Aaron Rodger’s birth chart shows he’s mighty
Aaron Rodgers was born on December 2, 1983. He is a rambunctious Sagittarius Sun with a passionate Scorpio Moon and a hard-headed Taurus Rising (he’s a football player, duh. Sometimes I just crack myself up.). People with a Sagittarius Sun tend to be spontaneous, energetic and free-spirited—always ready for a challenge and eager to live in the moment. They thrive on adventure and require a great deal of stimulation to keep them happy. His Sun is united with Uranus in his chart, too, revealing that he’s strong-willed, but he likes to be unconventional. He refuses to be caged and doesn’t care if that makes him different—in fact, that level of not following the crowd makes him proud (and likely makes him chuckle at all the people he’s outmaneuvering). He’s a rebel, but that doesn’t mean he’d want people to know that outright. Yet, with the polarity of his Scorpio Moon and Taurus Rising, we can see that he takes his life and relationships seriously. He can certainly be a bit stubborn and he does like people seeing him as reliable and practical, even if underneath it all he’s playing his own little game. He gets what he wants and when he sets his mind on something—anything, really—that’s the law of the land.
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Kyle Thomas is also available to be hired as an astrologer for magazines, blogs, and articles.