Busy Philipps and Michelle Williams Best Friendship Astrological Compatibility.jpg


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The best friendship of Busy Philipps and and Michelle Williams can easily be seen within their natal charts. This is because of the alignment in their Sun Signs, but also in their Ascendants.

Busy Philipps is a Cancer Sun with a Leo Rising. Michelle Williams is a Virgo Sun with an Aquarius Rising. Cancer and Virgo are such a beautiful and easy connection because these two elements—Water and Earth—blend together magnificently. Think of it like rain and soil come together to make flowers. This is what these two signs can symbolize. They both are loyal and sensitive and very easily want to connect from a nurturing and sentimental side. Both are very compassionate to one another and will be able to confide in each other.

However, their Rising Signs are in almost exact opposition, meaning that they can also be like “partners in crime.” Whenever one has an idea and takes the lead, the other is happy to support and be right at their side. Together, they can go far and will likely have a very enduring friendship because their public persona and personal selves both are highly congruent.

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