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Chris Hemsworth’s birth chart shows he’s a man of raw power 

Chris Hemsworth was born on August 11, 1983. This makes him an expressive Leo Sun with a quirky Virgo Moon. His birth time hasn’t been listed online nor confirmed by me directly (get at me!), so we will instead focus on the key factors that we do know are fact. When it comes to elemental energy, Hemsworth is heavily composed of Fire and Earth. This brings him tremendous levels of passion, energy and strength. In a sense, he possesses the concentration, attention to detail and the perfectionism that can then be fueled by the great fire within his heart, mind, body and soul.

When it comes to main themes that pop up throughout his birth chart, I’m going to be upfront. Hemsworth is a freaking titan. Like damn, he was built to dominate and command. He has an extremely aggressive and powerful personality, but this energy actually runs through him on every level. I’ve never seen a birth chart quite like this, especially because it’s almost as if he was born to embody the archetype of the warrior. And also being upfront, I would never want to make this guy mad at me. Let’s break down why.

First off, his Mars, the planet of drive and strength, is in a sharp war with both Saturn, the planet of ambition, and Pluto, the planet of domination. This grants him the tremendous ability to concentrate and focus, but also leads him to overcompensate dramatically in an effort to assert himself. This often reveals someone who has exaggerated maleness, which let’s be upfront, also gives him hella big dick energy. He has enormous levels of perseverance and endurance, physically and mentally, showing that when he dedicates himself to a goal, he is unyielding. In fact, his Mars makes the most alignments than any other planet in his chart. His Saturn is united with Pluto, which is an extremely rare alignment, and leads him to have innate personal magnetism and charisma and the making of a great leader—he was quite literally born to stand as an authority. His Mars also links with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, showing that he also has a deeply optimistic nature and craves freedom, athletics and adventure—and this further amplifies his internal levels of physical strength and stamina, too. Fortune smiles upon him when he seizes the day, and clearly Hemsworth seizes the day.

When it comes to his charm and creative abilities, the way his chart reveals them is actually quite unique. In fact, his particular talents are less about being brilliantly artistic and expressive and more about being entirely original and eccentric, which is part of what brings him his humor and appeal. His Mars links to Uranus, the planet of genius, which makes him restless and always ready for spontaneity and action. He’s also inherently a free spirit, built with true courage underneath it all. Last, his Mercury, the planet of the mind, kisses Venus, the planet of attraction, further granting him an eternally youthful and cheerful demeanor, which allows him to be successful in the arts, but also to present himself as regal and refined.

Not to be weird, but like, literally Hemsworth was born to play characters like Thor. So wild.


What are predictions for Chris Hemsworth?

So what lies next for the megastar? Well, let’s get a bit technical. Because of his unique chart, he’s having some particularly interesting transformations taking place. First off, Pluto, the planet of rebirth but also death, is clashing with his natal Pluto in his chart. He is experiencing a great point in self-renewal and self-regeneration, which admittedly has been taking place for several years already but is actually getting stronger. Some changes will be a bit difficult for him to bear, especially internally, but he is going to emerge stronger and better in the end. A lot of his unconscious is being uncovered, as well as karmic energy and debts from this life and ones past. I actually sense he is going to be feeling this sense of “letting go,” and the more he surrenders to that and moves fluidly with the universe, he will actually grow more enlightened and be happier by the experiences. Transiting Pluto is also clashing with his natal Mars, which is bringing forth important life lessons around control and trust, too. He’s going through transformation on such a deep level, but to be upfront, none of this may ever emerge in the public eye because he is experiencing this most notably on a soul consciousness. By digging up the dirt and facing the shadows, he actually improves his personal and professional life for the rest of his life going forward. You heard it here first.

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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.