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March marks a paramount month in your 2020 storybook, one that will bear hints of what is to come in the years ahead. Saturn, the mighty planet of karma and life lessons, makes a move from Capricorn into Aquarius. We will dive further into what that means a bit later because there is so much to cover in the weeks before!

Sensual and emotional vibrations will be filling the cosmos this month, as we have Mercury (ruling communication and the mind) predominantly in the deep seas of Pisces. Mercury will also be retrograde until the 9th, so your thoughts recently could have been nostalgic. Venus (planet of love and beauty) will be sparkling within Taurus after the 4th, enhancing your romantic and passionate nature. Expect intimacy to be sweet and very physical for the weeks ahead.

Bear witness to the first Supermoon of 2020, a mighty and earthy Full Moon in Virgo, which takes place on the 9th. The energy will peak at this time, but will be felt for 2-3 days before and after. Expect now to be a time when the actions and plans you were building in the days following August 30th, 2019 to be reaching culmination. If they are not, shift direction in a more fruitful and prosperous way. This Full Moon helps us focus on the details in our lives and relationships, as well as what we are putting consistent effort toward. Find ways to improve the rhythm and health in your routine and connections. Build a harvest that you are proud of and share it with the world. 

The significant moment I had previously teased about—Saturn moving into Aquarius—begins on the 21st. Saturn (the planet of karma, hard work, and at times challenges) will be pushing us to better connect with others and buckle down to make advancements in technology in the coming years. Focusing on sharing the Earth’s resources will become even more of an issue as climate change will be on everyone’s minds (with Uranus in Taurus until 2026). Saturn in Aquarius will also bring growth for social justice as well as reshaping how some people approach partnership and their relationships. Expect new ideas that are developed now to have long-term weight on the world at large. However, in July 2020, Saturn will once again return to Capricorn due to a retrograde, the same place it has been since the end of 2017. Life will feel more grounded again until it leaves Capricorn behind fully in December of this year.

But that is not all! Prepare for a fiery, electrical current to ignite in your life as a New Moon in Aries demands your attention on March 24th, 2020. This New Moon will open a door to you in the 7-10 days that follow it and encourages you to seize the day and create the life of your dreams. Embrace your independent side and the vision you have for your future. Now is a time to be aggressive when pursuing your plans. Take the lead — do not sit back and watch as everyone else leaves you behind. Be courageous in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. The actions and plans you launch now will culminate around October 1st, 2020. Be brave. Be passionate. Be proud.

Last to note this month is when Mars (the roaring planet of strength and passion) enters Aquarius on March 30th. Mars will remain here until May 13th. Mars, a planet of fire, loves to be in Aquarius, an Air Sign. Fire needs oxygen to burn, so expect this time to be expansive and vibrant as Mars infuses your life with intellectual breakthroughs and opportunities to grow. Collectively, we will be entering a more social time. Joining communities or expanding your network will be highly favored. Embrace your humanitarian goals. Look to how we can build a human tribe – one of union and understanding – as we evolve as a people. The world is a much more beautiful place when we love and respect one another: no matter who someone is or what they believe. This will be a time to fight for equality and the protection of those who need it.

There will be many wonderful days for success this month, most notably the 11th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, and the 28th. Sweet days for love in March 2020 are the 4th, 8th, 14th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, and 28th. Days to lie low are the 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 30th, and 31st.

Expect the pace of life to quicken in the later weeks of the month as Spring arrives and your life promises new horizons. As I mentioned last month, we are in a brief period of time when you can move all of your plans and relationships forward fairly easily from March 9th, 2020 to April 25th, 2020 (when all the planets are direct, see my entire article here). Time is of the essence! Remember: the rest of the year will be riddled with retrogrades and you will face the past to learn from it, bring it closure, or reignite the pieces that you wish to carry forth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

The following horoscopes for each zodiac sign were originally written for UPLOADER Magazine, a global magazine based out of Italy. You can view UPLOADER Magazine or buy your copy here.


You may be seeking to take a break with the Sun and Mercury Retrograde slowing you down at the start of March. Your spirit and body may be saying you need to rest and recharge and it is likely your dreams and intuition are especially intense. As soon as Mercury turns direct on the 9th, the pace of life will rapidly quicken for you. While you will be feeling the need to assess your plans for the coming year, Mars will be lighting up your career the entire month. This means that while you’re feeling a bit tired, the demands in your career could be very high now. Aim for the gold. Applause and awards could also be coming your way. You are setting the pattern in your career for two years, so slacking off entirely will set you further back. The Full Moon on the 9th will make you very busy at work, as well, so harness your productivity that week. You could be finishing an important project or if looking for a new job, find that an offer arrives at this time. Your finances are also likely to be going very well throughout the month with Venus attracting money to you. When the Sun moves into your zodiac sign on the 20th, you’ll feel the renewed fire instantly. This means birthday season has arrived! Aries season is the official start to the zodiac year, always marking a turning point toward new beginnings and bright opportunities. The most important New Moon of the year for you falls on the 24th, which will open a cosmic door to one of your greatest hopes and dreams. Be sure to use the early weeks of the month to contemplate what you desire and when the New Moon arrives, take action quickly to build it into life.



Embrace March, Taurus, because it will be sweet and enchanting for you. At the beginning of the month you are quite busy with events and you appear to be very popular! Friends, new and old, will circle you like the Queen Bee! With Venus, the planet of magnetism, blessing you after the 4th, expect attention to come everywhere you go. If looking to increase your beauty, buy trendy outfits or update your hairstyle now. Use this time as a battery to recharge your attractive powers. For single Taurus, you are especially favored to find new love, while committed ones will certainly feel the intimacy with their partner. Romance will be the hot topic for you when the Full Moon arrives on the 9th, so plan to be out and about or on a very special date with your one and only around this time. Passion is here for you and it will be hot! However, in the final weeks of March, the cosmos are telling you to lie low and recharge. If you have anything you want to find closure with from the past year, you can do so now. If seeking health and solitude, the stars are certainly aligned. Some Taurus could be planning important projects behind-the-scenes that will be ready to debut later in the year. However, one last thing to note is that throughout much of this month, Mars, the planet of energy, will be lighting up your area of expansion. Some Taurus could be jetting off to overseas destinations or devoting themselves to new mental horizons through academics. If involved in the media or publishing, you’re clearly very busy. Yet, expect tremendous success to begin when the 30th arrives. Mars switches gears to power up your career until May 13th. Mighty progress will occur and people everywhere may suddenly see you reaching a newfound pinnacle of success. Soon you will have an opportunity to wear the crown above them all so be unafraid of your growing star power.



Career is definitely on your mind when March dawns, particularly with the mighty Sun drawing attention to your ambitions and your work life. You’ll likely be seeing some hiccups in this area due to the Mercury Retrograde, which ends on the 9th. You’ll be feeling a double dose of energy returning to you because Mercury is your solar planetary ruler. Mercury’s strength and movement is vitally important to your plans and goals, which is why sometimes when it goes retrograde you may feel as if you are moving through sludge no matter how hard you try. It’s best to use these times to review your plans and watch what the Universe is bringing your way. The New Moon on the 9th will have many Geminis focusing their attention upon their roots. Some may be moving or fixing up their home. Others could be connecting closer to their families. Expect your emotions to be a bit intense at this time and pay attention to what they are telling you. You will certainly be wondering how stable and secure your life is, and if anything is bringing you more harm than good, it could be time to cut it out completely. But don’t expect to be feeling like a homebody for too long because the Sun marches into your social sector lighting up your popularity like fireworks after the 20th! The New Moon on the 24th will fill your calendar with many exhilarating events, so make sure you have your favorite outfits ready. You’ll welcome the festive energy like a breath of fresh air.



March has you expanding into new regions and your mind is ablaze! You’re likely considering travel or seeing advancement with academic matters now. Look at where you are in your life and how you can grow. Soar in vibrant new directions at this time. Expect even more lovely vibrations to be coming your way when Venus, the planet of pleasure, moves into your social sector on the 4th for the rest of the month. Events and sweet times with friends are guaranteed. Some single Cancers could also find an acquaintance shining with romantic potential! The Full Moon on the 9th will bring important news to you about a communications-related matter, such as a writing or speaking project or you could be debuting an anticipated marketing initiative. Want to be on a podcast or launch one? It’s a great time to do so now! Making content? This speaks of viral potential! Mercury Retrograde also ends on the 9th, and you’ll enjoy the pace of life picking up in the days beyond it. The Sun parades into your career zone bringing a great deal of attention your way on the 20th for the coming month. The New Moon in this sector on the 24th promises that you’ll see opportunities coming your way to increase your success or status. Bosses should be smiling on you. Consider how you can rise higher in your industry or shift your career altogether. April promises even more success and a growing network for you, so enjoy March while it lasts.



Your relationships are very important to you now, Leo. Some Leos could be deciding to grow closer with their significant other or that they require more aid at this time. Others could be deciding to walk away if a situation has become toxic—once and for all. When Venus enters your career sector on the 4th, you will dazzle and be seen for all of your beauty and grace. Bosses and new job opportunities could start to come your way, so charm your superiors throughout the month. Single Leos could begin dating someone with power and popularity at this time. March 9th has money on your mind and a nice check or new job could be appearing for you. Be sure to sign after the 10th or 11th though because Mercury Retrograde still causes frustrations for a few days after it goes direct. If wanting to get a handle on your finances, use this powerful Full Moon to do so. The Sun will move into your expansion and adventure sector starting on the 20th, though, so some Leos could be setting their eyes on new horizons. If looking to travel, the stars are smiling on this now, or if wanting to make progress in academics, media, or publishing, you could also see success. For Leos looking to immigrate, the opportunity could finally appear. Next month you will see important growth when working with someone one-on-one to achieve your goals, so get excited for what still lies ahead.



Important relationships in business or love are on your mind as we swim along into March, Virgo. Some of you could have found a twin flame, became engaged or married, or decided it’s time to walk away toward the next journey in love. Mars, planet of passion and sex, is heating up your romance sector throughout the entire month, so expect to see fireworks in this area of your life! However, because Mercury Retrograde was also taking place in your sector of commitments and marriage, you could have noticed that they have been a bit fuzzy at times or something isn’t in complete alignment. Rest assured that once it goes direct on the 9th that matters should pick back up. Clarity should arrive as the weeks move on. Some Virgos may even have heard from exes or people from the past. Face what they are offering you and decide if you are ready to bring them back into your life. Mercury is your solar planetary ruler, so you always feel especially drained when it is retrograde, but you benefit so greatly from it at all times when it is racing forward happily within the sky. You will certainly have fewer obstacles in the months ahead. The most important days of the year for you fall near the Full Moon in your zodiac sign on the 9th. Use this time to rise toward your goals and court attention. You will likely see a dream or goal come to manifestation at this time. Relationships will continue to remain the key focus of the rest of the month and if you have decided it’s time to move forward solo, this could be the official separating period. Next month is going to be extremely busy for you at work, so keep your eyes ahead to that.



Mercury Retrograde in your work and job sector has likely been causing hold-ups and frustrations since last month and this will continue at the beginning of March. Rest assured, though, that very quickly after the planet goes direct on the 9th, everything should start getting sorted out. You will be able to be more productive as the month moves on. A Full Moon on the 9th is telling you to stop working so hard and focus on resting and recharging, so use the days surrounding it to hit up a spa, meditate, or just plan some extra time to sleep in. Some Libras could get sick at this time, so if you’re feeling low, heed the warnings of your body. However, when the Sun shifts into your partnership sector, you’ll feel the need to work one-on-one with someone to achieve something important at this time. Some Libras could become engaged or married in the days following March 24th, especially with Venus dancing through your intimacy and sensuality zone all month, as well. If looking to find the perfect fitness trainer, writing partner, collaborator, or business associate, you are also in luck! Know what you want in your relationships and go out looking for it. Starting on the 30th and on into April, your love life will be on fire so you have lots of passion and adventure written in the stars.



You are in the midst of romance season at the start of March, Scorpio, but it is likely that something has been amiss due to Mercury Retrograde being difficult in February. This will continue until the 9th, and you will notice your mind is focused on love-love-love for the rest of the month, too! Venus, planet of attraction and pleasure, will be in your sector of partnership starting on the 4th for the rest of the month. Single Scorpios could become smitten with someone new, while committed ones could enjoy more sensuality with a partner. However, some Scorpios could feel nostalgic about the one who got away or have some of their fears about relationships crossing their minds due to the Mercury Retrograde that was previously mentioned. Random messages from old flings could also be popping in – so send that smiley back or put them on block! The Full Moon on March 9th turns your attention to your social life and you could notice a friend invites you to a wonderful event near this time. Be sure to attend. New friends could be coming into your life or you may be having quite a magnificent time with all of the ones in your close crew. However, enjoy the fun while it lasts because when the Sun drives into your work zone on the 20th, major projects on the job will likely be coming your way. The New Moon on the 24th guarantees you’ll be very busy and if looking to find another employer, you can do so now. Last, if looking to improve your daily fitness or diet regimen, this is the absolute best time of the year to do so because New Moons always unlock opportunities and potential for you. Consider how you can find the perfect rhythm for you.



When March arrives, you will be focusing upon your home, moving, or family matters. With Mercury Retrograde causing some frustrations in this sector, you could have noticed that something isn’t aligned. Matters should sort out in the later weeks of the month, though, so don’t let yourself get too frustrated. If you have recently moved, hopefully you have not signed your lease since February 16th, as Mercury was swimming backward since that time.  If so, you may realize down the road that the agreement will need to change. Also, be sure to reach out to your family at this time to either reconnect or reminisce about the past. Ask if they need support in any way. The Full Moon on March 9th will radically shift your focus, though, as news about an exhilarating career breakthrough appears. Plan to go after the gold then. A promotion or award could be coming your way, or if in the press, expect lots of attention now. Yet, March has even more radiant news for you—filled to the brim with new horizons. Your romantic life will receive a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart when the Sun and Moon parade on into this zone. The New Moon on the 24th will bring more spice into your current connection or help you find someone special who loves you just right. No matter what, be sure to be out and about because adventure could be around every corner. Creativity will also shine for artistic Sagittarius, so allow the muse to sing within you.



Welcome to March, which promises to keep you very busy! However, it is very likely that your mind has been especially confused lately. When the sassy Mercury Retrograde ends on the 9th, you’ll finally start to see things getting back on track. You’ve been locked in communication breakdowns, miscommunication, and backtracking on several important matters. Breathe and don’t stress yourself out. Starting the 4th, though, expect to see romance and passion heat up for you once Venus dances into this sector for you. Single Capricorns will be instantly magnetic and find that many new options appear for them. If looking to find that special someone, do so now! Capricorns already dating or married will feel themselves indulging in pleasure with their significant other throughout the month. With your mind so active in March, you’ll find that the Full Moon on the 9th also brings opportunities for you to look at things from a different perspective. Some of you will receive news about an immigration matter or overseas travel plans. Others could also be focused upon a media or publishing project that is coming forth with great success. Last, if seeking further education, you will see happy results now. Yet, when the Sun and Moon heat up your family and home sector starting in the final week of the month, some Capricorns could be deciding it is time to move. Changing of your residence now will bring you a warmer living situation. If looking to stay put, consider ways to fix up your space or even throw a delightful dinner party for neighbors and friends. If one of your kindred needs help, give them support now. You will see your career reach an important milestone in April, so focus more on your roots now. One last thing to note, though, is that Mars, the planet of action and power, will be in your zodiac sign until the 30th of the month. This means that throughout the entire month you will be energized and electric. Use this time now to go after everything you want. You must be a leader at this time to set the plans in motion that you want to culminate over the coming two years. If love is important, take action and go after whom you seek. If success is important, set goals and start to smash them. You can truly have it all this year (and on into the coming decade), but this month is extremely pivotal regarding which patterns and relationships you choose to grow ahead.



Financial planning will certainly be on your mind at the beginning of March, a holdover from February. However, you could be having hiccups in the money department at this time, perhaps missing checks or feeling that income is being held up. Also, with a brief stay of Mercury Retrograde taking place in your zodiac sign from the 5th until the 9th, you could feel especially scattered. However, with it going direct on the 9th, life should pick up rather quickly in weeks ahead. Do not worry. Venus will be marching on into your sector of home and family on the 4th for the rest of the month, so it would be a dazzling time to fix up your home with gorgeous new designs or look for new furniture. Want to have a dinner party? You’re in luck to do so now and it could be one of the best events of the year where friends feel in awe of your domestic skills. However, when the Full Moon on the 9th arrives, some Aquarius could be seeing a large check or payout arriving. If looking for a loan or scholarship, approvals are likely. Use the prosperity wisely. With an important focus on partnerships also highlighted, some Aquarius could realize that their needs are not being met in a partnership and walk away. Carry forth and look to greener pastures. However, when the Sun and Moon recharge your mind starting in the final weeks of the month, you’ll find that it is time to speak up. Writing and communications are highly important now and you could see that standing up for what you think leads you into a place of success. Do so now. The last thing to note is that Mars, the planet of power and energy, moves into your zodiac sign on the 30th, so get ready for the pace of life to launch like you’re atop a rocket. Your energy levels will also rise significantly in the coming month. Get ready to dominate in the weeks ahead, so use the time prior to plan where you want to rule.



You’re in the spotlight now because it is birthday season, Pisces! This is one of the most important times of the year for you because it sets into motion some of the patterns that will echo throughout the year ahead. With the Sun in your zodiac sign until the 20th, you are more radiant than ever. Doors will open to you if you show the world what you desire. Admittedly, Mercury Retrograde has been going on in your zodiac sign so you have probably felt a bit frustrated in recent weeks. However, do not despair because once it goes direct on the 9th, everything should pick up and move forward much more easily. When the Full Moon on the 9th arrives, you will certainly be making an important decision about a close relationship. Some Pisces could be getting married or engaged, while others could be separating and swimming onto new streams. Single Pisces could align with a star-crossed lover when they put themselves in the position to be found. When the Sun and Moon move into your income sector later in the month, you may notice that money is on your mind! Use this time to increase your wealth in every way that you can. Next month you will be working on something important behind-the-scenes—or realizing you need to heal and recharge because you’ve been burning yourself out—so plan accordingly.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas