How Your Relationships Will Change in 2020 Based On Your Zodiac Sign.jpg

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2020 will be a mighty and powerful year, one that transforms our lives significantly. This is because of many different astrological factors. Take a quick peek into how your relationships will change, grow, or shift based on your zodiac sign.



Aries will be spending most of their time in 2020 focusing on career and work, but memorable moments for love and relationships will definitely be added to their crown. Venus, planet of attraction, brings you magnetism throughout most of February, so recharge your beauty or lure in desire then. A major Full Moon in your romantic sector highlights your passionate needs in February with an important choice regarding partnerships occurring in April. This could be when you take the next step together or walk away for good. Venus will again help single Aries in September, but be sure to use the New Moons in August and October to create the love story of your dreams. New Moons open up opportunities so do not let the time pass you by. Venus will be retrograde in your communications sector throughout much of May and June, causing hiccups in relationships or allowing you to reignite a connection with an ex if you first decide to “talk it out.” However, when Mercury goes retrograde in your sector of intimacy in October, it’ll echo the frustrations you experienced in November of 2019. One last thing to note is that your ruler, Mars, will go retrograde in your zodiac sign from September into November. You could feel like your entire life is spiraling off the rails or you’re meeting opposition at every turn. Rather than lashing out, realize it is crucial to rely on the people around you rather than just charging forward on your own. The Universe wants you to work as a team, not fight an upward battle.



Taurus will experience exciting developments in their relationships throughout much of 2020 as the cosmos have some divine messages just for you. Uranus, planet of liberation and freedom, entered your zodiac sign last year, shaking you out of patterns that are not working for you in your relationships. You may be attracting more exhilarating experiences or breaking the chains of what life previously offered you. Embrace your passion and do not settle for relationships that disrespect your personal power. Venus, shimmering planet of desire, will enter your zodiac sign throughout much of March, making you magnetic and radiant. Attract more pleasure into your life then. Two highly important moments in your relationships take place in early March and May and you could find yourself ready to commit, wed, or move in during those times. However, if your relationship has outlived its purpose, you will walk away to find better options. A cosmic moment will occur just days after that Full Moon in May when Venus, your ruler and the goddess planet of romance and marriage, goes retrograde until the end of June. This is a fated time when you could cross paths with an ex who was a twin flame and reignite your love story if the timing has now aligned. Relationships in general could feel like you’re seeing through rose-colored glasses, though, so don’t get lost in a fog and certainly do not marry while Venus is retrograde. September until mid-December sparkle for your relationships and single Taurus have more opportunities to fall in love while committed ones could see iridescent moments that bring their spirits even more closely together. 



Relationships will be on the mind of all Gemini in 2020 because Jupiter, planet of miracles, will be in your sector of intimacy throughout much of the year. This could be that you require an important partnership to move your plans in work or life along or that you need support from someone else. You may ultimately release some relationships that have outlived their purpose or let go of patterns in current ones in order to heal moving forward. Mars will light up your marriage and partnership sector throughout much of January and February and this could see you more focused on your one-and-only. Single Gemini would also be lucky to find a significant other then! Venus, planet of marriage and love, will be gracing your zodiac sign for a significantly longer period throughout April to August, bringing you beauty and opportunities for increased pleasure. However, in May and June, Venus will be retrograde in your zodiac sign meaning that you could feel like you’re in a cosmic vortex of love and illusion. During that time, you could align with an ex who was a soul mate and find it’s a time to give it another go. Sometimes, though, this occurs in order for you to find resolutions and heal. Another massive divine event occurs when eclipses begin in your marriage and partnership sector in June as well, causing a transformation in an important relationship. Eclipses in this sector – as well as your identity – begin in 2020 and will echo on into 2021. These are moments we long remember throughout our lives that transform us so in ways we will never be the same again. You will be noticing the significance of what you bring to your partnerships and what you deserve then. November glistens with romantic potential for you when Venus picks up steam and sparkles majestically upon single Gemini, while commitments again become front-and-center in December and on into 2021. This will certainly be a year where you feel like you’re ready to take important steps forward while releasing anyone that holds you back. 



Cancer will find 2020 to be one of the most pivotal years in their relationships for nearly a decade. This is because the final chapter of the eclipses in your zodiac sign as well as sector of marriage and partnership occurs. Since 2018 you’ve been dealing with transformations in your destined path and taking important steps forward in relationships or releasing ones that do not lift you to your greatest potential. Also, since 2017, you’ve had difficulty in commitments or felt your current partner was more distant than you may have wanted. Saturn, planet of hardship, has been testing you but this will ease in 2021. Best news of all, though, is that Jupiter, planet of miracles, will reside in your marriage and partnership zone throughout much of 2020! This is a resounding trumpet from the Heavens letting you know that all of the hard work you have put into your relationships is about to pay off with immense happiness. Many Cancer will find their perfect match, get engaged, get married, or make gorgeous long-term plans with their significant other. June or October could see you crossing paths with an ex or noticing hiccups in relationships due to retrogrades. Steer clear of the frustrations if you can! August should be especially lovely with Venus in your zodiac sign. When she graces your romance zone in December, all Cancer will again rejoice. Be prepared for a lyrical year, as you are one of the most blessed zodiac signs of all during this time.



2020 promises all Leos a lot of adrenaline and passion because the stars are lighting up the sky like fireworks. The year starts off with the heat of Mars, planet of sex and energy, igniting your romance sector throughout much of January and February. Single Leo have an excellent chance to find someone new or fall in love while committed Leo can bring the spice and laughter back into their partnership. Important relationships will be a huge focus for you throughout April and into May when Mars blazes a trail into your marriage zone, helping you make a great deal of progress as a team or find someone with LTR potential. However, when June arrives, destiny has your name on it. Fated eclipses in your romance and fertility sector begin and will echo on throughout the year and into 2021. This is a moment when single Leo will find the love of their lives or committed ones can fall in love more deeply than ever before. Do not hide away if looking for a fiery connection because the stars are about to give you a shot straight to the heart! Venus, planet of attraction, will be retrograde throughout much of May and June in your friendship sector, so some single Leo could be confused if a lover is actually a better friend or vice versa. This is also a time when exes sometimes sniff back around. If ready to give it another go, make sure you’ve both matured from your time apart. Venus will gift you with stunning good looks throughout September and smile on your romantic life at the very end of the year. Expect the final month of 2020 to set the tone for an exhilarating 2021 when your relationships will glisten like gold.



Of all zodiac signs, Virgo will be the luckiest in love throughout 2020! You have waited long for this to happen – nearly 12 years. Because of the longer trek of Saturn, planet of hardship and responsibility, in your romantic sphere since 2017, you’ve felt like all of your relationships have been a lot of hard work. Keeping the spark lit has been a struggle, so many Virgo were ready to give up. But to your rescue, the dazzling planet of miracles, Jupiter, parades on into this zone to reignite your hope. In 2019 you had three powerful eclipses reawakening your romance and passion, especially the magical one that took place at the very end of the year. This will set the happy tone in 2020 for you and push you to look in the mirror and see how truly beautiful you really are once again. Take chances in love, unleash your inner child, and let your spirit sing. Romance does not happen when we hide from it or are ashamed of our wounds. Vulnerability and action are keys to uniting your soul with another. These mighty eclipses come to a culmination July, and it is possible some Virgo could find the person of their dreams. For others, a birth or a pregnancy could be in their cards. Venus, planet of union, will be retrograde throughout much of May and June, so beware of crossing paths with old friends or lovers. You could reignite the connection if you choose. However, Venus will spiral into your zodiac sign throughout much of October, giving you an opportunity to become the most beautiful of all. The first six months of 2020 will be the most intense period you’ve seen in your relationships possibly in your entire life, so be conscious of what you want and then go after it. You deserve someone who compliments your soul.



The beginning of 2020 will have many Libra rejoicing because romance is definitely on the menu! Expect exciting developments to be happening in your relationships throughout much of the first six months of the year. Venus, your ruler and goddess planet of beauty, sparkles in your passion zone for the first half of January, so be sure to add pleasure to your life. This sets up a trend with a sexy New Moon in January opening your doors to new options if single or excitement together if already committed. February and March also shimmer for commitments so know exactly what you want in a LTR if single or use those months to make exhilarating plans with your current significant other. Your love life will erupt like it’s on fire throughout most of April and May and you deserve it because you’ve waited nearly two years to feel this sexy vibration once again! Do everything at that time to seek adventure and spontaneity. Venus actually takes a backward turn throughout May and June, though, and because she is your ruler, you’ll feel this especially potently. This may be a time when you feel like your whole life is on hold or that you’re in a cyclone of love and confusion. Sometimes this retrograde will bring back karmic lovers from the past so you can hug and make up or look them in the face and think: “Thank God I learned from that and it’s over.” No matter which way you choose to use this energy, you will be happy with what you decide. The sparkling planet of beauty will be gifting you with “wow” factor throughout much of November, so jot down that time to be out and about if on the prowl or just ready for more pleasure with your significant other. Shockingly, Mars, planet of passion and sex, will be causing a storm in your marriage and partnership sector from September to November, and this may show you that neither of you is on the same page. It could cause frustrations or fights to occur or if single, reveal to you that your priorities in partners are entirely off the mark. You cannot go after people who do not value what you bring to the table so stop repeating that pattern. However, the most exhilarating news of all is that Jupiter, planet of miracles, enters your romance sector in December 2020 for the first time in 12 years and will dance there throughout much of 2021. The stars above are shooting Cupid’s arrows down upon you so be ready for your love to blossom. 



2020 will be nothing short of exciting for Scorpio whether they’re single or attached. This is because for a brief time in 2018, but officially in 2019, you tasted the adrenaline-filled energy of Uranus, planet of surprise, in your marriage and partnership sector. This planet will be continuing to cause changes in your relationships for the next several years. For committed Scorpio, your serious partner may suddenly be craving more freedom and eccentricity or if single, you may be pulled toward individuals who have a revolutionary or genius-side to them. Don’t fight the tide – embrace their free spirit because it will actually help you grow to ever more beautiful heights together. While you do like to take the reins, this energy is saying that you have to be the one who goes along for the ride. That’s okay – you’ll actually enjoy it if you can learn to trust rather than fear. January and February hold gems of romance for you if you’re looking for new options or wanting to get that affection back in your current connection. However, when Mars, planet of sex, blazes a trail into your romance zone in May and June, you’re going to be ready for fiery passion as loud as can be. You haven’t felt this sexy vibration in nearly two years, so use it as a battery to recharge your fantasies! Important commitments will be on your mind in May, and when Venus, planet of romance, turns backward in your intimacy sector then into June, you’ll have the chance to reignite a connection with the one who got away. Perhaps you are now on better ground and able to share more equally or truly fulfill each other’s needs. If not, you could be re-examining your fears of commitment and the karma you have brought to your relationships. If you have demons that must be laid to rest, this could be when you atone for them. In November you will be forced to make a very powerful decision regarding your relationships, but excitingly, some Scorpio could be ready to get engaged or married. Then, when Venus swims on into your depths in late November and December, you’ll feel magnetic, alluring, and drowning in pleasure. Dive into 2020 with love and sex on the mind.


2020 is a year many Sagittarius will realize their entire lives changed. Throughout 2019, Sagittarius was divinely blessed with Jupiter, planet of miracles, in their zodiac sign. Some started important relationships, got married, or moved onto exciting new beginnings of their own. This progression of learning to be in the spotlight will continue in 2020 and 2021 because of the destined eclipses that will begin in your zodiac sign in June, shifting your direction, as well as your marriage and partnership zone. This may mean that some relationships have outlived their purpose and you could be leaving them in the dust or uniting closer with the twin flames in your life for engagement or long-term plans. Embrace the change and charge forward into your life. In January and much of February, Mars, planet of sex and passion, will make you extremely energized, so be bold and go after what you want. If love and relationships are it, be sure to turn up the heat in your sex life! Venus, goddess planet of attraction, will shimmer in your romance sector throughout February, so attract new options or immerse yourself in pleasure with your current partner. However, when she goes retrograde in your marriage and partnership sector in May and June of 2020, you could be reconsidering your relationships completely or considering getting back together with a fated person from your past. The theme of the past coming back to life (or haunting you, depending on how you look at it) will continue on when Mars goes retrograde in your love sector throughout much of the second half of the year. September through November will be especially intense when it comes to your love life, either with frustrations or feeling like the spark has burnt out. Exes or past sexual partners, again, could be crossing your path at every turn. The Universe is testing you greatly because it wants you to be in the happiest and most fulfilling relationships possible. You are on the path to the best partnerships of your lifetime in the coming years ahead. Use 2020 to truly know what you want with someone at your side and how you operate as a team. Also use this year to decide where you stand your ground and then draw the line there.



Welcome to 2020, Capricorn, which is likely to be one of your favorite years of your entire life. Jupiter, planet of miracles and blessings, resides in your zodiac sign and will remain with you throughout most of this year. This means that you are the luckiest zodiac sign on Earth. You have waited for all of these cosmic gifts for nearly 12 years. Relationships have been immensely on your mind since the summer of 2018 when eclipses in your marriage and partnership sector began. They echoed again in the summer of 2019. In 2020, you have three important moon cycles in this zone, too, that occur in January, June, and in July. While only January and June are eclipses, the New Moon in July again shows you how truly the Universe is working to unite you with your greatest twin flame in this lifetime for the long-term. Some Capricorn could be going through major break-ups or divorces (or have already) if not with the best partner for them, and if this is the case, while it may hurt, it’s because you’re destined for someone greater. However, many Capricorn could be getting engaged, married, or moving in – especially with so much luck on your side. Know that you deserve the greatest love the Universe can give you, and the cosmic gifts from above are saying it is time. Uranus, planet of liberation and change, though, has taken up residence in your romance sector in 2019 and will remain there for many years, meaning that you need to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to attracting new love or reigniting the spark in your current relationship. You will also likely be connecting with extremely passionate, unique, and eccentric individuals – ones you may not have expected because they weren’t the “safe options.” They may be revolutionary, creative, or genius in some way – perhaps even very famous or groundbreaking. While they may be different, you will grow to tremendous new heights together if you take the chance and let your heart fly. Give into love that is passionate, not just the kind you can control. March through May should be highly romantic for you with planets firing up that engine, so if single, be on the lookout for new options. Yet, when Venus, planet of love, goes retrograde in May and June, you could be nostalgic for a reconnection with the one who got away. This may mean it is time to see if you and an ex are on the same page and can make it work, and if this is the case, you must use this time to reignite that spark. Love is about timing and your synchronicity may finally align. However, it could also mean that if you are taken, frustrations may pop up in your love life and things may feel colder than usual. Don’t worry. This will pass. Venus will be raining showers of gold on your commitments throughout August and September. Use 2020 to set the patterns you want to last in your coming 12 years. The light has returned to your life and it will only continue to grow. It is here to bless you and bring you such great love it could move you to happy tears.



Aquarius throughout 2020 will feel the wind shifting beneath their sails. This is because Jupiter, planet of blessings, resides in their sector of privacy. Many Aquarius could be reflecting on the past decade and what has worked for them and has not, especially within their relationships. This could be a time when you are releasing toxic patterns or seeking closure. You also will be pondering how you want your relationships to blossom for the coming decade that follows beginning in 2021. You may finally end some partnerships and let them go during 2020, as well, or heal in ways you truly needed. However, the other planets are assuring you plenty of good fortune when it comes to love and sex, so don’t you worry! The beginning of the year will have you feeling magnetic and sexy with many of the planets gifting you with sparkling confidence in January and February. An important decision regarding a partnership will be on your mind in early February and you could be making important plans together or choosing to fly solo. Mars, planet of passion, will be giving you a fiery edge in April and May, so you can use that power to create relationships exactly as you want them. Sex is also favored then, so use that battery to fuel your body and spirit. From April until August, Venus, planet of beauty, will be taking up residence in your romance sector. This is an extraordinarily long time – quite a blessing for single Aquarius if looking! However, the reason this occurs is because this goddess planet will be spiraling backward throughout much of May and June, creating hiccups for you in this aspect of your life. Yet if you want to reconnect with an ex-flame who you still have feelings for, this is a most blessed time to do so! Venus doesn’t go retrograde every year, and when she does, she opens a portal to the past. Use this time to see if you’re both ready to give it another go. August and September will also glisten for your love life, so be ready to consider what you want in a LTR or grow closer with your current lover. Keep your eyes peeled for a shocking eclipse in your romance sector at the beginning of December because it signifies that a surprise pregnancy or birth could be in store – or a brand new connection if your heart is ready! Many Aquarius will rejoice as the passion is injected back into their blood. Yet, when the wheel of life turns and Jupiter enters your zodiac sign in December 2020, be ready to feel reawakened and electrified. When Jupiter is in our zodiac sign, it is considered one of the luckiest times in our lives. Use 2020 to prepare for the dawning of your time.



For many Pisces, they will find 2020 to be an abundant cornucopia of blessings from a loving Universe. This is because Jupiter, planet of miracles, will be shooting fireworks of happiness onto their lives throughout most of the year. Your greatest hopes and dreams are being illuminated at this time, so be sure that you have your vision board of plans that you want not only now but also in the coming decade ahead. Your friendships and social sector are also tremendously blessed and if you’re interested in turning one of your acquaintances into something more, you could be in luck. Also, since 2018, Pisces have been going through fated eclipses in their romantic sphere. In 2019 it echoed on, and in 2020 there will be three important destined breakthroughs here, as well. January could announce a significant ending or culmination – possibly even a birth or pregnancy. Then, the final eclipse in this zone opens up a portal to new or deeper love and a smaller New Moon in July shimmers for you, as well. The Universe is saying that it is time for you to open your heart more deeply than ever before, so there’s no point in fighting it. January should be pleasurable and magical for you, so if looking for new options, do so then, or if taken, be affectionate and sensual together. A very important decision regarding your partnerships will take place in March and you could realize you want to take the next step together or swim off on your own. Mars, planet of power and energy, will be amping up your sex appeal in April and March, so you will need to take charge of your love life and go after what – and whom – you want. Venus, goddess of attraction and marriage, goes retrograde in May and June, so you could be nostalgic for the past or reconnect with an old flame if you are ready for it. Release the past if it no longer has a purpose for your future. Then, expect Cupid to be showering down arrows of love into your August and October: two dazzling months wrapped in sweetness just for you. Open your arms to every amount of beauty the Universe will offer to you, and don’t just sit waiting for it to manifest before your eyes. 2020 is a year when you have to go after the prize.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally published pop culture astrologer who has been interviewed by Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. His work harnesses the power of the stars and he is known for his cosmic guidance regarding celebrities, entertainment lifestyle, as well as trends affecting people all over the entire world. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, life coach, writer, and producer. Currently, he is the resident astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.7 million followers), Wit & Delight, DEN Meditation, & Exhibit A, developing episodic content for television and digital platforms, as well as writing lyrics for established pop music producers. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram: @MrKyleThomas ( or Facebook ( More info:

Kyle Thomas