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Chris Rock’s birth chart shows that he thrives on being aggressive

Chris Rock was born on February 7, 1965. This makes him an eccentric Aquarius Sun with a fiery Aries Moon. To make him even feistier, his birth time listed online reveals that he is an Aries Ascendant—and with his Moon in his first house of identity, this brings him an impatient, impulsive and dominating attitude. His energy is spontaneous and he can be quick tempered, competitive and unafraid to be dramatic. To add further expansion around this energy, his Sun is linked to Jupiter, amplifying his larger than life vibe. His Sun is also clashing with Neptune, which means he can at times be a bit illusive and deceptive—even to the point of self-deceptive. To add further peculiar energy to his chart, his Uranus and Pluto are in the exact same place—which on one hand makes him unconventional and very passionate, but also provokes him to be controversial for the sake of power.

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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.