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Kyle Thomas was recently chosen as a Featured Coach for InJoy’s “Best Year of Your Life Challenge.” InJoy works with companies like NASA, Toyota, Thomson Reuters, Bloomingdale’s, and now the general public. This month is focused on a 30-Day Gratitude Challenge. The podcast interview can be found on ITunes + Spotify. Read an excerpt of the Q & A here, where Kyle Thomas talks about how astrology can help you harness the success, love, money, and every dream you’re after. He also discusses his personal journey.


INJOY GLOBAL: What does success mean to you? How do you define it? 

KYLE THOMAS: I think in life there are a few different versions of success. But no matter what, they are all tied to effort and perseverance. Sometimes in life, the path makes us work for something – even if it isn’t our ultimate passion – in order to teach us a lesson. And life comes in cycles with many patterns, and that’s one of the things that astrology teaches us. We must embark on a journey, see the adventure through, and understand that there will be trials, hardships, and tribulations amongst the harvests, rewards, and achievements. You can be a success because you have built strong relationships and have people around you who love you. Another person could be a success because they’ve woken up every day going to the job that they hate to put food on the table for the people they support. And still another person can be a success because they’ve learned to recreate themselves several times throughout their lifetime, given up toxic habits, and devoted themselves to a spiritual path. 

To me, though, success means reaping the rewards of that hard work and perseverence in order to see the results. I often speak to people all over the world about achieving the life of abundance through astrology. What astrology teaches you is that there is a time and season for everything, and we are constantly in cycles of birth, life, death, and rebirth. When I was younger, I used to think you couldn’t “have it all” – that you had to sacrifice something in order to have success, but then I realized that was flawed logic. Action and timing are crucial to getting the success we want. By focusing on love at the right time, I can cultivate it. By focusing on work and money at the right time, I can build that empire. Same, too, by focusing on rest, healing, and release at the right time, I can be sure that I am always growing rather than repeating cycles that were meant to die. This keeps my vibration and journey on track and thus allows me to not only teach people about the life of abundance, but also how that life can be granted to them, as well.


INJOY GLOBAL: What is the biggest challenge you've been through in your life?  

KYLE THOMAS: Honestly, I think it has been paving my own way. I am self-employed and have been predominantly self-employed since I graduated from college. Sure, I’ve worked with teams, I’ve worked with production companies and advertising agencies, as well as government agencies, schools, and celebrities. But predominantly I am the one who is always carving out my own path. If I don’t work, no one is going to do it for me. If I don’t pay my bills and make my client deadlines, no one is going to pay them for me. Everything that I am, I have worked for and I don’t want this to sound pompous, but I have created for myself. I’m a Taurus Sun with an Aries Rising. I make shit happen! I came from a Midwestern family – a beautiful, kind, and loving family – but one with zero ties to entertainment, Hollywood, or publishing. I luckily had a family who supported me diving into theatre and writing at a very early age, but again, I had to be the one to push myself to keep working for it. And then I always wanted to reach achievement and success – no matter how I determined it at that time. And I’m still growing and learning. I have been a Film Writer, Director, and Producer the vast majority of my time professsionally, as well as the President of a company, but also have done a great deal of marketing to keep things running when entertainment projects were taking forever. The funny thing about my life now as a Pop Culture Astrologer is that it actually continues to funnel all of my skills and experience I’ve built. I’ve been obsessed with astrology since I fell in love when I was 16, and over time I realized I had become very talented at it. I didn’t even know you could become a professional astrologer until last year when suddenly I started getting interviews with some of the biggest publications in the world because they had found out about my horoscopes and forecasts that I’d just been posting for fun on Facebook. And so I had to make a decision – again – to pivot my career and take a risk and ultimately pave yet another path ahead for me. And it gets scary. What if it doesn’t work out? What if my security is taken away? Well, there is no job security unless you build it. And I am.


INJOY GLOBAL: Can you share a defining moment for you? 

KYLE THOMAS: The moment that really changed everything for me I think was right after Christmas last year when I had my first interview with Bustle go live online. I had always sort of laughed thinking: “Wow, wouldn’t it be cool to have my astrology in Bustle or major news outlets someday?” And I was sitting back at home in the Midwest with my Mother. I was watching the Christmas lights and we were listening to music. And the article popped up because suddenly people were finding it going viral online and texting it to me. I read the article aloud and realized it was being blasted to millions of people on their network. And I cried. Really hard. Funny thing is, though, I knew something like that was coming because I had seen it ahead of time in my stars.


INJOY GLOBAL: What are 3 qualities that you appreciate about yourself? 

KYLE THOMAS: I’m extremely passionate. When I set my mind on something, I put my entire heart and soul toward it. That can be in work, in love, in anything. I just channel everything I can into it because I want to win. 

I also try to be very resilient. Being in Hollywood and doing everything that I have done professionally and continue to do is not easy. You have to take the losses with the wins. Good thing I have astrology to really see what lies ahead, but it doesn’t mean you can trick the Universe. You just have to know that life can be great but also be very hard. 

