January 2020 Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign.png

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Welcome not only to a new year, but also to a new decade, stargazers. 2020 will be a pivotal year when you embark on a new journey to tangibly create the life you have always wanted. However, hard work and perseverance will be required throughout the entire year in order to bring the long-lasting results that you desire. While there will be a period of time when you can move all of your plans and relationships forward fairly easily (when all the planets are direct, see my entire article here), the rest of the year will be riddled with retrogrades. This means that not only does 2020 mark the culmination of a great cycle, but we will face the past to learn from it, bring it closure, or reignite the pieces that we will carry forth into the rest of our lives.

January 2020 begins in the center of eclipse season: the time when destiny strikes our lives and we are spinning amidst cosmic storms. Eclipses are the Universe’s fastest way to ignite change for us and to shift our direction rapidly.

There are two types of eclipses – Solar Eclipses, that take place on a New Moon – as well as Lunar Eclipses, which take place on a Full Moon. Solar Eclipses are when the Moon moves and masks the Sun, while Lunar Eclipses are when the Earth’s shadow is cast upon the Moon. Eclipses come in a pair of zodiac signs six months apart usually twice a year. Solar Eclipses bring massive new beginnings, while Lunar Eclipses usher in huge culminations and conclusions. Solar Eclipses are highly energized while Lunar Eclipses are always very emotional. Whenever eclipses take place, it is best to keep your eyes and ears searching for what the Universe is about to bless you with – suddenly, change is here and we must accept it and be ready to take it. Solar Eclipses are three times as powerful as a normal New Moon, while Lunar Eclipses are three times more powerful than a Full Moon. They are often the moments we reflect back upon throughout our lives that made us who we are. In the weeks between eclipses, we also notice stillness – as if we are in the eye of a storm. That stillness will be when we cross into the New Year.

At the end of December we had a majestic Solar Eclipse, openings doors to us, but as we near January 10th, 2020, we will feel as if we are stepping further into a tempest. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse marks a profound moment for us and will come with weighty and heavy realizations. Lunar Eclipses often bring mighty and irreversible news for us to face. This will be an intense time, so take the information the Universe is giving to you and process it. The door to your old life is closing. You must walk onto higher ground.

On the 20th, the Sun will dance into Aquarius, where it will be causing us to look at the world from a more communal and expanded perspective. For a month the Sun will be here, and anyone actively involved in communities will find extra enjoyment and pleasure during this time. Humanitarian goals are also favored, so tap into your heart for the common good or even just donate something to a charity. Your efforts will help people who need it and bring you radiant karma, as well. The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on January 24th, opening a door for us to expand in these arenas. Anything futuristic and technology-focused also can shine well for you if you begin it now. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the great liberator and inventor. The actions you build at the end of January will culminate in August of 2020.

The month ends on a romantic and sweet note as Venus, planet of love, stands beside Neptune, planet of imagination. This will be a lyrical and fantastic time, so mark January 27th as a special day for romance and beauty. Plan an important first date or use it to embrace your very special someone.

While January will bring some days that reveal shocking or frustrating news (12th, 13th, 14th, 18th, 23rd, 26th), we do have gems amongst the terrain. Watch for joyous and sweet moments on the 2nd, 7th, 15th, and 27th.

Remember: the final weeks of January and into February will be the best time of the year to advance your most important plans, projects, and relationships because we will be free of retrogrades, so use this time now.

May the stars ever be in your favor.



You will be highly focused on your ambitions and rising power at the very beginning of January, especially with the mighty Solar Eclipse at the end of December setting the tone for your 2020. Do everything that you can to lift yourself in a public way so that the world knows your face and your name. If you would like to launch your career or shift direction, this is a truly wonderful time to do so, as well. This is a destined moment in your achievements—and to build to them—so do not sit back and wait for it to come to you. Use your fiery Aries courage to storm the castle. Highly emotional news will arrive at the Lunar Eclipse near January 10th, which may relate to a home or family-related issue or the fact that you may be worried about the stability and security in your life. You will need to buckle down, shoulder responsibility, and carry on if you want to reach your greatest goals. The month’s New Moon on the 24th could bring you thunderous news regarding your social life and you may need to pivot as soon as it is revealed. Attend important events to build your network like a wildfire taking over a mountain.



It’s time for flight, Taurus! Many Taurus will be focused on how they can expand their reach and knowledge of the world due to the Solar Eclipse at the close of December. You’re not known for your adventurous side, but ever since Uranus, planet of surprise, entered your zodiac sign in 2019 for several coming years, you are pushing yourself past your comfort zone. Embrace this vibrant spirit and fly higher and further, whether in travel, education, or media. The major opportunities that present themselves at the start of the year will ultimately lift you to a higher echelon in your life, especially because your career is going to become a major factor in the years ahead. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th could bring a contract or communications-related project to closure and you may realize it has long-term ramifications for your future. Read the fine print before agreeing to anything, because it will affect you significantly. The New Moon on the 24th, though, has powerful news arriving about your greatest ambitions and career. You are on the upward rise and very quickly. Fame, success, and prominence are in your sights, so show the world why you’re the best at what you do.



Gemini has been having a serious focus on partnerships as of late and that trend continues. An energized Solar Eclipse in December shows great promise that all of your important one-on-one relationships will grow to a more equal and supportive level than you’ve been used to. If looking for a loan or capital, it could come to your aid for a project important to you. Mid-month a financial issue will be on your mind. This could be either a large bill that will require you to buckle down and pay it off or a luscious check. For Gemini looking for a new job or raise, it could arrive in the beginning of the year but with increased responsibilities. Finally, the month ends with a happier New Moon for you in a fellow Air Sign, pushing you to shake off all the routines and just do you. Education, media, and immigration matters will be favored. If you are involved in any of these, you will find this time extremely fortunate and can make progress when you break into new territory.



You are on the fast track to the happiest partnerships in your lifetime, Cancer, so dust off your bruised heart. You value someone who will show up for you and lift you to increased levels of happiness, and that’s exactly what the stars have for you. If single, get out there to find the partner of your dreams—they could be just around the corner. However, know what your non-negotiables in a partnership are: how will they treat you, what will they value, and what would your shared priorities be? If looking to tie the knot closer, early January is tremendous for getting engaged, married, or moving in. Find ways to pull your spirits more closely together. However, you will feel that you have come to an important and defining decision around the 10th, as you stand up for what you want and deserve. You will realize that the choices you make now carry ramifications that will echo throughout your life. However, as soon as the New Moon arrives later in the month, you will be considering what you receive and give in your partnerships and if you need to think about things from a different perspective. New ideas on union can bring you spontaneity and even a little bit of fun.



Work and employment are lit up splendidly for you, Leo! You will be very busy at the beginning of 2020 and this will echo on throughout the entire year. Take on more responsibility at your job or look for another one in your industry—you could find something with even better benefits for you! Health matters are also in favor, so if looking to improve your routine here, you can do so with pleasant results. An important karmic issue appears to be popping up near the 10th, though, and you could find that it is time for you to lie low and heal. Sometimes we must be front-and-center, but other times we must lie low. This is your time to retreat. The focus on “me” will shift to “we” at the New Moon on the 24th, though, as there will be a great deal of energy in your partnership, marriage, and collaboration sector. Consider how you can improve your important relationships and build memorable plans for the future. If single, you could find someone magnificent who brings more adventure to your life.



Romance has never looked so sweet for you, Virgo, and it will be as if the Gods finally allowed your heart to ignite after a long time of loneliness. Single Virgo can find sweet romantic options and possibly even one who completes their soul. Passionate love has your name on it, so to take the initiative. Don’t wait at home swiping or lurking. Open your heart, go after someone, and say hello. Creativity and art are also highly favored, so allow yourself to be inspired. Mid-month you will be attending a very important event with people who can help your life for the long-term. However, you may have a falling out with a friend or find out some unfortunate news regarding an acquaintance. If this is the case, realize that it cannot be changed and you must move forward. Life comes with highs and the lows. Lucky for you, 2020 will be one of those highs.



Your home, safety, and security have been major themes for you since 2017, and you’ve been wondering why you’re on such rocky ground. However, this improves significantly in 2020 because of the blessings of Jupiter, now residing here to bring you optimism and hope. The Solar Eclipse at the end of the year opened you up to new opportunities and you could find that your relationship with your family improves. If looking to move or buy a house, you’re very much in luck to find the perfect spot in January. However, mighty career news arrives at the 10th, and you could be rising significantly but also taking on more responsibility. If a large promotion or job offer arrives, you should take it if you’re ready to embrace the hard work. You will find the career move as a turning point in your life. Yet, as soon as the Sun moves into your romance and creativity sector in the last third of the month and the New Moon arrives on the 24th, you will feel as if your heart is aflame. You have had a less than vibrant love life for a while, but the sparks of passion will be sprinkled all over your 2020. Single Libra should be looking to meet someone. The Universe wants to align you with that kindred spirit now. Committed Libra can bring increased affection back to their connection or conceive. Embrace the sweet moments to come. You will enjoy 2020 but 2021 will be even brighter for you.



