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Spring is sprung…will you be?! With a new season upon us, there’s many cosmic vibes up for the taking! Let’s take a peek and see what your love life is looking like throughout the Spring season!


General Forecast

First and foremost, we have a lovely season ahead of us with many juicy energies to fulfill our hunger for love, passion, and sex! Here’s a mini breakdown!


  • Jupiter, planet of luck, is in the high skies of Gemini until June 9. This amplifies our social lives, allowing us to meet unique, interesting, and like-minded people. To meet a new love: hit the town, attend events, travel, or embrace online networking and dating!

  • March 20: Spring arrives! Get ready to feel eager for socializing, fresh vibes, and warmer temperatures!

  • However, we are in a sluggish pace until mid-May, due to the many personal planetary retrogrades taking place.

  • Mars, planet of sex and passion, will finally be back to full energy on May 2, 2025, but we could still be untangling from ex drama that happened earlier in the year until then.

  • Venus, planet of love, is retrograde until April 12, 2025, but will still be causing us to reflect on any missed connections or news from the past until May 16, 2025.

  • Mercury, planet of the mind, is retrograde until April 7, 2025, causing us to review our desires, ego, and previous connections until April 26, 2025.

  • March 29: Solar Eclipse in Aries will cause us to chase our own independence, putting our own egos and desires first!

  • April 12: Full Moon in Libra puts a major spotlight on relationships in our lives, bringing healthy ones together and causing rocky ones to shatter!

  • April 27: New Moon in Taurus will ramp up our desire for sensual pleasure, romance, and loyalty!

  • May 12: Full Moon in Scorpio will cause our sex drives to sizzle through the roof, as we hunger to merge closer with someone of importance. Beware of jealousy and possessiveness, though. Erotic energy is here!

  • May 24: Saturn, planet of life lessons, moves into the skies of Aries. This will bring karmic lessons around how we choose ourselves first and foremost, and pursue our egos and desires. This will cause tension to happen if we feel our innate authenticity is not being respected in relationships and could cause friction because of it. We will go to war for our desires!

  • Mars, planet of passion, is in the steaming seas of Cancer until April 17. This adds a more emotional, sensitive, and domestic energy to our lives.

  • From April 17 until June 17, Mars soars in the kingdom of Leo. This is one of the best periods in a two-year cycle for dating, courtship, true love, sex, or fertility. Singles must harness this feisty energy for their love lives and couples can reignite their spark!

  • May 26: New Moon in Gemini will ignite our social batteries as we hunger to connect with people, share ideas, and travel.

  • June 11: Full Moon in Sagittarius will encourage us to step outside of our comfort zones as we pursue impulsive journeys and fun.

  • June 5: Venus enters Taurus, increasing pleasure, hedonism, sensuality, and romance for all zodiac signs in the month ahead.

  • June 9: Jupiter, planet of luck, moves into the seas of Cancer for a year. This will bring a more domestic, emotional, and intuitive touch to all of our interactions and relationships.



Prepare for a major period where you’ll be reconnecting with the past, Aries. You may be crossing paths with old hookups or flames from days gone by. On one hand, this could help you to find closure, heal, release baggage…or if you want to, reignite the spark. The key to doing so, though, is to be sure that both of you have grown enough to give the relationship another go. If you’re jumping right back in and each haven’t done “the work,” you’re less likely to see the rapport grow successfully. Instead, you’d just be ignoring red flags and repeating patterns from the past. Once you’ve made your decisions about this, though, all Aries will be standing atop a vibrant chariot of fire as their love lives pick up heat from mid-April until the beginning of the summer season. This is some of the best time in ages for singles to find someone truly special.



Welcome to a season where you’re going to be encouraged to “break out of the box,” Taurus. Your emotions are likely to be especially enflamed this time of the year, as you’re not only going to trust your gut, but you’re going to be eager to take the lead toward your heart’s desires. This is a time to live in your true authenticity, regardless if single or attached, and know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go. Radical shifts to go in new directions could be presented to you, but the key to embracing this new chapter is to be courageous and let your charisma and attraction work wonders for you. Always pay attention to your own self-worth and self-value and if people aren’t respecting that, then they aren’t meant for you. Above all: be free.



You’re in the final stretch of one of your “luckiest years in a decade,” Gemini! There is not a single day to waste! This Spring season could be the final sprint to get your ducks in a row and embrace your heart’s desires. However, the key is not to just sit back and simply believe in the Law of Attraction. You must assert yourself, know what you want, and show the world what makes you so special and unique. Remember: this is a time to live it up! Make your own luck! True love, soulmate connections, fertility, and “taking the next step” are all quite possible—the universe is smiling upon you. Visualize, seize the day, and pursue happiness and pleasure above all else.



This Spring Season, you’re in a cycle of releasing the past for a clean slate, Cancer. While the first half of Spring could have you fired up to take charge, move forward on your personal goals, and take the lead once again—especially after a long winter of sluggish energy—you’re still going to sense that you’re being rather reflective on life, love, and relationships. On a positive note, you could do a great deal of healing if you need to. However, some of you may just instead be opting out to pursue a bit more privacy at this time. Luckily, the second half of Spring and into June sparkle with lots of popularity, lucky new beginnings, and a more optimistic viewpoint on romance. That’s your time to strike!



You’re going to be feeling “wickedly popular” this Spring Season, Leo! With crowning stars amping up your celebrity profile, you’ll be on the top of everyone’s event invite list. Expect to be attending a plethora of dazzling events, birthdays, and parties, where you’ll be strutting your stuff like life is your very own Hollywood red carpet. You’ll be able to mix and mingle with fabulous pals, meet new ones, or even are the zodiac sign luckiest to turn a friend into a lover! Even better news is that from mid-April until the onset of summer, you’re on fire and blazing a trail to your heart’s desires…and the bedroom! Expect sizzling opportunities for sexy times, regardless if single or attached.



This Spring Season will be a big one for facing the truth in core relationships, Virgo—especially when it comes to trust, intimacy, and vulnerability. In all honesty, if you’ve been hurt, some of you may be taking a step back away from anything that doesn’t feel totally on your level. You just won’t be interested in investing in anyone that isn’t entirely on the same page as you. This could have you gun-shy about getting close with people, as you lick your wounds, or continue to walk further apart. On a positive note, if you’re with your perfect mate, you could really be fortifying your union in profound, long-term ways, and the second half of the Spring season could bring many opportunities for travel to liven up your romance.



Of all the zodiac signs, you could be the one most likely to reconnect with old partners, Libra. This is especially true in the first half of the Spring Season. On one hand, you could be longing for days gone by and reach out to reconnect, while some of you may just be lurking in the shadows of social media wondering how your old sweetheart is now. This could be a big chance to bury the past—or instead reconnect and bring them back in to become a long-term partner once again. On a different note, though, this Spring Season could help Libras that have been casually dating (and who aren’t interested in an ex) the confidence to “take the next step” with a sweetheart at their side! Thinking practically, realistically, and to the long-term is a trend that will begin now and echo for years to come.



This Spring Season is invigorating you to pursue new horizons in life, travel, and relationships, Scorpio! There will be opportunities to soar to new destinations—or revisit old ones from the past that you want to tread back to! If attached, make travel a big priority for the two of you. It could fan the flames of love. However, if single, you could find your “spring fling” out and about or when travelling! This would be a delightful time to try out anyone who is a bit “exotic” – as in from a different background or origin than you! Mid-Spring could bring “make-or-break” moments and ultimatums to Scorpios, though, so do your best to tread lightly.



Prepare for a Spring Season with a big focus on “three,” Sagittarius! You are the zodiac sign most likely to stumble into a love triangle…or a threesome! With so much cosmic activity spinning in wild directions, some of you could be juggling your long-term partner, yet hear from “the one who got away,” or instead start dating someone and find that old hook-ups and exes are blowing up your DMs! While this could all sound like a lot of fun, it could also be a tremendous amount of drama. The key here is to know what you want—whether it’s spicy, NSA fun or something more long-lasting—and communicate directly so no one is forced to read between the lines.



Your Spring Season vibe is very domestic this year, Capricorn! In fact, there’s some big energy around home or family throughout the entire time. On one hand, it could be good news, like moving in with a sweetheart or changing residence together, but it could also signal a bit of drama around home or family, too. On an entirely separate note, this could be a fabulous season to start entertaining more at home for friends, lovers, or family. Newly dating? Try a candle lit dinner at home or just get comfortable in pajamas watching a new show together. Your domestic heart will like this slower and sweeter pace.



Your Spring Season forecast is screaming moans and coos, Aquarius. You’re the zodiac sign ready for the most “sexy times!” The best part about this is that singles and couples can revel in these primal delights! Not only will there many opportunities for naughty romps, random NSA fun, or even true love potential, but this is the kind of energy that you can harness now and forever. Singles have some of the best opportunities ever to meet a soulmate—and you may quickly realize in the second half of Spring that this is your “forever person.” Couples must use this feisty, flirty, ferocious fun to let loose together and feast on the flesh! Sex marathons? Yum! Yes!



This Spring Season, you’ll be fighting some conflicting energy, Pisces. First and foremost, you’ll be lost in a daze, seeing through rose-colored glasses around love, relationships, and the past. This could be particularly challenging, as you may feel overwhelmed by your emotions and start to idealize past or present people or situations. On the other hand, there could be a major part of you that is forcing you to face facts, embrace practicality and reality, and not look at the present solely but turn your attention to the future. This will be a very delicate balance to master at this time, so you don’t swing too far one way or another. On a positive note, you could reignite the magic in your romantic heart, regardless if single or attached, while also beginning to make long-terms plans about where you want your life—and relationships—to go.

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Kyle Thomas