Last, I try to be very perceptive of myself and others. I think this is a mix of intellect, understanding psychology, as well as intuition. This has helped me many times when I’ve been around people who did not have my best interest at heart so I had to walk away, whereas other times I look at myself to be like: “Yes, you crushed that,” or other times laugh at myself to be like: “Wow, Kyle. Take a breath. You’re a pop culture astrologer. Remember you’re having fun and lucky to do what you do.”


INJOY GLOBAL: What's one quality you are working on in yourself? 

KYLE THOMAS: Honestly, I’m a workaholic. I’ve always been a workaholic. I work sometimes in a tunnel 24/7. It’s a lot. And it’s made dating very hard for a long time. But finally I was like…okay, it’s HEALTHY to turn off your phone and not get back to that email right now. You deserve love, affection, romance, and you deserve someone who you can give all of your attention to for certain amounts of time. It’s super healing, but it had to come again in timing. I realized I was nearing the time when I wanted to settle down and have a partner, and I think that’s finally beginning now in this cycle of my life.


INJOY GLOBAL: What is something you are struggling with currently? 

KYLE THOMAS: Personally or professionally? Haha. Professionally, getting my next publishing deal and in with the right network for two of the astrology television series I’ve been developing with some celebrities I’m working with. But personally…I’m having a difficult time letting go. For a long time I believed I had found a soul mate, someone literally aligned by the stars. But I can’t hold onto that any more when I have beautiful new blessings and relationships in my life. But also…that’s a Taurus thing. We have such a hard time letting go. Haha.


INJOY GLOBAL: What is your biggest failure? 

KYLE THOMAS: I try not to look at things as failures, but more as life lessons here to teach us something of great value. If you’re always winning, you’re not growing. I’ve had a lot of growing come from mishaps. Certainly I never liked them, but in retrospect, I do always think steel is forged through fire. But a failure that happened many times growing up and in my 20s was that I did let a lot of people personally and professionally take advantage of me and it cost me a lot of time and money. So I had to become stronger and stand up and demand my worth. Thank God I can do that now, but it took a lot of pain and failure – but also, I’m on the other side of my Saturn Return so that always makes you go through a lot of learning curves.


INJOY GLOBAL: What are you most proud of in your life? 

KYLE THOMAS: Recently, I was talking with some producers and executives about my career and my life. And they were super impressed, and I was just so honored, flattered, and grateful. But they said something to me that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. One said: “You do realize you’ve made it, right?” And I said: “What do you mean? I mean…my career is growing and I’m waiting to buy that Shiba Inu with my future husband and that house in the Hills hopefully.” And she said: “You’ve done something that is very rare to do in LA. Very few people ever get to do it in their life. But you’ve transformed your passion and your life into art, and you get to do it every single day and people appreciate your craft and pay you for it. You’re living the LA dream.” And I’ve been thinking about that literally every single day since.


INJOY GLOBAL: What is one tip or practice that you use to create more gratitude in your life? 

KYLE THOMAS: Every day I think it is important to set aside some time to reflect on where you have been, where you are now, and where you are going. Nothing in life happens overnight, and often, it requires a great deal of effort, time, and patience. However, the simple blessings that we receive from a loving Universe are here to show us that no matter how difficult things can be at times, there still is beauty. Whatever it is that makes you smile and appreciate life can be your little reminders that you are growing, evolving, and rising into the best version of yourself -- whether it’s your snuggly pet, a caring friend, that tasty treat you ate, or the fact that you get to see the sky or stars every day.


INJOY GLOBAL: What is gratitude to you? and Why is gratitude so important to you? 

KYLE THOMAS: I think a lot of people take life, what they have, and the experiences that have been given to them for granted. Some take the love they have for granted, or the food, or the health, or the fact you can see the stars in the sky. Astrology has shown me that there are many sectors or “slices” of our life that all ebb and flow. And I don’t want to sit back and watch my life go by. I want to embrace every part of it and live it with such awareness and passion that not an ounce of nectar is wasted. Even the pain iss teaching you something about life, and by association, those life lessons I am grateful for. Life is beautiful. And I want to always be dancing in it.


INJOY GLOBAL: What are 3 things that have happened today that you are grateful for? 

KYLE THOMAS: First off, I’m grateful for the opportunity to talk with you today and share my story. That means the world to me and I am truly honored by this. Thank you for that.

Next, I’d like to say I’m grateful that I get to do what I do every single day. I wake up and write about the stars, about love, about art, about relationships, about the past, and about the future. I get to talk with clients and followers all over the world – literally globally – every day. So that’s cool and I have several clients after this today. 

The third thing so far today that I am grateful for is that I got to start the morning with a tasty meal, some zen music, and by kissing my BabyCat. Those little moments before the day gets busy always bring me joy.

To listen to the actual interview, be sure to check out Kyle Thomas’s episode with InJoyMore on iTunes + Spotify. @InJoyMore

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas