July 2021 Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces.jpg

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When I think of July 2021, I imagine us standing atop a great plateau, looking out over the far horizon. The Sun rises in the distance, creating an explosion of fire in the sky. “Where do we wish to fly?” I ask you. We are each strapped into a paraglider, ready to take to the wind. We could venture out toward the sea, where the sunlight sparkles and promises much relaxation. Or we could adventure out toward the distant forests and perhaps uncover secrets of the earth. We both spot a desert out there, too, sizzling at the edge of the mountains. As we take in all the natural wonder, we realize the future is filled with endless possibility. But the wind at our back—it isn’t an easy pleasant breeze. It rushes, stops, turns, and whips. Paragliding is the only way off of this great plateau, but it isn’t going to be the easiest flight down. Yet, we are ready to explore, you and I—and at the onset of this month, that’s the choice we will face. Are you ready to fly even though the trek won’t always be easy? It will certainly be a bumpy road. While the planets will certainly bring excitement, passion, and possibility this month, we will still need to roll with the conflicts that come toward us.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

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At the onset of July, the fiery Sun will continue to swim through the tide pools of Cancer until the 22nd. At this time, we will be encouraged to assess our emotional stability and security and make sure we stand upon a solid foundation as we continue to dream ahead of our future goals. A New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 9, 2021. New Moons always open doors in our lives depending on where they fall for your Rising Sun and Sun Sign. The Universe is especially focused on you building new stability in one significant area of your life and is pushing you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new beginnings.  Shake out of what isn’t working for you and certainly be in touch with your own personal emotional strength, as this is the root of your soul.  If something within you isn’t stable, assess why you feel that way and how you can improve it moving forward. The actions you take in the days following July 9 will culminate at the Full Moon on December 18, 2021.

Our beloved planet of pleasure and beauty, Venus, remains ignited within the zodiac sign of Leo until July 21. Fee the surge of adrenaline! We will be bolder in pursuing our heart’s desires and plans. In Leo, our radiant goddess planet will inspire us to create the love story of our dreams and express our affection through grand gestures. Now is one of the best times of the year for singles to connect with new options as Venus feels especially fired up right now. Then, from July 21 to August 16, our goddess planet will dance through the abundant gardens of Virgo. During this time, we express our love and affection through practical means and crave relationships that are more stable. We may become more focused on being giving to those we care for—whether that be through actions, helping out, or attending to the details they crave. Sensuality will be heightened at this time, and we will be driven by the idea of living a romance that is reliable. We may enjoy getting into a routine with our partners now, and singles looking for connection should focus more on someone who shows up and holds a high level of personal responsibility. 

Powerhouse Mars continues to ascend the throne of Leo until July 29, 2021, too. Mars burns especially bright here, as Leo’s fervent fuel ignites it so very well. During this time, we will become especially theatrical, passionate, and vivacious. We will be prone to dramatic expressions of who we are and what we want, as we are driven to be over the top. Our sex drive, charm, and confidence will soar and we will harness the strength to charge after our biggest goals. This period will be fantastic to pursue our romantic and creative desires, so prepare for summer heat! Our social lives will prosper and we will surely feel happier than recent times. Singles must be on the lookout for love, while anyone seeking a social life will see it flourish. Be bold. Be a star. Show the world what you’ve got and roar. 

Our Great Benefic, Jupiter, continues to swim in the tropical seas of Pisces. This began on May 13 and will continue until July 28, 2021. While this may seem like a shorter transit, it is because our planet of miracles began a retrograde cycle here on June 20, 2021 and returns to Aquarius from July 28 until December 28. Jupiter will revisit the reefs of Pisces from then until May 10, 2022. It has a final visit from October 28, 2022 until December 20, 2022. Jupiter is a co-ruler of Pisces, which means that when it tours here, we will enter a cosmic portal that aids in the manifestation of our desires. All areas that Pisces rules will see a double dose of luck and fortune worldwide: spirituality, creativity, the unconscious, and healing. Pisces holds ties to romance and fantasy, so this could be quite a lyrical and magical time no matter if single or attached. Soulmate connections will cross every person’s path and true love will occur more easily now. Karma will come before us and we will find it is time to heal it and let it go. This will be a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding us back from ascending to our highest good. Life will feel more optimistic, joyous, and free for the first time in quite awhile. Open your heart and dive into the deep oceans of your spirit. Because Jupiter is asleep, it will be a perfect moment to reflect and pray for what we wish to manifest in our lives. Grow internally so that when Jupiter turns direct, we will have enough space to welcome his blessings in more readily.

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, shifts gears three times this month. While he will remain in Gemini until the 11th—finally leaving his post-shadow phase on the 7th—we will truly feel the pace of life quicken after that time. From July 11 until the 27th, our planet of the mind will swim within Cancer. We will process information on a personal level and write, speak, and think more instinctively. Our thoughts will be colored by our emotions and we could communicate a bit more passive aggressively. After the 27th, Mercury will become a supercharged battery in Leo until August 11. Our thoughts, words, and texts will be grand and theatrical. We likely will feel more expressive and confident. We can be especially persuasive at this time—but may be a bit more interested in our own ideas than others. Command a room with your speech and watch people be awe inspired by you.

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When the Sun charges on into fiery Leo on the 22nd, expect the pace of life to become livelier and intensify. During Leo Season, we feel more expressive, passionate, and romantic. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the height of summer where we celebrate the radiance, heat, and light. Indulge within your heart at this time and certainly allow yourself to enjoy some recreation.

A Full Moon in Aquarius will ignite the night on July 23, 2021. The power of this Full Moon will begin to arrive two days prior and will linger for four days after. This will be a time of culmination for you—depending on your Rising Sign and Sun Sign—and will be tied to what you were building in the days following February 11, 2021. Full Moons bring culmination, achievements, and endings and tend to be quite emotional. This lunation resonates in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, encouraging you to be independent and embrace the authentic vision you have for your life. As this zodiac sign also has ties to the global community, this will be a time when the human collective may notice that we are more connected than separate—even if that is just through digital means. Think of the future now—yours and that of humanity—and contemplate what still lies ahead. This is the first of two back-to-back Full Moons in Aquarius. A first act will likely bring news now, leading up to the second, which will be on August 22, 2021. This first lunation could be a bit heavier, and possibly bring a conflict or power issues into focus, as it will clash directly with both Saturn—ruling hardship—and Pluto—ruling destruction and domination. Saturn will still be in a tight battle with Uranus, indicating a desire for freedom versus responsibility. While there will likely be hiccups now, the second lunation in Aquarius will be much happier and festive.

As we reach the end of July, another major shift arrives. On July 28, 2021, magnificent Jupiter will return to the realm of Aquarius. Earlier in the year, he had been here—prior to May 13, 2021. Similar themes will echo now for the next six months as they had during that previous time. Jupiter takes twelve years to go around the Sun, and wherever he goes, he brings growth and luck. Oftentimes, he will act as a “guardian angel” and bring forth blessings and opportunities. Now, in Aquarius, he will amplify our inventive, innovative, humanitarian, and intellectual natures. There will be a greater focus on equality, diversity, and experimentation—however, this energy will clash with the forces of Saturn so there will be a strong battle between growth versus restrictions in all of these areas. There will be a sudden boom in science and technology and we could even see a more humanitarian approach rising in some global leaders. There will be a push for progress from Jupiter with a stern focus on limitations from Saturn. In many ways, this period will feel like we are taking two steps forward and then one step back. Communities and social movements will see a renewed vigor on both sides of the fence—conservative and liberal. Organization will become instrumental on how well any group fares during this time. Globally, we will be especially focused on the “future” and what lies ahead, which will bring astrology, science, and philosophy into the public eye. While there will certainly be an idealistic energy that emerges, the colder view of Saturn will also dominate. Last to note is that there will likely be expansion around global connectivity—through the Internet, new apps, and evolution of popular social media channels. Jupiter will turn direct in Aquarius on October 17, 2021 and remain strong there until December 28, 2021.

Our red planet, Mars, ventures into Virgo from July 29, 2021 until September 14. During this time, we may find that our daily affairs pick up and we are more prone to being extremely productive. We can harness this energy to get a great deal done and we should assess our work-life balance so we are not putting too much emphasis on one area over the other. We may be able to tackle a large goal and see significant progress during this period. On a collective level, our physical health should be a bit stronger especially if we are to focus on our diet and fitness regiments. Be focused. Be precise. Be reliable. Utilize this energy to transform your life and before you know it, you’ll be stronger than ever before.

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

Important dates to remember in July 2021 for love are the 5, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, and 29. Significant moments to plan for success are the 12, 20, and 29. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 1, 3, 6, 8, 17, and 25. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


July will be hot for you, Aries! Fiery Mars continues to ignite your passion zone, energizing your sense of adventure until July 29. This should bring you a major desire for love, sex, recreation, or creativity. Single Aries should not miss this time to put themselves out there, as you could find someone who truly lights you on fire. If already in a relationship, harness this vibration for a spicy time together. If you’re pursuing pregnancy, you may be especially fertile now. For those of you who are already parents, you may notice that your children require more of your attention. An artist? Get ready for a surge of excitement to propel you toward your most expressive work in years. At the onset of the month, the Sun will be spinning within your domestic sector, and with the arrival of the New Moon on the 9th, you’ll see your attention focused on home or family matters. This is an open doorway to improve this area—so fix up your living space, look for a new residence, or reach out to your kindred. Some Aries are likely to move or deal with parental situations. However, excitingly, the Sun moves forward to sizzle within your passion sector beginning on the 22nd, further emphasizing your need to let loose and express yourself. A Full Moon in your social sector will rise within the night on the 23rd—spotlighting your network, friendships, and long-term plans. You may attend a dazzling event, filled with both personal and professional opportunities. This is the first of two back-to-back Full Moons in this sphere, so watch for big news here with a second act likely to take place near August 22. This could be two big events, two huge milestones, or two dreams coming true. Of the two, this first Full Moon could bring some heavier news, a clash, or more responsibility, but the one next month will be much sweeter. Also, Jupiter, which has been spending time in your sector of rest in recent months, will venture back into this same prosperous sector from the 28th onward. You’ll once again feel his blessings raining down on you for the rest of the year—another note that fun and opportunity are on the way. To end July, your ruler will speed into your productivity zone from the 29th to September 14. This will see you especially busy at work, likely taking on more projects or on the hunt for better employment. You could make a lot of progress on fitness and diet goals, too. Above all, use the time ahead to find the perfect work-life balance for you. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Mighty Mars continues to parade through your domestic sector until July 29, Taurus. This could see you especially focused on home or family plans, whether in the form of a move, renovation, or stepping in to aid a parent. You could feel a bit more abrasive or aggressive during this time regarding your emotions, too. Stand up for how you feel. Also, benevolent Jupiter will continue to dance within your social arena until July 28, likely increasing your popularity and pleasure with friends. You could be enjoying community-engagement now and may even hear from important people in your network from the past. Build your connections, but don’t forget to let loose and also have some fun. At the onset of the month, the Sun will be drawing attention to your sector of communications. When the New Moon arrives here on the 9th, it is likely you will be ready to embark on a new writing, speaking, advertising, or social media endeavor. Use this period to focus on your most important messaging—and then blast them to the world. It is also quite likely you could be required to sign an important contract near this time. Excitingly, July this year also provides the dawning of a major period focused on love, passion, and adventure, too! Your ruler, Venus, pirouettes into this zone beginning on the 21st, while ferocious Mars, the god of sex, will do so beginning the 29th. This is a tremendous announcement from the Heavens that it’s time to put your heart’s desires first. Single Tauruses have a magnificent opening to look for new love and to be dating up a storm. You will be absolutely magnetic and will surely find you have a bounty of new suitors. If you’re in a committed relationship, this bodes quite well to spice up your rapport and even have some hot sex. If you’re looking to have a child, your fertility will be quite potent now until September 14. Last, if you’re an artist, you’ll be able to create some of your most popular and brilliant work in ages. This is the best time in two years to make romance a priority, so don’t hold back. Next to note will be the shift of attention back to your professional life. A Full Moon in this sphere arrives on the 23rd—likely bringing a turning point in regards to your ambitions. This lunation could bring some heavy news or great responsibility if you’re stepping up into a more prominent role. While this Full Moon could certainly attract a crown to your head, with plenty of fame and glory, it could also attract some troubling news that not is all that it seems. Yet, with Jupiter returning to guard your interests for the next six months beginning on the 28th and a second Full Moon here on August 22, you have even better heights ahead. Know that you’re ready to step into the limelight more than ever before. It is your destiny. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Mars continues to energize your communications sector all month until the 29th, Gemini. This will see you deeply focused on an important writing, speaking, advertising, or social media initiative. You will be profoundly persuasive and passionate about your ideas and could create a powerful impact. It is quite likely you’ll end up signing at least one important contract during this time, too. Blessed Jupiter also continues to shine down on you from his throne in your sector of achievements. This began on May 13 and continues until July 28. This will shower your professional life with luck and expansion. Many Geminis could see promotions, awards, or opportunities to make a mark on their industry. You’ll be in the spotlight! This same transit will take place in 2022, so you’re just getting a taste of it now. Also, at the onset of the month, the Sun will be in your sector of prosperity. The New Moon on the 9th could open a doorway for you to welcome in more money in the form of a raise, new job offer, or lucrative client. However, don’t just wait for it to come to you—seize the day to find ways to bring in more wealth. Venus will shift gears to move into your domestic sphere from the 21st onward, bringing more pleasure and happiness at home and with family. This is a lovely moment to find beautiful items for your living space, too. Next to note will be the arrival of a Full Moon in your expansion zone on the 23rd. This is the first of two back-to-back Full Moons here, so you could find that you’re making great progress into new territory. This is further emphasized by the return of Jupiter to this sphere starting on the 28th—gifting you with optimism and an opportunity to fly. Academic matters, international travel or business, or media projects are often spot lit here. However, this first Full Moon is a bit angry—much different from the second one, which will take place near August 22. It appears there is an obstacle to getting what you want at this time. As an example, you could be ready to release your book but find that your publisher is pushing back the date or you’re eager to immigrate but you find that new restrictions impede you from doing so. Don’t lose hope, as you’ll have more leeway in the months to come. Last to note is that Mars moves into your domestic sphere starting on the 29th until September 14. During this period, you could be fired up to move, fix up your living space, or renovate. There’s also a possibility that you will be required to step up to help with a family matter, especially for one of your parents. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Happy Birthday, Cancer! An exciting month awaits you. With the Sun in your zodiac sign until the 22nd, you’ll feel a jolt of energy as birthday season sings! Put yourself first and move toward your most important personal goals. During your Solar Return, you’re encouraged to set the patterns you’d like to pursue in the year to come. The most important New Moon of the year arrives on the 9th, as it falls within your zodiac sign. This lunation opens a doorway to you to pursue your most heartfelt and personal plans. Use the week that follows it to lay the cycles you’d like to build and see come to fruition in the year to come. Mercury will also dance throughout your realm from the 11th until the 27th, gifting you with a clear mind and powerful persuasive abilities. Communicate from the heart and you can easily win others to your side. Also, Mars will continue to supercharge your financial sector all month until July 29. This will cause your expenses to erupt, but could also give you the needed focus to budget and increase your income. Next to note will be the arrival of the first in two back-to-back Full Moons in your intimacy zone on the 23rd. The second will take place on August 22nd and is much more blessed for you, as the first could carry some more difficult messages. A Full Moon in this area often brings to attention the balance in your relationships and whether or not you are having all of your needs met—financially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Your desires often flare at this time, bubbling up from below. This same arena also holds ties to large sums of money, such as in the form of a loan, debt, scholarship, or divorce settlement. Yet, with the planets obscuring your path near this Full Moon, it is possible you could find that one source of funding is cut off from you and ends altogether—or else the funding you’d hoped been approved previously is rejected or is far less than you require. Rest assured that happier times will likely lie ahead and with Jupiter bringing optimism to this same sphere from the 28th on, you’ll see more hope in the six months ahead. Last to note in July is that Mars switches gears to enter your communications sphere beginning on the 29th until September 14. This will see you busy on a writing, speaking, advertising, or pitching endeavor. Use your mind and ideas to take the lead. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Light up the world, Leo! Mars continues to power up your zodiac sign until July 29. You’ll have more power, dominance, and energy than any other zodiac, so now is the time to show everyone your star power. Work hard to set the patterns you want to build in the two years to come because Mars will only visit you once during that time. Mars gives you the strength to accomplish major initiatives, so don’t hold back. This fuel can aid you in personal goals, fitness plans, and sexual matters. Yet, at the onset of the month, the Sun and New Moon will be in your sector of rest and planning, encouraging you to lie low and recharge. Use the first period of the month to truly vision board everything you want to build. Some Leos could become focused on their mental and physical health. This would be a great time to handle anything that pops up. Your dreams could also be quite intense, so be open to psychic and spiritual messages. Be prepared for even more firepower, though, as the Sun creates a supernova once it enters your zodiac sign on the 22nd. For the month ahead, you’ll be ever more in the spotlight with birthday season here! Mercury will join your zodiac sign on the 27th, too, ensuring that you have clarity of vision and will be a generator of ideas for weeks to come. Another key theme this month will once again return to partnership, as a Full Moon in this sphere arrives on the 23rd. This will be the first in two back-to-back Full Moons here, causing significant turning points around your relationships. This first one, though, could be a bit dramatic, as it will clash with the planets. This means that there could certainly be an ending with a business or romantic partnership near this time—or at least a conflict and rude awakening. Once the news hits your radar, you will have the choice to work through it or go your separate ways. The second Full Moon on August 22 is much more pleasant and could bring a second act to what pops up now. Jupiter, too, will once again return this same zone from the 28th onward, bringing reconciliation or a stronger rapport. If you do decide to go, have no fear about finding someone else, though. The stars are so in your favor in the six months to come to find a soulmate connection. But what about the single Leos? While this energy obviously focuses more on those in established unions, you could use all of this relationship energy to find someone new. Set up dates with many suitors and you are quite likely to find someone great. However, as much as the Full Moon this month is a make or break time (such as possible engagements, moving in, or even weddings), I’d say take it slowly because the approaching Full Moon in August is so much sweeter. Last to note in July will be the shift of Mars from your zodiac sign to your prosperity sector beginning the 29th. Watch your expenses in the weeks ahead, as you could rack up a great deal of them. However, this same impetus could give you the gusto to make more money, too, so work toward and it can be yours. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


You’ve been enjoying benevolent Jupiter dancing in your partnership sector since May 13, Virgo. It will continue to do so until July 28, giving you a taste of union unlike any you’ve felt in recent memory. This will help attached Virgos to grow especially close with their partner, as they make long-term plans and enjoy more prosperity together. Single Virgos could cross paths with a destined twin flame at this time. While this energy obviously favors committed relationships and marriages, all business connections and negotiations will also be blessed, too. At the onset of July, the Sun and New Moon will also be bringing a great surge of fun to you through your social life and network. The New Moon on the 9th spot lights your friendships and could see you dancing, singing, or attending a lovely event (especially a dinner party or cookout). Use the early part of the month to relax and enjoy yourself and you could find yourself ever closer with your besties or welcoming in new acquaintances to your life. With Mercury in this same arena from the 11th until the 27th, you’ll definitely be fired up to chat and converse. Yet, other especially exciting news this month will be the arrival of both Venus and Mars to your zodiac sign. Venus will begin to grant you radiance, attraction, and pleasure from the 21st onward, while Mars will ignite your confidence and energy levels from the 29th forward. This means that in all your personal and professional goals, you must take the lead rather than just waiting for things to fall into place for you. Mars only visits our zodiac signs once every two years—so now is the time for you to make lists of what you want to do and set forth to go after them. You’ll enjoy the beauty and the power, so show the world what you’ve got! July will also indicate that your productivity is greatly important, too, as a Full Moon in this sector arrives on the 23rd. This is the first of two back-to-back Full Moons here and they could each show a shift around your employment or work projects. This first lunation, though, is quite troubling and may indicate the end of a job or even a poorly received review on work you had previously done. If you’re unemployed, certainly be on the lookout but the new job that comes your way could have quite a troubling boss who oversees you. Still, its better to have a job than none at all, though! Yet, with Jupiter once again gifting your professional life with hope and optimism from the 28th for the coming six months, rest assured that you’ll find more ease then. Another way this first Full Moon could affect you is that you’ll be quite busy with work and find that you’re burnt out because of it. This may cause your health to suffer. If for some reason something pops up regarding a health problem or illness, focus on getting the help and rest that you need. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Benevolent Jupiter continues to soar through your sector of productivity from May 13 until July 28, Libra. This will bring ease, happiness, and blessings to your employment. If you’re looking for a better job, seize the day. Current jobs could suddenly feel as if there’s a softer breeze flowing there. Another way this could benefit you is an increase in physical strength and health, especially if you’re willing to work with a better diet and fitness regimen. Above all, know that the Universe is on your side. Another exciting theme of this month will be your social life. Fiery Mars continues to ignite this arena until the 29th, ensuring a great deal of popularity and activity with friends. Have fun and let your wild side out! This also bodes quite well for online dating, turning a friendship into a romance, or even looking for potential mates in your network. If committed, be sure to take your significant other out on a double date with your besties. With Mars so supportive of you, you may see great progress on long-term goals with stepping in to open the door to one of them. Figure out who you know that can help you attain the things you pray for. Venus remains in this same sphere until the 21st, so the Universe is truly tipped in your favor. Another important note this month will be your ambitions. At the onset of the month, the Sun will be spotlighting them and with the arrival of a New Moon here on the 9th, you’re ready to lift off. This New Moon could bring a promotion, new job, or another way to lift your profile in your industry. If you’re out of work, you must rapidly apply and you could soon find your dream role. With Mercury moving through this sphere from the 11th until the 27th, you’ll be quite in favor no matter where you are in your work life—whether you’re applying and persuading employers you’re the best candidate or else if you’re ready to sign important contracts. The final area to mention will be your love and fertility sector, which is brought to the forefront due to the Full Moon here on the 23rd. This is the first of two back-to-back Full Moons here, with the second arriving on August 22. This could bring a culmination, ending, or turning point around matters of the heart. Some Libras could see that a relationship breaks off with someone they’ve been dating or hear bad news regarding one of their children. This first lunation is a bit heavy, but with Jupiter swooping in to save the day as early as the 28th and a blessed Full Moon in this same arena a month from now, I’m not too worried for you. When it comes to pregnancy matters, this would certainly be a time to work toward this endeavor if you’re hoping. Single Libras should certainly put themselves out there, as you could soon cross paths with a soulmate. Even if romance is a little rocky, a sweet heart and persistence can help you get what you’re after. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Keep sizzling in July, Scorpio! Mars continues to power up your professional zone until July 29. You could knock out some major achievements during this time and will likely be very busy on the job. Awards, milestones, and greater heights could be within reach if you work especially hard on them now. If you aren’t in the right profession, though, you’ll feel a tremendous internal frustration as you realize you need to figure something else out. Blessings should be showering upon your love life this month, too, as benevolent Jupiter continues to soar through your sector of pleasure and passion until July 28. This will make your heart bloom and is just a mere taste of what 2022 will offer you. Many Scorpios will meet a destined soulmate or grow closer with the one at their side. If pursuing pregnancy, it may now manifest. For those who are already parents, you could find that one of your children becomes even more of a jewel to you now. Another way this could affect you is by bringing you more time for fun, games, creativity, and adventure. Open yourself to more harmony and magic. Another important area this month will be your sector of expansion, as the Sun and New Moon at the onset of July will be here. In the days following July 9th, pursue academic, travelling, or media endeavors, as the doors could suddenly be open. These may pop up on your radar in the form of the approval of a visa or passport, the impetus to reapply for school, or decide your itinerary for your next big trip. If for some reason you’ve always wanted to pursue television, radio, or publishing, this would be a swell moment to start toward it. You’ll also have opportunities for fun and notice your social popularity spike as soon as Venus enters this arena from the 21st onward. Mars, too, energizes this zone from the 29th for weeks ahead—so get ready to let loose and circulate. This bodes especially well for single Scorpios utilizing online dating or looking to date in their networks. Focus on expanding your personal and professional networks in the weeks to come and you’ll find many lovely new people to call your acquaintance. Last to note will be a big focus on domestic concerns, as a Full Moon rises in the night on the 23rd. This lunation could bring heavy news around home, real estate, or family matters. However, with Jupiter sweeping in to save the day as early as the 28th and a second Full Moon in this sphere taking place near August 22, I know that now matter what happens, you’ll be able to proceed forward as you’re meant to. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Feel the heat of summer, Sagittarius! Mars continues to power through your expansion zone until the 29th. Here, in a fellow Fire sign, you will be propelled more easily toward your personal and professional goals. This also enhances your allure and magnetism, so use it! Some Sagittarians could find the impetus to pursue academic, media, publishing, or international matters during this time. Your ruler, Jupiter, will also continue to dance through your domestic sphere until July 28. This will bring you a double dose of happiness as light fills your home and family affairs. You could feel you’ve found the living space of your dreams and move or else fix up your current one so it feels extra magical. Expect relations with your kindred to improve, too. The next priority to note this month will be the dance of the Sun and New Moon in your intimacy sector at the onset of July. You’ll surely be focused on the balance in your relationships and could be awaiting the arrival of a large sum of money, perhaps in the form of a loan, scholarship, royalty check, or divorce settlement. Your emotional needs and desires will also be on your mind, especially in regards to whether or not they are being met by your partner. The New Moon on the 9th will open a doorway for you to improve one or more of these areas, but it will be up to you to set forth and make it happen. For instance: if seeking outside resources in regards to venture capital or a refinancing plan, do so then. Venus and Mars will begin to heat up your professional life this month, too. Our goddess planet shifts into this sphere as early as the 21st, putting you in the spotlight and bringing awards, compliments, or acclaim for previous hard work. When Mars ventures into here from the 29th onward, you’ll become extremely busy until September 14 and could see your profile in your industry soar. While you may be taking on more work, this could also be an auspicious moment to apply to a competitive firm. Last to mention will be your communications sector, which sees a Full Moon arrive on the 23rd and the return of Jupiter from the 28th for the coming six months ahead. This will also be the first of two back-to-back Full Moons highlighting this zone. This could be a culmination in regards to a writing, speaking, social media, branding, or contractual matter. This first lunation, though, may bring high stakes and a heavy hand. Rest assured that no matter what, the Universe should have our back going forward. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Feel the fire, Capricorn. Mars continues to energize your intimacy zone until the 29th, which could help your sex life sizzle. You’ll likely be feeling especially needy and require a tremendous amount of attention. If you aren’t getting it, you’ll end up frustrated and anxious. Pay attention to your ebb and flow. Benevolent Jupiter will also continue moving through your communications sector until July 28. This period will bring luck and fortune to all of your writing, speaking, marketing, and intellectual endeavors. Some Capricorns could begin working on a prize assignment, book, or screenplay, while others may decide to update some of their credentials. Another significant focus this month will be your relationships. The Sun and New Moon will pirouette across the sky from you, outreaching their hands. This means you’ll be deeply interested in partnership now, especially how to grow closer and make plans. The New Moon arrives here on the 9th, opening a doorway for you to enjoy more satisfaction as a team. Whether this manifests in a business union, romantic relationship, or collaboration, you’ll be ready to work as a team. Some Capricorns could decide it’s time to move in, get engaged, or be wed and if you do so, you’ll feel closer than ever before. When it comes to business and negotiations, contracts should go quite well from the 11th until the 27th. Single Capricorns can share in this vibration by setting up meetings with prospective suitors who hit many boxes of your criteria. The next theme to note this month will be your financial life. This will begin to draw your attention near the Full Moon on the 23rd—the first of two back-to-back Full Moons in this sphere. The second will arrive a month from then on August 22. These lunations could signal a culmination or turning point regarding your money—perhaps a large expense or the arrival of a new job offer. The first one here in July feels a bit heavier, whereas the one in August should be more fortunate. No matter what pops up, the return of Jupiter to this sector on the 28th for six months ahead bodes well for both you and your bank account. Keep moving, Capricorn. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Benevolent Jupiter continues its venture into your financial sphere until July 28, Aquarius. After that, he will return to bring you a double dose of luck once again. Don’t worry if you haven’t planted all the seeds you wanted to begin this year just yet because you’ll have more opportunities to do so in the second half of 2021. In the coming weeks, you’ll likely see more prosperity manifest either in the form of a raise, more income, or a lucrative job offer if you haven’t yet already. Time is of the essence, because if you aren’t able to act now, you may have to wait until 2022 to see your wealth more solidly affected. Your personal life and relationships also continue to see a major shift this month, as Mars ignites your commitment zone until July 29. This is an excellent time to focus on working as a team, find a perfect companion, or set goals together and smash them. Standing solo won’t aid you now—find someone who flies at your side. July will also likely be quite busy for you, as the Sun and New Moon early in the month draw attention to your employment, fitness, and productivity. The New Moon on the 9th could open a doorway for you to take on more projects with your employer or even search for another job elsewhere. This is a great moment to assess your work-life balance and your daily routine. Get active at the gym or go for a regular walk and you’ll be quite happy with your higher energy levels. Last to note this month will be the arrival of the first of two back-to-back Full Moons in your zodiac sign. The first takes place on the 23rd with the second occurring on August 22. This will be a powerful moment to step into your power, be in the spotlight, and could usher in the culmination of an important heartfelt dream you’ve been working on for six months or longer. However, this lunation could also give a heavy blow to your ego, as the planets show opposition and possible power plays. No matter what happens, step up and persevere. As I had mentioned previously, Jupiter returns like a guardian angel at your side beginning on the 28th—so not only will the second Full Moon be better, but so will the last six months of the year. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


You’ve been enjoying exhilarating luck from your co-ruler, Jupiter, as he swims within your zodiac sign until July 28. A whole new chapter of your life has arrived, bringing you blessings and miracles. Now is the time to show the Universe what you’re after and begin to build the life you’ve always prayed for. Dream big, soar far, and don’t hold yourself back! You will get a taste of what it feels like to be the “Celestial Favorite” with the entire Universe shining down on you! Often times, this period will see single Pisceans cross paths with a soulmate, while attached ones will make important plans with their lover. Weddings, celebrations, and events could fill your calendar. In many ways, you will feel like you are “giving birth” repeatedly: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Don’t hold yourself back while you make your vision board. Don’t worry if you don’t “get it all” or make steps toward everything you’re after right now, though, as you’ll also see further opportunities throughout most of 2022. Also, Mars will continue powering up your productivity sector until the 29th. This will bring a wide assortment of employment prospects or work projects across your desk. You may also have a sudden urge to take your fitness goals to the next level. Be productive and you’ll be glad you’re knocking everything off your list. Love and partnership are also major themes this month, too. The Sun and New Moon will be filling your heart with rose-colored glasses at the beginning of July. The New Moon on the 9th could open the doorway to you in regards to romantic, creative, or fertility plans. This is the most important lunation of the year for single Pisceans to put themselves out there to find someone extra special. Committed Pisceans can enjoy this energy too, whether by trying for a baby, spending more time with their children, or putting the spark back into their union together. If creative, don’t miss this chance to get inspired. Mercury will move through this sector from the 11th until the 27th, focusing your mind on these themes intensely. You’ll likely be chatting up with friends regarding these matters or sending cute texts back and forth to your crush. Venus moves into your partnership zone from the 21st onward, also bringing more harmony and attraction to your relationships. Mighty Mars also moves across the sky starting on the 29th—meaning that from then until September 14, your attention will be deeply on teamwork, collaboration, or making serious plans with partner. This is a tremendous time to work as one rather than flying solo. With so much energy highlighting this arena, you could certainly line up dates with people who hold the potential to stay by your side. This is your best time you’ve seen in years—perhaps ever—to make commitment and marriage a top priority, so if you’re ready, set forth. Last to note in July will be the arrival of a Full Moon in your sector of rest on the 23rd. This is the first in two back-to-back Full Moons here, likely making you feel very tired, drained, and ready for solitude. This same area rules planning, healing, and closure, so these could be of major focus for you then. Unfortunately, this first Full Moon is quite a monster, so you could feel that your nerves are shot and your mental health suffers. Luckily, when Jupiter returns to guard you here on the 28th and a happier Full Moon arrives next month, you should feel better about what you’ve learned and how you’d like to proceed. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, ABC television, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas