighty Jupiter, the Great Benefic planet and giver of miracles and expansion, soars through the fiery skies of Aries from May 10, 2022 to October 28, 2022. He will then back peddle into Pisces before returning to Aries on December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. In Aries, Jupiter will amplify our innate fire, courage, and sense of passion. We will be inspired to rally behind our greatest desires and beliefs, eager to show the world our true sense of power. Our individual confidence will increase, giving us the motivation to create the life of our dreams. Taking chances, charging into newfound territory, and embracing innovation will bring luck and fortune. Our sense of faith in ourselves will increase, bringing us the strength to reinvent ourselves and our futures, rather than settling into our comfort zones. Leadership will be especially enhanced for people who have natural abilities for it—and we will see several new leaders emerge, setting the tone for the coming 12 years. A few pioneers within each industry, within entertainment, and within business will captivate the world and ultimately stand as royalty before all. These people will have a fiery temperament to them and enchant others through their bold actions, as well as their words. When it comes to global affairs, there will be a surge around Aries-ruled industries and projects—“being the first to market,” “being the one breaking ground,” and beyond. The following industries will see a boom: sports, gambling, theme parks, military and weapons, metal, cars, facial beauty products and reconstruction, meat, and anything entrepreneurial or thrill seeking. Self-help and wellness companies that focus on “being a leader” and “stepping into your power” will also do well. One thing to note, though, is that during Jupiter’s journey through Aries, particularly until July 28, 2022, there will likely be increased wildfires, heat waves, explosions, and perhaps even acts of violence. Passions—for better or worse—will be heated to the limits. This energy will be prominent in 2023, too. Use the higher vibration of this energy to become the master off your destiny.

Prepare for a burst of new energy as Mars sizzles on into the skies of Gemini from August 20, 2022 until March 25, 2023. This is an exceptionally long time because Mars will be retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 until January 12, 2023. Mars will enter pre-shadow on September 3, 2022 and leave post-shadow on March 15, 2023. Fire needs oxygen to burn, so expect this time to be expansive and vibrant as Mars infuses your life with intellectual breakthroughs and opportunities to grow. Collectively, we will be entering a more social time. Joining communities or expanding your network will be highly favored. Our minds may be a bit less focused and more scattered, as we are curious about new ideas and don’t want to sit in one place. We will likely become involved in passionate discussions and will become eager to debate, converse, and defend our opinions. Despite this, though, we will find it easier to negotiate and are more flexible to outside perspectives. As Gemini rules communication, writing, speaking, marketing, branding, advertising, and social media, all of these areas will shine. Consider how you can revamp your presentations and pitch your vision to others. However, karmic lessons around how we pursue our ideas, fight for what we believe in, and connect to others will take place during the official retrograde phase. During the coming months ahead, it is likely you will face conflicts, obstacles, and stagnation in your life. Launch absolutely nothing “new” nor of great importance during this time because it will likely fail. Do not officially “begin” a relationship with anyone and certainly do not get married. If you do so, your chemistry and passion for one another will fade. Mars Retrograde is a time to slow down, surrender to the Universe, and see where the current takes you rather than forcing anything. Do not attack during this time—you can defend yourself—but if you initiate war, you will find that karma crushes you and your opposition grows even more powerful. Be careful not to burn out or engage in any behavior that could put your health at risk, as you are more prone to disease and a lack of immunity, too. Last, as this time will bring into focus karmic issues surrounding past conflicts, sex, your ego, and your desires—this can be a wonderful moment to heal. If you wish to resolve a past situation and put it to rest, this can finally manifest. For some people, it will even allow you to reignite the happy moments, but first you must lay down your sword, ask for forgiveness, and agree to build a healthier future. Remember: we are in Mars Retrograde until January 12, 2022 and will feel sluggish, lethargic, and dealing with everything that erupts now until March 15, 2023.

At the onset of the month, the Sun will move through the partnership-focused zodiac sign of Libra until October 23. Libra Season causes us to turn our attention to how we are cooperating with the people around us—or if we need to reassess and renegotiate where we stand. Come from a place of serenity and harmony in your relationships now, rather than co-dependency. Consider your boundaries, wants, and needs in your partnerships so that you can either find them with the right match or clearly articulate them to the person at your side. As we march into October, we will still feel the echo of a New Moon in Libra (2 degrees) that arrived on September 25, 2022. New Moons open a door in our lives depending on where they fall for your Rising Sign and Sun Sign. While something fresh always arrives, you must show the Universe your intent through actions in order to harness the most benefit from this lunation. With Libra energy being infused into the cosmos, we will have a greater focus on balance, harmony, and justice. Partnerships become especially important to us all, and often marriages, unions, or collaborations take place more significantly now. Yet, you can use this New Moon to improve current connections and make new plans together, such as how you’d like to build over the coming six months to a year. The open door of a New Moon lasts for seven to ten days. What you build now will come to culmination near April 6, 2023. Find the balance you so dearly need.

At the onset of the month, we are still in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde phase. As always, read your ultimate Mercury Retrograde guide here. Mercury moonwalks through Virgo until he stations direct in this Earth sign on October 2. We will notice more confusion around our daily routines, with coworkers and employers, around our work-life balances, and in health. All matters that took place since August 20 will be reviewed during the retrograde phase. However, after he awakens, we’ll continue to sort out matters around these themes until our cosmic messenger, dances into the zodiac sign of Libra on October 10, 2022. As he is now direct, all negotiations will become blessed with an easier and more fair-minded flow. Relationship topics will be on the top of our minds, as we want to make sure we are on the same page as our lovers, friends, collaborators, and business associates. Any intense confusion around relationships and miscommunication we experienced can be sorted out now. As Mercury picks up speed in October, we will sort ourselves out and find better solutions to all of these situations in our lives until he leaves post-shadow on October 16. Next, Mercury decides to spin in the intense, passionate, and emotional seas of Scorpio from October 29, 2022 until November 17, 2022, meaning that our minds will even take a deep dive into our desires. Our conscious minds will be more open to the wells of unconscious, as Scorpio’s energy is probing and fathomless. We may suddenly become obsessed with ideas or concepts. Our darker nature may emerge at this time and our shadow self could be rearing its hunger for us to confront. What are you running from, hiding from, or fearful to face? No matter who you are, by being aware of your shadow self, you can better integrate your awareness with your consciousness. As night cannot exist without day, darkness cannot exist without light. Our darker selves deserve to be embraced, cherished, and understood, rather than hidden away. This awareness can lead us to happier lives. Our intuition will also be heightened.

A Full Moon in Aries (16 degrees) will light up the night on October 9, 2022. The energy of this Full Moon will begin to roar into our lives two days prior and last four days after. You will feel energized, independent, and ready to take charge of an area of your life. Carve out the path that will bring you to fulfillment. You will notice how far you have come since the New Moon in Aries that took place earlier in the year on April 1, 2022. You may receive a harvest from these efforts or realize that now is the time to change direction. When analyzing the cosmic energy of this full moon, we can see many significant planetary aspects that will further color the vibration of the lunation. The full moon stands opposite Venus, which will dramatically affect our need for companionship, emotional attachment and intimate relationships. If our unions are not aligned, there could be some rocky disagreements about these needs not being met or increased loneliness. However, the full moon harmonizes sweetly with Saturn, which can help bring stability and security to our emotions and personal lives. Mars, the ruler of this lunation, will also be highly active at this time. First, he will clash violently with Neptune, bringing weakness, illness, confusion or challenges to us. One moment we may feel fired up and the next on the bottom of the rung. Mars also conflicts with Mercury, which can bring short tempers, arguments and impulsiveness. Luckily, Mars also dances with Saturn, too, which can bring us the strength, patience and perseverance we need if we’re willing to ground ourselves and focus. This full moon’s ultimate message is that we can achieve self-actualization and step into our power—otherwise if we don’t, we may just be charging into battle looking for trouble. Use the energy wisely.

Our goddess planet of beauty and romance, Venus, enchants within one of her favorite places to thrive, the zodiac sign of Libra from September 29 until October 23, 2022. During this time, our natural charm will be amplified and we will focus on building harmony within our relationships. All negotiations will see ease as we are inclined to bring joy and laughter wherever we go. While we may feel more idealistic about love, our most romantic nature can come forward with the right person. We will feel especially social during this time and more willing to do what it takes to appease those we care for. This is a beautiful time to find the right person if single, but only if we are clear about who will truly mirror us. Love, marriage, and union can help us grow if we open our hearts now. Then, beginning October 23, 2022 until November 16, 2022, Venus become submerged within the depths of Scorpio. During this time, we will yearn for connections that unite our body and soul with another. Relationships will become deeply passionate—and our hunger for love will become ravenous. Union will be highly emotional and we will suddenly feel “all or nothing” when it comes to sex, love, and desire. Expect intensity within dating—and the need for experiences that are unforgettable. Venus will become the goddess of the night now, bringing us closer to our need to feel alive and passionate. Possessiveness, jealousy, and a fiery rapture are all possible during this time, as we may become consumed by our heart’s longing to be with our soulmate no matter the cost.

When the Sun becomes submerged within the stormy seas of Scorpio beginning October 23, 2022, we will collectively be drawn to explore our intimate and passionate needs more closely. A Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (2 degrees) dawns on October 25, 2022. The energy of this Solar Eclipse will blast open a door to you, depending on where it falls for your Rising Sign and Sun Sign. Solar Eclipses mark brand new chapters, huge new beginnings, and exciting opportunities. They are often more “friendly” and less emotional than Lunar Eclipses. This Solar Eclipses will bring forth many of the aspects of the Water sign, Scorpio, into our conscious awareness. A zodiac sign tied to transformation, rebirth, and sexuality, Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto. Whenever Scorpio energy is being activated, we are drawn to our deep and intense passions, and often in relation to union with others. Pay heed to your hungers and desires. Acknowledge your shadow side. By understanding it, you can better balance it with your light. Pay attention to how your life shifts near this time because it will still evolve one more time near May 5, 2023. Also, further news could erupt directly tied to the previous Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that arrived on May 15, 2022 when the Sun crosses this degree on November 18, 2022 or Mars sets fire to this degree on November 18, 2023. Next to note, reflect back on what occurred to you near October 24, 1995 and October 25, 2014, as this eclipse will mirror the events that occurred in your life near those time. As for astrological aspects for this lunation, there are several factors to pay attention to. First, Venus, the planet of love, is united with the solar eclipse. This brings joy, harmony, romance and pleasure into our lives. Relationship matters are further empowered, being filled with beauty and sensitivity. The solar eclipse links sweetly with Mars, bringing courage, passion and desire to our hearts and allows us to pursue what matters most to us. Being assertive and taking the lead—especially in relationships—will get you far now. Mars, one of the planetary rulers of this lunation, also links politely with Mercury and Jupiter, empowering us to speak what is on our minds confidently and pursue indulgence and fulfillment no matter what. However, Mars clashes with Neptune, bringing a bit confusion and uncertainty—perhaps even a sense for caution—if we feel triggered or frustrated. Unfortunately, Pluto, the modern planetary ruler of this lunation, is in a very harsh disagreement with the solar eclipse, Mercury and Venus. This means tremendous intensity will be triggered within us—offering two possibilities: destruction or rebirth. The situations that manifest now and in the six months ahead could lead us to face great opposition in our personal lives depending on the actions that we take or else give us the ability to emerge like a phoenix fresh and anew. Negative actions or words taken now could lead to deceit, defeat or backlash. The ultimate message of this solar eclipse is to leave the past behind as you begin a new chapter that ultimately makes you happiest.

Prepare for cosmic blessings as Jupiter, the Great Benefic, soars back into the tropical seas of Pisces from October 28, 2022 until December 20, 2022. Presently, Jupiter will be retrograde in Pisces until November 23, 2022. Jupiter is a co-ruler of Pisces, which means that when it tours here, we will enter a cosmic portal that aids in the manifestation of our desires. All areas that Pisces rules will see a double dose of luck and fortune worldwide: spirituality, creativity, the unconscious, and healing. Pisces holds ties to romance and fantasy, so this could be quite a lyrical and magical time no matter if single or attached. Soulmate connections will cross every person’s path and true love will occur more easily now. Karma will come before us and we will find it is time to heal it and let it go. This will be a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding us back from ascending to our highest good. Life will feel more optimistic, joyous, and free for the first time in quite awhile. Open your heart and dive into the deep oceans of your spirit.


Two of our powerhouse planets—Pluto and Saturn—also awaken this month. This means that we will see much more momentum building in our lives. Pluto arises beginning the 8th, followed by Saturn on the 23rd. Pluto will bring his intensity to global structures, banks, and governments as he tours Capricorn. Saturn will bring his strength and potency to Aquarius. Communities and social movements will see a renewed vigor on both sides of the fence—conservative and liberal. Organization will become instrumental on how well any group fares during this time. Globally, we will be especially focused on the “future” and what lies ahead, which will bring astrology, science, and philosophy into the public eye. Last to note is that there will likely be expansion around global connectivity—through the Internet, new apps, and evolution of popular social media channels. Unfortunately, communities on a global level may feel suppressed as governments, ruling bodies, and the ultra rich seek total domination and grasp for more power.

