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Andy Cohen’s birth chart shows he was built to create an empire

Andy Cohen was born on June 2, 1968. This makes him a charismatic Gemini Sun with an expressive Leo Moon. His birth time hasn’t been confirmed online or with me directly, but I’m verrrrryyyy confident out paths will cross (get at me!). In the meantime, let’s instead focus on what we do, in fact, know. When it comes to elemental energy, Cohen is heavily composed of both Air and Fire. This makes him highly extroverted, spontaneous, passionate and impulsive. He has a very intellectual nature, but is also heavily led by his heart and desires. He sees something he wants? Oh, you can guarantee he’ll get it! To be honest, his birth chart speaks of how overwhelmingly charming and excitable he is. He’s such a beacon of light and fun. In fact, there are specific reasons for this.

When it comes to key astrological aspects in his birth chart, the first thing I want to point out is how his Sun, ruling his life force, is closely united with Venus, the planet of beauty, as well as Mars, the planet of drive and energy (and yes, sex). This is exceptionally rare to see. This makes Cohen very beautiful and magnetic in all ways—physically, mentally and on a soul-level. He has exceptional levels of talent in the arts. He’s warm-hearted, funny and popular—and he puts a lot of emphasis on his personal relationships, too. He also is tremendously outgoing and confident, with a strong work ethic and great resources of energy to draw upon. TBH: he’s daring, spicy and direct, even combative for the sake of stirring the pot and to have a bit of fun. His Moon, ruling his inner life, also dances closely with Jupiter, the planet of joy and luck. This makes him quite loving and kind and guarantees he is beloved by others, especially in the eyes of the public. He does have quite a deep side to his personality when he is contemplative and introspective.

Next, there are some significant indications of great success—and yes, building a long-term legacy and empire (lol, I have some of these placements, too. #twinning). First, his Jupiter, the planet of wealth, links perfectly with Saturn, the planet of permanence. This means that he is tremendously ambitious (duh) and was born to be a leader and work with the public. Success was always going to find him, but the massive amounts of it happen the older that he gets. He impresses those that he meets and can work with authority in ways that allows them to lift him up. His Mars links with Pluto, bringing him enormous levels of energy to channel toward his goals, as well as an innate drive for power. His Sun, too, points to Pluto, as well, further empowering him to become recognized and admired by the world. His Mercury links to Jupiter, bringing him great intelligence. However, this last aspect I wish to mention actually makes me chuckle because it has worked so clearly in his favor. His Moon links sweetly to Saturn, as well. This means that he is inherently drawn to powerful female figures and working with strong female personalities. There’s an ease to this flow, where they respect him, but also benefit one another in tandem. Wild, right?


What are predictions for Andy Cohen?

Moving forward, what lies ahead for Mr. Cohen? Let’s take a peek! First off, he’s in a very significant period for his professional life. In fact, things are just ramping up even more. Jupiter is highlighting his fame and achievements in 2022 and Saturn, the planet of permanence, will spin in his solar sector of professional success from 2023 until 2026. On one hand, he will end up hitting the ground running and working immensely hard—with some obstacles and challenges thrown before him to overcome—but he will also set down his legacy more significantly than ever before. On another note, he’s experiencing such a fun vibe now and in the first half of 2023 around his social life, too. He’s gaining new friends as well as growing closer with his pals—surely even Anderson Cooper! On a romantic level, Cohen is going to be feeling a bit more popular and in demand, especially with meeting people through online dating, his network and the media. Yes, he could certainly find someone who lights him on fire during this time, but I think the super significant love energy (perhaps even taking things to a more serious level) could be in 2024 and 2025. Last, I do want Cohen to watch his health, though, as there are some indications of possible burn out or exhaustion with eclipses causing shifts here and a Mars Retrograde taking place in his zodiac sign at the end of 2022. Just trust what your intuition and body are telling you! He has so much to look forward to. May our paths cross sooner rather than later, King. You heard it here first.

To receive an astrological forecast from Kyle Thomas, please contact him here.

Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.