Are Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton astrologically compatible? Let’s find out.
Blake Shelton is a Gemini Sun with Pisces Moon. Gwen Stefani is a Libra Sun with Cancer Moon.
Gavin Rossdale is a Scorpio Sun with Capricorn Moon — his and Gwen’s Moon signs were opposite so you can see a real emotional completion between the two. However, their Sun Signs are very different and can easily show there was friction. When Gwen wanted to play, Gavin wanted to take his time and do what *he* wants to do.
Miranda Lamber also has a Scorpio Sun with Capricorn Moon — but with Blake, he experienced a similar kind of affect. She wanted to domineer the relationship and he would feel frustrated and tied down. Sure, the sex was likely very hot, but that doesn’t make a relationship.
Looking ahead, Blake and Gwen do have a lot of good vibes ahead. Astrologically, Blake is blessed in marriage, commitment, partnership until December 2019 so he will see more happiness come from her. For Gwen, we’re seeing big eclipses in her career and home life now, showing that there will be a lot of attention here. When eclipses hit the home sector, people move, move in together, all of these kinds of things. Also, Jupiter goes into her home sector in December 2019 for a year, so things will be even more peaceful behind-the-scenes then.
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.