 To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

Important dates to remember in October 2022 for love are the 1, 14, 17, 18, 22, and 26. Significant moments to plan for success are the 6, 11, 17, 22, and 26. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 2, 12, 19, 20, 27, and 30. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


Buckle up for the major turning point in 2022, Aries. Jupiter, the planet of fortune, soars into your zodiac sign from May 10, 2022 until October 28, 2022—and will revisit you again from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. A whole new chapter of your life has arrived, bringing you blessings and miracles. Now is the time to show the Universe what you’re after and begin to build the life you’ve always prayed for. Dream big, soar far, and don’t hold yourself back! You will get a taste of what it feels like to be the “Celestial Favorite” with the entire Universe shining down on you! Often times, this period will see singles cross paths with a soulmate, while attached ones will make important plans with their lover. Weddings, celebrations, and events could fill your calendar. In many ways, you will feel like you are “giving birth” repeatedly: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Don’t hold yourself back while you make your vision board. Don’t worry if you don’t “get it all” or make steps toward everything you’re after right now, though, as you’ll also see further opportunities next year. Luck is on your side! Next, until mid-2023, Saturn will help you to streamline your hopes and dreams into more practical choices, but aid you in reaching the one’s you’ve spent your life building toward. I suggest you make a list now of what you’d like to build in the coming decades and truly lay the groundwork to reach those things now. It is also quite likely that you will cut out some of your social circle in the years ahead, too. This wouldn’t necessarily be due to drama, but would occur because they just aren’t in alignment with who you are becoming. Next, Mars will add fire to your communication arena from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. This will see you busier than ever on a writing, speaking, advertising, or pitching endeavor than before! Use your mind and ideas to take the lead. Instead, you may be travelling a great deal in the months to come, either for business or pleasure. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Mercury will turn retrograde on September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this retrograde phase will have you reviewing your partnerships and employment. An ex or old relationship may be on your mind during this time. If you’d like to reconnect with someone, do so now. At the onset of October, you’ll still be feeling the powerful effects of the New Moon that occurred on September 25, 2022 in your partnership sector. This means that this is usually a great time to make plans, move in, or even discuss getting engaged. Business partnerships can also be spot lit by this energy, and if you are signing contracts, the negotiation could soon be finalized. Singles can share in this energy by putting themselves out there to find long-term connections. After that, Next, sweet Venus shimmies in your partnership sector from September 29 until October 23, 2022. You may meet a soulmate connection, move in, get engaged, or even be wed! There will be a major focus on commitment during this period.  Then we cannot forget about the Full Moon in your zodiac sign that arrives on the 9th! What a powerful and momentous way to continue such a transformative year! A Full Moon in your zodiac sign puts you front-and-center in the days that surround it and will bring an important culmination to a personal goal or wish. All eyes will be on you, so stand in the spotlight. Last, the Sun will sear on into your intimacy sector beginning on the 22nd, further helping you to grow closer or race in separate directions in the weeks to come. Now would be a period for you to truly assess the give-and-take in your unions and if they are balanced. You will crave the touch of someone who you adore, but don’t run into the arms of someone who hasn’t earned your trust. Above all for singles, it is of utmost importance to be aware of your boundaries in your relationships and what you truly want in a real partner. Reflect on what you learned previously, work through your fears in union, and make conscious your patterns. A Solar Eclipse in your sector of shared assets and intimacy will appear on October 25th. This could help you get a loan, scholarship, venture capital, bonus, or money from a divorce settlement if you have recently separated. You’ll definitely be focusing on your needs in partnerships and if they are being met. Last, Jupiter, the planet of miracles, soars through your sector of privacy once again from October 28 until December 20, 2022. This will encourage you to heal any traumas or scars as well as increase your reflective nature regarding the past. If you need closure about something that may have happened, this may be the time you truly let go. Your intuition and psychic ability will increase at this time, so focus on your dreams. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A month of wild destiny awaits you, Taurus. Saturn, the mighty planet of life lessons, will continue to energize your career sector until spring 2023, bringing a tremendous amount of hard work and responsibility to your professional life. While you may at times feel the work is insurmountable, you are being given a chance to establish yourself for long-term glory, success, or even fame. You will be in very high demand in the years to come and you will become looked upon as a leader. Next, Jupiter, the planet of miracles, soars into your sector of privacy from May 10 until October 28, 2022 and then returning one final time from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. This will encourage you to heal any traumas or scars as well as increase your reflective nature regarding the past. If you need closure about something that may have happened, this may be the time you truly let go. Your intuition and psychic ability will increase at this time, so focus on your dreams. You may also begin working on an important project behind-the-scenes. Next, Mars adds his energy to your prosperity sector from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. Watch your expenses, as you could rack up a great deal of them. However, this same impetus could give you the gusto to make more money, too, so work rapidly and it can be yours. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. At the onset of October, you’ll still be feeling a New Moon that appeared in your sector of employment, routines, and health on September 25, 2022. This means that you could find a new job if looking or suddenly be taking on more projects from your current employer. If freelance, you are likely to take on at least one important assignment. Mercury will be retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this period will cause you to review your work life and employment, health, and romantic and creative affairs. An ex or old flame may cross your path during this time. If you’d like to reconnect with someone, seize the day now. A Full Moon on the 9th will arrive in your zone of rest. This means that as much as this month could be a bit hectic, you will feel the need to lie low and recover emotionally, physically, and spiritually in the days that surround this lunation. Trust the call and do so then. When the Sun ignites your sector of partnership beginning the 22nd for the weeks ahead, you will have a major focus on union and relationships. Committed couples can soon make more long-term plans with their significant others, whether in business or love. Now is the period to work as a team to meet your plans. Singles will have more luck on their side to find someone who wants to commit rather than just tug their chain. Sweet Venus shimmies in your partnership sector from October 23, 2022 until November 16, 2022. You may meet a soulmate connection, move in, get engaged, or even be wed! There will be a major focus on commitment during this period. A Solar Eclipse in your partnership sector appears on the 25th, too, which could encourage you to make plans, move in, or even discuss getting engaged suddenly. Business partnerships can also be spot lit by this energy, and if you are signing contracts, the negotiation could soon be finalized. Singles can share in this energy by putting themselves out there to find long-term connections. A destined and fated situation around a soulmate or partner is now here for you to face. If you are to break up, it means you are being redirected to a different partner. Last, benevolent Jupiter will dance into a previous arena beginning October 28, 2022 until December 20, 2022, highlighting your friendships and network. You will experience a surge in popularity and could find that you are lifted up as a leader of a community. Everyone will want to be Taurus now and for years to come! If single, this is a beautiful moment to socialize and look for a soulmate through your network. Also, perhaps even more dazzling about this event, you will likely see a lifelong hope and dream suddenly within reach—likely tied to the aid someone who believes in you. This is a true blessing, as the Universe is so intent on bringing you all the beauty that life has to offer. Aim high and dream big. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Intensity waits in an action-packed month, Gemini. Benevolent Jupiter dances into your sector of fulfillment on May 10 until October 28, 2022, highlighting your friendships and network—and will return from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. You will experience a surge in popularity and could find that you are lifted up as a leader of a community. If single, this is a beautiful moment to socialize and look for a soulmate through your network. Also, perhaps even more dazzling about this event, you will likely see a lifelong hope and dream suddenly within reach—likely tied to the aid of someone who believes in you. This is a true blessing, as the Universe is so intent on bringing you all the beauty that life has to offer. Aim high and dream big. Saturn continues to energize your sector of expansion until spring 2023, too. This sphere of life rules academics, media, publishing, travel, immigration, and spiritual traditions, meaning that you will find yourself pursuing at least one of them in the time to come and could be dealing with some heavy lessons around them. You certainly do not fear adventure and new horizons, so you may like the challenges that are presented. Many Geminis will become teachers and revolutionize academics and spiritual practices. Others will return to school to take in the wisdom of the ancient ones. A large amount of Geminis will pursue significant travel and could even see themselves moving to another country to establish permanent residence there. Others could make waves in media or publishing. If you have ever wished to pursue one of these avenues, the stars truly are in your favor. Don’t be bashful! Embrace the wind beneath your sails but be prepared for hard work! Mars will energize you from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023! Feel your confidence and energy levels ignite! This means that in all your personal and professional goals, you must take the lead rather than waiting for things to fall into place for you. Mars only visits our zodiac signs once every two years—so now is the time for you to make lists of what you want to do and set forth to go after them. You’ll enjoy the beauty and the power, so show the world what you’ve got! However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this will cause you to review situations around your love life or creativity first, and then domesticity, family, or real estate later. At the onset of October, you’ll still be feeling the New Moon that took place on September 25, 2022 that energized your passion sector. If single, line up dates with potential options or bring back the lightning in your relationship if taken. If a creative, this is a great time to set aside moments for inspiration. Last, if pursuing pregnancy, you could have an edge now. Venus moves through your passion zone from September 29, 2022 until October 23, 2022, making your romantic life erupt like cherry blossoms. Wow! Singles must circulate and put themselves out there and you could find someone magnificent. Those already coupled can enjoy more pleasure and fun together. If pursuing pregnancy or creative projects, you’ll also fare well now. Also, a Full Moon in your sector of fulfillment will arrive on the 9th. This will bring forth laughter and pleasure, and surround you by many friends who love you. Use this moment to celebrate what you have learned and prepare for a major year ahead. Yet, when the Sun moves over the line into your productivity zone on the 22nd, get ready for a busy month ahead. You’ll likely be taking on more work with your employer or else looking for a new job. Fitness goals could also become quite important to you. A Solar Eclipse will appear in your sector of employment, routines, and health on the 25th. This means that you could find a new job if looking or suddenly be taking on more projects from your current employer. If freelance, you are likely to take on at least one important assignment. It could foretell a destined shift around work, fitness, diet, or physical health as well. Last, get ready for doors to open like the curtains of a theater as Jupiter prances into your sector of achievements once again from October 28, 2022 until December 20, 2022. This will bring a special dose of luck and expansion to your professional life. Many Geminis could see promotions, awards, or opportunities to make a mark on their industry. You’ll be in the spotlight! Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A storm is brewing this month, Cancer. Get ready for doors to open like the curtains of a theater as Jupiter prances into your sector of achievements on May 10, 2022 until October 28, 2022, and returns one final time from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. This will bring a special dose of luck and expansion to your professional life. Many of you could see promotions, awards, or opportunities to make a mark on their industry. You’ll be in the spotlight! Expect a tidal wave of career opportunity to expand before you as you soar to new heights. You are being given a cosmic gift of success and triumph for previously completed hard work, lifting you to higher honors and pathways. Some of you may wish to switch directions in your career now if you’re not receiving the praise you desire, and if you do so, you’ll find that things happen rapidly to push you in this newfound direction. Aim high and know you can achieve greatness! As a carryover from last year, Saturn will teach you important life lessons around trust, vulnerability, and relying on someone else in the coming years as well as how to make sure you are in the “perfect” union for you. Now is an important time to heal any relationship traumas that may have scarred you. If single, you can find someone who fulfills you in all ways, but only through perseverance and this individual may be older or wiser than you. You will certainly leave any significant relationships that do not truly fulfill you, but you will be sure to find the most rewarding ones of your lifetime afterward. Those who are happily connected will only grow closer, uniting your souls more deeply than ever before. Next, powerhouse Mars dives through your privacy sector from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023, likely meaning that you’re busy hustling on a project behind-the-scenes that isn’t quite ready for public eyes. You could be deeply engrained in development. However, if this energy is instead causing you to feel stir-crazy, your anxiety levels and mental health could be all over the place! This is a great time to meditate, rest, and recharge your batteries rather than burning yourself out. Yet, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this will cause confusion around home, family, or real estate matters initially, and then contracts and communication projects later on. At the onset of October, you’ll still be feeling the power of a New Moon in your domestic space appeared on September 25—opening a door to more happiness at home or with family. If looking to move, this luminary may bring you the perfect living space or roommate. Also, a Full Moon in your achievements sector arrives on the 9th. This luminary will echo for days before and after and could alert you that a promotion, new job, or public recognition. Focus on your ambitions and work toward your next great heights. You could be rewarded for previous hard work now! Last, the Sun will ignite your sector of passion, romance, and creativity beginning on the 22nd. This signals a shift away from more serious matters and more towards pleasure! Embrace the zest in the weeks to come. Venus moves through your passion zone from October 23 until November 16, 2022, making your romantic life erupt like cherry blossoms. Wow! Singles must circulate and put themselves out there and you could find someone magnificent. Those already coupled can enjoy more pleasure and fun together. If pursuing pregnancy or creative projects, you’ll also fare well now. A Solar Eclipse takes place on October 25, 2022 that energizes your passion sector. If single, line up dates with potential options or bring back the lightning in your relationship if taken. If a creative, this is a great time to set aside moments for inspiration. A destined or fated event around these themes could appear. Singles may meet a soulmate that changes their life forever or you may debut a remarkable work of art. If there is a breakup near this time, it is redirecting you to someone better. Last, benevolent Jupiter, the planet of luck, will dance back into your sector of expansion from October 28 until December 20, 2022, giving you a taste of new horizons. For some Cancers, this will be the green light to move forward on an academics, media, publishing, or international matter. Other Cancers will immigrate during this time. If you’d like to go back to school, go for it! No matter what, though, you could see a great opportunity to expand your wisdom of life. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The month before you will feel like you’re in a hurricane, Leo. A major shift has arrived with benevolent Jupiter, the planet of luck, dancing into your sector of expansion from May 10, 2022 until October 28, 2022—with one final time from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023, giving you a taste of new horizons. For some of you, this will be the green light to move forward on an academics, media, publishing, or international matter. Others will immigrate during this time. If you’d like to go back to school, go for it! This is a time to expand your wisdom, knowledge, and perception of what life has to offer. Embrace this call to adventure and step out of your comfort zone. Next, Saturn, the planet of life lessons, moved directly across the sky from you in 2020 and will remain here until spring 2023. Saturn is opposing your zodiac sign. On one hand, this may make you feel a bit lonelier, strip away weak relationships from you, and make it harder for you to reach some of your heartfelt goals, but in essence, he is making you stronger than ever before. This doesn’t have to be foreboding, but you should be warned: it won’t necessarily be easy. In the time ahead, you will be like steel forged through fire. Trust that you have all the power you need already inside of you. Saturn will force you to strengthen the relationships that are meant to be in your life—and any that come into your radar in the years ahead will be destined to stay there. Even if you at times inevitably feel beneath a dark cloud, you will find the strength. Next, Mars races into your social sector from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. It is guaranteed that you will be seeing many friends and enjoying the festive vibe. Use this fuel to network and you could find that both personal and professional victories are right around the corner. This bodes especially well for singles utilizing online dating or looking to mingle in their networks. During this period, you may even reach at least one major personal hope, dream, goal, or aspiration. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this will affect contracts, communication-related projects, and your income. There could be delays or snags that you have to review. At the onset of October, you’ll still be feeling the New Moon in your intellectual sector that took place on September 25, 2022, which will see you focusing on writing, speaking, advertising, or branding endeavors. You may now have the impetus to update your website, launch a podcast, sign a major contract, or revamp your social media. Venus journeys in your sector of short distance travel from September 29 until October 23, 2022. That means that you’ll likely be bounding around quite a bit. Spending time with siblings or neighbors could even become more important, too. Another way this may affect you, though, is that you begin working on a creative branding, advertising, or social media endeavor during this period. Also, a Full Moon in your expansion zone appears on the 9th, setting up more momentum for the months ahead, too. You may now be working on a media, publishing, academics, or overseas business matter. Instead, if looking to travel or immigrate, this lunation may click the pieces into line. Open your mind and your wisdom and you will expand your perception of what life can offer you. Next, a Solar Eclipse in your domestic space will appear on the 25th—opening a door to more happiness at home or with family. If looking to move, this luminary may bring you the perfect living space or roommate. Destiny is shifting your path around family, real estate, and home—so even if something shocking appears, it was written in your stars and meant for you to face. Last, Jupiter returns to your sector of shared assets and intimacy once again from October 28, 2022 until December 20, 2022. This could be a memorable period for you where you feel especially close in your relationships and see your souls growing in unison. This same arena also holds ties to financial support, and if you’ve been looking for venture capital, a scholarship, a loan, bonus, royalty checks, or even a divorce settlement, it may soon arrive. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Dark storm clouds gather in the month to come, Virgo. Jupiter continues to shimmy through your sector of shared assets and intimacy from May 10 until October 28, 2022—and one final sprint from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. This could be a memorable period for you where you feel especially close in your relationships and see your souls growing in unison. This same arena also holds ties to financial support, and if you’ve been looking for venture capital, a scholarship, a loan, bonus, royalty checks, or even a divorce settlement, it may soon arrive. Intense Saturn continues to orbit in your productivity zone this year until spring 2023. Your work life will become busier and more demanding than ever before. You could become riddled with an insurmountable amount of work or else feel that your “day job” just isn’t fulfilling you anymore. Some Virgos could be forced out of jobs or quit to pursue things that make them happier. While this could be tough, you’ll be better off in the long run. Another way Saturn may focus your tutelage is around your health and physical fitness. Ailments may appear and you’ll be thinking: “Ugh, not again!” This will be to make sure that you improve your diet, regimen, and routine to be stronger than ever. You are going to receive important life lessons around at least one of these areas. Next, Mighty Mars brings the heat in your professional sector from August 20, 2022 to March 15, 2023. It is clear that your ambitions are seeing a tremendous surge of momentum. When he powers through here, you’ll become extremely busy and could see your profile in your industry soar. While you may be taking on more work, this could also be an auspicious moment to apply to a competitive firm. Success, awards, and recognition for previous hard work could arise. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this period will cause confusion around income and money, as well as your personal plans and path forward. At the onset of October, you’ll still notice that money is a main theme, with a New Moon highlighting finances that arrived on September 25, 2022. This could bring a new job your way, a raise, large check, or lucrative client. Be on the hunt for the gold. Venus brings her magnetism to your sector of income and possessions until October 23, 2022. This means that you’re likely to see more abundance come your way, more gifts and beautiful possessions that manifest before your eyes, and even possibilities on the job-front.  Next to note in such a jam-packed month will be the Full Moon in your intimacy sector on the 9th, which could bring a happy bonus, check, royalty payment, or sum of money that you have been waiting upon. You will also be feeling the urge to merge with someone significant, so by all means snuggle up closer with another if you can. Later, a Solar Eclipse falling in your intellectual sector and takes place on the 25th, which will see you further focusing on writing, speaking, advertising, or branding endeavors. You may now have the impetus to update your website, launch a podcast, sign a major contract, or revamp your social media. Use the week after it to do so. A destined shift around these themes will take place at this time. Venus journeys in your sector of short distance travel from October 23 until November 16, 2022. That means that you’ll likely be bounding around quite a bit. Spending time with siblings or neighbors could even become more important, too. Another way this may affect you, though, is that you begin working on a creative branding, advertising, or social media endeavor during this period. Last, benevolent Jupiter will dance through your partnership sector once again from October 28 to December 20, 2022, giving you a taste of union unlike any you’ve felt in recent memory. This will help attached Virgos to grow especially close with their partner, as they make long-term plans and enjoy more prosperity together. Single Virgos could cross paths with a destined twin flame at this time. While this energy obviously favors committed relationships and marriages, all business connections and negotiations will also be favored, too. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Birthday season has arrived for you, Libra. Whenever the Sun sizzles past your birthday (and the exact degree of your Sun), this is called a Solar Return. This is one of the most important periods of the year for you to initiate new actions and journeys, as it is a snapshot of what your year ahead will contain. Make a list of what you want to experience in the year ahead and set forth to make it happen. Take action to move toward personal goals and ambitious professional ones, because it is quite likely you will see many start to come into fruition. The first step is creating that vision board so you know what you want, but the second and most important piece is actually taking action to materialize them. So often people can be lazy and want everything to come to them, and you aren’t often like this. But just to give you that extra boost of encouragement: I’m saying to strike forth and do it now! Benevolent Jupiter will dance into your partnership sector from May 10 until October 28—and one final sprint from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. This will give you a taste of union unlike any you’ve felt in recent memory. This will help attached Libras to grow especially close with their partner, as they make long-term plans and enjoy more prosperity together. Singles could cross paths with a destined twin flame at this time. While this energy obviously favors committed relationships and marriages, all business connections and negotiations will also be favored, too. Next, Saturn continues to establish his presence in your sector of fertility, passion, creativity, and love. Until spring 2023, he will be giving you life lessons surrounding all of these areas. On one hand, he could make it more difficult for you to get them, but the thing about Saturn is that he is forcing you to work harder then ever. You may feel as if you are carrying burdens in these areas or that your heart is feeling a bit more battered and bruised. Some Libras will need to “grow up” in regards to these areas. However, the more persistent you are, the greater the rewards will be. Be proactive on how you push toward any of these things. If single, finding someone who is older, wiser, or more mature will bring you stability and the higher likelihood of a lasting union. Next, Mighty Mars will be encouraging you to break into new territory, as he warps into hyper drive in your expansion sector from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. Wow! This could see you extremely busy with an academics, media, international, or spiritual endeavor even more. Buckle down and you’ll make great progress on it and could even see many breakthroughs. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you this will be a very intense period, as it was taking place in your zodiac sign, obscuring the path to many of your goals and plans. It also stirred the pot in regards to anxiety, fears, closure, the past, secrets, and karma. Also, at the onset of October, you’ll still feel the vibes of the most important lunation of the year for you, which arrived on September 25, 2022. This fell in your zodiac sign and will open the doors to you in every way. You will now be able to step front-and-center and show the Universe what you want to create in the year to come. Outline your plan of attack to make your dreams a reality and lay seeds you’d like to see culminate in the year ahead. Also, all eyes will be on you with Venus in your zodiac sign until October 23, 2022! You will feel her blessings rain down from above. This assures that it is a great period to focus on pleasure, beauty, and romance. You will charm everyone you meet. Love will also be quite magical now. Venus then brings her magnetism to your sector of income and possessions from October 23 until November 16, 2022. This means that you’re likely to see more abundance come your way, more gifts and beautiful possessions that manifest before your eyes, and even possibilities on the job-front. Next, a Full Moon in your partnership sector will manifest on the 9th. This could elicit discussion of an engagement or marriage for you or else the decision to move in. Many couples will make long-term plans with their business and romantic partners. However, if for some reason you are to separate at this time, it would mean that you are being given a fresh slate to find more promising relationships in the year ahead. To end the month, you’ll still notice that money is main theme, with a Solar Eclipse highlighting finances that arrives on October 25. This could bring a new job your way, a raise, large check, or lucrative client. Be on the hunt for the gold. This is a destined time where you will see a fated shift. If for some reason an income stream ends or is eclipsed out, search for something new rapidly. Last, benevolent Jupiter soars back into your sector of productivity from October 28 until December 20, 2022. This will bring ease, happiness, and blessings to your employment. If you’re looking for a better job, seize the day. Current jobs could suddenly feel as if there’s a softer breeze flowing there. Another way this could benefit you is an increase in physical strength and health, especially if you’re willing to work with a better diet and fitness regimen. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


One of the most important months of your entire life is upon you, Scorpio. First, Saturn continues to establish his permanence into your sector of home and family to take up residence here for some time to come. Saturn will bring you life lessons around these areas and cause you to work very hard to set down roots that will last for decades to come. This may mean that now or in the years ahead you will be highly focused on renovations or fixing up your home or even relocating. While there is likely to be some challenges around family, this will make you stronger and could help you all grow closer. Benevolent Jupiter soars through your sector of productivity from May 10 until October 28, 2022—and one final sprint of glory from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. This will bring ease, happiness, and blessings to your employment. If you’re looking for a better job, seize the day. Current jobs could suddenly feel as if there’s a softer breeze flowing there. Another way this could benefit you is an increase in physical strength and health, especially if you’re willing to work with a better diet and fitness regimen. Next, Mars ignites your sector of intimacy this month, too, likely heating up your desire for union and connection. Mars energizes this arena from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. Your sex drive could be especially strong now, as you crave to go deeper with someone who truly understands you. However, if there are inequalities, imbalances, or a general lack of affinity between you, this could cause tension and conflicts. This same sector also holds ties to debts, loans, and settlements, so you may find a great urgency around these matters, as well. Watch your expenses, as you could be spending money much faster than you’re making it! However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this period will stir the pot in regards to karmic situations, secrets, hidden enemies, anxiety, and closure initially—and then cause confusion in regards to your network and friends. If you’d like to reconnect to an old friend or old flame, use the time now. At the onset of October, a New Moon in your sector of privacy and rest will still be highly active, as it dawned on September 25, 2022. This will encourage you to take a step back and reflect on where you’ve been and where you wish to go. Use this time to rest and recharge. This same lunation could put you in touch with medical professionals, specialists, or a therapist, or have you focus more on your mental health. Next, a Full Moon within your productivity sector appears on the 9th, showing that you will likely be very busy near this time. Some of you will be finishing up a major project now or even switching from one job to another. Watch your health, as something may pop up if you have been not taking care of yourself. The Sun will enter your zodiac sign on the 22nd, bringing more radiance and excitement to your life. This is birthday season, where you shine above all others! Use this firepower to launch toward your most important heartfelt plans and goals. This isn’t just a time to vision board your life, though. That’s just the first step. You must go forth to create that life. All eyes will be on you with Venus in your zodiac sign from October 23 until November 16, 2022! You will feel her blessings rain down from above. This assures that it is a great period to focus on pleasure, beauty, and romance. You will charm everyone you meet. Love will also be quite magical now. The most important lunation of the year for you arrives at the Solar Eclipse on October 25, 2022. This falls in your zodiac sign and will open the doors to you in every way. You will now be able to step front-and-center and show the Universe what you want to create in the year to come. Dust off that vision board and make your dreams a reality and lay seeds you’d like to see culminate in the year ahead. A major new era of your life has arrived as destiny shifts your path in vast new directions. Last, great blessings await your love life, as benevolent Jupiter soars into your sector of pleasure and passion once again from October 28, 2022 to December 20, 2022. This will make your heart bloom. Many Scorpios will meet a destined soulmate or grow closer with the one at their side. If pursuing pregnancy, it may now manifest. For those who are already parents, you could find that one of your children becomes even more of a jewel to you now. Another way this could affect you is by bringing you more time for fun, games, creativity, and adventure. Open yourself to more harmony and magic. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A shocking month lies ahead, Sagittarius. First, great blessings await your love life, as benevolent Jupiter soars through your sector of pleasure and passion from May 10 to October 28, 2022—and one final sprint of glory from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. This will make your heart bloom. Many of you will meet a destined soulmate or grow closer with the one at their side. If pursuing pregnancy, it may now manifest. For those who are already parents, you could find that one of your children becomes even more of a jewel to you now. Another way this could affect you is by bringing you more time for fun, games, creativity, and adventure. Open yourself to more harmony and magic. Next, Saturn will teach you life lessons regarding how you communicate with the world now until spring 2023. It is likely you will take on more important projects around writing, speaking, advertising, and branding. There could be some people that challenge your point of view, but this will be to make sure you are articulating everything much more clearly. Brainstorm unique advertising and social media techniques to take you into new horizons! Many Sagittarians during that time will find that they are more curious than ever about the world and begin doing everything possible to learn more about it. As much as you may wish for more travel, you could find obstacles to it or that you’re not as free to pursue it as you may have liked during this time. Some of you will enroll in courses that fine-tune their skills and some could even become highly successful in public speaking, writing, or major influencers on social media. Your skills in advertising and branding could lead you to revolutionize industries and become some of the most sought after talent in these realms once you crystallize your talents. Many Sagittarians will launch highly successful radio and media shows, as well as publish important works. If any of these areas is of interest to you, I encourage you to start making a plan now because the doors are opening, but it will require everything that you have. Next, Mars makes tracks through your partnership zone from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2022, showing that your attention will be on teamwork, collaboration, or making serious plans with a partner during that time specifically. This is a tremendous time to work as one rather than flying solo. With so much energy highlighting this arena, you could certainly line up dates with people who hold the potential to stay by your side. This is your best time you’ve seen in years to make commitment and marriage a top priority, so if you’re ready, set forth. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, confusion around friends or your network may manifest first—but if you’d like to reconnect with old pals or an old flame, do so now. At the onset of October, a New Moon in your social sphere that appeared on September 25, 2022 will still be quite active, which could bring a lovely event your way or a chance to become involved with a community dear to your heart. An acquaintance could also provide an introduction you need to reach a heartfelt goal, so broadcast your needs. Venus adds spice to your routine as she spotlights your social life until October 23, 2022! The Universe is cooking up copious amounts of blessings just for you! In the weeks ahead, you’ll hear from many friends and likely attend many magical events. Online dating or finding a mate through your social network bode especially well for singles, as well. Next, a Full Moon in your fertility sector will arrive on the 9th. This promises that love, pleasure, creativity, and children could be your primary focus at this time. Embrace your heart now. When the Sun sizzles to sleep in your sector of rest on the 22nd, you’ll spend much of the month ahead feeling the need to lie low and plan for the year to come. Focus on visualization and brainstorming. A Solar Eclipse in this sector of privacy and rest will appear on the 25th, which will encourage you to take a step back and reflect on where you’ve been and where you wish to go. Use this time to rest and recharge. A destined event around mental health, hidden enemies, secrets, or surprises will take place. Last, benevolent Jupiter, your ruler, will dance back into your domestic sphere from October 28 until December 20, 2022, bringing happiness and peace to home and family affairs. Some Sagittarians could find more pleasure with their kindred or find that their extended family grows. Others could decide it’s time to move. If you do, you could enjoy a new location that is much more expansive and filled with light. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


One of the most intense months of 2022 is upon you, Capricorn. First, benevolent Jupiter will dance through your domestic sphere from May 10 to October 28, 2022—and then one final time from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023—bringing happiness and peace to home and family affairs. Some of you could find more pleasure with their kindred or find that their extended family grows. Others could decide it’s time to move. If you do, you could enjoy a new location that is much more expansive and filled with light. Mars joins this sector, too, until July 5, 2022. During this period, you could be energized to move, fix up your living space, or renovate. There’s also a possibility that you will be required to step up to help with a family matter, especially one of your parents. Next, Saturn continues to orbit within your financial zone, establishing residence until spring 2023. He will be teaching you important life lessons about money management and making your nest egg grow larger than ever before. Some Capricorns will take on debts or have financial difficulties initially or be forced to trim their expenses to afford something else (such as a new child or real estate investment). Budget carefully for the long-term, even more than you usually do! Mars will speed through your productivity zone from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. This will see you especially busy at work, likely taking on more projects or encouraging you to hunt for better employment. You could make a lot of progress on fitness and diet goals, too. Above all, use the time ahead to find the perfect work-life balance for you. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this caused shifts around your career and ambitions initially. It’ll also cause hiccups around legalities, academics, or media projects. At the onset of October, you’ll still be feeling the New Moon from September 25, 2022 that highlights your ambitions and could bring a promotion, new job, or favorable publicity your way. This is the most important luminary to initiate new professional plans, so use the week after it to reach to your goals. Venus will energize your professional sector until October 23, 2022. This bodes extremely well for you, bringing applause and recognition within your career. This would be an auspicious period to get in front of executives or authority figures, as you will be favored. Awards and achievements could also appear. Later, it’ll trigger confusion around your career and big ambitions. Next, you will be in your feels and focusing on an important family or domestic matter near the Full Moon on the 9th. Some of you could be moving, renovating, fixing up your space, or required to spend time with family. When the Sun sizzles into your social sector beginning on the 22nd, you’ll be ready to step into the center of friends and communities and connect with your network. Some of you may volunteer or become leaders in group projects, while others could just be ready for laughter and events with their crew. Invites and happy times with those who you care for is sure to appear. Venus adds spice to your routine as she spotlights your social life from October 23 until November 16, 2022! The Universe is cooking up copious amounts of blessings just for you! In the weeks ahead, you’ll hear from many friends and likely attend many magical events. Online dating or finding a mate through your social network bode especially well for singles, as well. A Solar Eclipse in your social sphere appears on October 25, 2022, which could bring a lovely event your way or a chance to become involved with a community dear to your heart. An acquaintance could also provide an introduction you need to reach a heartfelt goal, so broadcast your needs. Plan ahead and spread your wings. A destined shift around your life has come, perhaps meeting a soulmate platonic friend or having one eclipsed out of your life. A major personal milestone may appear that fills you with awe. Last, benevolent Jupiter will be moving through your communications sector once again from October 28 until December 20, 2022. This period will bring luck and fortune to all of your writing, speaking, marketing, and intellectual endeavors. Some Capricorns could begin working on a prize assignment, book, or screenplay, while others may decide to update some of their credentials. More money will come to you as you pursue these ideas and spread your thoughts. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A tremendously intense month awaits you, Aquarius. First, benevolent Jupiter will be moving through your communications sector from May 10 to October 28, 2022—and then one final time from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. This period will bring luck and fortune to all of your writing, speaking, marketing, and intellectual endeavors. Some of you could begin working on a prize assignment, book, or screenplay, while others may decide to update some of their credentials. More money will come to you as you pursue these ideas and spread your thoughts. Next, Saturn continues to establish his permanence in your zodiac sign until spring 2023 and will help you to set down important roots and plans that you will build over the coming three decades. Saturn is a planet of life lessons, perseverance, and responsibility, so it would be irresponsible for me to tell you that the next year and a half are going to all gold, stars, and roses. No. They won’t be. There will be a lot of “growing up” taking place for you and Saturn could at times make you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You may at times feel a bit more melancholy, tired, and lonely, but that is because he is showing you that you are resilient above all. He also wants you to be realistic and practical as you begin this “chapter one rewrite” and work toward your most heartfelt goals and plans. Often times major life events happen now that set up the next decades: someone buys a house, but it will take years to pay off; someone has a baby, but it will take an immense amount of energy to be a parent; someone changes their career, and it will take a lot of work to launch it. But this can also be a period when the things you’ve worked toward in your life up until now begin to pay off, too. Trust that the Universe will only give you what it knows you can handle. Next, joy will come to your heart as ferocious Mars, the god of sex, ignites your passion sector August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. This is a tremendous announcement from the Heavens that it’s time to put your heart’s desires first. Singles have a magnificent opening to look for new love and to be dating up a storm. You will be absolutely magnetic and will surely find you have a bounty of new suitors. If you’re in a committed relationship, this bodes quite well to spice up your rapport and even have some extremely hot sex. If you’re looking to have a child, your fertility will be quite potent now. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, this will cause confusion around academics, legalities, media projects, or travel initially. It could cause frustrations around intimacy, investments, or shared assets, as well. At the onset of October, you will still the mighty power of the New Moon that took place on September 25, 2022 that opened a doorway to you in regards to expansion. This may finally provide the breakthrough to help you move forward with a media, publishing, academics, travelling, or immigration matter. If you’d like to pursue any of these, use the days following this luminary. Then, A Full Moon arrives on the 9th—bringing yet another important message for you. With this highlighting your communications sector, you could find that you are debuting an important writing, speaking, advertising, or branding initiative. Focus on what lies within your heart and share it with the world. An important contract could pop up, too. Yet, as soon as the Sun turns a corner on the 22nd, professional success is on your mind for the weeks to come! Achievements, promotions, or higher success will come from previous work now. This will also be a period to re-energize yourself regarding your ambitions and truly know what you are after. Venus will energize your professional sector from October 23 until November 16, 2022. This bodes extremely well for you, bringing applause and recognition within your career. This would be an auspicious period to get in front of executives or authority figures, as you will be favored. Awards and achievements could also appear. A Solar Eclipse on the 25th highlights your ambitions and could bring a promotion, new job, or favorable publicity your way. This is the most important luminary to initiate new professional plans, so use the week after it to reach to your goals. A major destined shift around your career or public recognition will soon appear. This could lift you up higher or propel you in an altogether new direction. Last, benevolent Jupiter will venture back into your financial sphere from October 28 until December 20, 2022. In the coming months, you’ll likely see more prosperity manifest either in the form of a raise, more income, or a lucrative job offer. Wealth and abundance could very soon more easily present itself to you, but work toward it with focus and you’ll be rewarded. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A storm is brewing in October, Pisces. First, benevolent Jupiter ventures through your financial sphere from May 10 until October 28, 2022—and again from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. You’ll likely see more prosperity manifest either in the form of a raise, more income, or a lucrative job offer. Wealth and abundance could very soon more easily present itself to you, but work toward it with focus and you’ll be rewarded. Also, Saturn continues to establish his permanence in your sector of rest and solitude until spring 2023. Saturn is the giver of life lessons and will be focusing you upon karma: either reaping the rewards for the fortune you’ve brought into the world or else haunting you with the baggage you must now atone for. You will feel a need to heal and develop your spirit in this time as well as face everything you have built. Mars fires up your domestic sphere from August 20, 2022 until March 15, 2023. During this period, you could be energized to move, fix up your living space, or renovate. There’s also a possibility that you will be required to step up to help with a family matter, especially one of your parents. However, beginning October 30, 2022, Mars will go retrograde in this sector and bring conflicts, delays, frustration, and challenges to all of these themes and this area of your life. This will last until January 12, 2023. Be sure to read my in-depth description about Mars Retrograde in the general overview of the month above. Also, Mercury is retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This will cause all of the usual confusion, miscommunication, and frustration that you can expect from this period in time. Don’t sign contracts, make decisions, start or launch endeavors, or begin an official relationship or job during this time. For you, it will cause you to review intimacy, partnerships, investments, and assets. If you’d like to reconnect with someone from the past in business or love, use this time now. At the onset of October, the New Moon from September 25, 2022 in your sector of shared assets and intimacy will continue to echo. This could help you get a loan, scholarship, venture capital, bonus, or money from a divorce settlement if you have recently separated. You’ll definitely be focusing on your needs in partnerships and if they are being met. A Full Moon will arrive in your prosperity arena on the 9th, energizing your financial sector. You could see the materialization of a large check, raise, lucrative client, or new job offer within four days of this lunation. After, when the Sun sizzles into your expansion zone on the 22nd, the month ahead will fill your mind with many ideas and plans about how to build your future. Embrace the unknown and enjoy the blessings the Universe has in store for you. A Solar Eclipse this month takes place on the 25th and will open a doorway to you in regards to expansion. This may finally provide the breakthrough to help you move forward with a media, publishing, academics, travelling, or immigration matter. If you’d like to pursue any of these, use the days following this luminary. Your co-ruler, Jupiter, takes a dive back into your zodiac sign from October 28 to December 20, 2022. A whole new chapter of your life has arrived, bringing you blessings and miracles. Now is the time to show the Universe what you’re after and begin to build the life you’ve always prayed for. Dream big, soar far, and don’t hold yourself back! You will get a taste of what it feels like to be the “Celestial Favorite” with the entire Universe shining down on you! Often times, this period will see single Pisceans cross paths with a soulmate, while attached ones will make important plans with their lover. Weddings, celebrations, and events could fill your calendar. In many ways, you will feel like you are “giving birth” repeatedly: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Don’t hold yourself back while you make your vision board. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas