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As a zodiac sign prone to moving on quickly and diving into new things, you are actually most pulled to nostalgia because Venus is tied to your sector of marriage. While Venus only goes retrograde every other year, it does show that you invest deeply in your committed partnerships when you fully find a soul mate connection. You need someone who can challenge you but also follow your lead, and when you find that perfect match, it can show that it is very hard for you to forget it and let it go.



As one of the most romantic zodiac signs, you love passionately and deeply. You’re also extremely resistant to change and can be terribly stubborn to shift your point of view. This, too, applies to your romantic relationships. When you find someone who you truly love, you can spend an immense amount of time putting everything you have in. But then if for some reason the situation doesn’t work out, it is difficult for you to release that and let it go. Mercury, planet of the mind, rules your solar house of love, too, and this planet goes retrograde more than any other one in the sky. You are often pulled back to the past, as well as when Venus, your ruler and the planet of marriage, also goes retrograde every other year.


GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) 

You’re a fast and whirlwind kind of lover, and you’re likely to get scared if anyone tries to lock you down too quickly. However, when you find someone who truly makes love always feel like an adventure, you know you’ve found a twin flame. This lights you up and fills your mind with so many excited thoughts and plans. Yet, if the connection doesn’t last, you’re sent for a loop! Jupiter, planet of miracles, spends several months a year retrograde and this rules your sector of marriage. Mercury, your ruler, also spins backwards several times a year, and Venus, planet of love, rules your romance sector. She retrogrades every other year. These are all clear patterns showing that when you find “the one who got away,” you truly miss them forever.



Ruled by the Moon, Cancer has deep emotions that ebb and flow. This changeability can also root you to the past. Cancer is naturally a zodiac sign with a connection to family and stability and do not like to put their hearts into anything unless there is a long-term investment. Saturn, planet of longevity, rules your marriage sector and shows this serious attitude toward love. This planet also spends several months a year spinning backwards, meaning that sometimes you feel like your heart is tied to the past, as well.



You’re a ferocious and intense lover, Leo, and one of the biggest romantics. However, when you find that golden prize of a partner, you expect it to last significantly. You want to build that kingdom of yours so of course you look at your other half as the royalty at your side. Yet, Jupiter, planet of miracles, rules your sector of romance, and Uranus, planet of surprise, rules your zone of marriage. Both of these planets spend many months every year retrograde, which means that when you’ve found someone who completes your soul yet you separate, you are karmically linked to the past.



The practical and reliable Virgo is slow to trust and open up to the vulnerable sides of their heart. You look at love like a routine and building it over time is very important to you. You are the least likely of any zodiac sign to just rush in passionately because you intellectualize your emotions and need to logically know it’s going to work out. Yet, Mercury, planet of the mind and your ruler, goes retrograde usually three times a year, consistently connecting you to the past, and Saturn, planet of longevity, rules your sector of love. This, too, spins backwards for many months at a time showing that it is hard for you to move on when you find that steady love you’d hoped would work out.



Of all the zodiac signs, you are one of the most romantic and desire a partner throughout your life. Venus is your planetary ruler and every time it goes retrograde you are hit very intensely and likely cross paths with old flames. Uranus, planet of surprise, rules your romance zone and will spend many months at a time connecting you to the past, and it shows that when you find that mirror match you’d thought would be the one, it’s hard for you to release them if the image looked so perfect in your mind.



As one of the most passionate zodiac signs, you demand intense relationships and union with others. You seek love to be like a drug, all consuming and intoxicating. However, with Pluto, planet of transformation and your co-ruler, spending many months every year going backwards, you sometimes feel like it’s hard to move forward because you’re still unpackaging relationships and karmic lessons. Neptune rules your zone of romance and Venus rules your area of partnership, and both of these planets are sensual and emotional. Neptune spends many months swimming backwards in sensitive seas whereas Venus returns to the past once every other year. These, too, affect your tie to love from before.


Sagittarius is known for their free spirit and expansive natures, just like their jovial planetary ruler, Jupiter. Yet, despite being the naturally luckiest zodiac sign, you experience Jupiter slowing down your future for many months every single year. Mars, ruling your romance sector, goes retrograde every other year and turns your mind to exes or drains the affection from your fiery conquests. Mercury also rules your solar sector of partnership, and with it spinning backwards 3-4 times a year, it’s very hard for you to totally forget the lovers who made you who you are. You do like your ability to soar independently, but when you find someone who truly understands you, this is a connection you’ll long pine after for.



As a strategic and grounded Earth Sign, Capricorn is known for their slow and guarded temperaments. They do not just jump into any relationship unless their partner can support them significantly and supply important resources, whether that is money, success, opportunities, or fame. You look at partnership as not just a passionate connection, but for what it can bring to you long-term. Yet, when you find someone who unleashes a blaze within your heart and seduces you mind, body, and soul, you can find that it is extremely difficult to move on. Saturn is the planet of life lessons and hard work and it is your natural solar ruler. It sleeps for several months a year, meaning that you often feel intrinsically held to the past. Sometimes this is because you are still being taught something from it. Venus is the ruler of your solar sector of romance and it retrogrades once every other year. These are extremely potent times for you where you cross paths with karmic lovers and soul mates and also have the chance to reignite a connection with one of them if the timing has now aligned. You need to know that the alignment is true, though, because again you do not want to be cursed to fail. The Moon rules your solar sector of marriage and her phases ebb and flow, showing that you, too, seek a partnership that evolves. You want a partner who is more emotional than you, yet someone who you can rely on, and if your ex fits that bill, you’re likely to always wonder if you’ll have just one more chance.



Aquarius desire romance that is exciting and exhilarating, but also one where they can guide the path of the love story. Uranus, planet of surprise and liberation, rules your zodiac sign, constantly pushing you toward new horizons. However, as a Fixed Sign, you are stubborn in your ways and can be resistant to change once you set your mind on something – whatever that is. With Uranus taking a backspin for months every year, you’re likely feeling tied to the past. With Mercury, planet of the mind and ruler of your solar romantic sector, taking more retrogrades than any other throughout the year, this pulls Aquarius powerfully to exes. You like to detach from your emotions, but when you find the soul you’ve believed is the one, it will be with great turmoil to change your mind.



Pisces are one of the most romantic zodiac signs of all and often get lost in the fantasies within their minds. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination, they see the world like a movie in their heads. This dreamy vision also extends to their lovers and exes. If they find someone who truly matches their heart’s vibration, this magical nostalgia will keep them pining for this person long after it has passed. Neptune dances backwards for many months at a time, linking them to that which came before. Also, with Mercury, planet of the mind, ruling your solar house of marriage, you often see yourself crossing paths with people from the past several times a year or are haunted by that ex you never got over.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas