July 2020 Astrology Horoscope For Your Zodiac Sign.jpg

For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

So often in our lifetimes we move forward as rapidly as we can—ready to move on from that broken friendship or relationship or drop that seemingly failed project or ambition that wasn’t quite working out. As a human race, we charge on into the future, preferring not to take time for self-reflection and improve upon our world and ourselves when that is actually one of the most important ingredients for growth. As we enter July 2020, we are experiencing many planets that are fast asleep and encouraging us to rest, recharge, review, reflect, and learn from our past—not just leave it in the dust or the memory vault. Some of you may realize this year that you were meant to fine-tune that previous project or ambition rather than dispose of it entirely. The same can be said regarding that old friendship or ex you grew apart from. Life is all about timing—so if for some reason your connection or project “burned out” or went separate ways before—this year may actually bring you the opportunity to mend it and align. Sometimes people must grow individually in order to appreciate one another more significantly later on. Retrogrades all carry a karmic lesson connected to what the planet rules as well as where it falls in the sky (and of course, one’s personal natal chart). With Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde during much of this month, the Universe is speaking within you rather than blasting it in your face. While Venus Retrograde finally “ended” in June, it’s sluggish speed throughout all of July reveals that you’re still sorting things out. You may be reflecting on what you learned in your relationships over the last several years or finding the closure you so deeply need.  

Retrogrades are about the subtle shifts that occur within us that clear space for changes to happen in the world around us once the planet stations direct and again moves energetically forward. What the Universe is encouraging you to do at this time is to listen to the messages that you are receiving, meditate upon your path, and if something doesn’t feel right and isn’t working for you—FIX IT. You are being given an opportunity to improve your life. The more that you focus on the negatives that retrograde cycles bring—delays, stalled projects, lost momentum, or decreased energy—the further back you will be set by 2020.


Success, happiness, gratitude, and love depend much on the perspective of your circumstances. Those who see everything as a challenge and a hardship have much heavier a cross to bear in this lifetime than those who see obstacles as an opportunity to grow. Use this time to shed baggage that is holding you down. Learn to let go. Surrender. Release what isn’t fulfilling you. Embrace rebirth. Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Whatever you do, I hope you don’t let this year pass you by and regret the opportunities it was bringing to you. They are here amidst the storm if you take this guidance and place it within your heart.


Yet, despite the past’s echoing song calling you to return, the future also demands your attention. Eclipses, the powerful pivotal moments in our lifetime that often shift our paths and catapult us toward our destiny, have been making their presence known since early June. The third eclipse arrives on July 4th, 2020. This is the final eclipse in the Cancer-Capricorn cycle that we have been undergoing since the summer of 2018. Over the last two years, you have been learning very important lessons—dependent on where they fall for your Rising and Sun Sign. This powerful eclipse will bring a resounding end chapter into your awareness. As this is a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, we often collectively find that we have been considering our roots, pasts, and heritage as well as the impact we wish to leave upon the world—our legacies. Lunar Eclipses tend to bring major endings, culminations, achievements, or turning points. Sometimes these moments signal break-ups and the parting of ways for relationships that have outgrown their purpose, whereas healthy ones may unite, grow closer, or even agree to be wed. No matter what, reflect on what you have been building since the very beginning of 2019, how far you have come, and now will be the wake-up call that launches you higher or shows you it’s time to change direction. Eclipses usually reveal powerful news in the week that surrounds them—but it is also possible that the news could arrive within the month before or after. Sometimes eclipses also reveal a smaller trigger or crisis that later unfolds in the months to come—deeply tied to your evolution that may take longer to play out. It is best to see what the eclipses are bringing up for you. It is certain that come August and September your life will look and feel very different.

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Another important point to note this month is that Saturn, planet of responsibility and life lessons, has been giving you a brief preview of how your life is going to be in 2021 to 2023 as it was laying down new structures in the zodiac sign of Aquarius since March of this year. On July 1st, Saturn returns to Capricorn—where it had primarily been since the end of 2017. Typically, Saturn remains in a sector of your life for about three years at a time. During the first two years, he brings increased restrictions, difficulty, or challenges to you in order to teach you to restructure an area of your life and to eliminate what isn’t working, simplify, and to work harder. However, as long as you have invested considerable effort from 2017 to 2020, this final stay of Saturn in Capricorn from July until December will bring the fruits of your labor to you. Collectively, we have been learning to consolidate and streamline the structures of our lives and make sure that we are individually and globally on better foundations.

As Mercury finally stations direct on the 12th, expect the pace of life to quicken. Throughout much of this month, we will still be in a fog, sorting out facts, emotions, and fears. Use the increased speed of Mercury in the weeks ahead to re-balance your logic and your intuition. You likely will see similar echoes now to what you were focused upon last July, as well. If you want to know the Do’s and Don’ts of Mercury Retrograde, read your ultimate guide here.

Throughout the early weeks of the month, the Sun will be moving through the zodiac sign of Cancer, helping us to truly get in touch with our emotions and our home base. Connecting with family and relatives is also especially favored during this time. While we did have a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 20th/21st, we have a rare second New Moon that takes place on July 20th. New Moons always open doors in our lives depending on where they fall for your Rising Sun and Sun Sign—so consult both in your detailed horoscope below. The Universe is especially focused on you building new stability in one significant area of your life and is pushing you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new beginnings. Shake out of what isn’t working for you and certainly be in touch with your own personal emotional stability, as this is the root of your soul. If something within you isn’t stable, assess why you feel that way and how you can improve it moving forward.

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When the Sun charges on into fiery Leo on the 22nd, expect the pace of life to quicken and intensify. During Leo season, we feel more expressive, passionate, and romantic. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the height of summer where we celebrate the radiance, heat, and light. Indulge within your heart at this time and certainly allow yourself to enjoy some recreation. In 2020, August and September are two of my favorite months of the year, beginning here with the end of July. Use this stretch of time to enjoy yourself until things get a bit rockier come later September onward. Speaking of which, this will all be tied to the mighty dance of Mars moving through the zodiac sign of Aries for many months. It will remain here until January 6th, 2021. When Mars enters a sector of our lives, he energizes it significantly and we tend to see a great deal of momentum build here. Mars burns brightly in Aries, empowering us to pursue our personal goals, ambitions, and put our independence first. This aggressive energy will infuse us and we will be spurned to go after who or what we want impulsively without thinking twice. However, the reason Mars is spending so much time—nearly six months—in this piece of the sky is because it will go retrograde from September 9th until November 13th. This means that we will feel our efforts suddenly stalled with conflicts, frustrations, and roadblocks appearing before us during that time. Use the weeks when Mars is in healthy movement prior to September and then from November onward to move your most important plans forward. Absolutely launch nothing of importance nor begin an official relationship (including marriage) when Mars is retrograde as it means the project, plan, or union will ultimately fail.

Important dates to remember in July 2020 for love are the 1, 12, 14, 22, 30. Significant moments to plan for success are the 1, 4, 14, 22, 27, 30. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 27. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

The following horoscopes for each zodiac sign were originally written for UPLOADER Magazine, a global magazine based out of Italy. You can view UPLOADER Magazine or buy your copy here.


Prepare for your energy, passion, and adrenaline to ignite in July and for many months to come as Mars, your ruler, roars within your zodiac sign. This brings you an even more independent spirit than usual and you will be focused purely on what you want—and will believe nothing can stop you. This energy can certainly feel quite intoxicating and empowering. It is likely over the months ahead you will begin important new projects and plans and will feel a new zest in your personal life, too. While this energy is strong, harness it, because when it is taken from you in September until November, you will likely feel burnt out, frustrated, or devastated. Don’t let arrogance get the best of you, because that could be tied to the problems to come later in the year. As you begin July, prepare for a career milestone to come your way, triggered by a Lunar Eclipse in your achievements sector on the 4th. While the news could already have come a bit earlier in June—as eclipses have an orb of influence that causes them to sometimes arrive a bit earlier or month later—it is likely you are aiming for major victories ahead. This entire year is tremendous for your career and ambitions, so keep hustling. Possible outcomes from this eclipse are reaping the rewards of a major project, a sudden award or promotion, or even an opportunity for fame. Yet, despite all of the exciting career news this month, you are also heavily focused upon your home, family, and domesticity. The Sun will be cozying up here throughout much of the month. Mercury Retrograde will be causing feelings of miscommunication or frustration in regards to your stability to echo throughout July, but they should improve in the final weeks. While you did have a Solar Eclipse in your home sector last month, the New Moon on the 20th of July may push you to improve your base again. An opportunity to move or fix up your living situation may arrive—or else news surrounding a parent or family member. However, much to your delight, when the Sun blazes on into your sector of recreation on the 22nd, fun is on the way! During the weeks ahead, your attention will be on love, passion, creativity, or art. You’ve been career-focused for awhile, so this will be a magnificent opportunity to get in touch with your inner child once again. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Communications, learning, and expanding your professional presence have been the cornerstone of your plans in the last two years, and it appears you’re finally reaching higher echelons than ever before. With Jupiter, planet of miracles, bringing luck to all of your growth, you will surely see this year as a turning point toward your ambitions. The month begins with a mighty Lunar Eclipse in your expansion sector, likely bringing tremendous news that you have been waiting for. Depending on your current circumstances, this may affect you in slightly different ways. For some Taurus, this may involve an exhilarating media or publishing related project—perhaps the opportunity to work with the press, see favorable recognition, or be featured for your work. Some Taurus may have the opportunity to sign legal contracts that lifts them professionally and others may even sign television, film, or literary deals. If you are a Taurus pursuing immigration matters or business, you may find that you receive the final verdict about your visa, passport, or ability to handle a contract with significant weight overseas. If looking to travel to another country, you may be doing so now or realize that you can book your trip in the coming future. Still, if none of these apply, you could instead be receiving news surrounding an educational matter: perhaps you will be returning to school or finalize the pieces to eventually graduate. No matter what, you should enjoy this Lunar Eclipse more than most of the other zodiac signs. While it appears your head may be a bit fuzzy until the 12th, do your best to hold off signing any contracts or negotiations until after that time if you can. The New Moon on the 20th may offer another contract for you to sign in the days that follow it, and with Mercury is stronger momentum, you can do so. However, this New Moon may also signal the beginning of a newfound writing, speaking, advertising, or podcasting project. As you can see, using your mind and voice will win you favor and success now, so it is best to do so while the stars are aligned. Finally, as the Sun moves on into your home and domestic sector after the 22nd, prepare to feel the desire to spend more time at home or fix up your space. In the coming month ahead, some of you may be moving or renovating your living place. However, this may instead draw more attention to your family and the need to reconnect with your kindred. Depending on your social distancing guidelines, this may be a lovely time to host a dinner party with those who you love. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Relationships are one of the major themes for all Geminis in 2020 and 2021. It is likely you’ll see some partnerships pass away that have served their place in your life, while the good ones grow and move to the next level. With the Lunar Eclipse on the 4th lighting up your sector of shared resources, news may arrive regarding a scholarship, loan, or venture capital if you have been searching. Also, if married, you may hear significant information regarding your spouses’ finances that also affects you. No matter what, though, you are debating the give-and-take in your primary business and romantic relationships. Something will likely “come out” at this eclipse that causes you to re-evaluate them. Hopefully you will be able to use it to bring you closer. However, this may also signal a divorce or ending to a relationship. If this is the case, heal the wounds within you and walk onto brighter horizons. Your income will be very important for you this month, as there will be a lot of planetary action here. Mercury, planet of the mind, has been retrograde, possibly causing some confusion in regards to your finances or else holding up checks. Some of you may have heard from old clients or jobs because of this, and if you’d like to once again move forward, feel free to do so. The New Moon on the 20th should open up an opportunity to increase your wealth, so be sure to up your rates or look for another job then. Next to note is that Venus, planet of love, which had been retrograde in your zodiac sign throughout much of May and June, will be happily bringing beauty, pleasure, and grace to you once again throughout all of July. Whether single or attached, you’re in prime position to bring more magic into your romantic life. Last to note in July is that when the Sun moves on into your communications sector on the 22nd, prepare for the ideas that have been percolating beneath the radar to come out for the world to hear and read. You may become engaged in a writing or speaking endeavor over the coming month. Interestingly, you’ll notice the pace of life quicken now and could see that your relations with your neighbors becomes much more active or that you even venture upon some enjoyable quick day-trips to places nearby. If you do so now, you’ll certainly enjoy them and find them memorable. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Birthday season is here for you, Cancer, and quite an important one for you it is! Your life has been on hyper speed, rapidly shifting into new territories since the summer of 2018. You had your final Solar Eclipse for many years in your Sun Sign last month. During this time, you’ve been learning more to stand in your personal power and become clearer on who you are and what you want. A major learning curve in that journey has also had to deal with partnerships though, likely in business or love. You may be separating from relationships that haven’t worked or else decided to unite more closely with ones that truly resonate within your soul. Yet another turning point comes as we begin the month—a Lunar Eclipse in your commitment sector. While this often brings major news to the forefront of our lives in regards to marriage or agreements, this may be a moment when you agree to wed or move in. There is a possibility this could reveal a break-up or divorce, but know that if this is to occur, you are actually being freed to find the best partnerships still ahead. Yet, as you’re being forced to make all of these important decisions, it is likely your mind will feel especially confused everywhere you turn due to Mercury Retrograde, which takes place until the 12th. Trust your intuition no matter what because it appears the facts may be not openly be addressed at this time—especially with Venus moving in your sector of privacy and secrets. On one hand, Venus here may show that you’re spending time independently healing past relationship traumas or else that you’re learning to move beyond loneliness. Still, this could preclude that there are secrets and darker elements at play around you, so keep your antennae up and if anything seems “off,” confront the situation head-on. The New Moon in your Sun Sign on the 20th is an especially rare blessing because not only did you have a Solar Eclipse welcoming in new beginnings last month, but the Universe is very focused on putting your hopes, dreams, and projects front and center yet again. It’s not time to focus on others—it’s time to listen to what lies within your heart, Cancer. Use this New Moon to create the life that you want—take actions in the following seven days to pave the way to greater fullness over the year ahead. Finally, when the Sun moves into your income sector from the 22nd onward, expect your attention to turn more fully toward your finances. Whether happy with your prosperity or wishing it were more, use the month ahead to build greater stability. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



As July begins, you’re definitely feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and you’re begging for some rest, recuperation, and relaxation. This is especially notable now because the mighty Sun will be highlighting the most private sector of your chart. Listen to your body and spirit’s messages now. If you push hard at this time, you could burn yourself out when you’re being given an opportunity to heal. In recent months you’ve felt the pressure of Saturn across the sky, setting you up for a very important three years ahead. During this time, while it may feel that you have to work harder to get some of your most sacred hopes and dreams, you are actually becoming stronger and more resilient than ever before. Saturn will teach you to streamline your plans and release relationships that do not serve you. However, here in July and for the months ahead, our great mentor planet will again help you perfect your daily routine, employment, and physical health. This, too, becomes a major focus for you because of the Lunar Eclipse taking place on July 4th. Exciting news regarding a work project may appear now or you may win a new job if you are looking. For some of you, employment may end near this time and if that is the case, it means you are being redirected to better opportunities in the months forward. You also may be attending to a health situation now—perhaps related to exercise, training, or a diet—or be undergoing an important surgery. If anything pops up now, be sure to handle it so you have everything under control. During the first two weeks of the month, Mercury will be backpedalling in your sector of secrets, dreams, and privacy, which may manifest in a few different ways. First off, if you have been hiding something, it may suddenly come out—or a secret from someone else. Confusion would be assured because of this. Your dreams and intuition will be extremely vivid now, so heed the messages of the Universe. Last, if you have been focusing on a project behind-the-scenes that isn’t ready for the light of day, you may also be having second guesses about launching it. Use this time to fine-tune your plan. The New Moon on the 20th will allow you to get all of these matters sorted out. Another exciting factor to note in your July is that your social life and friendships appear to be doing very well at this time. Venus, planet of pleasure, is catching up to normal speed and so you may again enjoy more harmony in your social life. Depending on your social distancing precautions, this could reveal more events or dating in your social circle, as well. Finally, when the Sun moves on into your zodiac sign on the 22nd, it means birthday season has arrived! Prepare for renewed vigor, enthusiasm, and fuel to reach your most heartfelt goals. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



July promises to be extra special for you, Virgo, and it could end up being one of your favorite months of the year. This is because so much activity is being activated in your pleasure and luck sectors, especially in regards to love, creativity, and reaching toward your dreams. The month begins with a Lunar Eclipse on July 4th, which is a culmination in connection to your heart’s wishes from the last year and a half. Like the final act of a play, you will reflect now upon how far you have come with a creative or romantic situation. During this time, you may realize you have finally fallen deeply in love or else you may even have an opportunity to cross paths with a soul mate. If you are already committed, you could bring passion back into your connection with renewed sizzle. Some Virgos may conceive or give birth at this time, or if you already have children, realize something special about them demands your attention. Another way this may manifest is that if you are artistic, you may be giving “birth” to a creative project to happy applause. Also, with the Sun and moving through your sector of friendships, you may be connecting with your soul tribe at this time. Mercury Retrograde will be occurring until the 12th, which may cause confusion between you and an acquaintance or else may suddenly bring old friends back into the picture. Don’t be shocked if you randomly hear from at least one old pal during this time. The New Moon on the 20th could open a door to pursue an important dream you’ve contemplated for quite some time, especially if it requires you to interact with a community. Use the days following this lunation to build your network, engage with an important event, or bring a special new friend into your circle. Another exciting gift to note is that Venus, planet of attraction, will be spinning happily forward in your career sector throughout the entire month. This means that praise from your superiors or even awards or attention for all of your hard work is on its way. You were testing out new approaches to your career in recent months but it appears you’ve found a new technique that is really bringing you favor. Keep it up! However, as the month draws to a close and the Sun marches on into your sector of rest, you’ll be realizing it’s time to pull back and turn within. You have important goals you’re looking to reach this year and if you keep your eyes on the prize, don’t be surprised if the Heavens open and deliver an important crown to you later in the year. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Partnerships are always important to you, Libra, and this becomes increasingly apparent ever since Mars has entered your relationship sector at the end of June 2020. Mars is a planet that shows where our drive is at any given time, and with it standing across the sky from you now it reveals that you will make more progress in all areas of life when working with someone else as a team. On one hand, if committed, this can show that you can advance important initiatives forward at this time that you have discussed previously. On the other hand, though, it shows that if you’d like to find the right kind of partner in business or love, you must take action now. Whether it’s an administrative assistant, social media consultant, attorney, agent, publicist, fitness trainer, accountant, or beyond, you’ll see just how valuable this person is to you. Going solo won’t be beneficial now. If single, use this vibrant energy to pursue people with long-term potential—not someone who is just looking for a casual fling. However, if there have been problems in your relationships bubbling beneath the surface for quite some time, this may actually cause friction and conflicts to boil over. Use the power of Mars to find solutions to problems together otherwise you could be walking into a personal war. Your mind will also significantly be on your career and home this month, and it is also likely that you’ll feel them pulling you in different directions. You are having some confusion regarding your career path at this time, possibly even feeling insecure about it, and you may be shifting in new directions now, as well. At the beginning of the month, though, the Lunar Eclipse on the 4th brings a very final conclusion to a domestic or family matter. Some Libras may be moving now or else having their family demand more of their attention. A parent may be the one exerting more of a presence at this time and it looks that you’re going to need to follow their lead. If you aren’t moving, you could instead be fixing up your space with a renovation. No matter what, you are assuredly emotional at this time because you’ll be facing just how stable and secure your life feels. Yet, when the heavenly bodies parade on and a New Moon arrives on the 20th, expect more career doors to open to you. If looking to step into a new role, it could come your way. Use the days following this to apply for more opportunities or tell your boss you’re ready to shoulder more responsibility. Finally, when the Sun moves into your social sector from the 22nd onward, you’ll hear from many friends and acquaintances. Depending on your social distancing practices, you may decide it’s time to step out and rejoin some communities or events. However, if you’re choosing the safer route, you instead may build your network online and plan many Zoom catch-ups to keep your pals close. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Prepare to focus on work, work, work for many months to come, Scorpio. You appear to be extremely productive now or very busy on a project for your employer. If you’ve been out of work due to the global pandemic, you’re actually extremely favored to take on more clients or find a job where your skills will be highly in demand. Use this enthusiasm to apply everywhere now. As they say, it’s easier to find a job once you already have one, so keep hustling and I promise you the stars will align. Another way this could manifest is that you may have a sudden passion to get into incredible fitness, improve your diet, or tackle a new exercise goal. This is the fuel you need to meet your goals, so set a routine and stick to it. This energy brings you strong vitality: use it so you don’t lose it. However, this may also cause some health flare-ups if you’ve been neglecting yourself for some time, and if this is the case, now’s the time to face the truth and make a change. When it comes to your relationships this month, Venus, planet of pleasure, will be spinning gracefully through your intimacy sector so it appears you could find someone who gives you the right amount of sugar and spice in your intimate life. If single, don’t wait for a new lover to come to you—be sure to be looking! In recent months, it is possible you faced some of your past relationship fears or traumas, but if you finally accept them not only can you heal yourself but improve all of your connections moving forward. The beginning of July will be highly active, as well, due to the Lunar Eclipse on the 4th. Over the last year and a half you’ve improved the way you write, speak, and communicate, and this powerful moment could see you launch a highly successful initiative. Consider how you can broaden your reach and branch out in new ways. Later in the month, the New Moon on the 20th will also emphasize your mind, perhaps encouraging you to increase your education or add new credentials to your resume. Another way this may manifest is through a media-related endeavor, such as a publishing or digital project. Last, if looking to travel overseas or immigrate, the doors might open at this time. Toward the end of the month, your mind turns to your ambitions when the Sun ignites your name in the sky from the 22nd on. In the month ahead, get ready to set your ambitions higher because new opportunities will come your way. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


No matter what way you look at it, Sagittarius, this year you are focused on solidifying security and stability—especially in relation to your financial and professional life. Lucky for you, a major moment arrives right at the beginning of July, promising a turning point you’ve long awaited. For some Sagittarius, this means that you will finally get that breakthrough in your work life that gives you more consistency, whether that manifests as a raise, new job, or lucrative client. A nice check may suddenly be on its way and you may be able to see your bank account numbers grow or else pay off a debt once and for all. It appears you could also be spending money at this time—but make sure to not be too indulgent—especially because Mercury, planet of the mind, will be retrograde and showing that you aren’t seeing entirely clearly. While Mercury Retrograde ends officially on the 12th, expect that the entire month will still feel a bit slow. Another major theme at this time—and for the six months ahead—will be your romantic and creative passion. You haven’t felt this electric in years, Sagittarius, so now is the time to experience all that your heart can. For single Sagittarius, expect hot and sexy options to be coming out of the woodwork, and yes, that does mean you’re likely to have a renewed sex drive unlike you’ve seen in years. Practice safety and protection, my friends, because Mars in this sector also increases your fertility (with heterosexual intercourse). For committed Sagittarians, this brings you an opportunity to bring the fire back into your connection! Spice it up! Try out new things! You only live once, so enjoy each other’s union. Yes, I am telling you to have consensual sex and enjoy it—don’t fight me on this! If you are creative, expect to be harnessing the muse unlike you have in years, and it is quite possible that by the time you reach 2021 you may have completed your greatest masterpiece yet. The reason I think this month leans more heavily toward romance and love, though, is because Venus, planet of pleasure, will be moving forward happily throughout the entire month in your sector of commitment. This favors attached Sagittarians more, and my hunch is that you’ll be able to feel as if you are dancing with a twin flame. However, if the recent months have made it clearer for you that you aren’t with the right partner, you may instead be thinking about how you can “smooth things out” so that you can leave at the right time later on. At the end of the month, though, your mind turns to expansion. You may suddenly focus upon broadening your horizons—whether through education or travel—or wish to instead have your voice grow further in the media. No matter what, enjoy this month while it lasts because even though it will certainly feel “slow” at times, the Universe is making your pleasure a priority. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Your most important turning point in 2020 has arrived, Capricorn, and this occurs for many reasons. When it comes to major themes this month, we see that you are juggling your most important wants and needs, your deep desire for the best partnership, as well as news about your home or family. Needless to say you have many important choices to make now, and some of them may actually surprise you. To break it down, though, let’s start at the beginning. The most important moment of the year arrives around the Lunar Eclipse in your Sun Sign on July 4th. Lunar Eclipses signal destined events that turn your path forever and often echo like a crescendo. Lunar Eclipses can reveal endings, breakthroughs, awakenings, achievements, or separations and often are highly emotional. This one highlights your soul’s direction and puts you into the spotlight. Over the last year and a half you’ve been stepping into your personal power more and testing out this new “version of you” to see how authentic it feels. You are debuting this newfound confidence and ready for the world to respect you. You’ve been releasing what hasn’t served you in recent years and this will be especially true in the remaining six months ahead, as well. The sooner you own your power and realize that life isn’t just happening to you—you must create it—the sooner you will feel more comfortable wielding your newfound courage. There is a possibility you could feel the push-pull in a relationship, and with so much planetary action highlighting your partnerships, it is quite likely you’re ready to say “yes, let’s do this forever” or “it might be time for us to fly solo.” This obviously can be any important one-on-one relationship that is forcing you to reflect, whether that is a business partner, serious lover, or roommate. Confusion appears to be in your head about this person for the first weeks of the month and it may show that your mind and heart are in different places. However, if you choose, you can use this to improve your communication going forward.  It is possible that because of this Mercury Retrograde, though, you are nostalgic for an old lover or decide to reconnect with one at this time. If you’d like to reconcile or find closure, you’re in luck to still do so this month—but you won’t have another opportunity until the beginning of 2022. The New Moon on the 20th will open doors for you to grow closer together—whether that is engagement, moving in, or signing papers. While a lot of this energy certainly does favor already committed Capricorns, those who are single and looking can still possibly find a perfect someone. Make a list of the things you want in your ideal partner, and then set forth to go out there to find them. Last to note this month is that Mars, planet of energy, will fuel up your sector of domesticity for the coming six months. This could signal a few different things, such as you needing to rapidly find the right place to live or improve your home situation. Some Capricorns may be renovating or having a great deal of activity take place in their homes. If there have been any difficulties in your living situation or family, though, this might reveal that they’re boiling over and you must face them. You are going to be highly emotional over the next six months, and it appears that rather than feeling vulnerable, you are going to become more assertive, defensive, and aggressive to protect your stance. Above and beyond the stars are saying that this year truly is about YOU getting what you want and deserve, so know that you don’t have to settle any more. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Welcome to July, Aquarius, a month that will be important for many reasons. First and foremost, the final eclipse in the three-act saga that occurred over the last month takes place on the 4th. This will demand that you lie low, rest, and recharge because you deserve it. Don’t push too hard now, otherwise you may find that you stumble into some trouble. Karma tied to your actions over the last decade may come out at this time, so prepare for the Universe to pass judgment. If you have been kind, prepare to embrace some TLC and self-love. However, if you have been wicked, prepare for a more difficult blow from the cosmos as your schemes may be revealed as if by destiny. You will not be forced to face eclipses of this intensity for many years, so life should move more in your favor. Over the last several months, you’ve had Saturn, the great planet of life lessons, in your zodiac sign and it could have forced you to take on more responsibility. At the start of July, it leaves your sign to once again teach you that you must find closure with your past before you can fully move onto the next stage of your life. While I do see that you are likely to be very productive this month, especially because of the New Moon on the 20th, I also do see opportunities to improve your employment if you so choose. Use the days following this lunation to apply for new roles or to take on new projects that may impress your superiors. It is possible that you could have some confusion on-the-job or find that instructions are not being delivered well, causing communication breakdowns in the first weeks of the month. This will sort itself out gradually, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Yet, despite all of this active energy, July also brings a lot of attention to your personal life and relationships. In recent months, you have seen a karmic dance in regards to your romantic life, which may have either allowed you to reconnect with old lovers or find closure once and for all. You’ve likely felt your heart call to someone special’s soul intensely at this time and have had a great deal of time to reflect, review, and re-assess. However, now that Venus will happily dance forward in pleasant motion throughout the entire month, your romantic life can also improve yet again. If single, use July to put yourself out there. You have so much luck in love on your side. If committed, use this fertile vibration to bring more laughter and sweetness into your connection. Last to note is that when the Sun blazes on into your sector of commitments on the 22nd, the coming month ahead will bring attention to your wants and needs in your relationships. If looking to find someone with serious potential, know what you want ideally and don’t be afraid to take the initiative and go after it. Mars, planet of action, is in your communications sector for many months and this means that you must be direct, honest, and upfront with what is on your mind. And yes, that means that you’re going to have to take the lead. Don’t be afraid to. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



July promises to be one of the sweetest months of the year for you, Pisces, so lead with your heart. First and foremost to note is all of the activity highlighting fun, pleasure, and passion. As we begin the month, a Lunar Eclipse in your social sector lights up the sky. This means that you are likely to see an important hope or dream you’ve been pushing toward for the last two years finally fall into your lap. On one hand, this may be tied to your community or network and you find someone who truly believes in you that opens the door you were waiting at. Or that a project you’ve been working toward finally is ready to be green lit for the world. Or that a personal goal you’ve hoped to achieve is now within reach. No matter what, the Universe is smiling upon you, so don’t sit back complacently. Reach to the stars. During this time, with such a focus on your social life, you may find that you are growing closer with a best friend and you wish to celebrate life. Depending on your social distancing precautions, an event may appear, as well. Choose wisely whether it would be beneficial or not to attend and obviously wear a mask. Yet, that is not all for such a blessed month! As the Sun ignites your heart throughout most of the month, expect love and expression to be on your mind, as well. Single Pisces will especially love this vibration, as it pushes you out into the world and may bring you the opportunity to find someone very special. If you want a magical romance—and what Pisces doesn’t?—make dating a priority now. The New Moon on the 20th is the most important time for you to set out to find that soul mate, so search then for sure. However, with Mercury Retrograde taking place in this same sector, it does show that you may feel uncertain about what you’re looking for—or that you and a potential option aren’t on the same page. Take it slowly because the clarity will arrive in the second half of the month. Last to note in July is that the mighty Sun will soar on into your productivity zone beginning on the 22nd. This marks an important period for you that will allow you to improve your work life and bring a better personal-professional balance to your routine. The month ahead will surely be busy. I do see that you have high moneymaking potential ahead for you now and in the months ahead. Some of you may be realizing that in order to make money, you need to spend it, and if this is the case, be sure that you are keeping track of everything so you are the master of your life, rather than being at the mercy of everyone else’s demands. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas