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March 2023 could be one of the most important months of your entire life. Major cosmic changes are in store, which will propel humanity to evolve even more. We will experience several powerful planetary shifts as major outer planets dance into newfound territory. In truth, we are officially entering the Age of Aquarius on a more profound level as Pluto, the planet of rebirth and transformation, moves into the heavens of the waterbearer and inches ever closer to where the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn took place at the end of 2020. This will set off a chain reaction of events that will unfold over the coming two decades ahead. Saturn, our planet of karma and life lessons, will also leave behind the heights of Aquarius to venture into Pisces for the coming three years, as well. On top of this, we also have one full month free of all planetary retrogrades, as well, ensuring productivity, speed, and momentum in our lives. No matter what, be sure to seize the day swiftly and pay attention to little signals from the universe about how your life is set to evolve in the many years to come.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

Prepare to enter a very special and unique period, one where you can seize the day to create the life you want more easily—free of roadblocks and cosmic dust. All planets in our solar system will be direct, or “awake,” once Uranus leaves retrograde on January 22, 2023 at 2:59 PM (Pacific). The next planet to retrograde will be Mercury on April 21, 2023 at 1:35 AM (Pacific). With all major planets awakened during this time, we will step into a portal with a burst of energy to move extremely rapidly toward our goals and seek to improve our lives in every way. While we will still have to deal with some post-shadow and pre-shadow planetary energy in the weeks of this period, it is of utmost importance to sign contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions that you want to last forever during this period. This is nearly 89 days (almost 3 months) of pure, untapped energy to hustle and focus. Make it count.

Mighty Jupiter, the Great Benefic planet and giver of miracles and expansion, soars through the fiery skies of Aries from December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023. In Aries, Jupiter will amplify our innate fire, courage, and sense of passion. We will be inspired to rally behind our greatest desires and beliefs, eager to show the world our true sense of power. Our individual confidence will increase, giving us the motivation to create the life of our dreams. Taking chances, charging into newfound territory, and embracing innovation will bring luck and fortune. Our sense of faith in ourselves will increase, bringing us the strength to reinvent ourselves and our futures, rather than settling into our comfort zones. Leadership will be especially enhanced for people who have natural abilities for it—and we will see several new leaders emerge, setting the tone for the coming 12 years. A few pioneers within each industry, within entertainment, and within business will captivate the world and ultimately stand as royalty before all. These people will have a fiery temperament to them and enchant others through their bold actions, as well as their words. When it comes to global affairs, there will be a surge around Aries-ruled industries and projects—“being the first to market,” “being the one breaking ground,” and beyond. The following industries will see a boom: sports, gambling, theme parks, military and weapons, metal, cars, facial beauty products and reconstruction, meat, and anything entrepreneurial or thrill seeking. Self-help and wellness companies that focus on “being a leader” and “stepping into your power” will also do well. Use the higher vibration of this energy to become the master off your destiny.

Get ready for a burst of new energy as Mars sizzles on into the skies of Gemini from August 20, 2022 until March 25, 2023. Mars is no longer retrograde, so he will still be sluggish until he leaves post-shadow on March 15, 2023. Fire needs oxygen to burn, so expect this time to be expansive and vibrant as Mars infuses your life with intellectual breakthroughs and opportunities to grow. Collectively, we will be entering a more social time. Joining communities or expanding your network will be highly favored. Our minds may be a bit less focused and more scattered, as we are curious about new ideas and don’t want to sit in one place. We will likely become involved in passionate discussions and will become eager to debate, converse, and defend our opinions. Despite this, though, we will find it easier to negotiate and are more flexible to outside perspectives. As Gemini rules communication, writing, speaking, marketing, branding, advertising, and social media, all of these areas will shine. Consider how you can revamp your presentations and pitch your vision to others. We may still be reviewing the karmic lessons we experienced around how we pursue our ideas, fight for what we believe in, and connect to others from the official retrograde phase. Sizzling Mars will leave behind the windstorms of Gemini to dive into the shallows of Cancer come March 25, 2023 until May 20, 2023. The red planet is a fiery one, so it will conflict with the very watery nature of this zodiac sign. Together, it will be as if they are making steam—and we will be the ones boiling! Cancer is a Cardinal zodiac sign, and with Mars here, we will be encouraged to pursue our interests and plans ardently. However, symbolized by the crab that walks sideways, we, too, may take a less direct approach to getting what we desire. Our emotions will become highly intensified in the weeks to come and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by intense mood swings and shifts in our energy levels. When confronted with conflict, we will become highly defensive. Domestic, family, and emotional situations will become especially important to us, as well.

Pisces Season reigns as we move through March. This is the final sign in the zodiac year and brings great attention to our spiritual natures. You could feel quite reflective now and may be drawn to your spiritual, religious, or emotional sides. Get in touch with your heart in the weeks ahead.

