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2023 will begin a whole new era when it comes to relationships on a global level. It doesn’t matter your zodiac sign—all people will notice the intense shifts beginning to take place in this mighty and profound year. Read ahead for a general forecast about 2023’s energy in regards to sex, love, soulmates, or even reuniting with an ex!

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the year, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

First and foremost, we will experience the glorious dance of Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, through the zodiac sign of Aries—the fiery titan symbolized by the ram. This will last for the first five months of the year, bringing a more courageous, indulgent and feisty energy to our egos as we hunger for passion, sex and conquest in our personal lives and relationships. No matter if single or attached, we will take a “me-first” attitude in the pursuit of what sets our souls on fire. Later, once Jupiter dances into the fields of Taurus beginning in May, we will feel more sensual, indulgent and hedonistic when it comes to connecting with others. This can increase our hunger for pleasure and intimacy. This is a perfect time to build our relationships for the long haul.

Another important area to note is that we will be finishing up eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio in 2023, as well, with a powerful lunar eclipse in Scorpio roaring in May. This amplifies sexual desire and a hunger for union on the deepest of levels—body, mind, heart and soul. We instead begin eclipses on the Aries and Libra axis next, which will certainly bring into focus “me” versus “we” energy. The yin and yang of independence and partnership will be brought to the forefront of our lives as we seek to dance with a twin flame. These eclipses will bring karmic partners into many people’s lives, someone who is destined to stand by your side. However, if we are not in truly equal and beautiful relationships, we may instead be freed from them and redirected on a new path altogether. 

While 2023 begins with the tail end of a Mars retrograde, where we may have faced karmic lessons around passion, sex or conflict, the summer of 2023 also brings a Venus retrograde cycle. This cycle will take place in Leo, the zodiac sign of dating and romance. This ensures that many people throughout the summer and into autumn will reconnect with “the one who got away” or at the very least cross paths with exes and karmic partners from the past. This promises that if you’ve held a flame for someone and you wish to reunite once again, the stars could truly be in your favor.

The last thing I wish to mention is that Pluto, the planet of intensity and transformation, will venture into Aquarius, the zodiac sign of friendships, communities and online dating, from March until June 2023. This ensures that we will get a taste of what’s to come for the approaching twenty years. Connections with friends and in our social circles will experience radical evolution—for better or worse. We may leave behind people who are no longer serving our higher good or be drawn to friendships that have the power to change us on the most profound and primal levels. Again, this will bring a learning curve within each of our lives and on a global level.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the year will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


2023 promises exhilarating new horizons for your personal life, Aries. With Jupiter, the planet of miracles and luck, dancing through your zodiac sign for the first months of the year, you’re going to feel like you’re on top of the world. This often ushers forth a whole new era of life, especially in regards to what makes you happiest. Couples could get engaged or be wed, while singles have a high likelihood of finding a soulmate connection whom fills them with euphoric happiness. Next to note is that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is going to venture into your sector of friendships and communities in the spring, providing a taste of what’s to come for the next twenty years. Regardless if single or attached, you may now find that you are connecting with powerful and intense people moreso than ever before. These people could radically change your life forever. Another key theme in 2023 is that you are set to begin wild eclipses in your zodiac sign and sector of marriage and commitment, too. You’ll be feeling the need to cast off the chains of who you once were and step toward the most fulfilling relationships ever. On one hand, you could make long-term promises, get engaged or even be wed, but if you’re not on the same playing field, you may soon feel like you’re in bed with the enemy and burn the rapport to the ground. Shocking developments are sure to leave everyone’s jaws on the floor. Last to note is that the summer will bring a Venus retrograde cycle, causing you to see through rose-colored glasses about matters of the heart. You may soon cross paths with an ex, especially if this person was a twin flame or the one who got away. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


2023 will feel like you’ve finally found your magic and you’re walking on air, Taurus. In recent years, you’ve been focusing on building yourself up to get where you wish to be—but have often had to sacrifice your relationships because of this. You’ve likely been feeling the urge to tear off the chains of who you once were as you pursue more passion, adventure and freedom than ever before. 2023 could finally be the year that you do just that. While the first half of the year could be a little slower, you may instead be deeply reflective on your past and relationships. If you wish to reunite with someone for another chance or closure—do so then, but only if you’re truly healed or seeking to do so. However, come birthday season, you’ll feel an electrical current making you giddy to begin a whole new era. 2023 brings a powerful eclipse in your marriage sector, which could bring a turning point or decision to make long-term promises, such as moving in, getting engaged or being wed. Singles could meet a fated, destined partner. Shocking developments are sure to leave everyone’s jaws on the floor. However, if you’re feeling bogged down, you could instead decide to pave your own way altogether. Saturn, the planet of karma, will make his way into your friendship and social sector this year, too, which sets up a three year trend where you’ll likely weed out any friends who are not fulfilling you. However, you’re also likely to make lifelong ones, instead. Next to note is that you will experience the dawning of a whole new era of your life as Jupiter, the planet of miracles, dances into your zodiac sign in the second half of the year. You are luckier than ever and could find yourself filled with euphoria. Singles may meet a soulmate or fall in love, while couples could get engaged, become pregnant or begin a beautiful new chapter hand in hand. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


As you march into 2023, you’re ready to be like a stallion set free, Gemini. You will finally feel after months of frustration that you’re uncaged and set to conquer your sex life and relationships. Luckily, the year to come will bring exciting progress whether single or attached. Jupiter, the planet of miracles, will kiss you from afar as he brings expansion and blessings to your social life and friendships for nearly the first half of the year. Chance meetings and luck is on your side for singles seeking to meet someone new or instead take the chance with someone in their acquaintance circle. Yet, the most exciting news of all is that you will begin fated eclipses in your sector of friends and true love this year, too, bringing a roaring fire to your heart. Soulmate connections could be crossing your path if single, or if attached, you may feel like you’ve found the magic fairy tale you’ve always prayed exists. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


2023 will bring intensity to your sex and love life, Cancer. There’s no way around it. This is because you will be experiencing Pluto staring across the sky from you in your sectors of marriage and commitment, as well as intimacy. Relationships are going to be more intense and transformative than ever before—especially in the spring. This year also has a big focus on the growth of your social circle, which will dazzle and shimmer like a clear, starry night. Joy and laughter in your personal life is guaranteed, and singles have a higher likelihood of meeting someone who sweeps them off their feet, especially through their friendships. Yet, “beware the ex,” because there are multiple times scattered throughout the entire year that could have someone from the past on your mind or lurking in your messages. Last to mention is that you’ll also be experiencing karmic shifts due to the eclipses in 2023 that could have you falling rapturously in love—or realizing the passion has faded and it’s time to let go to see what else the universe has to offer. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


You have felt like you’ve been in the line of fire learning intense karmic lessons about partnership for years now, Leo, and the next chapter awaits you. While you’ll notice that a lot of dark energy finally passes by springtime, you’ll notice that you’re craving intense relationships that are all-or-nothing. You can’t sacrifice everything again if you’ve left someone or been in a stagnant partnership, but you could feel the fire ignite once again if you’re willing to put in the work. For singles, you are beginning a tremendously long period where you may meet fatal attractions or karmic twin flames that feel transformative or hypnotic—perhaps even a little bit dark, mysterious or dangerous. Whether single or attached, you will recognize that you are learning life lessons continuously about partnership—and through your partners. This could have you facing off with someone as if they’re a true love—or an enemy. If this is the case, ultimatums may be a new love language for you. Regardless, 2023 will bring you further lessons around intimacy and trust, so if you’re still healing from trauma, take the time to truly process it. The summer—yes, birthday season—will bring a Venus retrograde phase in your zodiac sign that could bring exes, old flames and past life connections back for you to face—for one more chance or to find closure once and for all. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Prepare for one of the most important periods in your lifetime about partnership to begin in 2023, Virgo. While the past few years could have certainly connected you with a twin flame or saw you united, engaged, making long-term promises or even married with someone you adore, 2023 could start to put those happy connections to the test. Mighty Saturn, the planet of life lessons, will turn a corner to stand across the sky from you beginning in the spring to bring intensity to your one-on-one relationships for three years. Weak relationships are unlikely to make it through the storm, but know that if you do so, this is a connection that could last forever. Jupiter, the planet of luck, will bring a heightened focus to intimacy in the first half of the year, but the second half of 2023 could instead invigorate you to soar off and travel, instead. If single at that point in time, consider dating outside of your normal type. Someone exotic, sexy and magical could catch your eye and be exactly what you need. The summer and end of the year could bring an ex or “missed connection” back for you to cross paths with. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Twin flames and soulmates exist, Libra, and 2023 could bring this revelation to you moreso than ever before. With so much cosmic energy highlighting your relationships and intimacy throughout the entirety of the year, you could feel that you’re growing closer with someone on every level. As Jupiter, the planet of luck and miracles, dances across the sky from you for the first half of the year, existing partnerships should grow more joyous and blessed, making you feel closer than ever. Singles have a high likelihood of finding someone who has LTR-potential—someone who could even be a destined soulmate. 2023 will also bring exhilarating shifts of fate for you as powerful eclipses erupt within your zodiac sign and in your marriage sector, bringing make-or-break moments, but plenty of opportunities to commit, move in, make forever promises or go your separate ways. Expect the second half of the year to bring even more opportunities for sex, sensuality and passion. If you’re looking to get back together with an ex or acquaintance you’ve always had your eyes on, the summer could make that come true. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


You’re no stranger to intense relationships that are “all or nothing” or miniature acts of war, Scorpio. While you crave passion like a drug, 2023 could instead have you singing hymns of love more loudly than ever before. While the beginning of the year brings karmic lessons around sex, trust and intimacy, the summer could turn your lust and desire into a forever commitment, proposal or marriage. Jupiter, the planet of miracles and blessings, will turn a corner to dance across the sky from you beginning in May to highlight your relationships for two years! Existing relationships will experience more laughter and harmony—that is, if they’re moving in a healthy direction—whereas those that are not in total alignment may decide it’s time to face the music and set one another free. Singles have a high likelihood of finding someone with LTR-potential—someone who could even be a forever soulmate that will always stand by their side. However, with powerful eclipses in your zodiac sign and in your sector of marriage roaring like thunder this year, too, you could face make-or-break moments, or instead make a sudden, shocking decision to ask this special soul to be your only one for now, for all time, forever. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


2023 could make you feel like a child again who believes in magic, Sagittarius. You briefly tasted the nectar of the gods throughout the summer and autumn of 2022, but the gods are saying you deserve more, more, more. Jupiter, your planetary ruler and the giver of miracles, luck and blessings, will once again become ignited in your sector of passion, pleasure, romance, true love and fertility. He will spin like a glorious beacon in the sky bringing golden rays of light down upon you. This energy will last until the summer and is one of the most important periods for singles to line up dates, knock ‘em down and put themselves out there to find their perfect piece to complete them heart, body and soul. While this certainly guarantees opportunities for tremendously orgasmic sexcapades and plenty of hook-ups, singles will likely find someone who has captivated them and caused them to feel that giddy hope in romance once again. Couples can use this energy to invigorate a shot of adrenaline into their hearts—and bed sheets, as well. If looking to conceive or adopt, the stars shimmer.  While the start to the year could bring some hiccups around partnership, especially make-or-break moments, you may finally be deciding to commit for the long haul or instead to pack your bags for your next great love adventure with your eyes on the next hot air balloon outta there to visit Oz! Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


2023 is the year you’ve been waiting for, Capricorn. With so much cosmic magic raining down on you, it is up to you decide where—and how—you’d like to proceed in the realms of love, sex and desire. Jupiter, the planet of miracles and luck, will sizzle into your sector of passion, true love, dating and fertility for the first time in nearly twelve years starting in May for over a year. This is one of the most important periods for singles to find someone who completes them like the perfect piece of a puzzle—someone who invigorates you with joy on such a deep level, you never knew you could love this truly. Singles should use the first months of the year to get sexy and fierce, ready to line up prospective suitors as you audition for your next partner in conquest and crime. Then, as the curtain parts in May, you could soon find yourself on a whirlwind adventure of passion, art and pleasure unlike you’ve ever even imagined. Powerful eclipses bringing fated decisions—and potential soulmate connections—also take place this year, ready to rock your world. Couples may decide it’s time to declare their love on newfound levels, while singles could cross paths with a twin flame that transforms their lives forever. However, 2023 brings a lot of potential to reconnect—or gain closure—with an ex, once and for all. The summer and end of the year whisper with memories of the past and you could be spinning into them even if you thought that chapter was locked, sealed and buried in the depths of your heart. Maybe it could’ve been, would’ve been…and now it’s time. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The universe is focused on having you step into a whole new version of yourself, Aquarius. While you’ve likely been shouldering more responsibility and exhibiting a little darker version of your personality since 2020, 2023 is going to lighten that load as early as the spring. However, just as Saturn soars out of your zodiac sign not to return for nearly three decades, Pluto, the planet of transformation and domination, is waiting in the wings to give you a whole new injection of cosmic intensity. While this only lasts in the springtime, you’re being given a chance to taste the nectar of rebirth just like a phoenix that you’ll be experiencing throughout the next twenty years. When it comes to your relationships, you’re being given the rare firepower to burn down cycles, relationships, traumas and patterns that are no longer serving your higher good and evolve to your full potential. However, you must first face your darkness and fears before you can ascend and do so. The next thing to note in the year to come is the fact that exes, old flames and people from your past are likely to be a major factor in your 2023, as the entire summer is cast under the rose-colored glasses of a Venus retrograde in your marriage sector. The beginning and end of the year will also bring Mercury retrogrades highlighting your past, past lives and karma. If you’ve always held a flame for someone who got away—or at the very least want to renegotiate where you stand with your one-and-only, the stars are aligned. Just don’t go back if it’s like holding a burning hot coal in your hand. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


A whole new era of your life is beginning, Pisces, and it may feel a bit like you can see storm clouds gathering in the distance and you’re bracing for the storm. This is because Saturn, the planet of karma, life lessons and challenges, will be entering your zodiac sign in the springtime for three years, teaching you about your innate strength, perseverance and independence. During this time—especially in 2023—you could be feeling the need to set down newfound roots for the coming three decades to come. On one hand, this could encourage you to finally settle down and look for a mature partner who will stand at your side if you’ve been floundering and just enjoying the single life. If committed, you may now decide it’s time to settle down by buying real estate, taking the plunge and tying the knot or even having a child. While this year isn’t all fun and games, there are plenty of opportunities for hot sex, fun, dating and passion particularly in the springtime and again in the midst of summer. Travel could fan the flames of romance, regardless if single or attached. Just beware that the beginning and end of 2023 could both bring daydreams about or messages from old flames or exes. If you’d like to give it a whirl, just take it slowly so you don’t end up underneath them and regretting it in the morning once again. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas