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For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Feel the heat. The Sun has found one of its favorite places to burn: Leo Season. The mighty Sun rules Leo, and when it arrives here, we collectively feel the need to embrace our passions, express ourselves, and listen to our hearts. While this energy lasts throughout most of the month, there will be many factors that draw our attention so I will start from the beginning. However, before we do so, I want to first and foremost thank you—yes, you—for reading my work and supporting me. I put a tremendous amount of love into every horoscope I write, whether that is for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, or here. I appreciate you and believe in you. I can see the stars—what lies ahead—and where you (and the world) are going. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. So thank you, and I hope you will continue to help me grow.

August roars for us, as our individual desires and goals are hot on our minds. Not only are we within Leo Season, but mighty Mars, planet of drive and strength, will continue to power through the zodiac sign of Aries. This began at the end of June and will continue until the very beginning of 2021. This is one of the major features of 2020 and will certainly be memorable. This is because we will experience a Mars Retrograde from September 9th until November 13th. This is why I encourage you to do everything of importance in August before we are riddled with the obstacles and conflicts that Mars Retrograde brings. For more information on Mars in Aries, check it out here.

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While we do have some beautiful alignments of the planets this month, I do want to bring attention to several which will create conflicts, restrictions, and potentially major challenges around the world. This is because many of the planets will be at war this month, which is because they are glaring at one another from across the sky. Metaphorically, this is how our world is right now—and we each will be at the crossfire of major forces too—at the center of the battlefield. Some zodiac signs will find a war in their careers, facing competitors or harsh demands on the job. Others will face conflict in their personal lives or relationships, realizing that their love is at odds with the world or they are being torn apart. Others, unfortunately, will see the war in their health, in their minds, or in their souls. Days to watch for harsh news or lie low this month will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 24, 30.

A Full Moon in Aquarius will ignite the night on August 3rd, 2020. The power of this Full Moon will begin to arrive two days prior and will linger for four days after. This will be a time of culmination for you—depending on your Rising Sign and Sun Sign—and will be tied to what you were building in the days following January 24th, 2020. Full Moons bring harvests, achievements, and endings and tend to be quite emotional. This lunation resonates in the constellation of Aquarius, encouraging you to be independent and embrace the authentic vision you have for your life. As this zodiac sign also has ties to the global community, this will be a time when the human collective may notice that we are more connected than separate—even if that is just through digital means. Think of the future now—yours and that of humanity—and contemplate what still lies ahead.

The 4th will see Mercury, planet of the mind, dance on into the zodiac sign of Leo for many weeks. During this time, we will further be focused on expressing ourselves as vividly and loudly as possible. This will be wonderful for declarations of love, but could come back to bite us if we are speaking only from arrogance and ego. Later in the month, Mercury will move into Virgo on the 20th, where it will feel quite at home. For the following weeks, we will buckle down to truly assess our lives and make sure we have the information we need to plan out our response for the rest of the year.

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Venus, goddess of beauty and pleasure, enters Cancer on the 7th to stay for the rest of August. Venus loves to be in Cancer, as she can exhibit her sensitive, emotional, and sensual nature so easily. Romance is tender for us all at this time, and we will feel highly protective of everyone we care deeply for. During this period, we will feel drawn to attach ourselves to people and be especially devoted and loyal. Affection and cuddling will infiltrate your heart and you will feel eager to bring your heart and body close to someone who values you.

The 15th will be a powerful turning point in 2020, as the electric planet, Uranus, will station retrograde and turn backward in the sky until January 14th, 2021. Since 2018, Uranus has been transforming the lands of Taurus and shifting our global perspective regarding economics, currency, and environmentalism. Pay attention to how your life shifts in the days near to this and consult your zodiac sign’s individual horoscope to learn how you are transforming in an area of your life over the months ahead.

Hear the roar of a New Moon in Leo on August 18th. This will be a lively time when you will feel enthusiasm and passion infuse your life. The events that begin now will be tied to what comes to fullness near January 28th, 2021. Find ways to express yourself and build a life that you are proud of—one that feels like you have created your own kingdom. Be courageous, be passionate, and be strong. Remember: life is best when you are having fun.

Finally, when the sacred Sun moves into Virgo beginning the 22nd for the month ahead, we will be deeply interested upon creating a work-life balance that validates and fulfills us. Now will be a time when the human collective is especially focused on global health and a great deal of progress can be made to improve it. While the greatest breakthroughs regarding the coronavirus pandemic will take place after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st, 2020—and the most important moment of the entire year—now will surely help us make some promising medical breakthroughs.

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Important dates to remember in August 2020 for love are the 4, 16, 18, 25, 27. Significant moments to plan for success are the 4, 16, 17, 18, 25, 29. However, as mentioned before, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 24, 30. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

The following horoscopes for each zodiac sign were originally written for UPLOADER Magazine, a global magazine based out of Italy. You can view UPLOADER Magazine or buy your copy here.


Step forward into August, Aries. Mars, your planetary ruler, has been powering up your zodiac sign for over a month now—giving you all the courage to tackle your personal and professional goals. However, at the end of July, Mars began to slow down—what astrologers call “pre-shadow.” Pay attention to everything that happens now until September 9th: you are being given a prelude of what dramas and frustrations may arise during Mars Retrograde this Autumn. Do your best to act with integrity as you proceed so nothing comes back to bite you. This is your last window in time to launch a new project, start an official new relationship, or create your empire because it is never advised to begin new things during Mars Retrograde. I encourage you to make a very clear list of what you need to get done so you can let the slower pace of September until November happen naturally. A Full Moon in your sector of fulfillment will arrive on the 3rd. This means that in the days that surround it, you may finally feel as if one of your dearest hopes and dreams is now within reach. Friends and your network are also highlighted from this lunation, meaning that you could attend an important event that opens doors to you depending on your social distancing guidelines. However, because your friends miss you at this time, do your best to sync up with them—even if it is just a group Zoom call over wine. However, your mind will be extremely focused upon romance, creativity, and recreation throughout much of the month, as the Sun will heat up this zone for the first few weeks. Mercury, planet of the conversation, will also unite with the Sun beginning on the 4th, narrowing your thoughts upon passionate times. You could become especially eloquent or poetic, so use it to your advantage. Venus, planet of pleasure, will cozy up in your domestic sector from the 7th onward, promising that you may make your home quite the sanctuary if you choose to buy new furniture or redecorate. The New Moon arrives on the 18th, opening a vortex for more love and spontaneity to enter your life. If single, be sure to use the week following to connect with potential options. Committed Aries can bring the heat back into their relationship—and the bedroom—with this exciting vibration, and because of this, find themselves closer than ever before. Those Aries looking to conceive may have quite the luck, and those who already have children may see that their kids demand their attention now. Last, if you exhibit creative talents or are an artist in any way, this is the most important New Moon of the year to create a masterpiece. Finally, as the Sun moves into your productivity zone from the 22nd onward, expect the pace of your life to quicken as new work projects come your way in the month ahead. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Over the coming six months, Taurus, you have many things taking place behind-the-scenes. On one hand, this may be that you are developing some projects set to launch early next year—such as writing a book in solitude, creating an app, or strategizing major career moves. Other Taurus could spend a lot of time in the months ahead focused on recovering—whether that be psychologically or physically—and undergoing significant work with a therapist, doctor, healer, or rehabilitator. Last, with Mars heating up this sector of privacy, you may also be tempted to play a game to get what you want—which could lead to clandestine affairs or less-than-kind business. However, I recommend you do your best to step toward the light rather than dance with the devil. Throughout August, you will see the hints of what the official Mars Retrograde ahead will have you face—which takes place throughout September until November. During that time, you will feel burnt out and meet roadblocks; if you have engaged in any less-than-kind interactions, karma may strike down upon you. I do not tell this to scare you—just to help you prepare. As August begins, you will celebrate a major career milestone as the Full Moon on the 3rd brings a crown down upon your head. You have been working very intensely toward your ambitions in recent years, and it is likely you will see success, fame, or power delivered to you now. Sometimes this takes the form of favorable press, a promotion, or else public recognition. This will be your biggest achievement of the year—but it is hinting at what is to come from the end of this year until 2023. You are set to become more successful than ever before, so use your time wisely now. However, with so much planetary activity taking place in your domestic sector throughout most of the month, it appears you are very busy at home fixing things up, redecorating, or possibly even moving. The New Moon on the 18th signals that the doors are finally open, and you may find the perfect place of your dreams. This same zone also rules your family, so you may attend to a situation in regards to them at this time. Another important note to make this month is that Uranus, which has been electrifying your life since 2018, will station retrograde in your zodiac sign on the 15th. In the days that surround it, pay attention to important news regarding your personal goals. While you may feel that they are being revised and changing direction in the months to come, this is a blessing to make sure they debut before the world in perfect glory. Review how far you have come since 2018 and where you still want to go. Finally, when Mercury—ruling your mind—enters your sector of fertility and love on the 20th, you will be in the mood for passion in the weeks ahead. The mighty Sun also soars on into here on the 22nd, promising that it is time to stop and smell the roses. With your ruler, lovely Venus, in your sector of communication throughout most of the month, too, you will likely have the magic touch with every sweet thing you write or say. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



A very active six months lies before you, Gemini, especially with ferocious Mars powering up your sector of fulfillment. During the time ahead, you may feel as if you are recreating your life and reaching toward many heartfelt hopes and dreams. This may also manifest as a highly active social life—and depending on the social distancing requirements of your country—allow you to head to many important events or engage further with your community. However, luckily we live in the digital age, so you may instead be focusing on broadening your network online or catching up with friends via text or Zoom. Next month, Mars will go retrograde in this sector, making your life feel as if it is hitting a standstill. You also could undergo a conflict or falling out with a friend in the months to come. All of it will be hinted at in August, so pay heed to what pops up now and makes you feel a bit frustrated or uncomfortable. It is likely these same themes will appear later in the year once again. As we enter August, you’ll feel especially ready to set sail into new horizons as a Full Moon ignites your expansion sector on the 3rd. On one hand, this Full Moon may signal that you are dealing with a travel or immigration matter or else interacting with people overseas. If you are involved in the media, this could elicit an important publicity opportunity, television appearance, or book deal. Last, if you are in school or considering going back, you may finalize the decision at this time. Also lovely to note is that the Sun will move through your communications zone throughout most of the month, encouraging you to speak, write, and think expressively. The New Moon on the 18th also falls within this sphere, and while you may be working on a proposal or negotiation, sometimes this also foretells that you will be required to sign an important contract. When the Sun moves into your domestic sector on the 22nd, it appears you are settling down at home or considering relocating in the month ahead. Your family may also become more significant in the weeks ahead, so keep your schedule light. Last, because I know many Geminis have been thinking a lot about money, note that Venus will grace your financial sector beginning on the 7th for the rest of the month. Money seems to be coming your way, so focus on every opportunity to monetize that you find. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Swim into August, Cancer, a month that appears very busy for you! This is because Mars has been heating up your sector of achievements since the end of June and will continue to until early 2021. During this time, you are set to rise higher than ever before—so keep your eyes on the prize. However, it is likely you will hit many snags in your career or progress during September until November, so do everything you can to launch important projects now or wait until the end of the year. While you are going to have deadlines and an immense urge to crush your goals—launching anything during Mars Retrograde means you will fail fully and completely. In years past, I thought I could trick the stars and launched a major project during a Mars Retrograde (which also, interestingly, took place in my career as yours will now). I put everything I had into that project—it was so dear to my heart—that I even put $20,000 on my credit cards to try to finish it. However, the power of the stars overwhelmed me and the project never reached completion and took me years to dig out from beneath it. Do not make the same mistake I did. You will regret it. This, month, also focuses a great deal of your energy on your place in the world. The Full Moon on the 3rd ignites your intimacy sector, bringing to your attention any imbalances in business or romantic relationships. You may require aid at this time—whether it be a loan, venture capital, or scholarship—and this lunation could tip the ball in your favor. Single Cancers will think deeply about what they want and need in a relationship, whereas some committed Cancers could grow closer at this time. However, if your partnership has outlived its time, some may finalize a divorce now. It’s important now to determine where you stand going forward. However, the next major theme for you this month will be your income. With Mercury entering your money zone on the 4th and Venus entering your zodiac sign on the 7th, you will have the Midas touch! The New Moon arrives in this sector on the 18th, so it is likely you will have an opportunity to increase your wealth, whether through a raise, new job, or side hustle. When the Sun moves into your communications sphere beginning the 22nd, you appear to become very busy on a writing, speaking, or contractual project. Work hard now before the obstacles arrive just weeks away. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Birthday season has arrived, Leo, and you are radiant as ever. With Mars, the sexy planet, in a fellow Fire Sign for the coming five months, you will be as magnetic as can be. Turn on your sex appeal and watch as people rush to worship you. If single, this is a splendid five months to lure in some hot prospective lovers. If taken, be sure to use the extra confidence to bring the adventure back into your personal life. Interestingly, with Mars in your sector of expansion for such a long time, this may mean that you are highly focused on one of the following: an academics matter such as returning to school, an immigration or travel related situation, or finally, a media or publishing project. Do your best to launch the project in August or else hold off until late November. The reason I advise this is because Mars will be retrograde from September until mid-November, meaning that everything that begins or launches then is destined for failure. That also includes marriages or newly official relationships. Avoid the headaches and push whatever you can until December. If not, you will deal with significant hurdles in the months to come. Speaking of relationships, the Full Moon on the 3rd turns your attention to an important partnership in business or love. This may bring you closer in union—through moving in, engagement, or even marriage. Single Leos are also especially likely to find someone who has long-term potential. However, if your connection is no longer, this could be when your tower falls and you decide it’s time to part ways. Yet, with Mercury, planet of communication, in your zodiac sign beginning the 4th for weeks to come, it appears you’ll be able to think and speak quite clearly. Next to note is that while the Sun ignites your sign for much of the month, you are focusing tremendously upon your personal hopes and dreams. Make a list of what you want to accomplish in the year ahead and set sail toward those goals now. The New Moon on the 18th is especially favored for you to take action, so do so then. However, when it comes to your career, I see that Uranus, planet of liberation, will turn retrograde in your achievements sector on the 15th. Watch the days that surround this time for hints of how your career will shift in months to come. Since 2018, you’ve realized that your goals and career plans weren’t working out for you exactly as you had hoped for, and were instead debating going into new territory. This is to be encouraged! For instance, I do readings for celebrities and influencers and a few of them who I know are also experiencing this. One, a highly successful actress, has risen to tremendous heights in front of the camera. Yet, since 2018, she has felt the call to pursue new styles of content and move in the direction of writing, directing, and producing. While it isn’t a complete career shift, she is technically moving into a new landscape. Also, my cousin whom I love very much, works in the medical field and has been very successful in recent decades. Yet, her true ambition is to launch a cupcake company—and since 2018, she’s been making major strides to do so and has exponentially seen her hobby turn into a business. Ultimately, I want you to live your greatest life and create the legacy of your dreams—so use the months ahead to decide new ways you can fine-tune your plans. To end the month, though, the Sun will move into your income sector—causing you to focus on your finances and the stability of your life. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



August promises exciting news for you, Virgo, as it is just nearly birthday season! Use this time to brainstorm how you’d like your life to look not only in the coming months but also in the year ahead. When the planets move into your zodiac sign, you are given an opportunity to create a “new beginning,” a cosmic reboot, so to speak. As we enter the month, the Full Moon on the 3rd will direct your attention to your productivity sector. On one hand, this may trigger a job to begin or end or you may debut an important work-related project. If seeking employment, use this time to look for one that fits your skill set. However, this same sector also holds ties to your physical health, and it is likely you will feel quite tired at this time. Do your best to use this power to improve your exercise plan or diet for the months ahead so that you are always growing stronger. Yet, the coming weeks of August will have a strange polarity to them, as the Sun and Mercury will encourage you to find solitude, rest, and heal, while Venus, planet of pleasure, will light up your social sector—calling you to connect with your friends and community. You’ve seen your personal and professional network expand greatly over the past two years, and now could be a time where you have more clarity about who you want to surround yourself with. With Venus smiling upon you from her pedestal in the sky, you can use this time to enjoy more laughter with those closest to you. As Venus rules love, you may have luck dating through your network if single or even turn a friend into a mate! If you’re both curious, what’s there to lose? No matter what you choose to do with your time this month, it will likely bring you enjoyment. The New Moon on the 18th will help you find balance and serenity, so use the days that follow to make a list of how you can prioritize self-love. Another happy piece of news this month is that Mercury, your ruler, enters your zodiac sign on the 20th. Whenever our ruler joins us, we feel renewed and are able to function at our peak. You will be especially articulate, clear-headed, and energized as he races through you for the weeks ahead. Also, when the mighty Sun joins him on the 22nd, brace yourself for an infusion of radiance that hits you both in body and soul. This time of year helps you embrace your most authentic self and create the life of your dreams. Don’t sit back now. Indulge in you. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



August begins with so much focus upon relationships for you, Libra, as love, partnership, and friendship will all be calling your name. First, as passionate Mars roars through your sector of partnerships now and for months to come, you are highly focused on working as a team with someone important. On one hand, this can be professional, such as combining forces with an accountant, collaborator, manager, agent, assistant, or attorney. You can crush goals together now and truly make tremendous amounts of progress. In a personal nature, this may make committed Libras notice that you and your significant other are highly focused on long-term planning. As Mars rules sex, this could also bring hot passion into your relationship in ways you’ve never experienced together. If single, this is a wonderful window in time to find someone who hits your checklist of traits. Don’t sit back—get out there! Yet, if you are in a relationship with someone you are not meant for—conflicts may bubble up. When Mars goes retrograde from September until mid-November, you will suddenly feel as if you and your partner are not on the same page. This will be an exercise in compromise and communication—and likely, they will be the one who currently holds more power than you. This is why I implore you to listen rather than charge into a battle you will not win. Yet, back to August, you have even more sweet planetary magic sprinkling down upon you from the stars. The Full Moon on the 3rd falls within your fertility sector, bringing forth a birth within your heart. Sometimes this foretells news of pregnancy or conception for hopeful parents. For others, this can align them with true love—so if single, plan many dates with potential suitors. Last, if an artist, you can make great progress on creative matters. Also, as the Sun will dance through your fulfillment sector until late in the month, you are likely seeing a more social and festive vibration smile upon you. Depending on your social distancing practices, this could be a good time to connect with friends for a dinner party or at the very least a Zoom catch-up. The New Moon appears here on the 18th, so use the week that follows to bring more laughter and love into your life. Finally, as the Sun moves into your sector of solitude from the 22nd onward, you will feel the urge to rest and recharge for the month to come. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



Charge onward, Scorpio! Mars, your co-ruler and the mighty planet of action, has been heating up your productivity zone since the end of June and will continue to do so until the beginning of 2021. This means that you are likely extremely busy on-the-job or in your work life. Constant projects may come your way—so if you are self-employed or freelance, this is quite a blessing! If you are out of work, you must absolutely use August to send your resume everywhere and to find a way to secure employment. The stars are in favor for you now, but unfortunately from mid-September until mid-November, they will not be. During this time, Mars will go retrograde and you could find that either conflicts meet you in the workplace or else your job becomes stagnant and there’s very little for you to do. Worse yet, it could signal a lay-off or reduction in your hours or services during that time. However, if for some reason this energy isn’t affecting your job quite as much, it may instead be ramping up your focus on your physical health. Exercise, dieting, and gaining strength may be your forefront desire. Yet, again with the retrograde, it is encouraged to watch your health then and to certainly not put yourself at risk of burnout or infection. Later in the year, when Mars wakes up, life will pick up once again and your energy will return. Plan accordingly. Yet, returning to August, there will be so much activity on your calendar. A Full Moon on the 3rd falls within your domestic sector and may trigger a move or relocation. Some Scorpios may renovate their home at this time. As this zone also brings your family to your attention, news regarding one of them may also surprise you. However, the most prominent theme of the month will certainly be your career. This is because the mighty Sun—the ruler of our focus—will sizzle in your sector of advancement. Mercury, planet of the mind, too, will be here from the 4th onward, gifting you with applause and attention. It is quite likely many people will be talking about you this month, so dance in the flames. The New Moon on the 18th may bring news of a promotion, new job offer, or opportunity for public recognition, as well. No matter what, work hard in the week that follows this lunation to set the tone in your career for the year to come. Also, with electric Uranus standing across the sky from you in your sector of partnership since 2018, you are redefining who you are in relationships and the kind of partner you wish to be. Uranus will station retrograde on the 15th, so pay attention to news regarding your important business or romantic relationships at this time. A partner may suddenly change their mind about something important—or you may, instead. You’ll review this decision in the months ahead. Finally, when the Sun enters your social sector on the 22nd for weeks to come, prepare to hear from many friends. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Out of all the zodiac signs, you, Sagittarius, get to experience the most passion and fun in the second half of 2020. This is because Mars, great battery of energy, tours your sector of fertility, romance, and pleasure. You may have already fallen in love and are feeling more adventurous and excited in your relationship than you have in quite some time—or if single, you are actively on the hunt to find the hottest catch possible! Hot sex typically occurs when Mars hits this zone, so embrace and live your best life! Considering the global pandemic we are in, though, please take precautions into mind. I am always a major advocate for sexual health and being safe—and now is certainly no exception. Another way this fiery energy may manifest for you is through a creative streak—as if you are now inspired and able to create your most brilliant work in your lifetime. Don’t settle. Try to embrace the Muse! Make something legendary. Last, though, if you are looking to conceive, you may have great luck this month and then at the end of the year. The most important thing to note here is that Mars will go retrograde—stripping you of its energy from mid-September until mid-November. This means that all that fire, sex, and passion may suddenly dissipate, leaving you spinning and confused. We will all deal with Mars Retrograde, so just know it is coming. Also: do not officially start a relationship, get engaged, or get married during that time—as your partnership will ultimately fail (as well as your sex life, so do yourself a favor and listen to my advice). Conflicts may also appear due to one of these areas, so keep your antennae up. Back to August, you appear to be quite focused on expanding into new territory. The Full Moon on the 3rd lights up your communications sector, and will likely encourage you to speak your mind. You may also work on a writing or speaking project or else be immersed in a contract negotiation. Also, with the Sun heating up your sector of expansion, many Sagittarius may be very focused on pushing into new territory and leaving their common ground. When not in a global pandemic, this would often be the time when you’d jet off to an exotic location, but due to restrictions, that may not be quite as likely. However, instead, you may focus on turning within to find new depths and heights. Some Sagittarius will become enchanted with an academics goal and decide to embark upon it in the days that follow the New Moon on the 18th. Others may, instead, focus on a media or publishing related matter. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book: now could be the time when you get the opportunity! Finally, as the Sun and Mercury parade into your achievements sector in the final week of the month, you’ll be set to rise to new professional heights in the coming future. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



August has arrived, and with it, a new wave of planetary energy. However, one theme that began at the end of June is going to remain with you until the end of the year quite prominently. Mars, planet of energy, has been heating up your sector of domesticity. This zone typically forces one to readdress their living situation and either move or fix it up, depending on how stable and happy they feel there. Sometimes this can show big renovations or workers coming-and-going or else just a lot of activity at home. Another way this may manifest is through a great focus on a parent or family member now and for months to come. Hints of where your life is headed will come here in August, so if something peculiar pops up, pay attention. Also, you’ll feel more aggressive in general during this time and evaluating if you are truly being fulfilled in life and on stable, secure ground. Some Capricorns will go through these months ahead and realize they aren’t getting what they truly need and decide to part ways with what is no longer serving them. This can show that you’re reflecting on the past, especially what you learned from your family roots. However, be aware that Mars will go retrograde in September until mid-November, causing problems or conflicts in these areas of your life. However, returning to August, we have other significant energy. The Full Moon on the 3rd brings important news regarding a financial matter and could see the arrival of a large check, a raise, or even a new job. Some Capricorns may have the financial breakthrough to finally pay off a debt that has been haunting them, as well. Yet, with the Sun igniting your intimacy sector most of the month—and Mercury joining on the 4th for weeks ahead—you are absolutely debating the give-and-take in your important business and personal relationships. It is quite likely discussions will come up now about your plans together and if you’re on the same page. On one hand, this may reveal some of your relationship traumas and fears. If this occurs, brace yourself and work through them either personally or together. However, this may actually reveal that some Capricorns are ready to leave their significant partner and could dissolve a partnership at this time. It is likely to become even more apparent once the New Moon on the 18th arrives to clear the air. Yet, Venus, spinning her blessings down upon you from her perch within the sky, is gracing your relationships with pleasure, sensuality, and beauty from the 7th onward—so I do believe that no matter what you choose to do, you will be happy and be able to align with the best person for you. Single Capricorns can find long-term potential suitors, while committed ones can find tremendous happiness and harmony with the one they are with. This is truly one of the best gifts the Universe can bring to you. Another important aspect to note this month is that Uranus, planet of liberation, has been in your creative and romantic sphere since 2018. On the 15th, he will go retrograde, causing you to review how passionate you feel in your romantic life. Single Capricorns could find someone special—especially if they’re going after someone who isn’t their “typical type”—or even reconnect with someone from the past who didn’t quite fit before but now might be just right. This will also be the case if this person is especially eccentric, brilliant, or highly creative. Use the months ahead to sort out if your flame can reignite. Also, you could find that you are being called to restart past creative projects that may need to be fine-tuned. Last to note in August, though, is that when the Sun and Mercury move on into your expansion zone at the end of the month, you will be highly focused on shaking it up and stepping out of your comfort zone. You’ve been feeling a bit boxed and caged—now is time to try something new! Prepare for the month ahead to bring you more spontaneity. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



One of the most important months of the year is here for you, Aquarius, as it dawns with a powerful Full Moon with your name on it. Full Moons in our zodiac sign mark major moments in our year—and often lifetimes—as they are turning points on our path. This lunation, which takes place on the 3rd, will put your desires and personal goals front-and-center for the week that surrounds it. Use this vivacious energy to step into your power and stand up for what you want. Show the world who you are. This is not a time to give your power away or bow to others. No. This is a time to demand your worth. However, the mighty Sun will draw your attention to your significant partnerships in business or love throughout most of this month, as well. Because there is so much attention being focused upon you and your ego—and also so much planetary action highlighting your relationships this month, this could be a time when you part ways with someone you are not on the same page with. With Mercury, the mind, in your relationship sector, you’re especially favored to find compromises or negotiate anything at this time. Committed Aquarians will be more heavily impacted by the energy of this month than single ones. However, if single and ready to mingle, know what you want in a mirror image and go forth to find him or her. With Venus, planet of pleasure, bringing grace to your job, some Aquarians may actually spark a crush with someone at work. However, the New Moon on the 18th will help you make the right choice in a relationship—to stay, to leave, to make plans, or even make it forever. The Sun and Mercury, too, will move on into your sector of intimacy later in the month, so watch as you are able to grow closer or vocalize your needs more articulately in the weeks ahead. Last to note this month, though, is that Uranus, planet of change and liberation, has been moving through your sector of domesticity since 2018. Many Aquarians will move many times between 2018 and 2026—or else see radical shifts in their family lives. Uranus will station retrograde on the 15th of this month, so watch for important shifts that take place near then. You will be trying out something new for the next several months in regards to this, so pay heed to the messages. The Universe wants to see you on the most stable ground possible, but apparently it needs to give you many different options so you finally realize where you belong. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.



August will be a very busy month for you, Pisces, as you juggle many different things. First and foremost, with mighty Mars in your income sector, it appears your expenses have increased significantly since the end of June. This heightened cash flow will continue until the beginning of 2021—so do everything you can to budget and know where your money is going. However, this energy can also bring you a great deal of luck to add more capital to your bank account—so seek new ways of monetizing your life or adding in a side-hustle. Beware of September until mid-November, though, when Mars is retrograde, because you could find that money troubles manifest at this time or else more bills than you’d ever expected appear. Returning to August, we have a Full Moon on the 3rd, which will highlight your need to lie low, rest, and recharge. On one hand, you could enjoy this quite much as you get to nap or focus on meditation. However, this may also be a time when a secret—something you had not known—appears and leaves you aghast. If someone has hidden something from you—or you cloaked it from them—expect this Full Moon to bring it to light. If there is nothing that needs to be revealed, though, you’ll coast through this Full Moon quite sweetly. The other major theme of your month will be productivity and hard work. The Sun and Mercury will glide through here throughout most of the month, meaning that you are likely very busy in your day-to-day life and with your employment. Keep hustling now because greater career horizons await you—especially toward the end of the year. The New Moon on the 18th could open a door to you for taking on more work or getting a new job. This same sector also holds ties to your physical health, so if you are in need of gaining strength, find ways to improve your exercise and diet regimen. Yet, as much as there will be a focus on the “routine,” fun is also promised for you. Venus, our goddess planet of pleasure, spins a love spell in your recreation and passion sector. Single Pisces can use the weeks following the 7th to connect with new options, while committed Pisces can bring the sensuality back into their connection. Later in the month, when the Sun and Mercury spin on into your partnership zone, you will notice that your significant other has your full attention. Single Pisces can move their casual flings toward commitment—but if you wish to, be sure to do so prior to Mars Retrograde on September 9th. Mars rules sex, and when he is weakened, it means that any relationship that begins during that time is destined to fail and lose chemistry. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas