Jupiter, planet of fortune, expansion, and miracles, leaves behind the mountaintops of Capricorn to soar into Aquarius on December 19, 2020. Jupiter takes twelve years to go around the Sun, and wherever he goes, he brings growth and luck. Oftentimes, he will act as a “guardian angel” and bring forth blessings and opportunities. Now, in Aquarius, he will amplify our inventive, innovative, humanitarian, and intellectual natures. There will be a greater focus on equality, diversity, and experimentation—however, this energy will clash with the forces of Saturn so there will be a strong battle between growth versus restrictions in all of these areas. There will be a sudden boom in science and technology and we could even see a more humanitarian approach rising in some global leaders. There will be a push for progress from Jupiter with a stern focus on limitations from Saturn. In many ways, this period will feel like we are taking two steps forward and then one step back. Communities and social movements will see a renewed vigor on both sides of the fence—conservative and liberal. Organization will become instrumental on how well any group fares during this time. Globally, we will be especially focused on the “future” and what lies ahead, which will bring astrology, science, and philosophy into the public eye. While there will certainly be an idealistic energy that emerges, the colder view of Saturn will also dominate. Last to note is that there will likely be expansion around global connectivity—through the Internet, new apps, and evolution of popular social media channels. Jupiter will dance through Aquarius from December 19, 2020 until May 13, 2021. Then it will briefly venture into Pisces before returning while retrograde on July 28, 2021. Jupiter will be turn direct in Aquarius on October 17, 2021 and remain strong there until December 28, 2021. To read about the most important moment in 2020—the Great Conjunction and the coming Next Great Awakening, do so here. To read about how it effects each zodiac sign individually, do so here.
Find out how you will be affected in your POWER HOROSCOPES & and please share them with all of your friends and networks! Want a detailed personal reading? Hit me up! 🌟 Feel free to tag @MrKyleThomas on Instagram.
Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.
Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, ABC television, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.