Communication has been a major focus for you, Scorpio, and it’s going to continue. You’ve been trying to figure out how you can better increase your skills in writing, speaking, sales, or negotiating. Some Scorpio could also be improving their social media presence or certifications. All of these are highly favored due to the blessed Solar Eclipse at the very end of December. You again will be very busy mid-month when the Lunar Eclipse brings forth an opportunity for you to grow: whether through travel, international connections, or involvement in education or media. If the opportunity presents itself, take it because it could actually grow your impact in the coming years ahead. The end of the month will see you focused on your home and family, so it is a great time to move or update your space. Make sure your home always feels like your perfect sanctuary.



Money and higher stability is on its way for you! Get ready for prosperity to knock at your door in the beginning of January. You could be starting a new job, receiving a higher wage, or taking on more freelance clients. Mid-month, though, has you focused greatly on what you give and receive in your partnerships. If they are not balanced, you may decide to walk away. However, face your karmic issues related to relationships—your fears from the past do not mean that they will manifest in future connections. If going through a divorce or settlement, the news could come forth now. However, as soon as the New Moon on the 24th arrives, you’ll feel a lighter vibration catch the flow beneath your wings. You will be urged to pursue how you can communicate a highly important message to you—whether through writing, speaking, or negotiating. Contracts could also be on your mind. If open to learning new skills and gaining certifications, they could help you in the coming months ahead so begin them now.



Birthday season has you feeling especially vibrant this year because Jupiter, planet of miracles and luck, now resides within your zodiac sign. This only occurs once every 12 years and will shower you in blessings in every area of your life. Many Capricorn will fall in love, get engaged, or married over the coming year, as well as begin many plans and projects close to their hearts. You will still be euphoric from the powerful new directions that entered your life due to the Solar Eclipse at the end of 2019. You are ready for a major decade ahead. The 10th, though, carries a very significant decision regarding an important partnership in your life, whether in love or business. If you are truly fulfilled, you may decide to get engaged or make serious plans together. If you are not, you will walk away and realize that it was the final chapter in your relationship. The decisions you make now carry serious ramifications and will affect you forever. They may feel heavy because they’re so large, but realize that anything worth having is worth building. All will work out for you, so do not worry. The New Moon on the 24th sees more prosperity coming into your life. Money will definitely be arriving, but you should consider how you could build even more. No one became wealthy without first reaching for it.



The beginning of 2020 has you focused on closing the past decade and assessing what you have built. Are you truly fulfilled? What has grown for you, but what has died? What do you want to build in the coming decade ahead? Your mind will be abuzz with ideas for the future and you could also be healing important patterns that no longer serve you. Mid-month, though, an important work and employment issue could be reaching resolution or you may be choosing to move in a new direction. If you’ve been grinding on a project, it’ll likely be very hard and grueling—or if taking one on, it will be with great responsibility. A health matter is also likely to boil up if there is something that needs to be handled beneath the surface. You must act rapidly because the actions you take now carry lifelong ramifications. Get onto the best health routine that you can. The end of the month, though, brings forth birthday season, and you will be feeling the urge to start new things. The New Moon on January 24th is your official green light from the Universe to reset your goals. Don’t just think about the coming year, though; think of the rest of your life. 2020 will be a slower year where you are healing and planning, whereas 2021 will be the one that redefines your life in miraculous and tremendous ways.



Life is vibrant for you now, Pisces. Embrace your most adventurous side and get out and about! Your social life is promising spectacular fun at the beginning of 2020 and will likely echo on into your entire year. You are noticing that you are reaching important milestones in your life—not just in career, but in your personal life, as well. You are reaching toward many of your hopes and dreams, and this luck will continue to prosper for you abundantly as long as you know what you truly want. However, mid-month carries some very important news for your romantic life because you will realize the responsibilities that love carries. Single Pisces will have great opportunity to find a passionate lover—perhaps even someone a bit older or someone who fascinates them. This person will likely help shape and transform you in ways no one else ever could. Some Pisces will give birth or conceive at this time. Others will feel their creative sector highly activated at this time, too. Create something fueled from your heart and expression. Finally, when the New Moon on the 24th arrives, you will be ready for rest and relaxation. It’s time to recharge your batteries before birthday season arrives a month from now.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally published pop culture astrologer who has been interviewed by Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. His work harnesses the power of the stars and he is known for his cosmic guidance regarding celebrities, entertainment lifestyle, as well as trends affecting people all over the entire world. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, life coach, writer, and producer. Currently, he is the resident astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.7 million followers), Wit & Delight, DEN Meditation, & Exhibit A, developing episodic content for television and digital platforms, as well as writing lyrics for established pop music producers. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram: @MrKyleThomas (http://www.instagram.com/MrKyleThomas) or Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/kylethomasulatowski)). More info: www.kylethomasastrology.com

Kyle Thomas