To add further attention to the Piscean energy infusing the cosmos, Mercury will dive into these same depths beginning March 2, 203. Our cosmic messenger flutter kicks here until March 19, 2023. This will help our thinking processes to be more imaginative, colorful, and intuitive. We will be highly attuned to our emotions and those of others, which can aid in sensitive communication. Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, will begin to sizzle on the cliffs of Aries from March 19, 2023 until April 3, 2023. This fast transit will make our minds especially active and our words sharp! We are less concerned of objective perspectives and more eager to reach a decision rapidly: particularly one that serves us! Our conversations will be more passionate as we channel the bold and assertive nature of Aries. We will want to take the lead in our communications: for better or worse, and we could end up ruffling some feathers.

Prepare for a major turning point to begin on March 7, 2023. Saturn, the mighty planet of karma and life lessons, will soar into the reefs of Pisces until May 24, 2025 and again from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026. Important learning curves and karmic transitions will take place in regards to all areas that Pisces rules: spirituality, creativity, psychology, mental health, prescriptions, prisons, the unconscious, and healing. Important information about fear, anxiety, and addictions will emerge in the period to come. Karma will come before us and we will find it is time to heal it and let it go. This will be a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding us back from ascending to our highest good. False prophets, gurus, and secret societies will fall, as well as a streamlining of mainstream spirituality and religion. There will likely be a major overhaul in regards to the medical, psychological, and prison systems. Secrets hidden and disguised in the past thirty years could be aired out in our lives and on a global scale, too. There will be a great focus on how we rest, “escape reality,” and live in illusions or delusions. The key will be to face the truth rather than running away. Those who do so may suffer great losses and further build toxic karma that will need to be resolved in the future or in lives to come.

A Full Moon in Virgo (16 degrees) will arrive on March 7, 2023. The energy will peak at this time, but will be felt for 2-3 days before and after. Expect now to be a time when the actions and plans you were building in the days following August 27, 2022 to be reaching culmination. If they are not, shift direction in a more fruitful and prosperous way. This Full Moon helps us focus on the details in our lives and relationships, as well as what we are putting consistent effort toward. Find ways to improve the rhythm and health in your routine and connections. Build a harvest that you are proud of and share it with the world. When it comes to astrological aspects that will color this full moon, there are many to pay attention to. First, the full moon will be perfectly linked to Uranus, the planet of surprise. Because they are dancing eloquently, this means changes that take place now will likely help us to evolve in a positive direction, even if at first they leave us breathless. We will feel more spontaneous and open to new opportunities because of this. The full moon will clash with Mars, though, which could bring heated passions, impulsiveness, and anger if we feel stifled. The full moon will be opposite Mercury, the planet of the mind and logic, too, which will bring a surge of mental and emotional energy to navigate. Our thoughts will be especially overwhelmed by our feelings because of this.

Yet, an important turning point arrives in March, too. The Spring Equinox will dawn on March 20, bringing the roaring stampede of Aries Season! This is often a time of powerful new beginnings, marking the official start of the zodiac year. Aries Season is a time that encourages our independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys. This is a time of rebirth for us. Prepare for a fiery current to ignite the cosmos as a New Moon in Aries (0 degrees) demands our attention on March 21, 2023. This New Moon will open a door to you in the week that follows it and encourages you to seize the day and create the life of your dreams. Embrace your independent side and the vision you have for your future. Now is a moment to be aggressive when pursuing your plans. Take the lead — do not sit back and watch as everyone else leaves you behind. Be courageous in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. The actions and plans you launch now will culminate near September 28, 2023. Be brave. Be passionate. Be proud. When it comes to astrological aspects that color this new moon, there are many to focus upon. 💫 First, the new moon is conjunct Mercury, which will bring a flurry of activity and a social energy to our lives. We will be able to balance our minds and emotions easily. 🌟 However, we may spurned toward impulsiveness and experience fits of passion or heated emotions due to the new moon’s square with Mars. We may also feel a bit dreamy and disconnected from reality due to the new moon’s conjunction with Neptune, which can be much like a double-edged sword. 🌠 On one hand, we may feel highly sensitive, but on the other, we may be prone to illusion and delusion. The new moon is also sextile Pluto, which will bring a feeling of intensity to our lives and an eagerness to seize power and experience transformation. 🎇 Last to mention is that the planetary ruler of this lunation, Mars, will be linked in a trine to Saturn, bringing stability and long-term progress if we are willing to take slow and steady steps to build our lives but will be in a square with Neptune, which may also make us feel a bit under the weather, exhausted, and burnt out. 🎆 Above all, prepare for a complex amount of energy to navigate!

Our goddess, Venus, then decides its time to tour the hills of Aries from February 20, 2023 until March 16, 2023. When Venus is in Aries, we are direct and bold in love. This will be a time when you can go after a conquest and start a passionate love affair or take charge in your relationship and bring more adventure to your union. Be passionate. Be courageous. Be a leader in love. Next, the goddess planet of love and beauty, Venus, enters her home zodiac sign of Taurus on March 16, 2023 and will remain until April 11, 2023. Here, she is able to bring forth passionate and sensual romance. She sings a song from above and promises pleasure and abundance to us on Earth. Watch as your heart blooms. New love found now has longevity built within it. It could be the kind of stable relationship you’ve always wanted. Existing unions will benefit from more time relaxing and exploring one another intimately. Artistic talents will also become enhanced, especially those that focus on structure, design, or music. Financial matters should also go quite well now. Attract prosperity to you like a magnet and perhaps you can soon harness the power of King Midas.

Pluto, the planet of rebirth, death, transformation, and domination, enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Pluto will dance within Aquarius until June 11, 2023, later from January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, again from November 19, 2024, at which point it will weave in and out of Aquarius and Pisces. We are officially entering the Age of Aquarius on more a profound level as Pluto inches ever closer to where the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn took place at the end of 2020. This will set off a chain reaction of events that will unfold over the coming two decades ahead. Pluto is a planet of intensity, destruction, transformation and rebirth. In a sense, Pluto is like a phoenix — burning down what does not work in order to rise again. Plutonian energy is very often malefic — bringing forth dramatic and painful experiences in order to shed light on truth and bring us incredibly profound growth. On one hand, Pluto can provide tremendous opportunities for renewal, new beginnings and spiritual and financial growth. However, the negative aspects of this mighty planet often lead to obsession, victimization, domination, power struggles, tyrannical control, war and death. All of the themes that Aquarius rules will experience upheaval during this time: social organization, social media, the Internet, humanitarianism, technology, equality and civil rights, socialism, space travel and exploration, and astrology.

Important dates to remember in March 2023 for love are the 2, 6, 11, 16, 17, and 30. Significant moments to plan for success are the 17, 18, and 20. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 30. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


A major month filled with life turning points summons you forth, Aries. First, let’s point out the best news of all: you will have both Venus, the planet of beauty and pleasure, as well as Jupiter, the planet of expansion in miracles, with you at this time. This is one of the best months of your lifetime to pursue romance or your heart’s desires—luck will be on your side. Venus remains with you until March 16, so regardless if single or attached, focus on sensuality and attraction before then. Next, mighty Mars is firing up your sector of communication and short-distance travel until March 25, so you could be bounding around or instead hammering away at a milestone writing, speaking, or contractual project until then. After this, Mars will ignite your domestic zone until May 20. You could become very busy on a family situation or instead focusing on moving, renovating, or updating your living space. There is sure to be a surge of activity around these themes. Next up will be the key lunations that take place in March. The first to pay heed to will be a full moon in your productivity zone that arrives on March 7. This could bring a turning point, culmination, or ending in regards to an employment situation or health matter. For instance, some of you could be getting yourself kicked into shape in regards to diet or fitness or may hear some significant news about making a shift in your health routine. Others could instead be leaving one job, responsibility, or project behind them to begin another. If looking for a new job or are unemployed, use the week that surrounds this full moon to your advantage. The mighty sun will sizzle into your zodiac sign beginning on the 20th, which will announce that it is birthday season! Also, a new moon in your zodiac sign arrives on the 21st, blasting a doorway open for you to pursue your greatest plans, hopes, and ambitions in the year ahead. Use the week after this to put pieces into place to set the tone for the year ahead. Yet, that’s not all! March brings other significant news. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, will leave your sector of fulfillment on March 7. Now or in the weeks ahead a glorious achievement or milestone in relation to your long-term goals or friendships may now manifest depending on how hard you’ve pursued it in the past three years. Saturn is now turning a corner to venture into your sector of karma and rest now until 2026. This means that in the coming three years you will face all of the decisions and karma you’ve built in your life thus far—especially in the past thirty years. Positive karma could now be paid off—but dark actions, especially in the form of hidden enemies and anxieties, could be here to haunt you. You may also be especially reflective and focused on understanding your soul, your past, and your spiritual strength in the next three years, as well. Last to mention will be the movement of Pluto into your sector of fulfillment on March 23, giving you a taste of what lies ahead for the coming twenty years. You will attract profound and intense situations to you, particularly in regards to your social life. People not meant to be in your life will fade into the past, as you attract powerful—and potentially shocking—new connections, instead. You will also recognize that your long-term goals, hopes, and aspirations may also be transformed, helping you to ultimately become reborn. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Life is changing every day as you forge ahead, Taurus. First, let’s focus on some of the main features taking place. While the month starts off in a somewhat slower and more reflective mode, especially with Jupiter and Venus dancing through your sector of rest, there will still be a very social overtone throughout the entire month, too. Venus will enter your zodiac sign on March 16 to remain with you until April 11. This ensures that romance, beauty, and pleasure will be yours during this time. This is a dazzling moment to focus on dating and living in the moment. Mars will also be powering through your sector of finances until March 25, so you could be quite busy spending and investing on large-scale purchases. This is also a marvelous time to focus on amplifying your income, as well. After March 25, Mars will ignite your sector of communications and short-distance travel until May 20. This means that you could be bounding around quite a bit for either business or travel. You will also likely be quite busy working on milestone writing, speaking, or contractual projects during that time. The key lunations this month will also bring important news. A full moon in your passion zone arrives on March 7, bringing a culmination or turning point in regards to matters of the heart. An important moment around romance, dating, fertility, children, hobbies, or creativity will take place near this time. If single, you should use the week surrounding this lunation to put yourself out there—you could find a beloved connection. If casually dating, you may realize you are falling in love. However, if a relationship ends near this time, you’re being directed to new adventures. Later, a new moon in your sector of rest arrives on March 21, encouraging you to lie low, recharge your batteries, and get introspective. It is immensely important to sit back, brainstorm, and start to truly hone in on who you want to be and what you wish to pursue in the many years to come—especially starting in May. Yet, the most dramatic news of all to arrive this month will be the shift of two mighty planets. Beginning March 7, Saturn, the planet of life lessons, will leave behind your career zone where he has been adding intense weight for the past three years. You’ve been hard at work grinding to build higher in your professional life—sometimes to the point of exhaustion, burn out, or even clashing with bosses or strong personalities. Yet, depending on how hard you’ve focused and hustled, a glorious achievement could now be granted to you now or in the weeks ahead. Revel in it! Moving forward, Saturn will bring his lessons and learning curves to your long-term goals, hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the coming three years. You will refine your list of plans and let go of the ones that are fleeting or no longer fulfill you. Your social life may also begin to slim down, as you value true friends rather than just a wide network. Last to note in this month will be the arrival of Pluto into your career sector starting on March 23. This will give you a taste of incredible transformation set to ignite your professional life for the coming twenty years. On one hand, you could feel the need to be entirely reborn in regards to your ambitions—or you may instead see the curtains part as you are ready to rise higher than ever before. With strength and purpose, you could soon be on the path to radically exciting new career paths or even honor, success, fame, or glory. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The universe is shifting your path in many ways, Gemini. March is pivotal in that journey. The primary themes at the onset of the month revolve around two things: first, your social life due to Jupiter and Venus bringing joy and magic to your friendships and connections; and secondarily, your professional growth. This month, especially prior to March 16, would be a dazzling period to attend events, network, or try your hand at online dating if single. Circulate and mingle as much as you can. While there is certain to be activity in your career, social connections could be the ones opening the doors to more professional success for you. Next to note is that Mars, the planet of sex, energy, and drive, will conclude his extremely long stay in your zodiac sign on March 25. This means it is extremely important to hustle as quickly as possible to plant the seeds you’d like to build toward in the coming two years now. After this, Mars parades into your financial zone until May 20, which will increase your expenses significantly but also give you the strength to build toward more. The key lunations this month will also bring you concentration shifts. First, the full moon on March 7 will bring a turning point in regards to your domestic life. You may need to step in to handle a family affair or instead may be moving, renovating, or redecorating your space. Later, a new moon in your social life arrives on March 21, which will likely help you to feel supported by others and meet new friends. Now would be a juicy period to ask others for favors. Last to note in this major month will be the movement of two mighty outer planets, setting up longer-term trends. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, will leave behind your sector of expansion on March 7, which has been forcing you to take an uphill battle in regards to academics, media or publishing endeavors, or international business or travel in the past three years. If you’ve been hustling around these themes, once Saturn leaves this area behind, he may grant you a gift in the weeks to come depending on how hard you’ve worked toward this big goal. From March 7 until 2026, though, Saturn will instead lay a heavy load on top of your professional life. On one hand, you could experience a very challenging period to reach toward your greatest ambitions, suffering a gridlock with competitors or authority figures. You may also feel like you’re spinning your wheels constantly with a never-ending amount of work to reach new pinnacles. This is a tremendously important three-year period to put everything you have into your work life and you will find that by the end of it, you have finally established yourself more firmly than ever before. Last will be the movement of Pluto, who will dance briefly into your expansion zone from March 23 until the summer—giving you a brief taste of his energy in this newfound arena for twenty years to come. You may hunger for transformative, life-changing experiences when it comes to travel, academics, media pursuits, or spirituality. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A big month that will lead you in vast new directions before the end of it has arrived, Cancer. The first thing to mention is that you will have a great deal of professional favor raining down upon you, particularly before March 16, with Venus and Jupiter orbiting in this sphere. You could be seeing exciting new opportunities opening up before you. If you’d like to make further career progress, strike then. After March 16, Venus will dazzle into your social sphere until April 11. This ensures a livelier pace when it comes to your connections. More celebrations, parties, and networking could be on the table. If single, dating odds are increased during that period, whether it is through online apps, matchmakers, or mingling out and about. Next to note is that Mars, the planet of energy, has been in a state of rest and reprieve for a tremendously long period but will storm the gates to enter your zodiac sign finally beginning March 25 until May 20. This ensures that you’ll feel a surge of strength, fuel, and sex appeal to push into your personal and professional life. Use that period to launch new endeavors and strike while the iron is hot. Next to note will be the lunations this month, with the first arriving on March 7. This is a full moon in your sector of mental activity. This could bring a turning point in regards to stepping out of your comfort zone, such as travelling to nearby locales for business or pleasure, or instead in relation to communication projects involving learning, speaking, writing, or interacting with others. A new moon will open a doorway in your professional life once it arrives on March 21, so start strategizing and putting pieces into place after that. Last to mention will be the shift of two outer planets into new sections of your sky, too. First, Saturn, the planet of life lessons and sometimes hardship, will finish up touring your intimacy and relationship zone beginning on March 7. You’ve faced a tough life in trust, companionship, and commitments in recent years, especially around past traumas, working through them, or even combining assets and investments. Saturn will bring a jewel to your life around these themes now or in the weeks to come, directly corresponding to how you respected and experienced his tutelage. Moving on, he will forge into your expansion zone, which could bring heavy weight around academics, media endeavors, international travel or business, or even legalities until 2026. Buckle up for a long ride around investing yourself in these arenas. Yet, further evolution is set to impact your relationships, sense of intimacy and trust, as well as assets and investments after Pluto turns a corner to venture into this pocket of the heavens starting on March 23. This will give you a taste of what is in store for the coming twenty years ahead. On one hand, you may experience intense transformation or may have to deal with deep fears coming to the surface or attract interactions that trigger this—but it would help you to be reborn. On a brighter note, you could radically see your wealth expand in the years ahead, as well. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Forge onward into new journeys this month, Leo. One of the initial key energies you’ll be navigating is how you wish to explore vast new directions personally and intellectually. This would be due to Jupiter and Venus jazzing up your potential to see progress in relation to academics, media endeavors, spirituality, or even international business or travel. This is especially potent prior to March 16—but you’ll still see progress until May 16, as well. After March 16, Venus will soar into your professional realm, empowering you with fortune and favor, as well as applause and growth, in regards to career matters. Now would be a wise moment to reach higher or seek the approval of those in power above you. You could even feel as if the world is honoring you until April 11. Apply for an award, promotion, or better job. Next, Mars will finish up his tour of your social life on March 25. However, prior to this, you’ll still see many opportunities for fun, celebration, and parties. For singles, you’ll have a lot of momentum when it comes to meeting someone new or trying your hand at online dating. After this, Mars will go into a sector of rest, so from now until May 20 you could be taking a backseat to hibernate, brainstorm, or become busy with projects behind-the-scenes in development. Next to note this month will be the lunations—the full moon and new moon. March 7 brings a big focus to your financial life, triggering a turning point or shift with money. This could elicit the arrival of a raise, new job offer, lucrative client, or instead a hefty expense near this time. Later, a new moon in your expansion zone arrives on March 21, also feeding you momentum to master plan how you can grow, thrive, and step in exhilarating new directions and learn more about people and the world. Last to mention will be the dance of two outer planets that change course, too. First, Saturn, who has been orbiting across the sky from you for the past three years, will no longer oppose you after March 7. You’ve likely faced a sense of loneliness, as if the whole world was against you and forcing you to fight an uphill battle for everything during that time. You may have either left unhealthy personal or professional relationships or instead forged new ones that could last the test of time. Moving forward, Saturn will bring grueling lessons to you for three years ahead in regards to trust issues, intimacy, and sexuality, as well as all matters of wealth, particularly assets and investments. You will crave to build more—but will again, unfortunately, have to fight wisely for them. Know that this is a long-term trend and you aren’t being punished, but led to streamline your life. Next, Pluto, the planet of intensity, will tiptoe across the sky from you into your partnership zone beginning March 23. This will give you a taste of twenty years ahead where you will radically transform through your partnerships. On one hand, you could watch existing relations evolve to much deeper and profound levels—or spin off into power struggles. On the other, you may instead attract countless fatal attractions with people who have a karmic purpose in your life—and theirs. This doesn’t mean that all of the years ahead will be challenging, but it does mean that you will never, ever look at union and partnership the same way again. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The heavens are turning and your life will experience the repercussions, Virgo. The first theme you’ll be addressing is a focus on growth in regards to trust, intimacy, or wealth in your life—particularly before March 16—because you will have both Jupiter and Venus working in your favor. After March 16, Venus will help you to dazzle in newfound ways, particularly in regards to academics, fabulous travelling experiences, or even opportunities in relation to the media. This trend echoes until April 11. Also, you’ve harbored mighty Mars in your professional sphere since last summer and he will finally be leaving this area behind on March 25. Prior, though, you could have a ton of career progress being made where you’re highly productive and knocking out milestones. If you’ve taken the right approach, awards, promotions, glory, or even fame could be on the docket. After March 25, though, you’ll feel like you’re taking a victory lap until May 20 as Mars heats up your social sector, bringing a flurry of events, celebrations, and fun opportunities your way. You’ll feel quite popular at this time and singles have a major period ahead where they could have a great chance at meeting someone new through their network or in online dating. Next, let’s discuss the lunations taking place, too. First, a full moon in your zodiac sign will arrive on March 7, which will bring you into the spotlight near this time. You may see a culmination in regards to a major personal goal or project. An important relationship could also be evolving near this time—bringing more unity between you or instead making you realize you’re just not aligned. Next, a new moon in your intimacy and wealth sector arrives on March 21, which will help you to build more of this in your life. Consider applying for a line of credit, venture capital, paying off loans, or even investing. Last to mention in this jam-packed month will be the transition of two outer planets into new pieces of the sky. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, has been orbiting in your productivity zone for the past three years, likely making you feel like you were constantly fighting an uphill battle in regards to your work and life balance, as well as on the job, or even around health matters. You likely felt constantly burnt out, as if you just didn’t know how to muster the strength. Luckily, though, Saturn will leave this zone on March 7 not to return for nearly three decades. Also, as he does so, now or in the weeks ahead, he could bring you a gift that will be equal in measure to how hard you’ve worked in the past three years. For some, this could suddenly look like a breakthrough in health or employment. Yet, as he turns a corner on March 7, he will peer across the sky from you. In complete honesty, you are entering one of the most challenging periods in your entire life now until 2026. I do not say this to scare you—but to be honest with you. Whenever you face a Saturn Opposition, it means that you will feel as if you are under a heavy cloud, as you must use incredible strength to get your way. This will also destroy any weak relationships—personally or professionally—that are not meant for you. It doesn’t mean these relationships are “bad,” but that you are meant for something more and someone else, altogether. However, any commitments that you solidify or forge in this next era will likely stand the test of time and are karmic in nature. Last to note is the movement of Pluto into your productivity zone, which will begin to give you a taste of its power after March 23 for the coming few months. This is a hint of what lies ahead in the coming twenty years. You will experience incredible transformation around your employment, health, fitness, and diet. While sometimes it could feel like it’s out of your control and you’re being dominated by it, you are actually being forged into steel. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Magic moments could fill your March for many reasons, Libra. Let’s start with the most prominent theme: your relationships. With Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, and Venus, the planet of harmony and attraction, dazzling across the sky from you all month, you’ll find that all relationships are joyous. This is also a pivotal time to put yourself out there if you are single—keep yourself mingling and you could cross paths with someone who has long-term potential. Next to mention is that Mars, the planet of strength, will continue to storm through your expansion zone, likely seeing you focused on academics, travel, legalities, media endeavors, or a hunger to switch up your routine dramatically. This continues until March 25, and after this, he will ignite your professional zone until May 20. This ensures that you’ll be tremendously busy in regards to career matters. Work hard now and you could see promotions, awards, applause, or competitive job offers all coming your way! After this, the two lunations will be important to pay heed to. First, a full moon in your sector of rest will arrive near March 7, encouraging you to lie low, focus on your mental health, and recharge your batteries. Drama behind the scenes—especially in regards to something from the past or even a secret—could be haunting some of you near this time. Unplug, have a spa day, and choose to take some extra naps! Next, a new moon in your partnership zone arrives on March 21, which will open the doorway to you and a significant other to make plans, move in, get engaged, or discuss a long-term vision. If single, this is another push from the universe to put yourself out there. Last to note will be the shift of two mighty planets into new corners of the heavens. Saturn, the planet of life lessons and challenges, has been bringing icy snow to your sector of passion for the past three years. This has likely caused you to face an uphill battle in regards to matters of the heart, creativity, romance, fertility, or even children. If you’ve put in the work, you could find that after March 7 there is a sudden release that you experience where the universe gifts you what you’ve worked toward. After this date, Saturn will bring his hard lessons to a new area of your life—your employment, work and life balance, and physical health. On one hand, you could feel like you’re drowning in responsibilities or a sense of fatigue. This could soon push you to pursue a new form of employment or job. It could also help you to make changes in your diet, fitness, and medications, too. These will be key themes into 2026. Last, Pluto, the planet of intensity, will briefly parade into your sector of passion from March 23 until summer—but is giving you a taste of what lies ahead for the coming twenty years. You are set to experience radical transformation around true love, your hobbies and desires, or fertility and children. While not all of the lessons will feel nice, you are being taught to be nice and to pursue what makes you happiest and most alive, no matter what. Karmic connections could soon come to you—making you hunger for love more deeply than ever before. This “all or nothing” energy will also affect couples who have been together and will soon decide if it’s in or out—or how to reach new levels of passion. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The universe will have you moving and grooving this month, Scorpio. First to mention will be a happy highlight on your productivity, employment, and health, due to Venus and Jupiter sparkling in divine alignment to you. This is particularly noticeable until March 16. After this, Venus will turn a corner to blow kisses at you from across the sky until April 11. This ensures that there will be tremendous harmony for you in all relationships. Singles could find someone with long-term potential or end up making a commitment during this time. Next to mention will be Mars, who has been heating up your hunger for intimacy, trust, and wealth for quite awhile. This energy continues until March 25, so if you’ve been feeling anxious around these themes, unable to lock them down completely, that could soon change. On a positive note, this could bring an uptick to your sex life. On a negative one, if you’ve been burning through cash, you may need to find a way to calm it down or build toward other financial goals. After March 25, Mars storms into the seas of your expansion zone until May 20, which could soon see you involved in an academics, media, travelling, international business, or legal endeavor. You’ll be hammering away! Next to mention will be this month’s lunations. A full moon arrives near March 7, which will bring a fabulous opportunity to connect with friends and your network. You may attend a lively event around this time. If single, don’t miss out on this amazing cosmic window to mingle and flirt or even try your hand at online dating. The new moon on March 21 will fire up your sector of productivity, as well, likely bringing more responsibilities and projects into your routine. Last to note will be the shift of two profound planets in the heavens into newfound skies. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, has been bringing heavy weight to your domestic life and family for the past three years. Luckily, he will leave this somber place after March 7, and could potentially bring you a gift from the universe in regards to your home, family, real estate, or emotionally stability in the weeks ahead. You’ve faced a particularly challenging period and finally there should be sunnier skies. After March 7—until 2026—Saturn will bring his tough lessons to your sector of passion, which could see you fighting an uphill battle in regards to matters of the heart, romance, creativity, children, or fertility. This isn’t to punish you, but to encourage you to fight for what means the most to you. While it could feel like your life feels a bit grayer, it is up to you to find new ways to give and receive love as well as fill your life with more color and inspiration. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Dance to the tune of a new beat in March, Sagittarius. Many cosmic stars will align. The first theme that will hit you like a thunderbolt will be the emphasis on your sector of passion with Jupiter, the planet of luck, and Venus, the planet of harmony, dancing within these clouds. Venus remains here until March 16, so be sure to use this magic to your benefit, regardless if single or attached. This is one of the best periods in twenty-four years for your love life—and no, I’m not joking! Creativity, fertility, and sex are also empowered. Next, Mars will continue to dance across the sky from you in your partnership zone until March 25. This will see you working on goals with a significant other in love or business. Again, if single, use this cosmic energy to pursue someone who ticks off the boxes in your “long-term relationship category.” Mars then shimmies into your intimacy and wealth sector until May 20, which will crank up the heat in your expenses and hunger for closeness. Next to note will be this month’s lunations. A full moon in your professional sector arrives near March 7, likely bringing a major shift to your career. This could bring applause, a promotion, an award, or competitive job offer—unless, of course, you’re not in the right lane. This could signal the end to a job as you move in a new direction. A new moon in your passion zone will arrive on March 21, again giving you the boost to live in the moment, pursue romance, and embrace your authentic self. Last to mention will be the shift of two mighty planets into new arenas. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, has been bringing a heavy weight to your communication and travel sector for the past three years. This ends on March 7 and could bring happy news around ideas, learning, travel, media, or siblings in the weeks ahead. Unfortunately, though, after this he will storm into your domestic sphere for the coming three years. Family and parents, as well as home and living spaces, could become an uphill battle in the period ahead. You could also just feel more “tested” and emotional frustration building from within you. This isn’t to punish you but to strip away what isn’t needed and refine your path forward. Last, Pluto will dance into your intellectual zone on March 23, giving you a taste of the trends for the coming twenty years. You will be germinating intense and brilliant ideas—yet some of them could even scare you and others with their profound intensity. Travel would also bring you life-changing experiences, too. If you are involved in communications industries, prepare for a radical evolution. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The universe has much in store for you in the month to come, Capricorn. The first key theme will surround your domestic life, as Venus, the planet of pleasure, and Jupiter, the planet of happiness, soar through this sector. This ensures good news around home and family, especially until March 16. After this, Venus spins like a flower blossom in the wind into your sector of passion until April 11. This is a glorious period of beauty and magic in regards to romance, sex, creativity, and fertility. If single, this is one of the most important periods to line up suitors and find someone new. If coupled up—or you have children—focus on having fun with them! Mars, the planet of energy, has also been parading through your productivity zone for many months and will continue to do so until March 25. This ensures you’ll have the strength and momentum to tackle employment, fitness, or dieting goals. If you’d like to start a new routine or apply for other jobs, go for it! After March 25, Mars ignites your partnership zone until May 20. This will see you hard at work with a significant other. This isn’t a time to fly solo—working as a team will get you much further. This could apply to a significant lover or instead to someone like a collaborator, agent, teammate, or mentor. Singles can also use this cosmic potential to put themselves out there and align with someone who ticks off their boxes of “long-term compatibility.” Next to mention will be the lunations. A full moon on March 7 will bring a turning point or culmination in regards to expansion of your life’s perspective. This could entail a finishing touch or change to an academic or media endeavor or even in regards to travelling, immigration, or international business. A new moon arrives on March 21, which will invigorate you with a desire to make a change around your domestic life, as well. Last to note will be the transition of two mighty planets into new heavens. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, has been giving you tough love around income, possessions, and self-worth and self-love for the past three years. Luckily, he will leave this arena on March 7 and should make things more prosperous and bountiful. On this day, he will move into your intellectual zone for three years. This ensures you could become quite focused on building out your communication-related skills or projects. Travel, though, especially short-distance travel, may unfortunately evaporate during this time. Last, Pluto will briefly leave your zodiac sign on March 23 for a few months, where he will give you a taste of new trends for the coming twenty years. Pluto will bring intense transformation to how you view yourself and your self-worth, as well as around who and what you value—and why you value it. This will certainly affect your possessions and wealth, either by making you more or less attached to them. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


One of the most important months in your entire life is upon you, Aquarius. This will occur for many different reasons. First, though, let’s talk about the key themes on your mind at the top. As Venus and Jupiter parade through your intellectual and travel zone, you’ll be curious about the world and finding yourself deeply inspired. Setting off on a quick trip or visiting new destinations would be immensely rewarding. After March 16, Venus will grace your domestic sphere, bringing pleasure to your home and family until April 11. Next to note will be Mars and his avalanche through your passion zone until March 25. This will bring a flurry of opportunities for fun, hobbies, romance, sex, fertility, and creativity. If single, this is a major moment to put yourself out there. After March 25, Mars will supercharge your productivity sector, which will see you hard at work on projects and plans, as well as your employment and health. This would be a fantastic time to start new plans around fitness or diet or look for a new job. This energy lasts until May 20. Next to mention will be the lunations this month. A full moon in your sector of wealth and intimacy arrives on March 7, which will highlight these themes and could bring a surplus of energy toward them. A payout could be on the horizon. After this, a new moon arrives on March 21, which will propel you to further engage your intellectual side and communication-abilities. Some of you could even decide it’s time for a quick trip somewhere invigorating. Last to note will be the shift of two outer planets into new sectors of your skies. Saturn, the planet of life lessons and hardship, has been orbiting in your zodiac sign for the past three years and has likely made it feel like you’ve been under a heavy weight that was insurmountable. Sometimes life also likely felt like you were being followed by a rainy, murky cloud. However, during this period you likely laid down new roots and set up new patterns that will grow over the coming thirty years. As Saturn leaves you behind on March 7, know that now or in the weeks ahead a major gift from the universe could arrive that will be directly proportional to how hard you slaved and hustled in the past three years. After this date, Saturn will bring life lessons around wealth, possessions, and what you value—especially in regards to self-worth and self-love—for the coming three years. Last to mention will be Pluto turning a corner and venturing into your zodiac sign beginning March 23. This will be a taste of what is to come for the twenty years ahead. You will certainly feel like a phoenix being reborn—time and time again—as you release yourself from old patterns to find new ones that allow you to embrace your authenticity, power, and intensity to their greatest degrees. While this will certainly not be an “easy” period, you will inevitably find some of the most important life experiences actually lie ahead. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


One of the most important periods of your entire life is set to begin, Pisces. Yet, before we dive into why that is just around the corner, let’s first focus on what is on your mind at the onset of the month: your finances. As Venus, the planet of money, and Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, dazzle through your financial zone, you’re likely seeing a surplus come your way. This would be a great time to invest or treat yourself. Venus will then turn a corner on March 16 to energize your communication and travel zone until April 11. You will love this fun change of pace! Also, Mars will finish up his tour of your domestic sphere on March 25. Until then, you could still be hard at work on home or family plans, especially in regards to moving, renovating, or redecorating. After March 25, Mars will ignite your passion zone until May 20. This is magnificent, as you’ll feel in love with life. This is a key time to focus on romance and sex, as well as creativity, hobbies, fertility, and connecting with children if you have them. Live in the moment and don’t let this gorgeous energy pass you by! Get caught up in it! Next to mention will be the lunations this month. With the mighty sun still in your zodiac sign all month until March 20, it is birthday season, so you must step center-stage and bask in the glory. Note that during this time of the year, you carry more radiance and prominence to manifest whatever it is that you choose. A full moon in your partnership zone arrives on March 7, which could bring a turning point in regards to a significant other. It could bring a time of union, such as moving in, getting engaged, or becoming wed; or instead, a time of separation since you’re just not seeing eye-to-eye. Singles should use this week to look for someone with long-term potential. Later, a new moon in your financial sphere arrives on March 21, which could attract a raise, new job offer, lucrative client, or an interest in better understanding your budget. Last to mention will be the shift of two mighty planets in the heavens above. For the past three years, you’ve experienced life lessons around rest, closure, healing, mental health, spirituality, and the past that has built you to be where you are now. This was all due to Saturn orbiting just behind you. Yet, on March 7, Saturn will roll into your zodiac sign for the coming three years. In all honesty, this will be a tremendously challenging time, as you could feel like you’re drowning under a heavy weight of insurmountable responsibilities and the dark, stormy clouds of apathy or sorrow. Weaknesses will be shown and outdated plans and relationships will fade. However, this isn’t to punish you. It is to make you stronger as you forge new plans and patterns that will echo out for the coming three decades ahead. Last, Pluto, the planet of intensity, will slip into your sector of karma beginning on March 23. This ensures that you will face profound experiences in regards to your life’s choices up until this point in time. Dark actions will haunt you, while good karma will be paid off in great ways. The key to using this twenty-year transit to your benefit is to not let your past or fears haunt you, but to transform them into a source of power. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas