Mercury Retrograde 2019 Astrology Horoscope.jpg

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Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has certainly brought astrology more into the public eye. Pop culture obsesses over the fact that very real and tangible obstacles seem to pop up whenever our beloved planet of communication stops and turns backwards in the sky. All astrology has important effects on our lives, whether that be with opportunities or challenges. The manifestation of the planets in our lives can be in physical ways or internal transformations. Either way, we are being pushed toward our highest evolution and sometimes that occurs through events or awakenings that shift our direction. Life is a journey. It is not about the destination. It is about the winding turns that bring us growth and adventure.

Mercury Retrograde is not a simple cut-and-dry phenomenon. It actually manifests in several different steps. Each part of that journey is important to watch because you can better understand what will happen and how you can use it to your benefit. No retrograde is strictly “bad.” Negative effects as explained by pop culture – like missed emails, computers going on the fritz, or wonky contracts – are vital to our progress. They can be making us slow down as the world begins to shift around us. Like grains of sand in a tide pool, the Universe is always spinning and we are meant to move with the current rather than fight against the waves.

Another point to notice with Mercury Retrograde is that all retrogrades are karmic in nature. There is often a feeling of “déjà vu” associated with them – particularly because that planet will move over the exact same degree three times during the period. You are literally revisiting an important lesson, situation, or relationship to gather in new information to improve your life going forward. As mentioned before, sometimes this means something will ultimately end up failing or not working out. This isn’t because it was “bad.” It was meant to teach you something so you can look back later and realize you’re further along now because that happened.


The final Mercury Retrograde cycle of 2019 will take place entirely in the constellation of Scorpio.  

Mercury will enter its pre-shadow phase from October 11th, 2019 until it stations retrograde on October 31st, 2019. This is when friction starts to appear in our lives and we receive hints of what may ultimately need to change.  

Then, from October 31st until November 20th, our chatty planet will dance backwards in the sky. This official retrograde period is when the cracks that were appearing earlier now become fissures in our lives. They start to rumble like an earthquake, and we must watch as new information shocks us or redirects us. When it stops once again in the sky on November 20th, the storm may feel most intense.  

It will take some time for Mercury to once again catch normal speed, but as the days continue, they will ease with frustrations. This is the post-shadow phase. During this time, all of the new cracks have revealed more space and room to grow. With this new assessment of the land around you, you can create a better path forward.  

Finally, as it dances over the same place in the sky it had stopped on October 31st, 2019, we will be free from the retrograde cycle and ready to assimilate all of the information fully into our lives. This date is December 7th, 2019. Watch these days closely and listen to what the Universe is teaching to you.



Mercury is spinning backwards in the intense, passionate, and emotional zodiac sign of Scorpio, meaning that we are all taking a deep dive into our desires. These may be conscious or unconscious at this time because Scorpio’s energy is fathomless and taps into the wells of obsession. Our darker nature may emerge at this time and our shadow self could be rearing its hunger for us to confront. What are you running from, hiding from, or fearful to face? No matter who you are, by being aware of your shadow self, you can better integrate your awareness with your consciousness. As night cannot exist without day, darkness cannot exist without light. Our darker selves deserve to be embraced, cherished, and understood, rather than hidden away. This awareness can lead us to happier lives. This retrograde will be highly intuitive for us and we are finishing the third and last Mercury Retrograde of 2019. Most of these retrogrades took place in Water Signs, forcing us to be honest with our emotions and allow them to balance with our minds. Sometimes our intellect and practicality need to be reminded that our intuitive and empathic powers give us messages just as important as our logic. This is one of those times.



Mercury will have several very important moments when it connects with certain planets in the sky. The key theme to think about with this retrograde cycle is that it is important for us to be emotionally naked. Each point that Mercury hits these planets you will be noticing the development of a key situation or theme. It will begin near the first day, add more information around the second date, and then complete the cycle near the final date marked. 

Mercury will have a lovely dance with Saturn, gifting you with a serious nature and ability to have clear thinking. You will be focused on the past in general and could have significant realizations about how you can take those seeds to a whole new level now. Important dates to watch for this are October 14th, November 13th, and November 30th. 

Mercury also aligns quite well with Neptune during this period. You will have creativity and imagination, as well as the ability to communicate from an empathic and sensitive place. Key dates to watch for this are October 15th, November 13th, and November 28th. 

Mercury smiles upon Pluto over this period, too. During this time, your intellect will combine with strong intuition and allow you to bring power to your thinking and conversations. You may uncover some very important news by penetrating to the heart of a matter. These key dates are October 20th, November 9th, and last December 3rd. 

The final date to note during this cycle is when the Sun and Mercury meet on November 11th. This period is called the “Cazimi” by astrologers and signals that we are halfway through the Mercury Retrograde cycle. The power of the Sun will illuminate and ignite the energy of Mercury. A door of magnificent power opens up to you in the eye of this hurricane. You will be able to achieve tremendous results when you outreach regarding a plan or idea important to you. Send a romantic message or pitch a plan. Meetings would also go well. The closer you do it to 7 AM (Pacific) on November 11th, 2019, the more impact you have. 

May the stars ever be in your favor.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here. Article Originally Written By Kyle Thomas for

Kyle Thomas is a globally published pop culture astrologer who has been interviewed by Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. His work harnesses the power of the stars and he is known for his cosmic guidance regarding celebrities, entertainment lifestyle, as well as trends affecting people all over the entire world. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, life coach, writer, and producer. Currently, he is the resident astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.7 million followers), Wit & Delight, DEN Meditation, & Exhibit A, developing episodic content for television and digital platforms, as well as writing lyrics for established pop music producers. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram: @MrKyleThomas ( or Facebook ( More info:

Kyle Thomas