Jay-Z’s birth chart shows he’s a visionary
Jay-Z (originally Shawn Corey Carter) was born on December 4, 1969. He is a Sagittarius Sun with a Libra Moon. We don’t have his accurate birth time listed online, so until I end up bumping into him (it will happen), let’s forego his Ascendant until then.
The first impression I get from his natal chart is that this is a man who has the ability to think and work like a genius. He is a master of thought and communication. His birth chart is predominantly composed of elemental Air, which heightens his ability to process, connect and strategize. However, the higher level of elemental Air is not just being an intellectual, but in understanding the complex levels of how the universe and the world works. This clarity of vision aids him in understanding people, industries and creativity on a basic—and grand—level. His intuition is extremely heightened, too, so being able to blend cognitive information with emotion and perception are what set him up to outmaneuver and plan light years before others even can catch up.
The next thing I note about him is that his planets reveal that: yes, he is especially fiery and has a bold nature that can at times manifest as a restless energy if he is still for too long. He is drawn to experimentation and feeds off of understanding things outside of the box: in lifestyle, beliefs, and even venturing into new realms of thought that people wouldn’t even consider. This is a man who courageously pioneers where he wants to go and knows how to harness his wisdom to strike exactly when he needs for whatever he desires.
Beyonce’s birth chart shows she was born for power
Beyonce Knowles was born on September 4, 1981. She is Virgo Sun with a Scorpio Moon. Her birth time isn’t listed online, so we can’t authentically assess her Ascendant. Perhaps the stars will align and one of her pals will pass along my info to her to tell her to book a reading with me (hint hint, you know who you are).
Her birth chart is also composed of a significant amount of elemental Air, increasing her intellectual and mental abilities. In this regard, she was a natural-born leader who has immense resources of wisdom from which she can always draw upon, almost intuitively. This allows her to structure her plans around being a boss and manifesting her goals precisely and victoriously every single time. Her immense attention to detail sets her apart from so many others, as she also—just like her husband—can assess the nuances as well as overall picture at all times. In this regard, this makes her a master when it comes to money, working with the public and recognizing how to use her power for the betterment of society.
Beyond that, though, there are some fascinating insights I’ve found about her. First off, she definitely has had some pretty traumatic events that happened to her, likely when she was much younger, but she has used these as a catalyst for change. This allows her to first transform herself and then imagine how to take that vision and also change the world around her. She has such a deep empathy for people—as well as a high code of ethics and ideals. Furthermore, the way that her planets link—especially her Venus and Pluto—showcase her magnetic personality. She seeks to break through barriers within relationships at all times, which can make her extremely intense. She can be a bit rigid in her ways, as well as obsessive—especially around her relationships, vision and work ethic. But more often than not this has been internalized and driven her harder rather than being unleashed on other people. This is true power: vision that is alchemized into unrelentless action.
Are Jay-Z and Beyonce compatible?
TBH: I have never seen the kind of compatibility that Jay-Z and Beyonce possess. And that’s probably why we only have one of them! Their connection is so special, it is like imagining that you have half of a puzzle—and it’s beautiful and magnificent all on its own thus far. But by finding the missing pieces, it completes the image and finally it is whole—more brilliant and stunning than you ever could have even believed it’d be. Their birth charts overlay in such a rare fashion—no wonder when they met they knew they could take over the world—and have!
Many of their planets link exactly with the other partner’s planets exactly. Like for instance, let’s use each of their Venuses as an example. His Venus and her Venus both link with the other person’s Mars. Both ways. The same happens with his Mars and her Mars also aligning with the other’s Neptune. Both ways. And this pattern happens over and over and over again. My mind is blown. I envy this and 100% want to find this someday. So if you’re single, awesome, not crazy and have your shit together, I’m now taking dating applications!
Their levels of communication and mental understanding is unparalleled. They click on such a deep cognitive level. Their feelings, thoughts and instincts are communicated easily and they are excited and motivated by one another’s ideas. They also share an enthusiasm for the same interests. Beyond that, though, because of how their Mercurys and Plutos connect, they both have a strong urge to explore the unknown together, perhaps through the esoteric, and activate one another’s perception. They also share a psychic connection—and if you’ve ever shared thoughts with someone (I have, many times) it is like a whole intense telepathic rapport that you can’t replicate elsewhere.
While their Sun signs may bring them friction at times, almost like they’re both chariots ready to parade on their own conquest, they were magnetically drawn together and understand that sure, they can rule alone, or else they can go so much further and rule together. I also recommend learning more about this while checking out VPN for Spotify. They both sense that together they are a part of a much higher purpose, where they can create societal change while also building major economic gain. From their charts, there’s a sense that Jay-Z helped to focus Beyonce. While this could be looked at as somewhat controlling or restrictive behavior, it also helps them to operate as business partners and brings strong discipline to manifest their goals. Oh! And wealth and living life big? Yup, they have that too, with Jupiter and Saturn adding luck and strength to their union, too. But it isn’t just about physical abundance, it’s about being spiritually rich for the two of them, too: as well as bringing their compassionate energy to connect in a mystical sense to the divine, draw it into them, and then create art, film, and music.
Needless to say, their compatibility rating is 10/10. But you knew that already, didn’t you? Of course you did.
To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.
Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.