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Welcome to the dawning of a new era. A major transformation is taking place. While 2021 will not be as intense as 2020, it will come with challenges of its own that we will experience as we go through it. However, get ready to start the year off with a bang, as the planets are ready for new horizons.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

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At the end of 2020, the titan planets of Jupiter and Saturn moved from Capricorn into Aquarius. This is the official dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the beginning of the next Great Awakening. I dive into great detail about what this means for the world and each zodiac sign here. Saturn, the planet of karma, hard work, and at times challenges, will reside within Aquarius until March 2023. During this time, we will be pushed to learn life lessons about how to better connect with others and buckle down to make advancements in technology. Focusing on sharing the Earth’s resources will become even more of an issue as climate change will be on everyone’s minds (with Uranus in Taurus until 2026). Saturn in Aquarius will also bring growth for social justice as well as reshaping how some people approach partnership and their relationships. Expect new ideas that are developed now to have long-term weight on the world at large. Yet, with Saturn being a planet of limitations and restrictions, we may feel a sudden conservative grip attempting to lock down communities, populations, and those seeking to rebel in the coming few years. This evolution will ultimately push us to accept new lifestyles and social taboos once the ideas become viewed as more understood and less “radical.” Jupiter takes twelve years to go around the Sun, and wherever he goes, he brings growth and luck. Oftentimes, he will act as a “guardian angel” and bring forth blessings and opportunities. Now, in Aquarius, he will amplify our inventive, innovative, humanitarian, and intellectual natures. There will be a greater focus on equality, diversity, and experimentation—however, this energy will clash with the forces of Saturn so there will be a strong battle between growth versus restrictions in all of these areas. There will be a sudden boom in science and technology and we could even see a more humanitarian approach rising in some global leaders. There will be a push for progress from Jupiter with a stern focus on limitations from Saturn. In many ways, this period will feel like we are taking two steps forward and then one step back. Communities and social movements will see a renewed vigor on both sides of the fence—conservative and liberal. Organization will become instrumental on how well any group fares during this time. Globally, we will be especially focused on the “future” and what lies ahead, which will bring astrology, science, and philosophy into the public eye. While there will certainly be an idealistic energy that emerges, the colder view of Saturn will also dominate. Last to note is that there will likely be expansion around global connectivity—through the Internet, new apps, and evolution of popular social media channels. Jupiter will dance through Aquarius from December 19, 2020 until May 13, 2021. Then it will briefly venture into Pisces before returning while retrograde on July 28, 2021. Jupiter will be turn direct in Aquarius on October 17, 2021 and remain strong there until December 28, 2021.

On the 6th, powerhouse Mars will dash on into the fields of Taurus. It will remain here until March 3rd, 2021. We will feel less impulsive than we have over the last six months and instead more cautious in our approach to decisions. During this time, we will collectively feel more determined, stubborn, and focused on longevity and long-lasting results. This will be an excellent time for money matters, especially when we harness this fiery strength to get our finances in order. Not only can you make more income with this fuel, but you could also find that you are spending more on desired possessions, as well. Now is an excellent period to make plans we want to tackle over time and to patiently lay down the groundwork to get there.

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, will enter Aquarius on the 8th, where he will spend a significant amount of time—until March 15th. This is because he will experience a retrograde phase in this zodiac sign from January 30th until February 20th. However, we will begin to feel this energy approaching and the general slower pace begin to creep in as early as January 15th. It is important to try to tie up matters in the first half of the month or buy electronics or sign contracts then. In Aquarius, our cosmic messenger helps our minds to be especially agile and interested in connecting with as many people as possible. We may feel quite social now and this is a great period to expand our personal and professional networks. However, during the retrograde, expect the typical delays and miscommunications to take place.

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Our goddess planet of love and beauty will dance onto the cliffs and mountaintops of Capricorn on the 8th until February 1st, 2021. She will spend a great deal of time in Capricorn this year and start out the year and end it here, as well. This is because she will go retrograde later in the year, mid-December, causing a major return of the past. To read about Venus Retrograde, do so here. When Venus moves through Capricorn, we will collectively feel an ease come to our financial and business matters. We can find the right people who may help our professional goals. This will be a sensual time in relationships, as we wish to be slow and steady and build connections for the long-term. Creative talents are also enhanced, especially those where we are focused on structure and form. Use this time to make serious plans with lovers or else look for someone who is practical, reliable, and wise.

A New Moon in Capricorn arrives on January 13, 2021. New Moons open a doorway in our lives and often bring new opportunities to our path. With this luminary taking place in this Earth sign, we will have a chance to assess our long-term goals and ambitions and determine a strategy to reach them. New Moons give you the impetus to take action, and with Capricorn holding ties to professional success and the legacies we hope to leave, this would be an excellent time to assess these areas. Use the week that follows this luminary for your greatest plans and manifestations.

Electric Uranus will awaken on January 14, 2021. Since 2018, the planet of revolution and liberation has predominantly been within the zodiac sign of Taurus. It will remain here until July 7, 2025. Then, it will go into Gemini. However, again, it will retrograde and return to Taurus from November 8, 2025 but again leave April 26, 2026 where it will not return for 84 years. Uranus is the planet of transformation, radical change, crisis, and freedom. Whenever it interacts with another planet, shocks and surprises are bound to happen, for better or worse. Even when Uranus causes things to feel chaotic or cause great pain, it always is forcing us to move forward and bring better institutions into creation. Uranus pushes humanity toward its greatest good and to find newfound ways to grow and solve the problems of the collective. When it resides within Taurus for a span of years, the things that Taurus rules will vastly be affected. The things we can expect to see mostly affected are global financial institutions, global currencies, and environmentalism. Expect further developments in these areas for the months to come. To find out more about how Uranus in Taurus affects your zodiac sign, do so here.

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On the 19th, the Sun will march on into Aquarius, where many of the planets will be in the month to come. This will form a stellium in this zodiac sign—which means that a significant amount of planetary activity will be taking place in the same part of the sky. Look to the area where Jupiter and Saturn are bringing developments to your life and this will show you where all of your attention will be focused and you could find lucky breakthroughs.

To end the month, a Full Moon in Leo will arrive on January 28, 2021. Hear it roar. This will be a lively time when you will feel enthusiasm and passion infuse your life. The events that come to fullness now are connected to what you have been building since August 2020. If you are not happy with the growth that has manifest, change direction and use the power of the Full Moon to better express yourself and build the life of your dreams. Be courageous, be passionate, and be strong. Remember: life is best when you are having fun. 

Also: one exciting thing to add is that the Sun (ruling our life force) and Jupiter (ruling luck and opportunity) will unite in the sky on January 28. This is the first time since 2019. This is a rare event and will be known as the luckiest day of the year. Plan something important, memorable, or significant for this date to harness its greatest benefits. Miracles could happen!

Important dates to remember in January 2021 for love are the 1, 8, 9, 13, 23, and 28. Significant moments to plan for success are the 9, 11, 13, and 28. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, and 28. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


Welcome to 2021, Aries! Saturn and Jupiter have soared into your fulfillment zone and are establishing residence for quite some time. In the coming years, Saturn will help you to streamline your hopes and dreams into more practical choices, but aid you in reaching the one’s you’ve spent your life building toward. I suggest you make a list now of what you’d like to build in the coming decades and truly lay the groundwork to reach those things now. It is also quite likely that you will cut out some of your social circle in the years ahead, too. This wouldn’t necessarily be due to drama, but would occur because they just aren’t in alignment with who you are becoming. Jupiter will reside in this fulfillment sector throughout most of the year to come, interestingly balancing out Saturn’s energy. You will attract wise and benevolent new friends and contacts into your life who will open doors to your hopes and dreams. Also, with Jupiter sparkling here, you’ll have quite a busy social life this year and will likely see some major personal achievements now within reach. They are setting the tone that this is the main area of your life where you will see growth in the coming twenty years. How fortunate and truly exciting! Another holdover from 2020 is that you will still have mighty Mars in your zodiac sign until the 6th. Use this last boost of energy to charge toward your goals immediately. From the 6th onward, your ruler will move into your sector of finances. This will increase your expenses significantly but also give you the gusto to make more income. Blessed Venus will dance on into your sector of achievements beginning on the 8th, assuring that you will see applause coming your way for the rest of the month. The New Moon on the 13th also highlights your ambitions and could bring a promotion, new job, or favorable publicity your way. This is the most important luminary to initiate new professional plans, so use the week after it to reach to your goals. However, try to sign all contracts as soon as you can because Mercury Retrograde occurs at the end of January and is not the best time to initiate anything. The last thing to note this month will be a roaring Full Moon on the 28th. This luminary puts a spotlight on your sector of passion. This may bring to culmination regarding love, romance, creativity, or fertility for you. Use the days around it to search for new options if you are single or plan a memorable date with your beloved if taken. Happy news around children or art could also materialize for you. Get ready for a memorable 2021! Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


2021 will begin a new era with you rising in the world, Taurus. Saturn and Jupiter have moved into your sector of achievements and are creating a powerful new theme for years to come. Saturn remains here until 2023, bringing a tremendous amount of hard work and responsibility to your professional life. While you may at times feel the work is insurmountable, you are being given a chance to establish yourself for long-term glory, success, or even fame. You will be in very high demand in the years to come and you will become looked upon as a leader. Jupiter will shimmer in this sphere, too, bringing you tremendous luck and even miracles in your advancement this year. You will shine above all other zodiac signs professionally and many Taureans will reach the pinnacle of success worldwide. New opportunities, open doors, and radiant applause are quite likely this year. However, you cannot be lazy and expect it “all to work out.” I’m just saying that if you are working hard and on the right track, you are guaranteed to see success. If, instead, you are in the wrong professional lane, you will soon realize it and choose a more fulfilling path. You will see that professional growth will be your main point of interest and expansion in the two decades to come. Many Taureans will become the greatest leaders, pioneers, and powerhouses globally during this time. Perhaps one of them is you. This begins now and will become stronger as each year progresses. Powerhouse Mars will add further fuel to the flames by joining your zodiac sign on the 6th for the two months to come. This will energize you more than you’ve felt in nearly two years. This will give you the boost you need to tackle all of your most important goals. Initiate plans and take the lead at this time. This will also give you a magnetic and sexy allure. The New Moon this month takes place on the 13th and will open a doorway to you in regards to expansion. This may finally provide the breakthrough to help you move forward with a media, publishing, academics, travelling, or immigration matter. If you’d like to pursue any of these, use the days following this luminary. Watch the days around the 14th, as well, as electric Uranus who has been in your zodiac sign since 2018 will finally awaken. You have likely felt like there have been delays surrounding an important heartfelt goal you’ve been wishing for, but mid-month should bring news about new horizons opening before you like the sunrise greeting the morning. Embrace your authentic goals and self no matter what. However, try to sign professional contracts as soon as you can because at the end of the month, a Mercury Retrograde will take place in your sector of achievements. You may see some confusion as early as mid-month. Your career spotlight will gain even more attention once the Sun sizzles into this sphere on the 19th for the month ahead. With so much planetary activity here, it is quite likely you’re shooting through the stratosphere to huge echelons of success. The month will turn your attention to your domestic life, though, as a Full Moon takes place here on the 28th. This could signal that you may be moving, dealing with a landlord or roommate situation, or handling a family matter. No matter what, you’ll be pulled to handle it so do so now. One last thing: keep your eyes toward the 28th, which could bring you a major victory as the Sun and Jupiter will align for the first time in your career sector in twelve years. This could truly be the moment that you hit the jackpot. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Saturn and Jupiter have moved into your sector of expansion for the first time in many years to set up huge themes for you ahead, Gemini. This sphere of life rules academics, media, publishing, travel, immigration, and spiritual traditions, meaning that you will find yourself pursuing at least one of them in the years to come. You certainly do not fear adventure and new horizons, Gemini, so with these two powerhouse planets here, you will be seeing these areas of your life flourish and grow for the two decades to come. Many Geminis will become teachers and revolutionize academics and spiritual practices. Others will return to school to take in the wisdom of the ancient ones. A large amount of Geminis will pursue significant travel, moreso than ever before, and could even see themselves moving to another country during those two decades to establish permanent residence there. Others could make waves in media or publishing. If you have ever wished to pursue one of these avenues, the stars truly are in your favor. Don’t be bashful! Embrace the wind beneath your sails! Another thing to note is that mighty Mars will enter your sector of rest and privacy on the 6th for the two months ahead. This means you’ll be feeling more burnt out and wanting to lie low or work independently. Go for it! Intimacy will also be on your mind this month, as Venus will enter this relationship sector on the 8th and a New Moon on the 13th will appear. This could help you get a loan, scholarship, venture capital, bonus, or money from a divorce settlement if you have recently separated. You’ll definitely be focusing on your needs in partnerships and if they are being met. If signing contracts, be sure to do so as soon as you can because your ruler, Mercury, will begin slowing down mid-month to turn retrograde on the final day of January. The last thing of importance to note this month will be a Full Moon in your communications sector that takes place on the 28th. Ironically, this sphere often brings forth contracts or negotiations, but beware that some of the details may be foggy with the retrograde approaching. This could also see some Geminis launching a significant writing, speaking, advertising, or marketing initiative to great luck and success. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Last month, both Saturn and Jupiter entered into your intimacy sector for the first time in many years. Saturn will teach you important life lessons around trust, vulnerability, and relying on someone else in the coming years as well as how to make sure you are in the “perfect” union for you. Jupiter, however, will balance this energy out to assure that you can heal any relationship traumas that may have scarred you. If single, you can find someone who fulfills you in all ways. With these two planets merging their strength, they will be setting the tone for you for two decades to come—meaning that you will certainly leave any significant relationships that do not truly fulfill you, but you will be sure to find the most rewarding ones of your lifetime afterward. Those who are happily connected will only grow closer, uniting your souls more deeply than ever before. Another important transit to note this month is when mighty Mars will skyrocket into your social sector on the 6th for the two months to come. This will assure that you will hear from many friends and acquaintances in the weeks ahead and could attend some wonderful events. Contacts may also suddenly open the door to some of your most heartfelt hopes and dreams, so if there’s something you need, be sure to ask around. Spectacular Venus will dash into your relationship sector on the 8th for the rest of the month, bringing harmony and happiness to all of your partnerships. Make romance a priority if you are taken and you will grow ever closer. If single, use this time to look for someone with long-term potential. With the New Moon in this same sector appearing on the 13th, this is a great time to make plans, move in, or even discuss getting engaged. Business partnerships can also be spotlit by this energy, and if you are signing contracts, be sure to do so as soon as you can as our planet of communications is slowing down and will go retrograde at the end of the month. To end January, a roaring Full Moon in your financial sector will appear on the 28th. This luminary may bring a raise, lucrative new client, or a better paying job. While there is a possibility an income stream could end, it is likely a new one would manifest if you hunt for it now. No matter what, welcome in abundance if you can. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Prance on into 2021, Leo. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, moved directly across the sky from you last month, as did Jupiter, the giver of luck and fortune. In the coming three years, Saturn is going to “oppose” your zodiac sign. On one hand, this may make you feel a bit lonelier, strip away weak relationships from you, and make it harder for you to reach some of your heartfelt goals, but in essence, he is making you stronger than ever before. This doesn’t have to be foreboding, but you should be warned: it won’t necessarily be easy. In the years ahead, you will be like steel forged through fire. Trust that you have all the power you need already inside of you. Saturn will force you to strengthen the relationships that are meant to be in your life—and any that come into your radar in the years ahead will be destined to stay there. Yet, the absolute saving grace for you is that Jupiter, planet of miracles, dances side-by-side Saturn to bring you blessings in partnerships, too. Support will be found when you need it because Jupiter always operates like a “guardian angel.” Soulmate connections and partnerships will come to many Leos in the year ahead. For the coming twenty years all Leos will find that important partnerships become the center of their life. Single Leos will find their perfect partner and begin a life together during that time, evolving on an entirely new chapter. Committed Leos could grow closer than ever before with their significant other or else find other partners—such as collaborators, business associates, and beyond who lift them to new heights. Do not fear, Leo. The Universe is perfect in its design and will assure you find and are with your perfect mirror. Another area to note this month is your career. Fiery Mars will ignite your professional goals from the 6th onward for two months. This assures that you will be quite busy with your job and launching to new heights. If you work hard now, you could smash your objectives and get the year off to an epic start. Awards, promotions, publicity, or even fame could manifest if you have been charging ahead for quite some time. Venus, planet of harmony, will dance on into your employment sector on the 8th and a New Moon will appear here on the 13th. This means that you could find a new job if looking or suddenly be taking on more projects from your current employer. If freelance, you are likely to take on at least one important assignment. When electric Uranus awakens on the 14th in your achievements sector, too, this may suddenly move forward a major project that had been delayed for several months. However, if contracts or negotiations are needed, try to wrap them up rapidly as Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month in your sector of partnerships. This means that miscommunication and confusion with associates could begin as early as mid-month. The mighty Sun will move into your relationship sector on the 19th for the weeks ahead, adding further focus to your unions. Your wants and needs will become especially apparent in your consciousness. The end the month, though, will bring a major culmination for you, as there will be a Full Moon in your zodiac sign on the 28th. This will put you front-and-center and could show you that a significant personal goal is now within reach. All eyes will be on you now, so use your power to assert yourself. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Last month, Saturn and Jupiter moved into your productivity zone. With Saturn taking up residence here until 2023, your work life will become busier and more intense than ever before. You could become riddled with an insurmountable amount of work or else feel that your “day job” just isn’t fulfilling you anymore. Some Virgos could be forced out of jobs or quit to pursue things that make them happier. While this could be tough, you’ll be better off in the long run. Another way Saturn may focus your tutelage is around your health and physical fitness. Ailments may appear and you’ll be thinking: “Ugh, not again!” This will be to make sure that you improve your diet, regiment, and routine to be stronger than ever. You are going to receive important life lessons around at least one of these areas. However, your saving grace will be that Jupiter, planet of miracles, also embarks on a journey through this same area. This will be to bring happiness, opportunities, and fortune to all of these areas of life. So, as you may initially groan, you are being protected by a guardian angel. These two planets are merging their power to set the tone for the coming two decades ahead. You will have a tremendously busy twenty years ahead, but you will also thrive. Another aspect to note is that mighty Mars will enter your sector of expansion on the 6th for the two months ahead. This will ignite the itch to launch into new territories and to spice up your life. Some Virgos could become quite busy with an academics, media, publishing, travelling, or immigration endeavor. Another theme this month will be on matters of the heart, as the Sun, Venus, and New Moon will move through your sector of passion. Romance, love, creativity, and fertility will be sweet. Use the days following the New Moon on the 13th to line up dates with potential options if single or bring back the lightning in your relationship if taken. If a creative, this is a great time to set aside moments for inspiration. Last, if pursuing pregnancy, you could have an edge now. Next to note is that your ruler, Mercury, will begin to slow down mid-month as it is approaching a retrograde that will begin at the end of January. Try to tie up contractual matters as soon as you can. It will back peddle in your sector of work, so you will assuredly see some delays and miscommunication there. Last to note in January will be a potent Full Moon on the 28th. This luminary falls within your sector of rest and privacy and will encourage you to recharge and enjoy some TLC. Schedule a spa day. You’ll be glad that you did. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Saturn and Jupiter moseyed on into your sector of fertility, passion, creativity, and love and took up newfound residence there last month. Until 2023, Saturn will be giving you life lessons surrounding all of these areas. On one hand, he could make it more difficult for you to get them, but the thing about Saturn is that he is forcing you to work harder then ever. You may feel as if you are carrying burdens in these areas or that your heart is feeling a bit more battered and bruised. Some Libras will need to “grow up” in regards to these areas. However, the more persistent you are, the greater the rewards will be. Be proactive on how you push toward any of these things. Your saving grace will be Jupiter, though, who often acts as a guardian angel and protects us in an area of life. This means that next year you may feel as if you are taking two steps forward and then one step back in these areas of life. Jupiter also has the tendency to connect us with life-changing soulmates. So do not fear, Libra, happiness will still manifest for you abundantly. My favorite thing about these two planets moving simultaneously is that they will merge their power together, revealing that fertility, passion, creativity, and true love will be the most important focuses for you in the two decades to come. Single Libras will fall in love more deeply than ever before and quite likely find their perfect soulmate. Those looking to conceive will have breakthroughs and finally become parents. Libras who have younger children will find that they blossom and grow and make them prouder than ever. If you are an artist, you will create your most visionary art. Next to note is that fiery Mars will venture into your intimacy sector on the 6th for two months—amping up your need for affection, sex, and union. If there are underlying problems in your relationship, they could come out now. This will make you ravenous for connection, so be aware of your needs and don’t be too impulsive. Lovely Venus will move into your domestic sphere on the 8th and a New Moon here will appear on the 13th—opening a door to more happiness at home or with family. If looking to move, this luminary may bring you the perfect living space or roommate. However, if signing a lease or contract, be sure to do so as soon as you can because Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month. Last to note will be a Full Moon on the 28th that highlights your social sector. This could bring an invite to a luxurious and wonderful event that could hold personal and professional opportunities. Even if you choose to attend via ZOOM or digitally, you could be very happy with the results. It is also quite possible this luminary may have a friend step in to open a door to one of your heartfelt hopes and dreams. The Universe is smiling on you, Libra. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Saturn and Jupiter glided side-by-side last month into your sector of home and family to take up residence here for some time to come. Saturn will bring you life lessons around these interests and cause you to work very hard to set down roots that will last for decades to come. This may mean that now or in the years ahead you will be highly focused on renovations or fixing up your home or even relocating. While there is likely to be some challenges around family, this will make you stronger and could help you all grow closer. Jupiter’s spiral into this zone for the year ahead, however, guarantees that you will have miraculous and happy experiences surrounding this area, too. Thus, if you are moving or will soon be, you’ll be ecstatic that you did and find that the living space is more spacious, filled with light, and makes you feel right at home. Connections with your kindred will prosper and you could even be welcoming more people into your family. The two planets will merge their power to set this up as your main focus for the two decades to come. Your family will grow, you will truly set down the roots that make you feel more stable than ever before, and you will make peace with your past. Next to note this month will be when mighty Mars heats up your sector of partnerships from the 6th onward for two months. This means that you will have an intense urge to unite with others, whether that be personally or professionally. This will make you realize that you can go much further with the right person at your side rather than flying solo. If single, be on the hunt, or if committed, use this vibration to set significant goals for the two of you. Another theme this month will be all about communications. This will be triggered by a New Moon on the 13th, which will see you focusing on writing, speaking, advertising, or branding endeavors. You may now have the impetus to update your website, launch a podcast, or revamp your social media. Use the week after it to do so. However, do so as soon as you can as Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month and it is never wise to launch things during that time. Last to note this month will be the Full Moon on the 28th, which could bring a major milestone in your professional life. You may suddenly see a prize job, promotion, award, or achievement come your way. Reach toward your ambitions, as this could be a pinnacle moment of your year. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Saturn and Jupiter moved last month to take up residence in a new domain for you, Sagittarius. In the coming years, Saturn will teach you life lessons regarding how you communicate with the world. It is likely you will take on more important projects around writing, speaking, advertising, and branding. There could be some people that challenge your point of view, but this will be to make sure you are articulating everything much more clearly. Jupiter’s expansion will bring luck to your communications in the year ahead and likely much more money! Brainstorm unique advertising and social media techniques to take you into new horizons! These two powerhouse planets are merging their powers, which sets the tone for the coming two decades. Many Sagittarians during that time will find that they are more curious than ever about the world and begin doing everything possible to learn more about it. Some will enroll in courses that fine-tune their skills and some could even become highly successful in public speaking, writing, or major influencers on social media. Your skills in advertising and branding could lead you to revolutionize industries and become some of the most sought after talent in these realms. Many Sagittarians will launch highly successful radio and media shows, as well as publish important works. If any of these areas is of interest to you, I encourage you to start making a plan now because the doors are opening. Next to note this month is that mighty Mars will remain in your passion sector, amping up your romance, creativity, and fertility until the 6th. Use this first week to bring more spice into your union or set dates with prospective options. Venus will also make you stunning and magnetic until the 8th—another fortunate tool to bring pleasure and happiness. On the 6th, Mars will parade on into your productivity zone assuring that you will be tremendously busy on the job for the two months to come. There is another way this may manifest and it could be that you are especially fired up to crush fitness goals. Go for it! Money will also be a prominent theme this month, with a New Moon highlighting finances on the 13th. This could bring a new job your way, a raise, large check, or lucrative client. Be on the hunt for the gold. However, if signing a contract, be sure to do so as soon as you can, as Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month. Last to note this month will be a Full Moon in your expansion sector that takes place on the 28th. This luminary could bring a culmination to a media, publishing, academics, travelling, or immigration matter. No matter what, you’ll feel eager to soar in new directions at this time. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Last month, Saturn and Jupiter moved from your zodiac sign into your financial zone, establishing residence for the time to come. Until 2023, you will have Saturn teaching you important life lessons about money management and making your nest egg grow larger than ever before. Some Capricorns will take on debts or have financial difficulties initially or be forced to trim their expenses to afford something else (such as a new child or real estate investment). Jupiter, which rules profit and prosperity, will battle it out with Saturn to make sure that your wealth grows in the year to come. Even better to note is that the two of these planets will be fully merging their power, meaning you will see a whole new dawn for your life. For you, dear Capricorn, are going to be all about money, wealth, and establishing a long-term legacy. Many Capricorns during these twenty years will become some of the richest people in the world (or at least have access to it, for instance if they marry someone with a great amount of resources). This same area denotes possessions and you will also attain prized things: some of your wildest dreams! Jewels, gold, homes, clothes, cars, art, more: if you work toward it, you could very well have it! However, unlimited resources are not guaranteed, so you will be forced to choose wisely on what you invest within as well as work hard to get it. Another important aspect to mention this month is that it is birthday season! How lovely! It is likely your birthday recently occurred or still will. This is an excellent time to make a list of your goals for the year and take steps toward them. Use the New Moon on the 13th to step front-and-center and take action to build the life of your dreams. Venus glides into your zodiac sign earlier—on the 8th for the rest of the month. You will be absolutely magnetic and can attract pleasure to you in every way. Update your wardrobe, get a new hairstyle, and indulge in you. This is an auspicious time for romance, as well. If single, put yourself out there and you could align with a perfect match! Speaking of passion and romance, this will ignite for you from the 6th onward for the two months ahead because sexy Mars will blaze a trail through this zone. Your dating and sex life will erupt! This is a great time to be on the hunt for new options or bring back the spice with a current partner. If creative, you will be exploding with ideas. Last to note is that if you have been pursuing pregnancy, you are especially favored now. The month will come to a close with a mighty Full Moon in your intimacy sector on the 28th. This luminary will definitely put you in your feels and encourage you to pull your special person closer or else discuss how your needs are not being met. While some Capricorns could separate at this time, if this were to occur, it’d mean that you are being redirected to someone better down the line. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A new era began for you last month when both Saturn and Jupiter entered your zodiac sign to take up residence for the time ahead. Until March 2023, Saturn will help you to set down important roots and plans that you will build over the coming three decades. Saturn is a planet of life lessons, perseverance, and responsibility, so it would be irresponsible for me to tell you that the next three years are going to all gold, stars, and roses. No. They won’t be. There will be a lot of “growing up” taking place for you and Saturn could at times make you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You may at times feel a bit more melancholy, tired, and lonely, but that is because he is showing you that you are resilient above all. He also wants you to be realistic and practical as you begin this “chapter one rewrite” and work toward your most heartfelt goals and plans. Often times major life events happen now that set up the next decades: someone buys a house, but it will take years to pay off; someone has a baby, but it will take an immense amount of energy to be a parent; someone changes their career, and it will take a lot of work to launch it. But this can also be a period when the things you’ve worked toward in your life up until now begin to pay off. Jupiter, though, entered your zodiac sign and initiated what I call a “Diamond Year.” This will be truly one of the luckiest years of your life ahead and you will be like a garden coming into bloom. Many new beginnings will take place in the year to come, ones that push you in new directions and help you to fly. Again, though, I want to manage your expectations. This is a “chapter one” phase, not a “hitting the jackpot” and “being crowned royalty” phase. Will there be plenty of happiness, prosperity, and good fortune? Yes. But are you going to reach all of your goals now? No. Jupiter and Saturn will merge their power, too, entirely for your benefit. This is a tremendous blessing for you, Aquarius, as it shows where you will see the greatest growth and focus for the next two decades. With it happening in your zodiac sign, this means that in the twenty years ahead, it’s all about YOU. It’s about YOU reaching your goals in time. It’s about YOU putting yourself first ultimately. It’s about YOU being clear about what you want and knowing that you can make it happen no matter what. Many Aquarians will rise to places of power and leadership in the years to come, as well as become some of the most prominent thought leaders of our time. But again, let me be clear: this isn’t just going to happen overnight and magically manifest before your eyes. The door is opening to you to pursue your soul’s mission in this lifetime. Don’t hold back. Make a list of the things you want: the things most important to you. Now go forth and make them happen. The Universe has your back and will support you. Another area to note this month is that feisty Mars will enter your domestic sphere on the 6th to remain for two months. This could ensure that you are actively moving, renovating, or dealing with family matters. This could create some conflicts around these areas or provide a great deal of noise, as Mars is a fiery planet. Next to note is that a New Moon in your sector of privacy and rest will appear on the 13th, which will encourage you to take a step back and reflect on where you’ve been and where you wish to go. Use this time to rest and recharge, as a very active year awaits. Also, be aware that a Mercury Retrograde is approaching—and it will take place in your zodiac sign. This ensures that you will be very confused and uncertain in February, so try to get things set now so you can coast through next month. The Sun will enter your zodiac sign on the 19th, bringing more radiance and excitement to your life. This is birthday season, where you shine above all others! Use this firepower to launch toward your most important heartfelt plans and goals. Last to note this month will be a Full Moon in your partnership sector on the 28th. This will highlight your most important person and allow you to merge closer—such as moving in, getting engaged, becoming wed, or making plans—or instead to separate. Single Aquarians can use this vibration to find someone with long-term potential. Get excited for 2021, Aquarius. It’s going to be a major year. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


In December, Saturn and Jupiter soared into your sector of rest and solitude. Saturn is the giver of life lessons and will be focusing you upon karma until 2023: either reaping the rewards for the fortune you’ve brought into the world or else haunting you with the baggage you must now atone for. You will feel a need to heal and develop your spirit in this time. Jupiter, however, shows that if you embark on a more spiritual path, you will find more happiness and blessings come your way. Many Pisceans will see their intuition, creativity, and psychic abilities increase in the year ahead, too. These two planets will fully merge their powers together. This means they are setting up your life for the coming two decades to be entirely focused around these areas of healing, development, and spiritual advancement. This will be a time where you prioritize your soul’s mission and become truly in touch with the energy and frequency of the world. Find time to meditate and channel your light. Other news this month will be when mighty Mars charges on into your communications sector from the 6th onward for two months. This will ignite your mind and see you passionate about launching a significant message to the world. Some Pisceans will begin working on a major writing, speaking, advertising, or marketing endeavor. Some could launch a podcast or campaign to great results. Another aspect to pay attention to this month will be all the fun and adventure coming your way! Venus, planet of love, will move through your social sector from the 8th onward and will bring many invites, messages, and happy times with friends. This is a beneficial period to date if single—especially if you’ve had an eye on an acquaintance for quite some time. A New Moon in this sphere appears on the 13th, which could bring a lovely event your way or a chance to become involved with a community dear to your heart. An acquaintance could also provide an introduction you need to reach a heartfelt goal, so broadcast your needs. Last on your forecast will be a Full Moon in your sector of productivity that takes place on the 28th. This mighty luminary will make you especially busy and could signal an ending to a project or work situation. If looking for a new job, do so then and you could find it. Enjoy the active start to the new year. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, ABC television, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas