How Mercury Retrograde Winter 2020 Will Affect Your Love Life,  Based On Your Zodiac Sign.jpg

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Mercury, planet of the mind and communication (hint hint: texting, memes, and insta-stalking), will be in the zodiac sign of Pisces for an extended stay this year. It will be swimming in these deep seas from February 3rd until April 11th. However, we will experience Mercury backstroking from February 16th until March 9th, 2020 (with a brief period in the zodiac sign of Aquarius from March 4th until March 16th). Mercury, a logical planet, finds it difficult to be in the very emotional zodiac sign of Pisces and causes us to feel clouded and confused. This can be a very sensitive time for us where we must balance our intuition and connect our minds with our hearts. Often times our psychic natures are also unleashed at these times, too. Pay heed to the messages the Universe is sending to you. In March 2019, you experienced Mercury Retrograde in Pisces so think back to what was happening to you then and you will likely see echoes again now.



Secrets or gossip could suddenly be popping up for about your love life. You may also be feeling more private with your romance and confiding in people about some of your most personal thoughts and fears regarding relationships. Some of you will be tempted to cheat at this time or will face exes they must find closure with. The past could be coming back to appear once again.



Expect to see your social life shifting at this point in time! You’ll love this festive moment quite a bit and are likely to see past friends returning. This could be a time when you meet a crush through friends you’d previously connected with but had fallen out of touch with or realize an acquaintance has romantic potential.


GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) 

People are likely to be praising you at this point in time so expect lots of excited and congratulatory messages from friends and your network. You also could start dating someone who has success or popularity, as well, perhaps someone you previously had known. However, this could manifest in another way: one where your work life is demanding so much of your attention that your lover finds themselves missing you.



Now is a time when you could notice you are drawn to connecting with people who are overseas or lovers from a different background or spirituality than you – especially if you had met previously. The past is favored now, and if you travel to a place you’ve previously been with a lover now you could enjoy it quite a bit.



Expect to be discussing your intimate and sexual needs at this time: possibly even some taboos! You may also be voicing your fears about relationships or needing advice about how to improve your relationships. You could be once again asking to discuss the balance in your partnership and seeing if you can find a better equilibrium.



With commitments and partnerships on your mind, you’re likely to be talking in depth with your current boo! This is a great time to lure someone in who has romantic long-term potential if single or get back together with the one who got away. If you and your significant other aren’t on the same page, this is because something is out of line in your communication. Use better communication now.



You’re highly busy at this time and you could find that your work life is pulling you away from your romantic life now! This could cause friction with your lover. Keep them up-to-date with the headaches happening on the job so they feel included in your life.



Love and romance are blazing on your mind at this time! Expect to be gushing about your newest crush or the scintillating details about your love life. If things suddenly seem to be amiss in your relationships, it’s because the Mercury Retrograde is causing miscommunication somewhere down the line. Don’t rush into anything at this time. Exes or old flames could reappear. If you want to get back together with someone who you previously had known, now is a good time.



Your home and family require a great deal of thought and time now and you are certainly re-evaluating things here. Some Sagittarius could be discussing moving in or having some hiccups with that process. Your romantic life will take a backseat at this time while you attend to these other areas.



Nobody is going to be more chatty than you at this time, so get ready to be lighting up everyone’s texts and messages. You have some extremely important messages you want to tell people, but first you want to make sure you express yourself perfectly. This could be about reaching out to a lover or explaining something to your current boo. However, with this being a retrograde period, it’s very likely that you’re thinking about someone from the past or someone you meant to say something to before – but didn’t. Your chance to do so is now.



Money is on your mind at this time, and this will be more important than romance now. You’re managing your finances and planning ahead so that you can afford investments in your relationships. After all, without money, you can’t live the good life with your boo. Budget ahead. This could also be a time when you’re focusing more on “splitting the bill” with your lover.



It’s birthday season so you’re certainly seeing lots of attention point in your direction for most of this time! Everyone wants to talk with you lately and you don’t mind the spotlight. You’re also definitely in the mood to catch up with people, and except lovers or people from the past to return during the retrograde. You could find yourself more reflective or realize you feel uncomfortable with something a romantic interest previously had said.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas